Chapter 9
After nightfall, Liu Chan took five hundred Jingzhou soldiers and escorted nearly two thousand rebels to Zhang Fei's camp.

It turned out that Zhang Fei left 500 people to take prisoners in order to continue chasing the bandits.And Liu Chan saw that Zhang Fei's march was too fast, knowing that he had always been pampered, and it was impossible for him to march continuously for hundreds of miles, so he simply stayed to catch the prisoners.

Moreover, Liu Chan still had his own little calculations in his heart. It felt good to chase the enemy, but how could he gain as much spoils as here?Merit is about the number of booty and prisoners, not about chasing the enemy for thousands of miles and getting nothing.Liu Chan smiled strangely while waving goodbye to Zhang Fei who was gradually going away...

Zhang Fei's camp is nearly a hundred miles away from Zaonan Village, and there is a mountain in front of him called Baling Mountain.Those thieves disappeared there, and they should have fled into the mountains.

In fact, the Baling Mountain is not a particularly tall mountain range, it just looks quite towering due to its proximity to the plains.

However, this mountain is crisscrossed with lush trees, mostly pine trees. If the enemy lays an ambush on the mountain, or simply sets fire to the mountain.Because pine trees are extremely easy to ignite trees, and the weather is dry now, once they are surrounded by fire, even thousands of troops will die.

It was dusk when Zhang Fei's men and horses chased here.The setting sun slanted against the western sky, only the jackdaws were on the branches, crying hoarsely about the hunger in their stomachs.

The soldiers were already feeling quite tired after fighting all day, so they had to stay here temporarily.

Only then did Liu Chan get off his horse, with a smug smile on his face, and a soldier led the way to Zhang Fei's camp.Thinking of the scene of being praised by Zhang Fei later, and how the second uncle who was as majestic as a god of war looked at him in admiration when he returned to Jiangling in the future, "Hey..." Liu Chan couldn't help laughing coming. ?
Before Liu Chan took a few steps, he saw Zhang Fei coming to greet him in person.Seeing the smile on Liu Chan's face, Zhang Fei walked up to him, patted Liu Chan's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "Ah Dou, today is really thanks to you, otherwise your third uncle's It’s going to be a lot of trouble. Also, even those few cold arrows of yours have made great contributions! If it weren’t for your skill, we might still be defeated today.”

Being in front of Zhang Fei is different from being in front of others, you can be proud if you should be proud, Liu Chan said with a smile: "Uncle, otherwise, why don't you ask me to be your military advisor?"

Zhang Fei was in a very good mood, and said jokingly, "It's not bad for you to be a dog-headed military advisor."

Liu Chan chuckled, not taking it to heart, and said with a smile: "If you don't want to do it, don't do it. But you must remember my first achievement! When I return to Jiangling, I can have a good reputation in front of my second uncle." !"

Zhang Fei laughed again, then took Liu Chan's hand and walked towards his tent together.

After entering the tent, Liu Chan asked, "Third Uncle, what is the origin of those bandits?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "This has not been found yet."

Liu Chan rolled his eyes and said, "Second Uncle, my nephew has captured so many prisoners for you today, don't waste them, just use them for trial!" It is a pity that he took all the credit for capturing the prisoners to himself. He just stood aside and watched the excitement, without even moving his hands...

Zhang Fei nodded, and immediately interrogated the surrendered soldiers.After interrogating more than a dozen thieves, they learned the origin of this group of robbers.It turned out that this group of bandits were the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army back then, and belonged to the Black Mountain Army system led by Zhang Yan, no wonder they were so arrogant!
In its heyday, the Black Mountain Army was known as millions, dominating the Jizhou side, and even the officers and soldiers dared not conquer it.Their leader, Zhang Yan, was a man of courage and strategy. When Cao Cao attacked Yuan Shao in the north, he joined Cao's army in the Battle of Guandu.

Originally, after Zhang Yan was recruited, his Yellow Turban Army became officers and soldiers accordingly.However, some generals broke away from Zhang Yan to establish their own family, did not join Cao Cao's camp, and continued to live a happy life of killing officials and rebelling.

