Chapter 906
The spring of Zhang Wu's third year is about to pass.

As the political situation in the Jiangdong area has become increasingly stable under Liu Chan's various effective measures, Liu Chan immediately wrote to Chengdu.

Liu Chanbiao Wen Hui became the governor of Yangzhou, in charge of Jiangdong's affairs.Since Wen Hui's performance in the early stage was excellent, it can be said to be obvious to all in Jiangdong, so there should not be many people who oppose it at this time;

Biao Yujin was the prefect of Danyang County, and his administrative office was changed to Moling City, responsible for military and political affairs in Danyang County;
General Biaowei and Hou Quancong of Pingxiang were the commanders of the navy, and they were in charge of all the Shuhan navy in the Yangtze River waters. .

General Biao Annan and Xu Sheng, Marquis of Duting, became the prefect of Wujun, and he was removed from the post of governor of Lukou Port. Chen Biao, who surrendered to Dantu, was appointed governor of Lukou Port.

After Dantu was besieged by Xiong Ping's troops for nearly a year, he had to go out of the city to surrender because the city ran out of ammunition and food, and Chen Biao immediately became General Yingyang.Because of his loyalty, Liu Chan valued him very much, so Chen Biao was appointed governor of Lukou Port this time.The official position has not changed, but the power in his hands has grown.

Biao Maliang served as the governor of Jingzhou, and the official position of the original Shangshuling remained unchanged, and the addition of servants remained unchanged.

Biao Wangfu was the general of the gangsters, and he continued to stay in Xiangyang City to assist Guan Xing.

Biao Pan Jun was the prefect of Jiangling City, and he resigned from the former Jingzhou Zhizhong.

Biao re-enables the step of prey and takes up the post of governor of Jiaozhou, Jialiehou.Bu Zhi is a talented person. After being amnesty, he was not immediately employed like Gu Yong and others, but stayed at home all the time.Now is the time to let him shine again.

Biao reactivated Lu Dai, the former Jiangdong Army General Fenwu, as General Fenwei to replace Deng Ai, who had been stationed in Jiaozhou, to suppress the local aborigines and guard against the troops in Champa.Deng Ai needs to lead half of the army and return to Moling City to serve under Liu Chan's command.

The table re-enables Zhuge Jin, the former Jiangdong Zuo General, as Shangshutai Bing Cao Shangshu. The official position setting of the original Shangshutai Liucao Shangshu is incomplete, and Zhugejin is used to supplement Bingcao.Kan Ze and Wei Teng served as chief historians and book assistants in Shi Guangyuan's subordinate department.

Biao reactivated Lu Xun, the former governor of the three armies of the Jiangdong Army, as a military adviser and entered Liu Chan's command.Lu Xun, who Liu Chan has always been thinking about, can finally be used by Liu Chan justifiably at this time.

Sun Huan, the former general of Anton in the east of the Yangtze River, was the general of Pingnan, the Marquis of Jiadu Ting, and entered Chengdu to listen to him.In this way, one can show the tolerance of the Shu Han regime to the Sun family, and the other can get Sun Huan, who is still more appealing from the Sun family, out of Jiangdong.

Biao re-appointed the former Jiangdong doctor Yan Yan as an admonishing doctor and entered Chengdu to work.

The table re-appointed Lu Fan, the former general of the Jiangdong Army, as General Jianwei, and went to Chengdu to listen to him.

Biao reactivated Meng Da, the former prefect of Xincheng who was demoted to slavery because of the killing of Liu Feng, as the bastard son of the prince.This appointment should be said to be Liu Chan's repayment to Meng Da. As a close minister of the prince, he should have a bright future in the future. The hardships he has suffered in the past few years are worth it.

Biao Yufan was appointed as the head of Kuaiji Mountain, and he was allowed to open a new type of college in Moling City, with a system similar to that of the National Academy of Medicine.The so-called head of Kuaiji Mountain is not an official position, but a position like the head of the National Academy of Medicine, which is a name set by Yu Fan himself, so it is just a report to Chengdu.

The funds needed for the establishment of the college were partly provided by the Jiangdong wealthy family.

The other part of the funds was almost settled soon after.

Because Liu Chan set up the "Da Ren Tong Company" jointly established by the four major Jing merchants with some shares from his family, it has been in operation for nearly a year, so he can ask them for help, and I believe they will provide certain benefits. s help.The college is located in the city of Moling, so it competes with Chengdu's National Academy of Medicine one east and one west.

Biao reactivated Zhang Wen and entered the prime minister's mansion to listen to him; Ling Tong served as a partial general, and under Yu Jin's command he served as a soldier in Danyang County.It should be said that Ling Tong was demoted to use; He Qi's younger brother, Jiang Dongjia, appointed He Jing as General Polu, and entered Quan Cong's command.

