The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 848 The Great Showdown

Chapter 848 The Great Battle ([-])

When Deng Ai was about to leave, he actually discussed something with Meng Xi, and this matter will have a certain degree of impact on the current situation in the next period of time.

At that time, after Deng Ai and Meng Xi decided to unite the troops of the Second Army and go north together to cut off the rear of Sun Quan's army, Deng Ai then thought of one thing.He asked Meng Xi, "Lieutenant Meng, I still have a doubt here that hasn't been resolved yet."

Meng Xi had always admired Deng Ai's strategy, but now when he saw that Deng Ai was in trouble, he asked, "What's bothering Captain Deng?"

Only then did Deng Ai confess: "Although I said with certainty just now that the Jiangdong Army in Kuaiji County was completely wiped out by our army this time, they would definitely be deterred by our army and would not dare to attack the three counties again. They have launched an attack. But after all, this is just my own idea, and I cannot get a complete guarantee that they will never send troops."

Meng Xi nodded and said, "Especially Fuchun County and Qiantang County, these two places guard the area where Wu County enters Kuaiji County and even the southeast of Jiangdong. In addition, Wu County and Danyang County are the most important hinterland of Jiangdong. So , we really must firmly control these places to prevent the Jiangdong Army in Danyang County and Wu County from retreating to the south."

Most of what Meng Xi said hit Deng Ai's mind, otherwise he would not have stationed most of the troops in these three counties, but had already led the army to kill the enemy and make meritorious service.

After thinking for a while, Meng Xi said, "Actually, Colonel Deng might as well give the enemy troops in Kuaiji County a shock."

Deng Ai couldn't help but groaned, and asked, "How about the beating method?"

Meng Xi smiled and said, "It is absolutely impossible for Kuaiji County not to fear our army because of the defeat of Zhu Yi's entire army. Therefore, Colonel Deng can use his own name to give to Kuaiji County." Mr. Yu Fan and Wei Teng of the county sent letters, on the one hand, you should calm down their emotions with good words, and show enough respect for their status in Jiangdong; Surrender to our army within the time limit, otherwise, once our army has settled the battle in Danyang County, it will be their turn to be wiped out."

Deng Ai nodded straight after hearing this, and said: "Well, this method is indeed good, the main thing is to deepen the doubts in the enemy's heart again, and let their attention completely shift from the three counties of Fuchun County to the battlefield in Danyang County. Going up, they had to rack their brains to consider whether they should continue to be loyal to Sun Quan. Even, in this way, Yu Fan and Wei Teng would be threatened by our army again, and they would not dare to attack the three County attacks."

Seeing that Deng Ai understood Deng Ai's meaning completely, Meng Xi said, "That's right. In this way, no matter whether the news about Colonel Deng's navy going north with me will eventually be leaked to Kuaiji County, our army has no doubts about it." The deterrence of the Jiangdong Army in Kuaiji County should also be reduced, forcing them to no longer dare to act rashly."

After Meng Xi's final conclusion, Deng Ai no longer hesitated, and made up his mind to adopt Meng Xi's suggestion.

Therefore, Deng Ai immediately asked Zong Yu to write a letter to Yu Fan and Wei Teng instead of Deng Ai, and this was a very threatening letter of persuasion.

Of course, it is impossible for Deng Ai to count on such a letter, and he can really subdue Jiangji County.In that case, Yu Fan and Wei Teng are too cheap. These two people are high IQ people, although they are really bad at marching and fighting.

After sending out the letter, Deng Ai and Meng Xi led the army northward together. The follow-up of this matter was naturally left to Zhou Tao and Zong Yu for attention.

The letter was delivered to Yu Fan first.

After Yu Fan read it, he realized that Zhu Yi had died in battle. Not only Zhu Yi's own soldiers, but also the army formed by their own family had been wiped out.At this moment, Yu Fan was so frightened by the news that his face turned pale, and he almost panicked. Fortunately, his self-cultivation skills were good, but it took a long time before he calmed down.

Yu Fan immediately sent someone to invite Wei Teng to come over to discuss matters.

Wei Teng heard that Yu Fan had something important to ask, so he hurriedly asked someone to prepare the car.After arriving at Yu Fan's mansion, Wei Teng found that Yu Fan's face looked extremely ugly, and then asked carefully, "Mr. Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Fan didn't sigh, but handed Wei Teng the letter on the table that he had read several times with an extremely serious face, and said, "The matter has become serious, you should read this letter first before talking about it. "

After Wei Teng took it and looked at it, his expression suddenly became much uglier than Yu Fan's current expression.With an almost trembling voice, he pointed to the letter and said, "The army that Zhu Yi brought out is all over...?"

Wei Teng's heart was bleeding.That is an army of 6000 people in Kuaiji County!What's more, they spent a lot of money from the family to arm the troops. They haven't made any contribution to Kuaiji County, and they were all wiped out like this?

This kind of investment is completely in vain, of course, Wei Teng finds it hard to accept.

However, Yu Fan mercilessly smashed Wei Teng's little bit of luck, nodded, and said: "This news may be true, and the content in it tells the truth about Zhu Yi's defeat at that time. It is extremely clear that Deng Ai did not go north. Moreover, there has been no news from Zhu Yi so far. Even if Fuchun County cannot be defeated, he should give a reply, right? But he did not. Then, he is probably true. More bad luck than good luck."

Wei Teng was immediately stunned by Yu Fan's words. His mind was already in chaos, but now it was really a pile of paste, and he didn't know what to do.

Yu Fan had already gradually calmed down at this time, and waved to Wei Teng, telling him to sit down and calm down before talking.

After a while, the two began to discuss.But as Meng Xi said, these two people are indeed trembling with the Shu Han army now. They didn't plan to provoke Deng Ai before, and now they dare not send troops to Fuchun County and Qiantang County.

The two now began to discuss how they should protect themselves once the entire territory of Jiangdong fell into the hands of the Shu Han army.

Of course, since the three counties in Fuchun County controlled by Deng Ai's army are the three mountains pressing on the top of Kuaiji County, it is impossible for Yu Fan and Wei Teng not to pay attention.After all, it is one thing to understand the situation, but it is another thing to dare to send troops.

The two sent a large number of people to Fuchun County overnight to inquire about the situation of Zhu Yi's army.The news that finally came back showed very clearly that Zhu Yi had really wiped out his entire army, and the Shu Han army had already celebrated this victory in Fuchun County.

Yu Fan and Wei Teng became even more anxious. I believe that in the next few days, these two people will definitely not be able to sleep well.

In this way, Fuchun County, Qiantang County and Yuhang County are safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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