The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 961 Let Jiang Wei go

Chapter 961 Let Jiang Wei go
After Wei Yan, Zhao Yun and others captured Yicheng, they immediately entered the government office of Yicheng, and sent people to the cell to rescue Chen Shi.

Chen Shi did suffer a lot in the prison, and now that he can see the light of day again, he is very grateful to Wei Yan and the others. He didn't even want to rest, and immediately rushed to the Yicheng government office to thank Wei Yan and the others.

Wei Yan immediately sent someone to arrange a residence for Chen Shi, asking him to rest for a few days before talking.

Only then did Wei Yan write a good report and send it to Liu Chan. He even said that Jiang Wei had been captured and that Chen Shi had been rescued safe and sound.

Then, since everyone has their own responsibilities, they are busy again.

It wasn't until nightfall that day that everyone handled things in the city more or less.

Wei Yan then went to Zhao Yun and asked that since Jiang Wei had been taken down, he should be recruited tonight while the iron is hot.

Zhao Yun admired Jiang Wei very much in his heart, and did not object to Wei Yan's actions, but said: "This Jiang Wei's temper is quite proud, so we can let him go a little bit later, and don't provoke him too much. "

Wei Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, General Zilong, I will be careful here, as long as the kid is not too stubborn, otherwise it will be really troublesome. However, even if it is a task ordered by His Majesty, I will Do your best to get it done.”

Zhao Yun nodded, and then he and Wei Yan came to the lobby, and ordered two guards to bring Jiang Wei over.

Jiang Wei had already changed into another outfit at this time: the original black armor had already been taken off, and replaced with a blue robe inside.

However, the original armor was rather bloated, but now he is wearing such a suit, which can show his slender figure even more.His body was tied up with a rope, so it was not very convenient to walk around.

Zhao Yun saw that although Jiang Wei was not as powerful as when he was wearing armor, he looked even more dignified, and he couldn't help secretly praising him, what a handsome Jiang Wei, he is really a rare and handsome figure in Yongliang!

At this time, it was different from the scene on the battlefield today. Although Wei Yan and Zhao Yun were still wearing armor, they didn't wear helmets. Of course, Jiang Wei could see their appearance more clearly.

Sitting upright in the lobby was a very burly guy with a thick short beard on his chin.This person's face is the most distinctive, the color is actually maroon, and even looks a little purple, inside a pair of big eyes, it seems that there is always a fierce light when looking at people.

Because Hanzhong has been the frontline combat area with Yongliang for these years, Wei Yan is actually very famous in Cao Wei now.

Therefore, after Jiang Wei saw Wei Yan's appearance, his mind was very good, and he immediately guessed that this person should be Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang.

As for the general sitting at the lower right of Wei Yan at this time, he is taller than Wei Yan, but a little thinner, but he is extremely handsome, and his expression is very calm and restrained, completely different from Wei Yan's aggressive beast. .

If we say that Wei Yan is a domineering wolf, then this handsome general is an extremely calm leopard, if he doesn't move, it will be earth-shattering.

And the power of this really made Jiang Wei see it, and convinced him.This person is naturally Zhao Yun.

After Jiang Wei entered the hall, the two Wei Yan guards who escorted him behind him made him kneel down.After all, Jiang Wei is now a captured enemy general, not a guest of the Shu Han army.

But Jiang Wei's character is not easy to provoke. Of course, it is impossible to kneel down to others easily, and he even shouted: "You are rude, I, Jiang Boyue, can kneel on the sky, kneel down, kneel down, kneel down to the king, kneel down to my parents, but I don't kneel down to the enemy." kneel!"

Seeing Jiang Wei's performance, Wei Yan still looked very dissatisfied with the Shu Han army, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.He originally thought that since His Majesty valued Jiang Wei so much, he shouldn't bother with him too much.

But Jiang Wei's proud performance now reminded Wei Yan of the three generals under his command: Chen Shi was captured, Wang Ping was tricked, and Pound was injured. All three generals were defeated by Jiang Wei. .

