Chapter 890
After solving the matter in Jian'an County, the two armies of Zhang Fei and Deng Ai joined forces, then entered Luling County, and stationed heavy troops on the border between Lujiang County and Jiaozhou.As for the southern part of Jian'an County, it actually borders Jiaozhou.However, because of the traffic problems in Jian'an County, it posed an insurmountable challenge to the supply of the Shu Han army, so it was simply abandoned.

Shi Xie must have already obtained Liu Chan's document asking them to voluntarily surrender.But it should be said that Shi Xie's strength is still not small, and there are many people in the family who are agitating him. It should be a good time when Sun Wu's regime has just been eliminated and Shu Han's rule in Yangzhou has not yet fully stabilized. self-reliance.

But Shi Xie is actually not very ambitious, and even said that this person is actually weak.This also caused him to be wavering between surrender and self-reliance, and he was unable to make a decision for a long time.

In addition, the war between Deng Ai and Zhuge Ke lasted for a relatively long time, making it impossible for Zhang Fei to implement military oppression on Jiaozhou at all.Furthermore, Yizhou had originally communicated with Liu Chan twice, and General Zuo’s Mansion had agreed to send troops from Yizhou County and Zangcang County to form a mutual echo with Zhang Fei’s army and strengthen the confrontation with Jiaozhou. coercive force.

But the problem is that there are still some problems in Chengdu.Liu Chan's request was eventually leaked out, and was strongly blocked by the forces opposing Liu Chan, especially those from Queen Wu's side.

The reason they presented to Liu Bei actually didn’t seem complicated: Chengdu was extremely far away from Zangcang County and Yizhou Army. In addition, the reason was very difficult to pass, and supplies were extremely difficult. It was really difficult to send a large number of troops from near Chengdu to the south;
Furthermore, it would be equally difficult to draw troops from several counties in the south of Yizhou and assemble them in the past.Because the barbarians in a county in the south of Yizhou have always been very unstable, once the troops that deterred them are withdrawn in large numbers, they will definitely take the opportunity to rebel.

The third point is that since Yangzhou has no redundant military power at this time, it can forcibly conquer the Jiaozhou area.So how likely is this kind of deterrent forced surrender, it is also a matter of doubt.

Once the forced surrender fails, it will be subject to long-term military oppression, so that the Jiaozhou army will not dare to act rashly.But the consequences of doing so are very serious. The troops in southern Yizhou must prepare for long-term assembly, which is very detrimental to logistics and the security of the original residence.

It should be said that the things these people stated to Liu Bei are reasonable to a large extent.Therefore, even though the Zuo General's Mansion had agreed to Liu Chan's plan, and as long as Liu Bei nodded, they could immediately issue a call-up order for the army to assemble, but Liu Bei still hesitated after all, and temporarily put Liu Chan's request on hold.

As a result, Zhang Fei's army defeated Lu Dai's army at that time. Although Zhang Fei's southward movement to the south of Lujiang County was greatly delayed because of Zhuge Ke's sudden appearance, but Yizhou's failure to help It caused great trouble to Liu Chan.

In this way, the threat to Jiaozhou will be greatly reduced only by Zhang Fei's army pressing down on the border.

After Liu Chan got the information sent from Chengdu, on the one hand, he felt that Queen Wu might have received some expert advice, otherwise, how could it be possible that the reasons he gave were more mean than the other, and almost all of them hit him. The weakness of the action!

But Liu Chan couldn't control his emotions after all, and yelled at those who got in the way.Because Liu Chan believes that your difficulties in Yizhou are indeed not small, but those difficulties and the difficulties faced by Jingzhou and Yangzhou on his side are simply the same as the sky and the earth!
Moreover, even if you in Chengdu allow Liu Chan to try it, maybe it will really succeed?Why did Liu Bei finally agree to such a radical strategy as the invasion of Yangzhou, but he disagreed after gathering an army in the south of Yizhou?That is simply unreasonable!
Moreover, Liu Chan further believes that even if military oppression fails to force Shi Xie to surrender in the end, then the troops assembled in the southern part of Yizhou only need to gather for a short period of time, and they can go back to their respective stations.

But in terms of time, Liu Chan was no longer allowed to continue to write a letter to defend Liu Bei.Because Zhang Fei's troops have already moved to the south of Luling County one after another, the early military oppression is being built.The army in the south of Yizhou should have been carried out some time in advance, because the traffic there is too bad, and the garrisons in various places are far away, and now the regrouping can hardly help Zhang Fei.

This means that Yizhou has lost the best time to help Liu Chan.Therefore, there was no need for him to argue against Liu Bei, and he could only hope that Zhang Fei could use one-way military oppression to make Shi Xie finally surrender.

But in this way, the already deep knot between Liu Chan and Liu Bei has deepened a lot after this experience.

In Liu Chan's view, this involved a problem that made him very angry, but also helpless and sad.As his own authority in Jingzhou and Yangzhou has become increasingly powerful, and he has even gradually gained the support of local celebrities in Yangzhou, this has definitely threatened Liu Bei's authority to a certain extent. It poses a great challenge to Liu Bei.

In addition, Yangzhou is too far away from Chengdu.

Liu Chan is now completely in charge of all military and political affairs in Yangzhou, and even elders like Zhang Fei have become less prestigious in the army than Liu Chan. Another point is that the two huge naval forces of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng are also in the army. Under the leadership of Liu Chan.

Looking at it this way, the military power in Liu Chan's hands is really too great. It can even be said that the area directly controlled by Liu Bei is actually the northern part of Yizhou, which is not enough to have the scope of a state.But his son Liu Chan is now in control, except for a small Nanyang County in Cao Wei's hands, there are two full states.

Liu Chan's influence and scope of domination over the land of the Shu Han is already far greater than that of Liu Bei.

Historically, the rivalry between father and son in the royal family due to the struggle for power has happened time and time again, just like commonplace.Because a person who can pose a threat to his own power, as a king, is absolutely impossible to allow him to exist.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the above situation that Liu Chan is now feeling anxious again. Does Liu Bei's boycott of his request this time mean that he is shaking himself up?

If this is the case, then is Liu Bei going to start suppressing himself next?Moreover, with the complete cessation of the fighting in Yangzhou, those forces that oppose themselves will definitely start to distort and spread rumors about what happened during this period of time.

Thinking of these things, Liu Chan really felt dizzy.

He suddenly discovered that the war against Jiangdong he led was a big test, but what he didn't expect was that he would have to accept a new test so soon when this side hadn't settled down completely.

Therefore, Liu Chan decided that he should actively fight for a position for himself.He didn't want to file a letter to Chengdu, but he decided to file a letter to defend himself, because since Liu Bei might be knocking on him, he must also fight back to a certain extent.

Moreover, he must also start to show empress Wu those who oppose him, let them know that his status as the son of the world is absolutely impossible to be shaken, and his majesty Liu Chan is also not to be offended. of!

(End of this chapter)

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