In the end, only Han Dang was not reactivated because of his old age at this time, and most of the rest had their own homes again.

As a result, almost all those people in Jiangdong who were idle but had certain abilities and influence were snatched by the Shu Han.In this way, the situation in Jiangdong will become more worry-free.

Liu Chan actually had another purpose for arranging Jiangdong's talents in this way.Because Zhang Yi, who served as the soldier of Wuling County, has recently sent a lot of military affairs reports to Liu Chan, saying that Sha Moke, who is Wuxi barbarian, has recently started to move around again.Zhang Ni's 5000 troops, after three years of training, are very capable in mountain warfare, and have broken out many small battles with the small Wuxi Man army that came out to plunder the Han people.

In addition, the army in Liu Chan's hands has not fought a war for some years, and the food and grass in his hands at this time are sufficient, so he decided that it was time to defeat Shamoko in one fell swoop.

That's why Liu Chan took pains to continue to stabilize Jiangdong's rear, rearranged the relevant personnel layout in Jiaozhou and Jingzhou, and even transferred Deng Ai from Jiaozhou to his side.He is going to lead the army into Jingzhou to fight.

Therefore, before the above list was drawn up, Liu Chan had already ordered Zhang Ni's men to conduct intensive investigations on the movements of the Wuxi Man for more than a month.

With the introduction of this list and the appointment of all the above-mentioned people by Chengdu, Liu Chan immediately sent an order to the whole army to recruit military adviser Lu Xun, General Dangkou, Meng Xi who joined the army, and General Pingrong Deng Ai, and the three went out with the army.Guan Suo, the general of the Dangkou in Xiangyang County, was recruited, and some Xiangyang troops went south to join Liu Chan's army and serve under Liu Chan's command.

However, Gai Meng and Xiong Ping's cavalry were not recruited by Liu Chan.This is mainly because Liu Chan's use of troops against the Wuxi barbarians this time, the battlefield is inevitably in the Wuling mountainous area, where the hills are crisscrossed, which is not suitable for cavalry use at all.Moreover, Liu Chan had already transferred them to Xiangyang County, and it was of little use for the cavalry to stay in Jiangdong.

But just when Liu Chan announced his rebellion, a very unexpected thing happened.But this unexpected situation did not appear in the army, but in the list given to Chengdu.

Liu Chan was suddenly told by Zhuge Qiao that many people outside were discussing the list, saying that a well-known person in Jiangdong was missing from it.

Liu Chan smiled and told Zhuge Qiao that there are many people in Jiangdong who have not been reactivated, such as Lu Xun's uncle Lu Ji, so don't worry about those rumors.

But after Zhuge Qiao said that person's name, Liu Chan was really stunned.Because that person is actually Gu Yong's eldest son, Gu Shao!

Liu Chan remembered clearly that he let Gu Shao go at that time, but thousands of times told him to leave Jiangdong with Sun Shangxiang!Afterwards, after Liu Chan entered Moling City, he always thought so.But what Zhuge Qiao said now shows that Gu Shao has not left Jiangdong!

Liu Chan immediately confirmed Gu Shao's whereabouts to Zhuge Qiao.Sure enough, he was still in Moling City, and passed three years in silence under Liu Chan's nose, yet Gu Yong never mentioned this matter to Liu Chan!
But these are not the main points. Why does Liu Chan care about Gu Shao? What he really cares about is Sun Shangxiang!
Liu Chan suddenly felt dizzy, but there was actually a little bit of surprise in his heart, and he could also see Sun Shangxiang's surprise!
But Liu Chan was also yelling at Gu Shao as a bastard in his heart, and Sun Shangxiang might be in danger in the future.So, he immediately went to Gu Yong's house in person, and sure enough, he saw Gu Shao and Sun Shangxiang.

The moment Liu Chan saw Sun Shangxiang, he couldn't help but burst into tears after all.

Therefore, in order to ensure that Sun Shangxiang would not be harmed by Liu Bei or even Queen Wu's people, Liu Chan had to strengthen the protection of Gu's family.

On the one hand, he sent people to find Zuo Fu and Huang Quan who had gone to be knights again, and even asked Zhao Feng to find Ou Yechang, the number one swordsman in Jiangdong who had been living in seclusion in Ganlu Temple in Beigu Mountain, and asked Han Long to send thirty Many rangers rushed to Moling City, and these people constituted the force to protect Sun Shangxiang's family.

Because Ou Yechang received great help from Sun Shangxiang when he was recuperating his arm injury at the Ganlu Temple, it was considered a life-saving grace for him, and he had already made friends with Zhao Feng, so he came at the first move.

After such an arrangement, Liu Chan finally had the thought to send troops to Wuling County.

(End of this chapter)

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