Chapter 82
No, after Zhu Yi took aim, he didn't shoot the arrow immediately, but suddenly put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and said: "Oh, I almost forgot the purpose of coming to you this time. You are all water thieves, I am here If you are arrested, then you should be sent to the government to ask for credit, instead of killing you on the spot. At that time, how the government will deal with you is their business. Zhao Feng, why don't you surrender now?"

The movement of Zhao Feng's hand froze, and he was almost shot by another feather arrow - he couldn't figure out what kind of wishful thinking Zhu Yi was planning in his heart!But how could he let the son be imprisoned by the enemy?
Zhao Feng immediately shouted: "I, Zhao Feng, will die here today, and I must keep my young master safe! Zhu Yi, don't waste your time talking, just let the horse come here!"

With a gloomy face, Zhu Yi said coldly: "Zhao Feng, do you think you are a great person? As long as your son is caught, it doesn't matter whether you stay as a guard or not. I, Zhu Jiwen, will trouble you now." I will send you to the underworld myself!" Zhu Yi raised his bow and arrow to aim at Zhao Feng again.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chan poked his head out from the carriage at this time, and shouted to stop Zhu Yi. His voice was so loud that the archers around him also temporarily stopped shooting.

Zhu Yi asked Liu Chan lightly, "Young Master Yang, what do you have to say?" His tone was full of sarcasm.

Liu Chan said angrily: "My lord is going with you. But remember, you will have to pay a heavy price for what you did to us today. I swear to God now that I will avenge you in the future!"

Zhu Yi's face became slightly distorted, and he said viciously: "Since you say that, then I won't be able to let you live!"

Liu Chan sneered twice and said, "Then it will depend on whether you have the ability!"

Zhu Yi snorted coldly, and stopped talking, the glint of light in the eyes on his gloomy face was already full of murderous intent.Facing Zhu Yi's sinister gaze, Liu Chan looked very indifferent, turned his head and ordered Zhao Feng to put down the long sword in his hand.

Zhao Feng was very anxious, and persuaded: "Young master, even if Zhao Feng dies in battle, he will definitely protect you from rushing out. You must not give up just now."

Liu Chan waved his hand, telling Zhao Feng not to say any more, he had already made up his mind, as long as he put down his weapon.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said: "Zhao Feng is so dereliction of duty, what face will he have to meet my lord in the future, and what face will he have to live in the world!"

Suddenly, Zhao Feng raised his long sword and wiped it towards his neck!
Liu Chan couldn't help but exclaimed.He never imagined that Zhao Feng would be so psychologically fragile that he would think of committing suicide!But no matter how he shouted, it was too late.

At this moment, a stone was shot from nowhere, knocking off Zhao Feng's long sword with a bang.

Then, what surprised Liu Chan even more was that at this moment, the situation suddenly changed.The archers above the roof of the street on the left let out screams and rolled down from the roof to their deaths.

After the death of seven archers, the figure of the murderer finally appeared.

I saw a gray and not tall figure jumping from the roof to the street, and that familiar face appeared in front of Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.Zhao Feng couldn't help exclaiming: "Brother Ou Ye, why is it you?"

Ou Ye often teased, "If I hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid your brother Zhao would have been unable to speak and breathe by now."

It's really rare that in such a dangerous environment, he can still have the intention to make jokes, and his behavior is not as unreasonable as he usually seems.Then, Ou Yechang raised his foot, and the long sword on the ground flew towards Zhao Feng, and he caught it in his hand again.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Mr. Ou Ye has pulled Zhao Feng back from the gate of hell." Ou Yechang immediately nodded to Liu Chan.

Although Liu Chan was pleasantly surprised by Ou Yechang's appearance and temporarily saved Zhao Feng's life, Zhu Yi and the others were a little annoyed.

However, Zhu Yi did not immediately criticize Ou Yechang's appearance, because he knew very well that the first thing he should do now is to immediately order people to surround the three of them!

So, Zhu Yi silently ordered the twenty or thirty swordsmen around him not only to go up to fill the gap left by the seven dead archers, but also to surround them on the street.He was indeed a terrifyingly deep and calm character!

After finishing all this, Zhu Yi stepped forward and said coldly to Ou Yechang: "Ou Yechang, I think you didn't take what I said to you last time to heart at all, and you dare to come here today to die!"

Ou Ye often said: "Last time you said that I was doing something stupid, but I'm not very smart, so I couldn't help but do something stupid again."

Zhu Yi shouted: "If that's the case, then you can't blame me!" He immediately ordered the swordsmen to do it.And the archers on the roof also put down the bows and arrows in their hands at this time, and at the same time drew out their long swords and jumped down the street from the roof.

Ou Ye often said to Zhao Feng: "Brother Zhao, go drive, let's rush out together!"

