Chapter 880 Stable Moling ([-])

Liu Chan ordered people to take Bu Lianshi's mother and daughter away, and after continuing to guard them, they entered the mansion.It is indeed the place where Sun Quan lived before his death. The buildings inside are indeed magnificent and beautiful.

Liu Chan suddenly remembered Chengdu. The Hanzhong King's Mansion has been built for two years, and it should be finished.I don't know what it looks like after cultivation, but it definitely won't be shabby.

Because of Liu Chan's whereabouts, before entering the city, people had been sent to notify the senior generals, so people from their side began to come here to report the situation.

Liu Chan immediately sent an order to clear Sun Quan's mansion immediately, and take care of all the servants who are not members of the Shu Han army, so as not to cause disadvantages to him.

Liu Chan still cherishes his life very much, but he doesn't want that servant to suddenly go crazy or sacrifice his life for righteousness, and then stab him somewhere, it's really not worth it.

Because Sun Quan's mansion was in chaos after the news of the Shu Han army entering the city, there was a looting of property, and most of the rooms in the mansion became a mess.

Now that Liu Chan needed a place to work, Zhao Feng ordered someone to clear out a relatively quiet room in the mansion, which was used to sit in Liu Chan's temporary study.Then, all around the courtyard where the room was located were strictly guarded by the white-eared guards.

In this way, even if Liu Chan wants to live and work here all the time in the future, there should be no problem.

Liu Chan then calmly dealt with all kinds of emergencies that needed to be dealt with immediately within Sun Quan's care.

By noon, Zhang Fei might have finished dealing with matters on the battlefield, so he rushed to see Liu Chan first.Liu Chan then asked Zhang Fei about the specific situation in the city, and then the two uncles and nephews began to eat.

Zhang Fei, in particular, had been busy all night last night and had to fight with all his strength. Up to now, he had already forgotten the feeling of hunger because he was too hungry.But now when I heard Liu Chan say that it was time to eat, my stomach suddenly started growling with hunger.

Liu Chan himself hadn't eaten since last night, and now he was really hungry.So immediately ordered Zhao Feng's white-eared guards to get something to eat.

In the afternoon, Gai Meng and Meng Xi came to report the situation to Liu Chan respectively.In this way, the battle of Moling City, which lasted for nearly a day and a night, had completely annihilated the enemy forces who resisted on a large scale.Next, what the Shu Han army has to do is to send troops to start cleaning up the remaining enemy troops in the city, and arrest those hostile forces that intend to resist in time.

Since there have been many spies from the Shu Han side lurking in Moling City, they must have some lists in their hands, which can be used to identify who are the main fighters, those who are loyal to the Sun regime and intend to continue to resist the Shu Han army; Who is the fool and the surrender faction, or someone who has a good impression of the Shu Han army, etc.?

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately asked Xu Xiang to send someone to ask the spies in the city to gather all the previously collected information and report to him.

However, what Liu Chan has to do now is not to get the list immediately, but to issue two new orders to the Shu Han army and the army:

The first order is that when the Shu Han army is searching the whole city, they are absolutely not allowed to rob property, otherwise they will act according to military law and will not show mercy.Then, the soldiers of the Shanyue Army immediately took over all the camps in the city where the troops of the Jiangdong Army were located, and most of the supplies inside were rewarded to the Shanyue Army.

After You Tu received this order from Liu Chan, he was immediately overjoyed, and he did not continue to send troops to help the Shu Han army capture the enemy's stragglers, but immediately assembled the army.

For Liu Chan to do this, there is indeed his intention behind the scenes.Although he had issued repeated orders to Youtu not to allow his subordinates to rob people's property in the city, he didn't even need to look at the actual situation, such a thing was definitely unavoidable.Therefore, in order not to cause public grievances in Moling City in the future, Liu Chan had no choice but to make a bad move and ask them to grab the supplies from the original Jiangdong Army's camp first.

And when the Shanyue people got those supplies, their desire to rob should have cooled down a lot.In addition, the situation will almost stabilize by then, and it should be impossible for their soldiers to mess around again.

The second order was conveyed to the entire Shu Han army.Liu Chan ordered the Shu Han army to block all important street intersections, and strictly prohibited the people in the city from walking around without permission.This is actually an order of martial law throughout the city. The purpose is to facilitate the arrest of people by the Shu Han army, and the second is to prevent the sudden large-scale riots among the residents of the city.

In that case, in order to stabilize the situation in Moling City, Liu Chan would definitely have to send troops to suppress the riots no matter how disgusted he was.

Then the ones who hurt the most must be the ordinary poor people and the hearts of the people.It is very uneconomical for both the common people and the Shu Han army.Therefore, instead of letting it happen, it is better to temporarily let the residents in the city suffer a little bit, so that both parties can reduce the damage they suffer!
In fact, these arrangements were not something that Liu Chan suddenly thought of.These measures were all agreed upon by Liu Chan and the generals under his command before he entered Moling City.Entering a capital like Moling City will have a huge impact. If it is not handled properly, there will be a lot of sequelae. Liu Chan must be more cautious.

At nightfall that day, Liu Chan received a report from the spies, which had been sorted out, which clearly listed a list of Soochow officials who had been carefully distinguished.

After Liu Chan read the list, his heart moved. He originally wanted to let Meng Xi take this list with him immediately and arrest people everywhere in the city.But he suddenly dismissed this idea, and just called Meng Xi, and asked him to take full charge of the martial law in the city, absolutely not allowing anyone to walk around in the city without permission.

However, Liu Chan finally handed over the list compiled by the spies to Meng Xi, especially pointing at those main fighters and told Meng Xi that their mansions are like those of the capitulation officials. Don't go in and arrest people. Close monitoring is enough.

It should be said that Meng Xi is the well-deserved No. 1 choice to carry out this order, because he is careful and cautious, and he doesn't like property very much, so Liu Chan entrusts him with the task, which is the most reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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