The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 918 Suppressing the Rebellion

Chapter 918 Suppressing the Rebellion
The spring of the fourth year of Zhang Wu is a season that symbolizes the recovery of all things.The temperature has also become more comfortable, but the climate in Chengdu is still humid and foggy.

It has only been two or three months since Liu Chan took over the imperial line, just like in early spring, it seems to mean that everything is just beginning.

The Shu Han court lost their first emperor within less than three years of its initial establishment.Then, the new successor seemed to ascend the throne in a hurry, and then it took a month or two to do all the things that should be done in the early stage of his ascension.

Some people may think that the situation has been settled and politics has stabilized, so they can finally take the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

But in fact, the reality is very skinny, and it is not as beautiful as imagined, because the reality is always harsher.

The emperor's age is really too young, he is only the only age.But today's world is an era when two heroes are side by side. The battle between Shu Han and Cao Wei will eventually be one that swallows the other.

Cao Pi of Cao Wei was the first person to be enthroned in the Three Kingdoms era. He used it for more than three years. Although his health has always been poor, although he has always been criticized for being greedy, greed has always been the emperor's True color is not a very offensive thing.The most important thing is that Cao Pi has used this time to successfully prove one thing to his people: he is a qualified emperor.

Therefore, even if Cao Pi abolished the Han emperor and usurped the throne of the Han Dynasty, it caused a lot of resentment.But that soon became a passing cloud, and people seemed to have quickly forgotten the Han emperor who had been doing nothing and was just a doll. In the days to come, he was an unwanted person.

Since it is not needed, it is understandable for Cao Pi to kick him away.

Therefore, Cao Wei's current ruling foundation has actually become more and more stable.

Liu Chan can't do it here.Because since he ascended the throne, in addition to organizing his own ascension, he has to deal with Liu Bei's funeral, and then he has to deal with Empress Wu's affairs.He has just ascended the throne now, so it is absolutely impossible to attack Empress Wu. The two things of "benevolence" and "filial piety" are too important.If a person is not handled well, his notoriety will deepen, and even a person who is an emperor will be doomed forever.

Therefore, even though Liu Chan has resentment towards Empress Wu now, he still cannot abolish Empress Wu, and even respects her as empress dowager.Yes, the title can be given to Wu Shi, but he doesn't want her to appear in front of the world again.

Therefore, Liu Chan can of course put Wu under house arrest and completely lose contact with the outside world.This is a different kind of punishment, a decent punishment.Wu has no power to resist this, and can only beg Liu Chan to treat her two sons better.

Liu Chan didn't nod in agreement, but he didn't refuse either, because Liu Bei had already made preparations for Liu Yong and Liu Li before he died.What's more, he didn't have any evil thoughts towards the two children in the first place, and it was only their mothers who had a bad relationship with Liu Chan.

Therefore, the two children were left in the palace by Liu Chan to continue living, but they were strictly forbidden to see their mother again.Although this is a bit cruel, it will not be affected by their mother's venomous thoughts, and there will be no need for brothers to turn against each other in the future.

Therefore, although Liu Chan did not personally raise the two younger brothers, to some extent, he also became a parent of a teenager at this time.He must support the entire royal family, and must support the entire Shu Han world.

But in this world, three-fourths of it was bought by him himself with his young hands and the lives of countless dead soldiers, whether it was the lives of the Shu Han army or the enemy.

Few people can understand that at an age when a child should be acting like a baby at the knees of his parents, he has to follow a group of adults and a group of murderous generals every day to face bloody killings and killings. What is the feeling of the bloody scene afterwards?And what kind of mind does a child who has experienced in that environment grow up to have?

Therefore, there are still many, many people who don't understand the young emperor Liu Chan, nor do they know what kind of new emperor this is, what kind of talents he has, and what kind of revenge he has; of course, what else does he have? Such decision-making ability.

However, these people know that they have an ambition that is difficult to suppress.

This kind of ambition prompted them to ignore Liu Chan's countless military achievements for the Shu Han over the years, but they could only see that Liu Chan was just a young emperor who had just ascended the throne.

As a result, their ambitions will finally begin to be revealed, and they want to achieve power that should not belong to them.

When the spring of the fourth year of Zhangwu just arrived, Jiaozhou, Jingzhou, and even Yizhou issued commendations to Chengdu for showing signs of local instability.

The meaning of instability, in fact, had a very clear meaning in that era, that is, there might be an armed rebellion in the local area.

Only Jiangdong, after a series of political reconciliations by Liu Chan, has become the most stable place where the most unstable place should have occurred.Should this be a miracle, or was it just an accident?

But no matter what, things have to be done. Liu Chan immediately held a court meeting to discuss countermeasures, and soon asked the Da Sima Mansion and the Prime Minister's Mansion to formulate comprehensive countermeasures to prevent possible armed rebellions in the future.

Liu Chan's judgment on this is clear, as long as the relevant plans are made, and when the incident is imminent, everyone is ready to deal with it, so who is afraid of whom!

In the spring and February of the fourth year of Zhangwu, the wife county of Yizhou County was the first to have an accident.There are four powerful families in the local area: Wang, Li, Gao, and Ma Nai are powerful and powerful families for many generations.Among them, the Li family and the Gao family have produced more talents from generation to generation, and a large number of family members entered the government to take up official positions. Even when the Shu Han has been fighting against powerful forces, they still have nothing to do with them.