Zhao Feng nodded, jumped onto the carriage at the same time as Ou Yechang, raised the whip and pulled it out violently in the air, making a loud sound, the horse pulling the cart immediately galloped, and rushed towards the surrounding swordsmen .The powerful momentum made those swordsmen unable to stop the carriage for a while, so they had to dodge one after another.

Zhu Yi sneered and said, "Don't think you can rush over just because you have one more person!" He ordered the archers in front of him to pick up their strong bows, and the target was the horse pulling the cart!
For a while, the swishing sound of the arrows was heard endlessly.Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang drew their swords one after another to separate the arrows, but after all, there was still something they couldn't block.

Suddenly, the horse let out a long neigh, its body fell forward, and the carriage body fell to the side, but it turned out that the horse's front leg had already been shot by an arrow.

Zhao Feng immediately rushed into the carriage, picked up Liu Chan, who was still in the car, and jumped straight up, broke through the top of the carriage, and finally landed safely on the ground.

At this time, the carriage staggered and hit the horse and overturned to the ground, which was regarded as scrapped.But when Liu Chan was still in shock, those swordsmen didn't even give them a chance to breathe, and rushed over one after another.

Ou Ye often shouted: "Brother Zhao, you protect Mr. Yang, I will open the way for you!" Ou Ye often rushed out with his sword.With just a sound, his sword blocked a swordsman, his figure flashed, and the sword crossed the opponent's lower abdomen from an incredible angle!

He actually used only two moves to end the life of a swordsman. The killing efficiency of his swordsmanship was so high that Zhao Feng felt inferior.He immediately picked up Liu Chan and followed Ou Yechang.

Therefore, Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang's two swords cooperated seamlessly, and quickly killed five or six swordsmen, killing those swordsmen just surrounded them, and did not dare to continue to fight.

Zhu Yi's face became extremely serious, and he shouted loudly: "You idiots, there are dozens of you, but there are only two of them with a burden. What are you afraid of? Hurry up and kill me!"

Zhu Yi's words were like a shot in the arm, and also touched the pride of the swordsmen. They all shouted loudly and charged towards the three of them again with their swords raised.

Because the swordsmen charged too fiercely this time, although Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang had high martial arts skills, they gradually became difficult to support.

Later, in order to protect Liu Chan, Zhao Feng had no choice but to block a swordsman's sneak attack with his own body, resulting in a large wound on his arm, which scared Liu Chan into a pale face.But he doesn't know any martial arts at all, and even if he has wisdom, he can't use it at this time.

Then, Ou Yechang also groaned in a low voice. It turned out that he was also hit by the sword on his left arm, but at the price of this, he still killed the swordsman who injured him.

Even so, the current situation has become more and more unfavorable to them.

In desperation, Ou Yechang had no choice but to say to Zhao Feng: "Brother Zhao, next I will launch a full blow to the crowd in front, and then you must look for the gap and rush out!"

Zhao Feng responded immediately: "Alright, brother Ou Ye, you have to be careful yourself."

Ou Ye often nodded his head, and with the power in his hand, the extremely thick murderous aura slanted out from his body.His long sword pointed forward, and his figure rushed forward in an instant. The speed was as fast as a stream of light, and five frightening blood flowers bloomed in the air.

Zhao Feng's eyes narrowed involuntarily, because he hadn't seen clearly Ou Yechang's complete attack just now.But at this moment, he was very clear that Ou Yechang's sword had already ended five lives!
Zhao Feng stopped talking, looked at the route where the five swordsmen fell down, raised his power sharply, hugged Liu Chan with his left hand reluctantly, and flew forward.

But at the same time, the long sword in his hand didn't stop there. He still killed the last two swordsmen standing in the way with lightning speed, and bypassed the place where Zhu Yi and the others were standing at the same speed. Finally, he broke out of the encirclement of the swordsmen, and immediately rushed forward.Zhao Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, it was a feeling of narrow escape.

Seeing that Zhao Feng and Liu Chan were about to run away, Zhu Yi immediately drew up his strong bow and shot an arrow at Zhao Feng's back.Liu Chan knew that Zhu Yi was cunning, and had been watching his every move for a long time. Now, of course, he saw all his actions clearly.He shouted loudly to Zhao Feng: "Turn around quickly, Zhu Yi's arrow is coming again!"

Zhao Feng didn't turn his head, but immediately jumped up high and landed on the top of the building next to the street, avoiding Zhu Yi's arrow directly.Then he continued to lunge forward and finally disappeared into the night.

Zhu Yi really couldn't bear the failure of his well-prepared killing array, and his eyes turned red with anger.He immediately assigned some men to chase after Zhao Feng and the two, and then shouted to the remaining swordsmen: "You guys killed Ou Yechang for me, I'm going to chop him up today!"

Being able to say such cruel words, it can be seen that Zhu Yi is really going crazy with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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