The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 845 The Great Showdown

Chapter 845 Final Battle ([-])

Therefore, after some secret discussions, Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan, and Yu Jin formulated a plan specifically to deal with Zhu Yi and Kuaiji County's two major army increases.

The first step in this plan is to "strengthen troops and prepare horses".On the surface, Deng Ai began to prepare with great fanfare to go north to support Liu Chan's operations, allowing Kuaiji County to quickly obtain relevant information.

Then, Deng Ai really led the army to leave Fuchun County and other three counties and go northward, resulting in the phenomenon that the troops in the three counties were idle. This was the second step, and began to "lead the snake out of the hole".

But in fact, Deng Ai's men did not go far north.They just entered the boundary of Danyang County and stopped going northward, which is why Zhang Fei's side has not seen Deng Ai's men for a long time.

And Zhang Fei's large number of troops directly confronted Zhuge Jin's troops across Jingshui. On the one hand, this could disperse Sun Quan's troops. His actions will not be noticed by the Jiangdong Army.

And Liu Chan did spare no effort to combat the strength of the big families in Jiangdong.He not only dispatched Deng Ai's troops this time, but also sent a support army to Deng Ai when the battle on his side was about to start.

whose army?

The answer may be somewhat unexpected: Meng Xi was ordered by Liu Chan to command 2000 Jingzhou infantry, and together with 4000 Shanyue people, secretly lurk in the west of Fuchun County.

Once Zhu Yi or Kuaiji County dared to send troops to the three counties, Meng Xi would immediately lead the army to secretly detour to the south, and then cut off the way for Kuaiji County's army to retreat southward in one fell swoop.

However, the actual situation this time is that after Meng Xi joined forces with Deng Ai to wipe out the siege troops under the city of Fuchun County, he continued to detour to the south and rushed over to cut off the southward retreat route of Zhu Yi's army.It was a small unplanned event.

That's why, when there was a huge commotion in the south, Zhu Yi was inexplicably surprised to see the incoming army with the banner of "Meng", and couldn't remember who led them.

And when Liu Chan started to fight Sun Quan head-on, almost all the generals under his command who could lead the army were on the list, except for one person missing: Liu Chan's current enlisted soldier, Meng Xi, could not see anyone. Only Shi Guangyuan, the military adviser of the Zhenjun, was beside Liu Chan as a military counselor.

It is obviously very suspicious to join the army and disappear when the chief general is on the front line to fight in person.So the answer is that Meng Xi had already led an army in ambush to the west of Fuchun County, and Zhu Yi, who was waiting, led his troops to Fuchun County.

As for Zhou Tao's men coming from the east, that was of course a perfectly natural thing.

Although Zhou Tao didn't know Liu Chan's secret arrangement for Deng Ai, Deng Ai deliberately concealed it from him in order to make the scene more realistic.But he was entrusted by Deng Ai, and of course he would send troops from the east if he was besieged in Fuchun County.

So if this is the case, Meng Xi's army is from the south, Deng Ai's main force is from the west and north, Zhou Tao's troops are from the east, and the army of three people is formed against the Jiangdong Army in Kuaiji County from four directions. A fatal encirclement!

It should be said that Liu Chan's ambition is indeed big enough, and his courage is indeed bizarre.However, his combat arrangement seems safe, but because two different battlefields were opened up at the same time, it led to the suspicion of spreading troops.

And the problem doesn't stop there.

Another very important issue is that if Deng Ai's battle to lure the snake out of the hole is successful, the main battlefield between Liu Chan and Sun Quan's army will become a secondary battlefield that attracts attention.This also led to the fact that Liu Chan's army did not appear to be very decisive when they began to fight Sun Quan head-on.

Of course, Liu Chan and his military advisers and generals made such a decision after careful consideration and weighing between the gains and losses. will do so.

Having said that, when Zhu Yi saw the appearance of Deng Ai's men, he immediately realized that he had been completely tricked, and he must have regretted committing suicide in his heart.

Therefore, Zhu Yi can't control much now, and it's more important to break out of the encirclement to the south immediately.So, he also left behind those troops who hadn't assembled yet, and immediately led the troops to rush towards Mengxi.

Since the south is Zhu Yi's only way of life, with Meng Xi's meticulous thinking, of course, he has already expected that his place is the main direction for Zhu Yi's team to break through, and he has already made preparations for the battle.What's more, the people in his hands now are several times as many as Zhu Yi's!

As a result, the men and horses of the two sides quickly collided together.

Meng Xi is a natural person, so generally speaking, he is actually more inclined to be good at defensive operations.In fact, after the tests of previous battles, it has indeed been proved that Meng Xi has such characteristics, so that Gai Meng will join Xiong Ping to command the cavalry, and often hand over the infantry to Meng Xi as the rear army.

Sure enough, under Meng Xi's strong defense, even if Zhu Yi's men were really desperate, they still couldn't shake Meng Xi's line.

At this time, even though Zhou Tao's troops were the smallest, they had already rushed towards Zhu Yi's back.

The two troops on Deng Ai's side have also come to the front and will soon be able to go forward to fight.

Zhu Yi knew that now that Wu had a way out, and there were enemy troops on all sides, the situation was really over.

Zhu Yi couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing, he was still no match for Deng Ai Deng Shizai who came from a humble background!

After all, Zhu Yi didn't want to continue to resist, so he immediately ordered the army to stop fighting.Seeing that Zhu Yi's men stopped fighting, the Shu Han army stopped and surrounded him.At this time, Zhu Yi's team actually still had 2000 people.

In fact, Zhu Yi still wanted to live, but if he continued to forcefully resist, the probability of dying in battle would be too high. Even if Quan Cong had to deal with him in the future, he would know when the time came.But he didn't know that at that time Zhang Cheng also sent someone to ask Deng Ai to surrender, but Deng Ai still killed all of them.

So Zhu Yi sent an envoy to Deng Ai asking for his surrender.

The result was obvious. Deng Ai immediately refused, and asked someone to bring back a sentence: "Even though you, Zhu Yi, have had grievances with my family's son, your level is too low. My family's son doesn't even bother to take action against you personally, so Let me, Deng Ai, take care of this matter! However, since I, Deng Ai, made the move, Zhu Yi, you are absolutely doomed today!"

Such a result made Zhu Yi feel extremely surprised, because he had no idea that Liu Chan's intention was to suppress the forces of the major families in Jiangdong in the process of unifying Jiangdong!
The drums of war sounded again, and the result of this battle was already self-evident.

Zhu Yi was finally killed in battle, and not a single soldier of his family was left.

After the battle, Deng Ai ordered people to find Zhu Yi's body, take his head, and send it to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan will send it to Quan Cong again, finally he can give Quan Cong an explanation, and it is also the best gift to appease Quan Cong!
(End of this chapter)

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