Chapter 855 Final Fate ([-])
Liu Chan and the others waited until the Yu Ban order came back, and then everyone sat around the fire and ate bad-tasting dry food.

However, the fire was warm and the atmosphere was pleasant, but the dry food was actually just a meal, it was no big deal at all, Liu Chan ate it calmly.

Not long after, countless fires were ignited near and far, and the near ones could still be seen clearly, while the far away ones seemed faint like bundles of twinkling stars in the sky.They stretched far, far away, until they could no longer be seen.

Liu Chan suddenly discovered that the countless fires formed should be his army's encirclement of Sun Quan's troops.Some things, on the contrary, can be seen more clearly only in the dark.

After about half an hour, some places in the middle of the encirclement were actually lit up with fires.Obviously, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army saw the Shuhan Army warming up by the fire. They couldn't bear the severe cold and the temptation of the fire, so they also wanted to warm up.

Liu Chan couldn't help feeling pity for this in his heart, and couldn't help but sighed, whether it is him Liu Chan or anyone who participated in this battle tonight, I am afraid that in this wilderness , was a sleepless night.

Sitting beside Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan clearly heard Liu Chan's sigh, and asked, "Why is your son sighing?"

Liu Chan pointed to the Jiangdong army and said, "I'm afraid there will be no peace there tonight?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded, and said, "Even if the morale of the army does not dissipate, at least the morale has been hit to the bottom. I think our army will win a battle tomorrow."

Shi Guangyuan used the word "victory" instead of the word "annihilation", which shows that he felt that the enemy might eventually surrender because of this.

At this time Liu Chan suddenly stood up from the ground, originally holding a bamboo stick in his hand, which was used to fiddle with the fire, but he also threw it into the burning fire.The bright red flame reflected his precocious face, which had not left much childishness.

Seeing this, Shi Guangyuan, Yu Jin and others were embarrassed to sit on the ground, and they all stood up from the ground.

Liu Chan then said to Jin: "It seems that in order to ensure that our army can win the battle tomorrow, I have to be cruel tonight."

Yu Jin and Shi Guangyuan were stunned when they heard this, why did they have to be cruel, what's going on?

Liu Chan went on to say: "General Yu, send an order to let Gai Meng's and Xiong Ping's cavalry troops reassemble. The assembly point is behind the encirclement. Tomorrow morning at noon at the latest, he will use them to launch a surprise attack on the Jiangdong Army first. , completely crushing their remaining will to fight!"

The cavalry team led by Gai Meng and Xiong Ping, part of the cavalry led by Xiong Ping participated in the battle today.Therefore, Liu Chan's order was to a large extent Yu Jin's order to take back Xiong Ping's attacking troops.

Yu Jin immediately took orders and was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Liu Chan again.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "General Yu, don't be so anxious, there is still an order from my side that has not been conveyed to you!"

Yu Jin quickly apologized to Liu Chan.

Only then did Liu Chan say: "The second order is that you immediately gather all the archers behind our army."

Then, Liu Chan pointed to the fires of the Jiangdong Army and asked Yu Jin to send out all the archers.

At this time, although the night is very dark, no matter how big the flames of the fire are, the range that can be illuminated is very limited.In addition, the Jiangdong army is definitely like the Shuhan army now, and everyone is gathering around the fire to keep warm.Therefore, even if the archers can't see the enemy at night, it doesn't matter. As long as they shoot indiscriminately around the fire, they will definitely cause certain casualties to the Jiangdong Army.

Moreover, another purpose of the archers' attack at this time was to go out to harass the Jiangdong army.Under their continuous attacks, the Jiangdong Army will inevitably not get a good rest, and it will definitely have a relatively large impact on their operations tomorrow.

Yu Jin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is really thoughtful. However, the enemy must have deployed manpower on the periphery for defense, so before the archers attack, they need to send manpower to clear the surrounding guard posts."

Liu Chan nodded, and said: "Sure enough, you have rich combat experience, General Yu, and I will leave it to you to direct how to proceed."

Yu Jin smiled and immediately took his orders and left.

Soon, amidst the night and the crackling sound of the firewood burning, Liu Chan could already hear the sound of running horses and neighing of horses.That was obviously the sound that Gai Meng and Xiong Ping's cavalry made when they assembled.

As for the direction of the bow and arrow team's attack, because of the need for stealthy actions, Liu Chan's side will never hear the slightest movement.

But half an hour later, the fires on Jiangdong Army's side suddenly became chaotic, and then many fires began to go out.

From this phenomenon, Liu Chan can judge that the bow and arrow team arranged by Yu Jin should have launched an attack on Jiangdong Army.Otherwise, the Jiangdong army would not have extinguished the fire, which was obviously a trick used to hide their figure.

It seems that there are people in the Jiangdong Army who can respond quickly.

But even so, that night, the bow and arrow team of the Shuhan Army still attacked frequently to harass the Jiangdong Army's rest, causing the Jiangdong Army to complain endlessly.

At this time, Sun Quan was in a very depressed mood, and it could even be said that he was very scared. He kept walking around alone, but he couldn't think of any way to escape.

Zhuge Jin and Ling Tong stood beside Sun Quan. Zhuge Jin was very tall, but a little shorter than Sun Quan, but Ling Tong was half a head shorter than Sun Quan even though he was tall.The three monarchs and ministers were all silent, but in fact, they were all extremely anxious. They have tried to break through at least three times today, but all of them failed.

Sun Quan secretly sighed, and another year came to mind again: I am afraid that Jiangdong is really going to end.

Early the next morning, the final attack of the Shu Han army arrived as scheduled.

The Jiangdong army was harassed by the Shu Han army's bow and arrow team all night, and everyone had no rest all night. In addition, morale was low, and the defense line collapsed at the first blow. It was almost impossible to form a decent resistance at all.

With the rush of Zhang Fei's men and horses, under the awe of Zhang Fei's power.After all, Sun Quan's army lost the will to resist and began to surrender one after another.

Sun Quan's mentality had completely collapsed, and after crying in the direction of Moling, he was about to lift his sword and kill himself.Fortunately, Ling Tong had quick eyesight and quick hands, and snatched Sun Quan's sword with one stroke, saving Sun Quan's life.

At this time, Zhang Fei himself appeared in front of Sun Quan on his black horse, with a black horse, a black full-body armor, and a translucent black zhangba snake spear!
Zhang Fei suddenly yelled, like thunder from the sky, and said: "Sun Quan is young, pay for my second brother's life!"

The Zhangba Snake Spear soared into the sky, shining coldly in the morning sun.

Sun Quan's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, forgetting that he should run away.When Ling Tong saw that it was Meng Zhang Fei, he was indeed shocked, forgetting that he should protect Sun Quan.

Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear shot down into the sky, and with a pounce, it pierced through Sun Quan's body armor in one fell swoop with great force, and then came out through his body and penetrated into the ground behind Sun Quan.

Sun Quan suddenly opened his mouth and let out a deep cry, as if he was lamenting how blue the sky he saw for the last time.Then, his body froze and he died, but his body was supported by Zhang Ba Snake Lance, so he didn't fall down.

Those who come out to kill and conquer the world will always have to pay back in the end. This may be the so-called fate.

"Master!" Ling Tong reacted before Zhuge Jin, and immediately rushed to Sun Quan's side exclaiming.

However, Sun Quan had died and it was impossible to answer him again.

(End of this chapter)

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