The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 882 Gathering Hearts

Chapter 882 Gather People's Hearts ([-])

The order in Moling City has been being rebuilt all the time, and with the lifting of the martial law, some rumors and emergencies will inevitably appear in the city.

But from Liu Chan's point of view, he did not suppress the people who spread the rumors, but ordered people to find the people who spread the rumors, interrogate them fairly, and announce the results of the interrogation in the city in time.

After all, although the people are very easy to be mobilized by others, they are not all fools. Liu Chan even did not arrest and kill those who resisted the Shu Han regime. It may not have an impact on the perception of residents.

What's more, there are a large number of Shu Han troops stationed in the city, but they seldom go out on a large scale. At most, they go out during curfew at night, but they don't disturb the people.In this regard, their discipline is even better than that of the original Jiangdong Army.

Then, Liu Chan also began to receive senior officials and dignitaries of the original Sun Wu regime in Moling City one after another.Of course, the first thing Liu Chan wanted to meet were the capitulators. If he went to meet the main combat faction first, it would be extremely unfair to the capitulators.

Even, Liu Chan has not forgotten his old friend, and took the initiative to invite Zhuge Rong, Gu Tong and Zhou Yin to come to Sun Quan's mansion for dinner.It is impossible to have a banquet, and Liu Chan doesn't have that much time now.So, everyone just chatted, had a little meal, and learned some information about Gu Yong through Gu Tong.

Then, Liu Chan took advantage of some free time to visit Xiao Qiao again.

At first, Xiao Qiao felt very strange, why Liu Chan, the son of the prince of Hanzhong, would come to pay a visit to a widow like herself in such a tense moment.Of course, Xiao Qiao knew her reputation as beautiful, so she was vigilant about Liu Chan's visit.

But when Xiao Qiao saw Liu Chan, she was immediately stunned.The young man in front of him who was about to wipe out Jiangdong was Yang Hansheng who came to her home to seek refuge more than a year ago!
Xiao Qiao was surprised, but of course she was also very happy.After all, Liu Chan can be said to be a high-ranking person now, and he still thought of visiting her.

Liu Chan was at Xiao Qiao's house, and finally went to pay homage to Zhou Yu, and more than an hour passed before bidding farewell to Xiao Qiao.

It should be said that Liu Chan's move aroused a little controversy among Jiangdong people. After all, the motive of a high-ranking man visiting a famous widow is always somewhat suspicious.

But the problem lies here. Liu Chan is only 15 years old, and Xiao Qiao is probably already 40 years old. Although she still has the same style, in this chaotic era, she may sometimes be Liu Chan's grandmother at her age. .

Moreover, as Liu Chan's trip also defeated the publicity of Zhou Yu's behavior, it won the full favor of Jiangdong people.After all, Zhou Yu can be said to be a banner of Jiangdong people, and even more a kind of pride. He is handsome, suave, and successful at a young age. It seems that all the advantages that a man should have are concentrated in this person.

Moreover, Zhou Yu died young, he was simply jealous of talents.This also added a kind of sad beauty to Zhou Yu's body.

When Liu Chan went to pay homage to such a Jiangdong talent, it was easy for Jiangdong people to feel a sense of pride in their hearts, feeling that they had been valued and respected by the Shu Han regime.Of course, their favorability for Liu Chan also increased accordingly.

In fact, this kind of diplomatic compliment, as long as you pay a little attention, you will find that it is actually very useful.For example, if the head of a certain foreign government pays New Year greetings in Chinese during the Spring Festival, he can often gain the favor of the people of the Celestial Dynasty.And this is actually just a show, and it doesn't cost much at all, but it can achieve very good results.

Liu Chan did this, but he was imitating the "descendants" in order to gradually win the hearts of Jiangdong people.

Then, what Liu Chan has to do next is not that simple.He needs to start meeting the leaders of the main combat faction in Jiangdong, and at least reach a certain consensus and understanding with them.

Moreover, Liu Chan has indeed realized one thing: Whether Jiangdong can maintain a stable situation in the future and gradually rebuild the people's livelihood destroyed by the war, the surrender faction is indeed helpful, but it depends on the attitude of the main combat faction, They are the source of possible future riots.If the two parties can reach a certain agreement or understanding on this, then the stability of Jiangdong should be achieved in a short period of time.

After all, it is often easier to destroy than to build.Those of the main combat faction are now playing the role of potential destroyers of the future.

So, Liu Chan visited Sun Jing's mansion twice in a row, but he still didn't see him.Liu Chan still felt very annoyed after such a closed door, and could hardly bear to yell at Sun Jing's house.

However, Liu Chan's efforts were not in vain. He couldn't see Sun Jing, but he saw the severity.

Liu Chan did give Yan Yan a high enough courtesy, went to meet Yan Yan in person, and even gave Yan Yan a generous gift, even famous people like Shi Guangyuan who are now becoming famous all over the world also accompanied him.

In addition, Yan Yan is a well-known bachelor in Jiangdong. Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan found that Yan Yan and Yan Yan actually got along well in their studies.As a result, the awkward atmosphere between the two parties soon became more harmonious.

In the next few days, Liu Chan asked Shi Guangyuan to deal with the files in Sun Quan's mansion, and at the same time find more time to communicate with those famous people in Jiangdong, no matter whether they are the main combat faction or the surrender faction, they should be courteous.In addition, Shi Guangyuan allocated the Dongyi Pavilion in Moling City to entertain Jiangdong celebrities.

After Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan did this, the scope of influence became wider and wider, and the number of former Jiangdong officials invited was also increasing.Many Jiangdong officials who had been embarrassed before began to show up gradually through Shi Guangyuan's platform.

They did have some considerations in doing so. One of the participants was originally Jiangdong officials, which is convenient for everyone to exchange views on the current situation. Moreover, they can also learn a lot about the Shu Han from here.

What's more, in name, here is to invite some famous people to the gathering, which makes their participation more dignified, well maintains their own face, and avoids the possibility of being scolded as a fool or a two-headed rat.

Therefore, they have no reason to shy away from such a place where it is easy to obtain information about themselves and the enemy.

In the end, the celebrity gathering here at Shi Guangyuan reached its climax after Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong accepted the invitation.

It should be said that with the capture of Moling by the Shu Han army, the whole territory of Kuaiji County had surrendered, and the news that Wu County was about to be captured by the army of Yujin was constantly sent to Moling City, and Liu Chan did not enjoy it exclusively. As soon as they arrive, a notice will be posted immediately, so even ordinary people in the market can easily know the battle situation on the front line of the Shu Han army.And these news, in fact, also have a greater deterrent effect on the main fighters, making them have to start to reflect on what kind of path they want to take next.

Therefore, the remarks of some former activists at the rally have gradually become milder, and their positions should have changed.What's more, with the arrival of Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, it was already difficult for Yan Yan to compete against the two of them, and Yan Yan's position was also softening, gradually weakening the influence of the main combat faction.

(End of this chapter)

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