The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 940 Intense Night Battle

Chapter 940 Intense Night Battle

That night, the area around Fenghuang Ridge suddenly burst into flames.

What's the situation?
It turned out that all kinds of luggage that Cao Weijun could not be taken away quickly had been ordered by Su Ze to be set on fire, and the blazing fire reflected half of the night sky red, just like the sun suddenly went wrong in the middle of the night, and was anxious to find it before it arrived. same body.

Zhang Ji looked at the fire soaring into the sky, and his heart twitched intermittently.

He was very clear in his heart, very angry, and even more resentful.Because he didn't check one thing before, no one actually thought that Wei Yan's army would move so fast, suddenly passed through Ziwu Valley, and then suddenly attacked Chang'an City at night, and Chang'an City fell!

Zhang Ji still couldn't figure out how Pang De led the army through the Meridian Valley so quickly.

Then, Zhang Ji's men were driven out of Sanfu by Wei Yan's men, and in the end they could only stick to Tianshui County.Fortunately, he has worked hard in Yongliang for so many years. He wants people to be popular and friends to have friends. He quickly contacted many allied forces, which stabilized the situation in Yongliang a little.

Due to the relationship between this attack on Chang'an and whether Cao Wei could regain Yongzhou from the Shuhan army, Zhang was calm on the surface, but in fact he was extremely nervous.In addition, now that the new emperor Cao Rui has just ascended the throne, such a sudden change has occurred in Yongzhou, and he really cannot explain to the emperor.

Then, Zhang Ji complained to Li Baiyuan, Gao Shili and others in his heart.

Zhang Ji couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "These bastards always like to act recklessly, so they couldn't come to join me for a long time, which resulted in today's situation!"

At this time, the general Du Zuo suddenly ran over from a distance, came to Zhang Ji and cupped his hands, and said loudly: "My lord, the enemy army is coming."

Zhang looked up solemnly at the stars in the sky, and at the moon moving through the clouds, heaved a sigh of relief, and sent an order: "Order all the horses and horses in our army to spread out and prepare for battle."

At this time, the sound of rumbling war drums in the distance suddenly sounded, as if to shatter the remaining tranquility of this hard-won night.

Sitting on a galloping horse, Wei Yan watched the soaring flames in the enemy camp in the distance, and listened to the majestic sound of war drums in the night sky, a biting murderous intent gushed out from himself.

However, when they saw that many torches in front of them were suddenly lit, like stars falling on the dark and flat ground, Chen Shi couldn't help exclaiming: "General Wei, the enemy seems to have prepared."

Wang Ping's face was tense, and the torch held high in the hands of the guards next to him turned his already dark face into purple red.He has a rough appearance, but he is actually a thoughtful person, thinking in his heart, the enemy is actually prepared, could it be that the news has leaked?

Wei Yan's face was as cold as water, and his expression was extremely determined.

He is not only a militant, but also a paranoid, and immediately shouted: "Now that the arrow has been wound, we have to shoot. Everyone follow me and continue to charge forward!"

For a moment, the war drum was beating again, and the sound was even more astonishing, like a thunderclap, trying to tear the night sky apart and turn the darkness blinded by darkness into light.

Shocked by the sound of the drums, the soldiers of the Shuhan Army were suddenly overwhelmed with fighting spirit.

Wei Yan raised his big saber high, turned his head and shouted at the black soldiers behind him: "Everyone follow me to kill!"

The so-called command of generals doesn't seem to have any binding force on Wei Yan.

Inspired by Wei Yan's arrogance, Chen Shi's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he raised his gun and roared: "Kill!"

Pointing at Wang Ping's big axe, he also screamed hoarsely: "Kill!"


The surrounding soldiers echoed in unison, and the shouts of killing suddenly became louder and louder.

The soldiers of the Shu Han army were aroused with pride amidst the roar, and more than ten thousand soldiers shouted wildly at the same time, and the roar was like thunder from the sky, shaking heaven and earth.

The army was in a turbulent manner, and with overwhelming momentum, it rushed to the enemy without hesitation.

Zhang Ji looked at the approaching Shu Han army, sneered, and said loudly to the herald: "Order the thief general Zhonglang Guo Fei to lead the Chinese army to attack first, and ask him to tear open the central part of the enemy army and completely wipe out the enemy's core." Suppress the momentum."

