Chapter 865

After Zhuge Ke fled back to Moling City, he was exhausted both physically and mentally. It may be that a series of failures had greatly damaged his always extremely proud and conceited heart.

What's more, his father Zhuge Jin may have been captured by the Shu Han army just like his lord Sun Quan. Although he thinks that the treatment he received should be much better than that of ordinary Jiangdong generals, it will not be a happy thing after all.Therefore, even though she calmly comforted the panicked mother on the surface, she was still a little uneasy in her heart.

However, Zhuge Ke did not lose his recovery after a setback, he quickly cheered up, and was summoned by Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, so he naturally learned of the important event that they were all closely planning to establish a new lord at this time.

It should be said that Zhuge Ke did not agree with their approach in his heart.After all, the lord's whereabouts are just now unknown. Even if there are rumors of his death on the battlefield, it is not surprising, but to act in such a hasty manner, it is inevitable that the facts will be confirmed.

However, with Zhuge Ke's ingenuity, it is not difficult to see that Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and Sun Jing's intentions are quite good.At least, this move can indeed temporarily stabilize the minds of the officials in Moling City, and prepare for the upcoming Shu Han army.

Therefore, Zhuge Ke did not object in the end, but began to help Zhang Zhao and the others to carry out various matters.

At nightfall that day, Zhuge Ke hurried back home from outside because he heard that his mother had fainted in the room again because she was worried about his father's situation.

After visiting his mother, Zhuge Ke came out of his mother's room and walked into the small garden, but suddenly heard two people talking.He listened for a while, but it turned out that his younger brother Zhuge Rong was having fun with Gu Tong.

Zhuge Ke couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, this Zhuge Rong is really a dude, his mother is sick like that, and his father was also captured, he still has the mind to continue having fun.

Gu Tong said: "Uncle, I don't think we should go out tonight? I heard that your mother fell ill, your elder brother is so busy, and your father also had an accident. Isn't this appropriate?" Uncle Chang is Zhuge Rong's epithet.

Zhuge Rong laughed dryly twice, and said with a smile: "It's okay! My elder brother is taking care of everything! He is such a capable person, how can he not handle things at home and outside? As for me I don’t have to worry about my father’s side. Shuhan has my second uncle and second elder brother, so my father will take it there to recuperate for a while.”

Hearing Zhuge Rong's words, Gu Tong really thought about it, and the matter seemed to be exactly as Zhuge Rong said, so he couldn't help laughing.It almost exploded Zhuge Ke's lungs.

Zhuge Ke originally wanted to rush over immediately to reprimand Zhuge Rong's unworthy younger brother, but suddenly he heard Zhuge Rong laugh and say: "Dayuan, let me tell you the latest news! I saw a beautiful woman today , but she is an out-and-out beauty that turns people off!"

Gu Tong felt very strange, since she was still a beauty, how could she turn off people's appetite?He asked, "Who did you see?"

Zhuge Rong spit out three words quickly: "Bu Lianshi!"

"You're talking about her! When it comes to him, I'm even more angry. If it weren't for him protecting Zhu Yi and the other three bastards, I wouldn't have been driven back to my hometown by my uncle! But, I heard Has she been hidden outside the city because of General Quan Cong, where did you see her?"

Zhuge Rong said mysteriously: "I saw it with my own eyes. She has entered the city now, it must be because of the new funeral of the lord!"

Gu Tong let out a sigh, and said: "So that's the case! But, I think the good days of the step trainer will come to an end soon." He seemed to know something about Gu Yong and others wanting to name a new lord. That's why I say this.

But Zhuge Rong obviously misunderstood Gu Tong's meaning, and said with a smile: "Yes, the Shu Han army is about to attack the city! However, we used to eat, drink and have fun together with Liu Adou, and we have some friendship after all. How about us? I heard that after Shu Wu was captured by him, he also received his kind hospitality!"

Zhuge Ke secretly scolded the two of them in his heart, that's all they could do, and they really humiliated their respective families.

He wanted to leave immediately and go back to work, but suddenly something moved in his heart: step trainer?The step trainer chose this time to enter the city?She lived in the country, and who summoned her?And it seems that they entered the city very secretly!

Zhuge Ke used to be in charge of intelligence work, and his good intuition made him feel that there seemed to be mystery in all kinds of things.

So Zhuge Ke immediately shouted loudly: "Come here, you two!"

