Chapter 959
Wei Yan, Zhao Yun and Pang De led the army to meet under Yicheng.According to Liu Chan's instructions, they assigned troops to surround the entire Yicheng in all directions.

Then, the three generals with outstanding military strength all gathered in the north of Yicheng, and began to discuss how to take this small Yicheng next.Moreover, how to capture that Jiang Wei intact and fulfill His Majesty Liu Chan's wish is also a problem.

Wei Yan's qualifications are not as old as Zhao Yun's, and he is also younger than Zhao Yun, but Pang De is his lieutenant general. He is the commander of the two armies in front of him and belongs to the highest military commander here.

In addition, Wei Yan is very talented in military affairs; secondly, he is very aggressive, and he always wants to be the first in whatever he does.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Yun was only sent by Liu Chan to watch the battle.As for why His Majesty did this, Wei Yan certainly couldn't guess in his heart.

Wei Yan immediately raised the whip in his hand, under the sunlight, the beard on his face fluttered with the wind below the city, and said loudly: "You two generals, what your majesty means is that while taking down Yicheng, we will take the city together. Take that kid Jiang Wei down and give him an eye for an eye to repay the humiliation our army has suffered. Therefore, we now have an army of tens of thousands of people in our hands, and we can easily break through it with only two or three days of onslaught. City, Jiang Wei won't be able to escape at all!"

It should be said that Wei Yan's method is still good, and he doesn't need any fancy methods, and directly defeats the enemy with the superiority of troops and army combat effectiveness.This is indeed the best way at present.

Pang De is a fierce general, but he is not a man of wisdom. Naturally, he can't think of a better way than Wei Yan, and said: "The general has no objection. I heard that Jiang Wei is very good at fighting. This time we must let him experience it." What is the real war!"

Seeing that Pang De spoke first, Wei Yan turned to look at Zhao Yun.

The expression on Zhao Yun's face was very plain, and the bright sun shone on his face that did not look old, and he still looked as handsome as when he was young.

Wei Yan was not a handsome person in the first place, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, this person is really incomparable to others, the appearance of this General Zilong has not changed from 20 years ago!

Seeing that Zhao Yun did not speak, Wei Yan immediately asked him, "General Zilong, what do you think of my arrangement?"

Zhao Yun looked at Wei Yan and said: "Although this method is feasible, it is actually not very cost-effective. Although Your Majesty is interested in Yicheng and Jiang Wei, as ministers, we must know the Lord's thoughts. In fact, Your Majesty would rather We can make a quick win.”

Wei Yanqi asked, "How does General Zilong say that?"

But Zhao Yun suddenly asked back: "Why did Your Majesty let General Wei and General Pang join forces in Yicheng?"

Without even thinking about it, Wei Yan replied, "Of course we want to increase our strength and take down Yicheng and Jiang Wei."

A bright smile appeared on Zhao Yun's face, and he said, "It's actually more than that."

Wei Yan's complexion changed.

Pang De looked at Zhao Yun with a trace of curiosity, feeling that General Zilong's demeanor has become more and more extraordinary now.When he was at Yangping Pass, he once had a competition with Zhao Yun, but he lost in the end.

Zhao Yun went on to say: "Your Majesty may really value Jiang Wei very much. After all, from ancient times to the present, there are almost no people who can defeat the enemy five or six times in a row with an army of 1000 like Jiang Wei. Therefore, It is not unreasonable for His Majesty to value Jiang Wei. However, His Majesty has always used his talents according to his ability. No matter how powerful Jiang Wei is, it is only in fighting. What His Majesty values ​​more is the results of the battle. Jiang Wei, a small general, even What is the merit of capturing it alive?"

Wei Yan nodded straightly.He himself has a good relationship with Liu Chan, but it seems that he is far inferior to General Zilong!
Wei Yan asked Zhao Yun to continue talking.

Zhao Yun suddenly turned his head and looked to the west, which was in the direction of Shangyu, and said, "Your Majesty's intention is actually to be on the side of the defense line of the Cao Wei Army in Shangyu. Your Majesty wants the two generals to go after taking Yicheng. Can have enough strength to break through the defense line of the Cao Wei army in Shangbi."

