Chapter 90
After Liu Chan decided to enter Jianye City again to deal with Mrs. Bu's mother and daughter, he didn't delay any longer. He immediately called the owner of the house and asked him to find some old clothes for himself and his guards.He is a wanted criminal now, and if he enters his capital, you should at least disguise himself, right?

But the owner of the house is just a poor fisherman. There are not many clothes in the house. How can there be so many rags for Liu Chan?Afterwards, the homeowner had no choice but to go door-to-door to find worn-out clothes, and finally found a barely-fitting child's clothes for Liu Chan, and six adult clothes.

Looking at the pile of tatters in front of him, almost turning into a pile of rags, emitting a strong musty smell, Liu Chan frowned like two small gutters.He also sighed in his heart, after searching the entire fishing village, he could only find these things!He couldn't help feeling sorry for the fishermen's lives.

Liu Chan walked over to pick up the one for himself. According to the owner, it used to be a green cloth garment.But in fact, it looks like a piece of black cloth that is not slippery!And at least eighteen small holes have appeared on it.

Liu Chan looked at it, and according to its style, it seemed that it was not a child's costume, but an adult's costume.In fact, ordinary people's life is like this. The clothes worn by the adults are reserved for the children, and the clothes worn by the older brothers are left for the younger ones to continue to wear.

It's not that Liu Chan's previous life, Yang Hansheng, has not experienced such a life, so he can quite understand the situation of these fishermen.So, he just gently put down the clothes—in fact, he didn't have the courage to smell the smell on them, and then asked the owner's wife to quickly take them to the river to wash them four or five times.He is not afraid that these rags will be washed into rags!
Such a big move by the owner has already alarmed all the residents of this small fishing village, so Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang couldn't hide it.Soon, Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang came to find him.

Zhao Feng couldn't understand Liu Chan's character very well.He never wastes time doing things that don't know what to do.If he really had spare time, he would definitely be more willing to lie quietly on the couch, staring at the ceiling above his head in a daze. It would be impossible for him to find any rags, not to mention he is a bit of a clean freak!So Zhao Feng already guessed in his heart that Liu Chan might have made another move this time.

When Liu Chan saw the two people entering the house, he knew the reason for their visit. He didn't wait for the two to ask, so he told them the ins and outs of the matter.

As the captain of Liu Chan's guard, Zhao Feng couldn't possibly approve of Liu Chan's risk taking, so he immediately stood up and objected: "My lord, I don't approve of you entering Jianye City. That would be too dangerous!"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said: "What you have to do now, first, select six of the best guards for me, and follow me into the city; second, I may stay in Jianye City for a while. In addition, you must be ready to pack your things and leave here at any time. I will send someone to deliver a letter to you, and then we will go to Ganlu Temple together!"

As soon as Liu Chan said this, it was clear that he no longer gave Zhao Feng a chance to argue.And Zhao Feng was caught in a dilemma for a while, because it was a good thing for Liu Chan to leave here, but of course he knew that the premise was to wait for the young master to finish the order!
Ou Yechang's demeanor was a bit abnormal.Although he has never been to Ganlu Temple, he probably knows where it is. Princess Sun Shangxiang lives there now.

Moreover, Zhao Feng had already told him that they were Liu Chan's guards, so although Ou Yechang was curious, he felt that the current state of the world might be really serious, and he didn't bother Zhao Feng and Liu Chan when he asked about it.

Zhao Feng thought about it, and felt that it would be more appropriate for the young master to leave here as soon as possible.He himself and Ou Yechang were already in good health, and now the pains on their bodies will soon pass, but the young master's safety must not be delayed.He had no choice but to say: "My lord, please let Zhao Feng go with you!"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Your loyalty is understandable, but you are injured and it is not convenient to move, so you should stay here for a few more days to cultivate. For the next ten days, we will have to hurry With that said, Liu Chan also looked at Ou Yechang, and nodded to him as a notification.

Ou Yechang also nodded to Liu Chan, expressing that he had no objection.In fact, his injury has recovered a little now, and the long journey may be hard for him, but as long as he can find a carriage for him from Jianye City, there shouldn't be any problems.

Zhao Feng knew that the young master's plan had always been thoughtful, so he no longer objected, and wanted to go out with Ou Yechang.But Liu Chan asked Ou Yechang to stay, because Ou Yechang was familiar with Jianye City, and Liu Chan needed to know more about the city from him.

Two days later, in the early morning, the weather was exceptionally good, the sun was already high, and the dazzling light made people warm, as if even the withered and yellow weeds on the ground would turn green again.

This kind of weather will always give people a paradoxical illusion: spring has come.In fact, calculated according to the season, spring is really far away.

Several soldiers guarding the city gate, wearing livery and holding weapons, leaned listlessly against the city gate and yawned, with tears still in their eyes.If these people didn't suffer from insomnia last night, they went to play cards all night again!
At this time, a few people in ragged clothes walked by the gate of the city. They were dirty and had holes all over their clothes. If they were worn in summer, they would be suitable, but it is winter now, so it looks too cold.