The white-skinned man commanding the battle was Fu Yun Fu Tian Yuan, the former general under Zhang Yan's seat.This person has always been selfish and unscrupulous in doing things, so he was not liked by Zhang Yan.After Fu Yun saw that Zhang Yan was appointed, but he was only appointed as a small captain, he was extremely dissatisfied, so he led thousands of people out, occupied a mountain, and continued to be his commander. The King of the Mountain is coming.

However, this person is indeed quite resourceful. In just a few years, he expanded the team to tens of thousands of people!Later, after Liao Hua, who belonged to the Yellow Turban Army, bid farewell to Guan Yu, he led his troops to join Fuyun's cottage and became the second leader.

At that time, Cao Cao was the governor of Jizhou. Seeing the momentum of the floating clouds, he couldn't turn a blind eye even if he wanted to.He sent General Jin to go out to fight, and it took less than a month to defeat it.In the following days, Fuyun and Liao Hua fled around in order to avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers, and only occupied Baling Mountain after arriving in Jingzhou.Taking advantage of the melee between Cao, Liu, and Sun, they quickly gained a foothold and quickly expanded their team. Now they have gathered nearly 1 people.

After receiving the news, Liu Chan had to sigh with emotion that these Yellow Turban Army marches and fights are not good, but the kung fu of the strong men is indeed unparalleled in the world!

However, why are these remnants of the Yellow Turban so bold and dare to design the government's army?This question is still puzzling.

However, Liu Chan was still careful, and he got an important message from a young man: half a month ago, a group of businessmen came to Baling Village and asked to see Fuyun.After the two parties discussed behind closed doors for one night, Fuyun actually sent them down the mountain respectfully.This is not like Fuyun's style at all.

At this time, the first thought that flashed in Liu Chan's mind was: These businessmen must be spies of the enemy country!But he was not sure where they came from as spies.

Jiangling is very close to Xiangyang occupied by Cao Cao, and also very close to Xishu, guarding the entrance of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.Since Jiangling is close to the Yangtze River, it is easy for Sun Quan's people to come here along the river if they pretend to be businessmen.It's just that Liu Zhang has been destroyed by Liu Bei now, so he doesn't have the ability to come to Jingzhou to make troubles and drag Liu Bei back.Then it seems that only Cao Cao and Sun Quan are more suspected.

However, due to the lack of information, Liu Chan really couldn't analyze which of the two parties those businessmen belonged to.He suggested to Zhang Fei that it would be best to send someone back to Jiangling to report the matter to Mr. Ma Liang. He is now the number one think tank in Jingzhou, and I believe he should be able to figure it out with his wisdom.

In fact, the reason why Liu Chan was able to boldly admit his own shortcomings was because he knew that even if his talents were mediocre, as long as the courtiers under him were virtuous and talented, it would mean that he was virtuous and talented.

This point has already been best verified by Liu Bei: Liu Bei is not as good as Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong in terms of intelligence; in terms of force, I am afraid that he will die at the hands of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun within three moves.But these people have been loyal to them all their lives, and the reason is that Liu Bei understands his own abilities and knows people well.

Zhang Fei knew what Liu Chan said, and it was a safe way, so he immediately arranged for people to go back to Jiangling City to report.

But Liu Chan asked Zhang Fei again: "Third Uncle, it takes nearly a day for this letter to go back and forth, so what should we do tomorrow?"

Zhang Fei thought for a while and said: "The Yellow Turban Rebellion has passed for more than [-] years, but the remnants of it are still not wiped out, which shows how poisonous it is! The third uncle will lead the army into the mountains tomorrow, and it must be completely wiped out. Otherwise, let it go." If it continues to grow, there will be no peace in the Jingzhou territory in the future!"

But Liu Chan said with a smile: "My nephew has heard about the Yellow Turban Army. However, since Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army surrendered the Cao bandits, the Yellow Turban Army's vitality has been exhausted. The remaining Yellow Turban Army is no longer under the leadership of Zhang Jiao. Those yellow scarf soldiers with ideals and beliefs can only be called "bandits" who rob houses. So you don't have to take it too seriously, third uncle."