"So that's how it is!" Wei Yan sighed, "If you hadn't broken this relationship, General Zilong, I still wouldn't be able to understand His Majesty's intentions!"

Pang De suddenly said: "If that's the case, then how should we take down this Yicheng as soon as possible?"

Although Pound wasn't smart enough, he got the point right away this time.

Pound's question was now being asked to Zhao Yun, not Wei Yan.

Zhao Yun thought for a while and said, "According to the information, the army guarding Yicheng is a county soldier with a number of about 2000 people, and its combat effectiveness is very low. The reason why they were able to defeat our army twice is that Jiang Wei used It's a good plan. Therefore, we don't have to bother to deal with such an army at all, we only need to target Jiang Wei himself."

Puzzled expression appeared on Pound's face, but Wei Yan immediately understood.

Wei Yan clapped his palms and smiled, "So that's it! General Zilong's strategy is really in my favor. We have you and me here now, no matter how powerful Jiang Wei is alone, he is absolutely no match for him!"

Knowing that Wei Yan understood his intention, Zhao Yun nodded with a smile, tacit understanding.

However, Pang De was confused and couldn't help but said anxiously: "General Wei, General Zhao, what are you talking about?"

Wei Yan laughed, and said: "General Pang, didn't you just say that you really want to see Jiang Wei what a real war is? This general will give you a chance now, you go to the city immediately and call Jiang Wei."

Pang De was overjoyed, and said, "Really? But what about your majesty's general command? This military discipline, even the general himself is almost forbidden to lead the army to charge, let alone go to fight the enemy now?"

Zhao Yun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, with General Wei and I here, you'll be fine."

Pound was overjoyed, with a bright smile on his face.He bowed his hands to Wei Yan and Zhao Yun, and rushed out on his horse.

At this time, Jiang Wei stood at the top of the city to check the situation of the enemy troops outside the city.The number of enemy troops who came this time exceeded his previous two times, which was beyond his expectation and made him feel very worried.

Ma Zun, the prefect of Yicheng, has already arrived at Shangyu, and Jiang Wei is the only one left to command the army. He absolutely cannot let the enemy take Yicheng.

At this time, a burly general with a strangely shaped sword in his hand rushed out of the enemy army, who looked quite mighty.

As soon as this person came to the city, he began to call out to Jiang Wei loudly.

Jiang Wei frowned, thinking about it in his heart, judging from the current situation, it must not be a problem for the enemy to take Yicheng in a short time.But I have already captured a Chen Shi a few days ago, if I capture this enemy general again today, then maybe I can coerce the Shu Han army to retreat.

After Jiang Wei made up his mind, he immediately went down to the city to recruit 500 men and went out to face Pound.

Jiang Wei is going to fight against Pound!

After Jiang Wei led the troops out of the formation, he rode out to the opposite of Pound. This time he could see Pound's appearance more clearly, and Pound's figure also looked more burly.

And Jiang Wei's handsomeness is indeed extraordinary, he looks like a literati, but Pang De has long known Jiang Wei's record, so he does not dare to take Jiang Wei lightly.

So, the two announced their names.

It should be said that Pang De is still somewhat famous in Yongliang because he followed Ma Chao in his early years.As soon as he announced his name, Jiang Wei immediately knew about Pang De's past.

Therefore, although Jiang Wei has always been quite confident, he did not dare to take Pang De lightly at this time.

The shape of the elephant trunk knife in Pound's hand was extremely weird. The blade and blade were no different from ordinary broadswords, but the end of the blade suddenly changed into a spiral shape and became a spike.

Pound's weapon is definitely a strange weapon.And strange weapons usually have their own unique skills to defeat the enemy, otherwise there is no need to make such a strange shape.

After figuring this out, Jiang Wei's wariness against the Pound in front of him rose again.

After the two had their own thoughts for a while, they realized that they were too distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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