There were only seven of them, and among them was a half-grown child who was a bit thin and had a pair of big eyes blinking.

These people are clearly either beggars or disaster victims.The soldiers guarding the gate were used to such people, so they just glanced at them, not even interested in going forward to question them, so they let them enter the city swaggeringly.

After the seven people entered Jianye City, the pace of their feet immediately accelerated, and one could not help but feel that these beggars might have seen the bustling scene in the city and couldn't help but start begging.

But after these people turned the street and entered a secluded alley, the half-grown boy couldn't help but hopped and shouted: "Hasn't this clothes been washed many times? How come you wear it on your body? Has a bad smell?!"

In fact, what he didn't say was that the clothes not only smelled bad, but also couldn't keep him warm, so that he was about to freeze now—although today's weather is still warm, it's always cold in winter.

The six adults hurriedly took out a piece of blue cloth clothes from the package, handed them over respectfully and said: "Young master, please change your clothes first, so as not to freeze."

But this son is clearly Liu Chan!Liu Chan nodded, grabbed the clothes, took off the ragged clothes on his body, and threw them into the alley.After everyone changed their clothes, they really felt much more comfortable.

The guard who gave Liu Chan clothes asked, "Young Master, what should we do next?"

Of course, Liu Chan already had a plan in place and said, "Let's find a place to stay first. Then, you take three people to find out about Mrs. Bu and Sun Luban separately. I will take the remaining two to go work."

The guard promised that he was not Zhao Feng, so naturally he didn't dare to raise any objections to the young master's absoluteness.

So, the seven people found a small inn in a relatively remote place in Jianye City, and booked an entire wing inside.For such a large order, the price is naturally settled on a daily basis.Then, Liu Chan ordered the store to boil water for everyone to take a bath. The smell left on their bodies really gave people a headache.

After taking a bath, Liu Chan immediately felt refreshed.He didn't delay any longer, after all, every second left in Jianye City would be more dangerous.He immediately dispatched his men, took two guards with him, hired a carriage outside, and walked slowly towards the guard camp below the city.

Liu Chan naturally wanted to find Sun Huan.But why didn't Liu Chan go to Zhuge Qiao, but to go to Sun Huan?Of course there is a reason for this, Zhuge Qiao's current situation is definitely not suitable for Liu Chan to go to him.

But Sun Huan's situation is different.As a child of the Sun family, no one would suspect that he would collude with a group of water thieves.Moreover, this person is also very loyal, and he has a problem with Mrs. Bu, so Liu Chan can't be wrong to ask him for help.

But when Liu Chan came to the guard camp and asked the soldiers guarding the gate to pass the news, he learned that Sun Huan had been dismissed by the right governor Sun Jiao because he was implicated in the water thief incident, and now he is nestling at home thinking about his mistakes!
Liu Chan couldn't help feeling ashamed of Sun Huan, even so, it was rare that he was willing to contribute to Zhuge Qiao's affairs.He asked about Gu Tong again, not wanting that the man actually knew about it, and told Liu Chan that Gu Tong had been driven to the countryside.This made Liu Chan feel more guilty.

So, Liu Chan drove to Sun Huan's house and asked the gatekeeper to tell Sun Huan: There is an old friend outside the door asking to see him. Do you remember the game of guarding the camp that day?

The gatekeeper saw that Liu Chan was still young, but he spoke so maturely. Although he felt a little teased, he still entered the room respectfully to pass on the message.

Not a moment later, Liu Chan saw Sun Huan rushing out of it in a hurry.When he saw Liu Chan, he immediately exclaimed, then looked around vigilantly, and found that no one seemed to be following him, so he felt a little relieved.

Liu Chan smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Shuwu, I haven't seen you for a few days, are you okay?"

How could Sun Huan dare to be polite to Liu Chan? Without saying a word, he stepped forward and pulled Liu Chan into the house, and ordered the gatekeeper to lock the gate immediately.

Sun Huan asked in surprise, "My little brother, how dare you come here at this time! Do you know that Zhuge Ke is searching everywhere for information about you? You dared to live in Zhuge's mansion back then!"

Liu Chan said seriously: "Brother Shuwu, I'm not the leader of some pirates, it's Zhu and Bu who wronged me!"

"Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't have helped that Zhuge Qiao. However, you have already left, why are you back now?"

"Naturally, Mrs. Laibu and Sun Luban settled the score! You have to help me this time."

An angry look appeared on Sun Huan's face and he said, "Those two stinky girls really made Lao Tzu and Da Yuan miserable! It's a good time for you to come, and I intend to deal with them!"

Then, Sun Huan entered his study with Liu Chan on his arm, and the two began to discuss strategies.

(End of this chapter)

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