Zhuge Rong and Zhuge Rong were talking enthusiastically at this time, when they suddenly heard Zhuge Ke's loud shouts, the two of them were snoring at the same time, and they were caught again.Both of them are playboys, so of course they are most afraid of people like Zhuge Ke. As for a good man like Zhuge Jin, they are not always afraid.

Zhuge Rong and Gu Tong had no choice but to go up to see Zhuge Ke with a bitter face.

Gu Tong forced a smile and said, "Brother, why are you at home now, didn't you go to work?"

Zhuge Ke said with a cold face, "Dayuan, some things can be said as a game, but some things are of great importance, even if you know it, you must not say it!"

Gu Tong was not a fool, he knew that Zhuge Ke was telling him to keep his mouth shut and not to talk about Zhang Zhao and the others.He quickly said yes.

Zhuge Ke then said to Zhuge Rong: "Don't go anywhere tonight, follow me to the government office!"

Zhuge Rong was shocked when he heard the words, and shouted: "Why did I go to the government office, and I didn't break the law?"

Where Zhuge Ke needed to explain to Zhuge Rong, he forcibly pulled Zhuge Rong away. Zhuge Rong kept struggling, but he became honest after being kicked several times by Zhuge Ke along the way.Seeing it, Gu Tong's heart was pounding, and he thought to himself, Zhuge's third child must be suffering tonight.

But Zhuge Ke didn't teach Zhuge Rong any more, but took him to see Gu Yong directly, and asked Zhuge Rong to tell Gu Yong what he saw the step trainer at that time.

Zhuge Rong obviously couldn't understand Zhuge Ke's intentions, but he still reported to Gu Yong in as much detail as possible.After all, Zhuge Ke's stinky face and Gu Yong's always serious expression put a lot of pressure on him, so he should finish talking earlier and detach himself.

After Zhuge Rong finished speaking, Gu Yong also felt that something might happen.He sent Zhuge Rong away first, and after concluding with Zhuge Ke, he immediately sent someone to investigate the matter.

It turned out that Zhuge Rong did not lie, and even found out that Sun Hao went to see Bu Lianshi, and the two of them went to see Mrs. Wang together.

So, it became very clear that the step trainer had come back to seize power.Moreover, Sun Hao has always been a dangerous person and participated in it, which is already very explainable.

Gu Yong immediately recruited Zhang Zhao, but not Sun Jing.After all, Sun Jing is Sun Hao's father, and the three of them began to be wary of Sun Jing.

After some calculations, the three guys with high IQ quickly analyzed the bargaining chips held by Bu Lianshi and Sun Hao, and found that the number of people in their hands was really not to be underestimated.Under the current situation, I am afraid it is enough to carry out a coup d'état.

Therefore, Gu Yong immediately ordered Zhuge Ke to temporarily serve as the leader of the central army and take full control of all the guards in Moling City.In fact, as long as Zhuge Ke seized the military power of Buchan Changshuiying, Bu Lianshi would become a tigress whose teeth had been pulled out.

As for the army in Sun Hao's hands, they were his private soldiers. Fortunately, there were not many of them, so they should be easy to deal with.

And Mrs. Wang is just a woman with no power, so she should be the easiest to deal with.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong secretly reported the situation to Mrs. Xu and Sun Deng. After obtaining their consent, Zhuge Ke immediately went to handle it.

He led the Wuwei Battalion of the Guards, which was composed of warriors in front of the temple, and suddenly surrounded the barracks of Changshuiying, captured Buchan in one fell swoop, and took over Buchan's military power.

Then, Zhuge Ke led his army straight to Sun Hao's barracks.Sun Hao happened to be in the barracks preparing for the coup d'état tomorrow night, and when he heard that Zhuge Ke was leading the army, he was frightened.But it was too late. After killing hundreds of people, Zhuge Ke's men finally forced them all to surrender and successfully captured Sun Hao alive.

At the same time, Zhang Zhao's side is also launching their own operations.

Zhang Zhao took people to Sun Quan's mansion to find Bu Lianshi and put him under house arrest.Gu Yong went to see Mrs. Wang, and after some persuasion, he put Mrs. Wang and the second son, Sun Li, under house arrest.

Since then, Bu Lianshi and Sun Hao's conspiracy was completely dismantled in advance under the concerted efforts of Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and Zhuge Ke.These people are indeed talents, and their mobility is also amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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