Then, Zhang Ji went on to say: "The second order is sent to Du Zuo, asking him to send out the left and right wings of the army to advance later. The enemy troops on the left and right wings must be entangled to cooperate with Guo Fei's actions."

The herald immediately turned around and ran away, telling his subordinates to quickly convey the order to each other.

Guo Fei's Chinese cavalry quickly dispatched.

Guo Fei raised his sword and shouted wildly, the soldiers roared like thunder, the army began to advance slowly, the roar of galloping horses became louder, louder, and more intense, and gradually the huge sound covered everything.

Not long after, the whole earth began to tremble, dust covered the sky, and the stars and moon in the sky could no longer be seen.

Seeing that Guo Fei's central army formation had already been mobilized, Du Zuo was unwilling to show weakness and ordered the army formations on the left and right wings to launch.

Guo Fei's central army collided with Wei Yan's troops first, the movement was too loud, like thunder sounded again in the night, although there was no thunderstorm tonight, it was destined to be like a thunderstorm, and it was impossible to be quiet any longer.

After the loud noise, the people at the front of the battle line turned their backs on their backs, which meant the beginning of the war.

Wei Yan's men were not afraid of death, and continued to kill them overwhelmingly.

Guo Fei took two thousand cavalry and plunged into the heart of Wei Yan's army.

Most of Zhang Ji's cavalry were Qianghu who settled down after belonging to the Han Dynasty. Although they were no longer grassland residents, they all grew up on horseback since childhood.In addition, after they joined the Cao Wei Army, after systematic training, the toughness and bravery in their bones were also stimulated.

This cavalry team was like a sharp spear, piercing into Wei Yan's army formation, and then getting deeper and deeper, there was a faint tendency to tear Wei Yan's army formation in half.

Wang Ping looked in all directions, and from the distribution of the torches on both sides, he could probably guess the current situation.

He couldn't help feeling anxious, and commanded the soldiers to counterattack frantically, intending to intercept the cavalry of the Cao Wei army.

Both Wei Yan and Chen Shi seemed to be crazy, perhaps because they were too aggrieved a while ago, and they must fight back today, but they just led the troops around them and ignored Guo Fei's cavalry at all. The soldiers rushed forward frantically.

Du Zuo saw that the troops on the left and right flanks could not withstand the enemy's charge at all, so he took the remaining [-] cavalry as a reserve team and killed Wei Yan's central army.

Du Zuo is also considered a talent, otherwise it would be impossible for Zhang Ji to pass on the final order to him, asking him to schedule the attack time of the troops on the left and right wings.

Moreover, Du Zuo knew very well that blocking Wei Yan's central army would slow down the enemy's attack speed, and it would be possible to cover Guo Fei's cavalry to tear apart the enemy's formation.

Once the enemy is separated, the enemy's army will inevitably fall into chaos. At that time, Guo Fei's cavalry will turn around and continue to attack the enemy's rear, which can force the enemy into chaos.
The fierce battle between the two guns suddenly became more intense, bloody and cruel, and the battlefield, which kept screaming, looked even more terrifying under the reflection of the raging fire.

Wei Yan is indeed brave, as long as he does not meet a strongman like Zhang Fei, he can be an invincible general.With a loud roar, he lifted the big knife in his hand and dropped it, cleanly killing an enemy soldier who was rushing towards him.

Then, Wei Yan continued to charge forward with his guards.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Yan almost penetrated the entire battlefield, and even immediately could clearly see the gate of the enemy's camp and the large flag that was moved out of the gate.

The big flag is really tall, even though there are many torches below, the light is still not enough to illuminate the flag above.

Wei Yan wiped off the blood on his face vigorously, turned around and roared loudly: "Everyone, follow me and rush over, the enemy's big banner is right ahead!"

The morale of the guards and the general soldiers who followed couldn't help but be boosted.

At this time, apart from Wang Ping staying behind and frantically blocking Guo Fei's cavalry, Chen Shi had already arrived nearby. Obviously he also heard the shouts of Wei Yan's soldiers, and he followed suit. stand up.

It was obviously impossible for the enemy to allow Wei Yan's troops to break through so easily, they would only block them more tenaciously, and the battle immediately became more intense.

Wei Yan went crazy and only led his soldiers forward to kill, and he didn't know how many enemies he hacked to death.

Two quarters of an hour later, under the tide-like attack of the Shu Han army, Cao Wei's army finally couldn't resist, and a hole was torn open. Wei Yan's troops finally rushed around the Dazhu Banner.

(End of this chapter)

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