Chapter 921
After Liu Chan got married, because his own status had become more stable, he also felt that he could start to do some things.

Therefore, Liu Chan sent an order to Zuo Fu, Huang Quan, Ou Yechang and others who were protecting Gu Shao and Sun Shangxiang far away in Jiangdong, that the protection status of the Gu family could be lifted, and they all gave corresponding generous rewards.

Then, Liu Chan immediately issued an edict to Sun Shangxiang, and named him Lord Wuyang on the grounds that Sun Shangxiang had taken care of Liu Chan.It should be said that this is just adding an honorary title to Sun Shangxiang to show her identity, and there is no real benefit.Then, Gu Shao was ordered to be the governor of Wu County, under the prefect Xu Sheng.

This is the appointment issued by Liu Chan after careful consideration.It should be said that with Gu Shao's status, he should not only work in the local area, but Liu Chan felt that it was obviously inappropriate for Gu Shao to work in Chengdu.At that time, rumors will inevitably spread, not only Liu Chan will be exhausted to deal with it, but Gu Shao and Sun Shangxiang will also feel physically and mentally exhausted.Therefore, it is better for Gu Shao to stay in his own territory.

Moreover, Liu Chan has always wanted to let go of his fists and feet and do a lot in Shuhan.Now the time seems to be almost ripe, and I want to start various reforms.

First of all, in terms of national education, Liu Chan transferred Shi Guangyuan, the military commander of the Zhenjun, and the government office from Jiangling City back to Chengdu, and then greatly strengthened his powers. The issue of education is over, and we will start to take charge of the education of the entire Shu Han army.

Secondly, Shi Guangyuan was also ordered by Liu Chan to set up three professional non-commissioned officer training academies in Chengdu, Jiangling and Moling respectively.In addition, Shi Guangyuan will also assist Xu Sheng to build a military academy in Wu County to train military personnel in the navy.

As for this matter, since Gu Shao had just become Xu Sheng's long history, it was the best opportunity for him to show his skills and assist Xu Sheng to complete it.

Shi Guangyuan had already made preparations for these four military academies, so now that the edict is issued, they will soon enter the implementation stage.

Moreover, the funds for the construction of these military academies, of course, can no longer be funded almost entirely through private channels like the National Medical Academy and Yufan’s Kuaijishan Academy, which has completed and started enrolling students.Of course, it has to come from the central finance.

Therefore, Liu Chan specially summoned Duzhi Shangshu, Shangshu Zuopushe Liu Ba, and Zhenjun military commander Shi Guangyuan together to discuss the allocation of funds for this matter.

After the three of them discussed for a long time, Liu Chan asked Liu Ba to make an installment funding plan for the next three years for the construction of these military academies.Because the finances are actually gradually collected from the local government, when spending, it is almost impossible to pay all the funds in one go.What's more, this is still a large project that needs to be built continuously for several years, and it needs to be allocated gradually.

As for the construction of the project, Liu Chan handed it over to Su Yue, who used to be his servant, to supervise with confidence. He is an expert in construction, and it happened to be used at this time.

As for the supervision of project funds, Liu Chan will also send a large number of accounting talents to serve in the government office of Tingwei Li Yan, and begin to monitor the use and expenditure of allocated funds at any time.

Liu Chan's investment in education can be said to have spared no effort.Because it is obviously not enough to invest in military academies alone, and what is more important is general civilian education.

The Soviet-style centralized elite education has long been proven to be an extremely failed education system.

What is most beneficial to the country is to carry out universal education for the common people and realize educational equity.Only when all the people have received a good education can the people of this country have the knowledge and education to realize their responsibilities to the country and the nation, and at the same time realize the equalization of educational opportunities.

Therefore, Liu Chan began to prepare for the re-appointment of Taixue Ling in Chengdu.Although this official position seems to be related to higher education, Liu Chan now has to change the system from the ancient times and use some things that people at that time were familiar with in order to make better changes.

Therefore, this Taixueling is the other side of the Zhenjun military division, which is responsible for the education of the whole people.

Therefore, Xiang Chong's elder brother, the great Confucian scholar Xiang Lang, was recruited to Chengdu to serve as the Taixueling.

Since Shang did not have a special legislative body at this time, and Liu Chan was unwilling to allow supervisory agencies like Tingwei to participate in recent legislative matters, Liu Chan had to use an imperial edict to announce to the world for the first time that the Shu Han would follow in the next Within ten years, schools were built in every county and county governed by the Shu Han, and local gentry were vigorously encouraged to fund the establishment of primary education.

Moreover, Liu Chan also provided some measures to encourage the gentry to run schools.The funds they set up and support the operation of the school can help them with various tax deductions.

In this way, those gentry must learn to formulate various property data in order to declare to the government.These all require professionals in property, so they also promote the weakest link in the history of the Celestial Dynasty: the standardized operation of the property system.

The cultivation of financial talents is now mainly concentrated in the National Academy of Medicine. Liu Chan also began to write letters to Kuaijishan College in Jiangdong, asking them to help train various financial talents.Jiangdong's treatment of talents in this area is actually more serious than that of Chengdu.

