The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 810 Dispersing the Family Wealth

Chapter 810 Dispersing the family wealth ([-])

After Liuzan got the reply from that family member, he knew in his heart that Wei Teng was avoiding him on purpose, and was furious in his heart. If it is stopped, the matter will not be made a big deal.

Wei Teng's own considerations were indeed somewhat reasonable in hindsight, but the results were not very good.Because that night, he received a message from someone sent by Yu Fan: Yu Fan had returned to Kuaiji County and wanted to invite Wei Teng to discuss matters with Yu Fan's residence.

It is obvious that the discussion in the government must be how to deal with the Shu Han army that is attacking, and how to keep the power of the two families.Wei Teng has no reason not to go.

It is said that after Liuzan and Liulue returned to their home, Liuzan's anger was almost out of control, and he immediately scolded Wei Teng.Fortunately, after being persuaded by his two sons, Liu Lue and Liu Ping, he regained his composure.

Liu Lue immediately asked Liu Zan, "Father, you said that Mr. Wei Teng avoided seeing you on purpose, where did you start?"

At this time, Liu Zan had already figured out a lot of things in his heart.He explained: "This Wei Teng must have his own little Jiujiu in his heart now. What he thinks of is definitely not the overall situation of my Jiangdong, but how to keep their Wei family's power in Kuaiji County! Therefore, between the Shuhan army and our Jiangdong Before the military situation becomes clearer now, he should not easily make a decision who to support."

Hearing Liu Zan's explanation, Liu Lue and Liu Ping both opened their mouths and were stunned for a moment.

Liu Zan immediately sighed: "It seems that Wei Teng and Yu Fan are people who cannot be trusted!"

Liu Ping asked, "Father, if even the members of their two families can no longer be trusted, then who else can we trust?"

This is definitely a very serious problem.Without the support of Yu Fan and Wei Teng, it is impossible for anyone to pull up many troops in Kuaiji County, and there will be no big disturbances.

Liu Zan thought for a while and said: "It seems that if we want to keep Jiangdong's foundation, we have to go to Wu County immediately. The four big families of Gu Lu, Zhu and Zhang there are now recruiting in a hurry, and they are ready to follow The Shu Han army is fighting a big battle. Yes, we will leave for Wu County immediately!"

Liu slightly still has doubts in his heart.After all, the nobles in Wu County have always looked down on the people in Kuaiji County. This is a well-known thing, so they said: "Father, what if they still don't accept us?"

Liu Zan waved his hand and said, "No, there are quite a few capable people among them, how can they not see that the current situation is critical, and if one more person joins, one more force will be added?"

Both Liu Zan and Liu Ping nodded, and this is indeed the reason.

Liu Zan suddenly ordered Liu Ping to stay at home and count all the property, and then transport it all to Wu County.As for Liulue, he followed Liuzan to Wu County first.It seems that Liu Zan's move is to support the cause of fighting the Shu Han army with all his wealth.

Like a mirror in his heart, Liuping immediately shouted: "Father, what are you doing?!"

Liu Zan immediately stared at Liu Ping, and scolded: "What am I going to do? Don't you understand? Of course I want to spend all my wealth to resist the Shu Han army."

Liu Ping immediately said: "The big families in Wu County have a lot of money, just let them pay for it themselves, not to mention they will not care about our family's meager support! If you disperse all the family's wealth now, How are we going to live in the future?"

Liu Zan suddenly slapped Liu Ping with a slap, and immediately left five fingerprints on Liu Ping's face.

Only Liu Zan scolded loudly: "I, Jiangdong, are about to perish, you bastard, you still only care about your own family's money? You have really wasted the teachings I have taught you all these years!"

In fact, Liu Lue is also very distressed about his family wealth, but he knows that the decision Liu Zan made cannot be changed.He stood up to persuade Liu Ping and said: "Second brother, don't say any more, there is nothing wrong with father doing this. Besides, money is something outside of us. When we make meritorious service in the future, aren't we afraid that we won't get money? Then you will be If you want a golden mountain, maybe the lord will reward you as well."

After hearing what Liulue said, Liuping didn't say anything more.

Only then did Liuzan take Liulue away from the family's stable, and with Liulue's support, he climbed onto his horse with difficulty.The two immediately galloped in the direction of Wu Jun.

That night, Wei Teng hurried to Yu Fan's residence.

At this time, Yu Fan was already waiting for Wei Teng's arrival in his study.

Yu Fan was about 50 years old, and he was dressed in brocade clothes, looking graceful and luxurious.Coupled with his own talent, proficiency in scriptures and medical skills, his bearing is naturally much more elegant than that of Wei Teng.It is precisely because of this that his personal status and social influence are higher than those of Wei Teng.

But Yu Fan rushed back from Moling to Kuaiji County in a hurry, so the dusty look on his body was far from gone, and there was still a trace of exhaustion on his face.

After Wei Teng entered the study, he immediately cupped his hands and asked, "Mr. Yu, why did you return to Kuaiji County at this time?"

Yu Fan explained the reason.It turned out that he had foreseen that Moling might be more or less ominous, so he escaped from Moling under the pretext of going back to his hometown to recruit troops to fight against the Shu Han army.

Then, Yu Fan told Wei Teng all the news he got in Moling.And Wei Teng also told Yu Fan about the situation in Jiangji County.

Yu Fan heard that Liu Zan went to Wei Teng's house in person, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood Liu Zan's intentions.

Yu Fan couldn't help sighing: "This Liu Zan is really a loyal person!"

Wei Teng nodded and said, "Since you think Moling is more ominous than good, sir, isn't my Jiangdong in danger in the future?"

Yu Fan nodded and said, "Yes, people in Moling City are already panicked, and many people have already escaped."

"Then what are we going to do here?"

Yu Fan sighed and said, "Jiangdong is the lord's Jiangdong, it depends on how he responds."

Although Yu Fan's words were understated, they actually carried a high-spirited thought that it had nothing to do with him.

Wei Teng immediately understood what Yu Fan meant, but asked again: "Are we really going to do this?"

Yu Fan nodded and said, "However, we still need to gather the children of the two families as soon as possible, and speed up the recruitment of troops like the people of Wu County. No matter who wins or loses in the future, with the troops, we will be able to protect our own wealth and lives."

Wei Teng was taken aback for a moment, why didn't he think of this?Do the four big families in Wu County also have such thoughts?Wu Jun has already been recruiting soldiers and buying horses, making it very lively.

Wei Teng secretly sighed ashamed, no wonder he couldn't beat the four big families!
He immediately said to Yu Fan: "I'll send someone to find Liu Zan immediately. This person has a bit of strategy and should be of help to us."

Yu Fan nodded and said, "There was still a famous general from He Qi's family in Kuaiji County, so it's not his turn to comment. It's a pity, it is said that He Qi has been beheaded by Liu Adou. Well, it's still me. Hurry up and send someone to find Liuzan."

But to the astonishment of Yu Fan and Wei Teng, Liu Zan and Liu Lue were not at home long ago and had already gone to Wu County.

Yu Fan and Wei Teng could only say nothing, and Wei Teng felt even more regretful, and hurriedly sent someone to chase Liu Zan back.But after all, it was too late, and people had already caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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