Therefore, this time, the Gao family led the Ma family and rebelled together.

The problem is that the Gao clan is so powerful in the local area that in addition to their tyrant status for many generations, they also have a trilogy of generations!

In other words, the Gao clan has had its own private armed forces for many lifetimes!And this time they used their own private armed forces to set off an armed rebellion first in the territory of the Shu Han!

Then, news of the rebellion of the local Yi people also came from Jiangzhou.

There was also news from Jiaozhou that the Shanyue people rebelled and Zhancheng suddenly sent troops to provoke the Shu Han army.It seems that the news that the Shu Han had just changed to a new emperor had quickly spread to Champa.

The noble families in Jingzhou were wiped out by Pan Jun, and that was a few years ago.However, it was precisely because the wounds caused to them at that time had not fully healed that they thought of taking advantage of the current regime change to retaliate against the Shu Han.

There are also signs of instability in Wuxi Man.

The Li family of the Guan family in Hanzhong is a big family known for its scholarly family. After Liu Chan conquered Hanzhong last time, it survived Wei Yan's suppression of the rebellion.But it is precisely because of this that it is easy to create a situation where the Li clan dominates Hanzhong, and it also promotes the rapid expansion of their clan's ambitions.

Therefore, after they learned that the rebellion broke out in Wife County, they also raised their troops, although they were indeed the last family to raise their troops.

Finally, and actually the worst news, is that the south of Yizhou is the most concentrated area of ​​barbarians, and signs of instability have begun to appear there.

Liu Chan knew how powerful they were.Although Zhuge Liang captured Menghuo seven times and captured Menghuo seven times in history, in the early days of Liu Chan's succession to the throne, those barbarians did break out in a large-scale armed rebellion, and even almost reached Chengdu at one point.

But fortunately, Liu Chan always has a battle plan ready.All the troops under his command were already ready to be dispatched at any time to suppress the rebellion by force.

Therefore, the Shu Han army defending Chengdu around Chengdu first dispatched an army of 5000 people, led by Yang Hong in the governance of Yizhou, and it took only one month to completely wipe out the armed rebellion in Zixian County.

Moreover, Liu Chan did it very well, and immediately issued an edict:

In the first item, all the private armed forces of the four great families in Zuxian County were naturalized to serve in the Shu Han army;

Second, exile all the children of the wealthy families who participated in the rebellion;

The third item is to dismiss all the children of the four major families who are serving in counties and counties on the spot;

The fourth item is to announce the prohibition of private ownership of armed forces within the territory of the Shu Han army.Not only is it not allowed in Yizhou, but Jiangdong, which has a tradition of raising private soldiers, is also prohibited. The same is true for Jiaozhou and Jingzhou, otherwise they will all be punished for rebellion:
The fifth item is to prohibit the powerful and powerful families in the Shu Han territory from building any armed Ubud.In this way, the armed bases used by the powerful clan to resist the central military base are not allowed to exist.

According to the relevant laws and regulations of "Shu Ke", the content of the emperor's edict is equivalent to the clear legal provisions, and it is a law that can be used immediately for the zodiac.This is why the ancients always liked to say "You have no jokes", because the king's words are the law, and of course the law can't be trifled with.

Of course, the fourth and fifth terms appear to be vaguely defined.

Because the fourth item does not define the clear scope of "private armed forces".For example, the rangers in Han Long's family are all highly skilled in martial arts. Are they considered private armed forces?
According to the fifth item, some Ubuds were built in areas with many bandits.Most of them were built by the Han people for self-protection.

Then their existence is actually justified, because the central government cannot guarantee their safety, and of course they have the right to take self-protection measures.This is actually justified. It is the government's own fault. It has not taken responsibility for the people, but it is even more wrong to take measures against the people at this time.

But Liu Chan really didn't think of this at the time. His intention was mainly to set the above-mentioned contents in response to the armed rebellion of the powerful clan.However, with the implementation and promotion of these orders, the effect is not bad, so that some existing flaws are also covered up.

However, these flaws can always be left for future amendments to improve.These are not urgent yet.

Then the Jiangzhou army also dispatched to quell the rebellion.

Pan Jun, the prefect of Jiangling, raised his troops again, and once again only used 5000 troops to sweep away all the armed rebellions in and around Jiangling.

After Liu Chan successfully ascended the throne, Lu Xun led the army back to Wuling County according to Liu Chan's order.This time he assigned some of his troops to Zhang Yi.Immediately, Zhang Ni led his headquarters and support troops to enter the Wuxi barbarian settlement again to suppress the rebellion.

Lu Xun himself took Meng Xi with him, and the two had already led the army to station in the south of Luling County.After a large-scale rebellion and foreign invasion occurred in Jiaozhou, the two armies immediately entered Jiaozhou.

Since there was already an army led by Lu Dai in Jiaozhou, with the addition of Lu Xun's army, who else would be their opponent? Within one and a half months, they not only successfully suppressed the rebellion but also defeated the army of Champa, beheading eight enemies. thousand.

After the rebellions in various places were suppressed, Liu Chan immediately recruited some troops from Jiangdong into Yizhou, and together with Yizhou local troops defended Chengdu, in order to deal with the possible armed rebellion of the barbarian king Meng Huo.

(End of this chapter)

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