In fact, the so-called modern accounting system first originated in the commerce of Venice, a place with extremely developed maritime commerce. resemblance.

Coupled with the existence of the Shibo Department, merchants engaged in overseas trade often need to provide various financial things, which makes their demand for financial talents extremely strong.

Although Yu Fan and others are typical Confucian scholars, they are not very against business. After all, these people are people who have done practical work, not contemptuous people who can only talk.In addition, Liu Chan personally wrote a letter, so Yu Fan had no reason not to agree.

Therefore, Liu Chan asked Hua Tuo to send a few teachers from the National Academy of Medicine to Kuaijishan College to help train students there first, and then slowly establish the discipline.

Then, Liu Chan is also thinking about one point at the same time: Although the medical department of the National Medical College has been funded by private funds and has developed very fast, with the development of some research projects and the expansion of the number of students in the college, the daily operation of the department The scale of funds required is also gradually expanding.

In addition, the scale of the current college's land occupation is not enough. In the next few years, it may need to be expanded, which will also require a lot of funds.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately announced that all assets belonging to the so-called Shaofu under the emperor's name would be subject to a detailed liquidation.

In fact, Shaofu is really a super rich institution, which not only involves a large amount of real estate in terms of land, including gardens, royal land and taxation, but also a large amount of ordinary labor and various residences at the disposal of the emperor. .

In fact, Liu Chan has known for a long time that the total amount of various wealth obtained by the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty from the Shaofu every year even exceeded the national tax revenue in many cases.

Therefore, based on the counted data, Liu Chan began to dismantle the various assets under the jurisdiction of Shaofu, and then set up various specific-purpose expenditure channels for the annual income part.Of course, most of these channels are used for welfare, to support various livelihood projects, especially education and funding for ordinary people, raising orphans, and helping widowed and elderly people.

In fact, if possible, Liu Chan is willing to split and reorganize them all and turn them into various special-purpose funds.But he soon discovered that under the economic and social background at this time, there was hardly any way to obtain more income from those properties than to maintain the current mode of operation of the Shaofu.

Because of the self-sustainability of these properties, Liu Chan does not need to seek financial support from Liu Ba when he is developing various livelihood projects.In this way, of course Liu Ba felt very happy and relaxed, because the money belonged to the emperor's personal and not the money of the state's finances, which greatly relieved the financial pressure.

The National Academy of Medicine has also obtained a lot of financial support from it, and Liu Chan has also launched a larger-scale and more continuous financial support for various project research in the medical department.After all, whether the future national health can achieve relatively long-term projects based on the current foundation depends on these people from the National Academy of Medicine.

And because Liu Chan is mostly engaged in matters related to people's livelihood, and the funds do not come from finances, that is, he has successfully bypassed the government, weakened the government's power penetration in various fields of society, and ensured that various fields can be relatively free development of.

And Zhuge Liang and the others complained about Liu Chan's actions, but sometimes they just expressed their protests, but the actions were not big, so they acquiesced to Liu Chan's actions.

Moreover, at this time, in order to show an enlightened image, Liu Chan changed from the rigid style of the royal family in the past, and frequently asked his queen to go to various places in Yizhou, and personally went among the people to promote the various things that Liu Chan is currently adopting. measures to gain more public support.

After all, the queen is a woman, with an affinity that Liu Chan himself does not have. Invisibly, the queen herself no longer just lives in the deep palace and has nothing to do all day long. She also gets her own accusations and career.That's really good too.

In June of the fourth year of Zhang Wu, Liu Chan made another move.In the form of an edict, he announced to the world that the country must formulate the most explicit laws to strengthen the protection of the personal and educational rights of women and children.This also became the beginning of the promulgation of the "Women and Children's Personal Protection Act" and the "Women and Children's Educational Rights Protection Act", which were extremely controversial between the ruling and opposition parties.

In fact, the reason why Liu Chan attaches so much importance to women's education is that he has seen from himself that women play a huge role in the growth of children's lives.In the process of growing up, children generally spend more time with their mothers and receive education from their mothers than their fathers.

Therefore, only the most well-educated group of mothers, the healthiest mothers in body and spirit, the most intelligent and wise mothers, the most sensible mothers, and the most tolerant mothers Mothers can educate the boys among the children of the Celestial Dynasty to become men who are truly responsible, strong and courageous, and full of justice; and educate the girls among the children to become men who are not inferior to men. woman.

From this point of view, the future of the country seems to be in the hands of women at a deep level, so they are indeed the most awe-inspiring people.

And all of this, of course, is just Liu Chan's test of the water, mainly used to test the officialdom and the people's reaction to it.Of course, these things will definitely touch the dignity of many men, and the effect is under observation.

Once these things are gradually accepted, Liu Chan's next more drastic changes will slowly unfold.At that time, their relationship will not only be related to people's livelihood, but also related to the distribution of power in the officialdom today.

(End of this chapter)

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