Hearing that Zhang Fei called out Dashan, he almost hugged Liu Chan and kissed him fiercely, but Liu Chan tried his best to resist and he didn't succeed.

At this time, soldiers outside the tent came in to report.When they were patrolling, they saw a person outside the camp looking into the camp in a panic in the dark.They were afraid that it was the spies of bandits who came to spy on the military situation, so they arrested him.

Zhang Fei ordered the detailed work to be brought up for interrogation, and he saw a thin man who was tied up and dragged into the tent by two soldiers.That person was also afraid of death, his face was pale with fright, he just knelt down on the ground, his whole body was limp, and he could hardly stand upright.

Zhang Fei and Liu Chan couldn't help but look at each other and smile when they saw the man acting cowardly.Then, Zhang Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped the case hard, demanding that the person report his name.

That man had already seen Zhang Fei's majesty on the battlefield today, and now he was terrified by Zhang Fei's yelling.What's very interesting is that while begging Zhang Fei to spare his life and not to kill him, this person gave his name, Liu Gou, at the same time, making people feel that this person is really a bit funny.

And Liu Chan felt really disgusted seeing this Liu Gou being so useless.He couldn't help but got up from his seat and shouted, "Don't cry, if you cry any more, I'll kill you!"

Liu Gou immediately fell to the ground in fright, but when he soon realized that it was a boy's voice, he secretly looked up at the hall.Liu Chan had already sat back beside Zhang Fei, his body was blocked by Zhang Fei's black shadow, how could he still see it?

"Am I hallucinating?" Liu Gou muttered in a low voice.But Zhang Fei and the guards in the tent almost couldn't help laughing when they saw that Liu Chan was so intimidating at such a young age.

Zhang Fei held back his laughter and asked Liu Gou to explain his background clearly.No, Liu Gou confessed that he was a servant of Liao Hua Liao Village Master of Baling Village, and he was here to deliver a letter to General Zhang Fei.Of course Zhang Fei remembered Liao Hua who was the only one who could block him on the battlefield, so he asked Liu Gou to hand over the letter.

I don't want to, the "letter" Liu Gou mentioned is not a letter, but a verbal message, otherwise it would have been searched by the soldiers patrolling the camp.The content of that message was actually very simple, Liao Hua wanted to ask Zhang Fei to meet at Juzishan at midnight tomorrow.

Zhang Fei sneered and said, "Without proof, just based on your words, will this general believe it?" Liu Chan knew that after Zhang Fei fell into the trap today, he became wary of these bandits, for fear that they would repeat the same trick. Come to deceive him.So he just listened and was not in a hurry to speak.

"My master said that he admired General Guan Yu the most in his life. General Zhang is Guan Houye's brother-in-law, and he will certainly not fail to go to the appointment without courage."

"Who said that a certain family has no guts!" Zhang Fei immediately burst into a rage, Leopard Ring's eyes were about to burst into flames, looking like he was going to eat people, it was really scary.Even if it was Liu Chan, he felt a little nervous watching from the side.And that Liu Gou was so frightened by Zhang Fei that he fell to the ground again, he really lived up to his name.

Liu Chan hastily pulled Zhang Fei's sleeve to signal him to calm down, then stood up and waved to the guards below, asking them to take Liu Gou down.Only then did Liu Gou realize that there was actually a boy sitting beside Zhang Fei, and he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

After Liu Gou went out, Liu Chan said to Zhang Fei, "Third Uncle, I think we should believe what Liu Gou said."

Zhang Fei wondered, "Why? Aren't you afraid that they will cheat again?"

"You may not know this Liao Hua, but my nephew does." Liu Chan told Zhang Fei the past between Guan Yu and Liao Hua.

"Why did the second brother never mention this matter?"

"It's not an honorable thing, the past is the past, not to mention that the second uncle is still such a proud person! This Liao Hua should want to talk to you about working." Liu Chan said with a smile, "not to mention the bravery of the third uncle. , even if they have an ambush, what can they do with you?"

Liu Chan's flattery made Zhang Fei very happy, he couldn't help laughing, and finally agreed to see Liao Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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