The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 898 Adding an official to the rank

Chapter 898 Adding Officials to Nobles ([-])

Due to Liu Bei's ascension to the throne, the establishment of the corresponding institutions of the Shu Han has undergone considerable changes, and the positions of corresponding officials have also undergone considerable changes, and the official positions of most people have naturally been improved accordingly.

Wu Cheng justifiably became Empress Wu, commanding the harem.

Unsurprisingly, Zhuge Liang became the prime minister of the Shu Han, acted as Liu Bei's agent in state affairs, opened the government, and appointed various officials by himself, but the title remained unchanged.

Among them, Zhang Yi continued to emerge in the Shu Han, and became the chief minister of the prime minister's mansion from then on.And Jiang Wan also began to emerge, but did not enter the prime minister's mansion, but entered the Shangshutai and served as Shangshulang.Yang Hong, Yang Xi and others also have their own uses, and each has a superior position.

Dong He continued to do the same work as he did in General Zuo's mansion, and became one of the three lords. He opened the mansion and distributed some of Zhuge Liang's military management rights. In name, he became the highest officer of the entire Shu Han army.

Xu Jing served as Liu Chan's Taifu, but it has always been an idle job.

Shang Shutai learned that the system on Cao Wei's side remained unchanged and was allowed to continue to exist.

Fazheng continued to serve as Shangshuling of Shangshutai and was directly responsible to Liu Bei.Liu Ba served as the most important Duzhi Shangshu of the Liucao Shangshu, and also received Zuo Pushe, the adjutant of the Shangshuling, whose status was slightly inferior to Fazheng.Mi Zhu served as Minister of the Ministry of Officials and led the right servant to shoot.Ma Liang was recruited and served as Zuo Min Shangshu.However, because Jingzhou needed his governance, he did not go to Chengdu to take up the post, and he remained as a servant.The other three Caos among the six Caos are temporarily absent.

Because of Zhang Fei's outstanding military exploits, he was added as Marquis of Xixiang and served as Sikong, one of the three princes. He was dismissed from the position of Jiangzhou prefect, but continued to lead the army to fight against Jiaozhou.Once he returns to Chengdu, it is possible that he will set up a government office.

Ma Chao's situation is quite special. He was originally a Hussar general and a township lord, and there was almost no room for advancement, so it was not his part to be promoted to rank.But Liu Bei still gave various awards.

Li Yan was appointed in another way. He served as the Ting Wei of the Shu Han Dynasty. He turned from matters of admonition to the work of criminal and prison litigation, and became the highest justice of the Shu Han Dynasty and one of the genuine Jiuqing.

The highest censor doctor in Jiuqing, known as the second only to the prime minister, is in charge of the evaluation of officials and the important responsibility of impeachment.Because of Li Yan's transfer, he couldn't find a suitable candidate for a while, and in the end Jian Yong, a casual person, took up the post temporarily.I'm afraid this is not a suitable appointment.

Wu Yi was promoted to Shaofu, became Liu Bei's "housekeeper", added Tinghou, and became one of the veritable nine ministers.Among them, Empress Wu is very suspected of exerting force from it.In this way, the Wu brothers and sisters are in charge of Liu Bei's family.

Although Wei Yan hadn't made any military achievements recently, he was favored by Liu Bei, and his official position was promoted again. He became the rear general and continued to lead the prefect of Hanzhong.

Zhao Yun continued to serve as the leader of the Central Committee, and everything remained the same.

The rest of the generals and many veterans who stayed in Chengdu also received corresponding promotions and awards, but we will not mention them for a while.

At the same time, Chengdu also sent a call to Jiangdong, wanting to appoint Gu Yong as Doctor Guanglu.

This is a promising position, known as the emperor's close minister, and Guang Luxun, one of the nine ministers, is often selected from among the Guanglu doctors.After careful consideration and some persuasion by Liu Chan, Gu Yong soon took office in Chengdu, only one step away from the position of Jiuqing.

Taichang, who is in charge of important matters such as sacrifices, is also one of the nine ministers, so he recruited Zhang Zhao, who is also far away in Jiangdong, to take up the post.But Zhang Zhao couldn't go because he was old and the road to Shu was difficult.But Chengdu still let him take up the post too often, but it is not necessary to go to Chengdu to take up the post.

Then, Chengdu also recruited Yan Yan to Chengdu as an admonishing doctor at the same time.Yan Yan was unwilling, and he still refused to be recruited three times in a row, which showed that he still couldn't let go of his face.So, Chengdu had to give up.

Therefore, the Chengdu side immediately sent a letter to Liu Chan to ask, who is more suitable for Dasinong, one of the nine ministers, who is still in a state of absence.With the arrival of this official letter, it shows how important Liu Chan's weight in Shu Han is.

After careful consideration, Liu Chan himself made a very surprising decision. He actually elected Liu Ji as the post of Jiuqing.Even Gu Yong, who was originally a high-ranking and powerful man in Jiangdong, was only second to Jiuqing after he arrived in Chengdu. How could Liu Ji be more powerful than Gu Yong?

But Liu Chan's reason for recommendation is still convincing.Because when Liu Ji was in Jiangdong, he had been engaged in this area of ​​affairs, and he was very skilled in business.These recommendations are now more inclined to consider relevant capabilities rather than personal reputation.So, Liu Bei finally agreed.

As for Yu Fan, Wei Teng and others, because they also contributed to the Shu Han army's conquest of Jiangdong, although they have not been called for the time being, most of them have been added as lieutenants.However, according to the news from Liu Chan, because of his profound knowledge, Yu Fan is likely to serve as secretary Lang in Shuhan, in charge of the palace book records.

Due to the establishment of the Shu Han Dynasty this time, the setting of central officials also took care of Jiangdong people from various factions such as Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong, Yan Yan, and Liu Ji. I got a little balance in my heart, and I didn't have any complaints because of it.It can be seen that fair consideration of the interests of all parties is a very important matter in politics.

Moreover, with the establishment of the Shuhan Dynasty, the war gradually ended, and it was time for those who established military merits in Liu Chan's army to reward their meritorious deeds.

The Prime Minister's Mansion and Da Sima's Mansion originally evolved from the original General Zuo's Mansion. At this time, although the Da Sima Mansion is said to be a mansion, it is still working together with the Prime Minister's Mansion, and most of them are still the original team. .After all, the Shu Han was limited by geographical and population constraints, and many official positions were actually established in name only, such as the Da Sima Mansion.

Therefore, they have already started preparing for this aspect.

Therefore, the generals under Liu Chan's command and other meritorious persons were also rewarded.

Although Liu Chan has made great contributions as the commander-in-chief, but because he has become the prince of the Shu Han, of course he has nothing to do with the next reward.

The first person in Chengdu to be crowned was not Yu Jin who had made great contributions, nor Guan Xing who had helped Liu Chan greatly, but Quan Cong.

Liu Chan had a premonition of this a long time ago. At that time, he thought that it would be difficult for the Chengdu side to reward Quan Cong, a general who is too young but has made great contributions.

The same seems to be the case. After careful consideration in Chengdu, Quan Cong was named General Wei. This is a very high-ranking general who is inferior to general chariots, but higher than the former general. It is one level higher than Wei Yan's general. .

Moreover, Quan Cong also became one of the only three township lords in Shu Han, after Ma Chao and Zhang Fei, and he was conferred the title of Pingxiang Marquis!In addition, rewards such as Shu brocade and gold were also sent together.

(End of this chapter)

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