Wei Yan is really a bit of a calculating character. In history, Yang Yi didn't like to flatter Wei Yan, which led to the continuous hostility between the two of them, and finally caused a catastrophe for the Shu Han, which led to Wei Yan being killed. The ending of killing.

Wei Yan snorted coldly, his eyes suddenly became fierce, and fixed on Jiang Wei, as if he had already developed a murderous intent towards Jiang Wei.

Seeing Wei Yan looking at him coldly, Jiang Wei frowned, and then suddenly felt two strong forces coming from his shoulders, and he felt a pain coming from his knees, and was pressed down to the ground.

Jiang Wei immediately struggled to stand up from the ground, and shouted: "You thieves, don't let me go quickly..."

Wei Yan suddenly slapped the table in front of him with a palm, and loudly reprimanded: "Jiang Wei, you really don't know how to advance or retreat, you are just a little captive in my hands now, how dare you fight against me?" Presumptuous in front of you?!"

Jiang Wei raised his head and looked at Wei Yan, and said loudly: "You, Wei Yan, have no prestige in front of me! Your subordinates are just a bunch of idiots. If your general Jiang Wei has 1 horses in his hands, I will directly Lead the army into Chengdu and send Liu Adou to Luoyang!"

What an arrogant Jiang Wei Jiang Boyue!

When Wei Yan heard this, his heart burned with anger.He wanted to get angry again, obviously he had forgotten what Zhao Yun told him not to get excited just now.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right at this time, Zhao Yun coughed lightly, reminding Wei Yan not to take Jiang Wei's words too seriously.Now even a kid like Jiang Wei with 10 horses is impossible for him to beat Chengdu.

At this time, Zhao Yun suddenly stood up from his seat, walked up to Jiang Wei, and slowly drew out his saber.

A look of extreme surprise appeared on Jiang Wei's face, and he looked at Zhao Yun's actions in an incomprehensible manner.According to his understanding of Zhao Yun, this is definitely not a violent person, and it is impossible to kill someone just because he disagrees with someone.

However, judging from Zhao Yun's action of drawing his sword today, he is definitely about to splatter blood on the spot today.

Jiang Wei's bones were indeed still hard, and after thinking of death, he still kept his face and heart beating, just closed his eyes and waited for death.

Then, Jiang Wei heard the sound of Zhao Yun's sword breaking through the air.

The consciousness in Jiang Wei's mind suddenly became blank.

Then, I heard Zhao Yun say: "You can get up from the ground."

Only then did Jiang Wei open his eyes, and saw that Zhao Yun's long sword had been put away, a rope had fallen on the ground, and his binding was gone.

Only then did Jiang Wei understand that Zhao Yun drew his sword just now not to kill him, but to cut off the rope on his body.

Jiang Wei narrowly escaped death, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, clapped his hands, stood up from the ground pretending to be calm, and found that he was half a head shorter than Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun then reached out and patted Jiang Wei on the shoulder.

In fact, when Jiang Wei saw Zhao Yun's action, he wanted to avoid it, but for some reason, Zhao Yun's hand seemed to have magical powers, and he couldn't avoid it, so Zhao Yun patted his shoulder lightly like that .

Then, Zhao Yun immediately turned around and sat back in his seat, and said, "Jiang Wei, you must also know your current situation, and you should also know that, judging from the current battle in Yongliang, Zhang Ji's army can't last long. It's time. You're too clever a man not to see it."

Of course Jiang Wei understood this. He had suggested to Zhang Ji at that time that it would be useless to continue the Yongliang war with the Shu Han army.Therefore, it is better to give up Yongliang, and then take out the necessary property to buy the road from Xianbei.

Then, Zhang Ji led the army out of the Great Wall, walked across the grassland and entered Bingzhou or Youzhou.In this way, it will save a new force for Cao Wei's army and make long-term plans for the future counterattack against Yongliang.

However, Zhang Ji couldn't accept Wei Yan's almost crazy arrangement, and even simply left Jiang Wei in Yicheng to fend for himself.

But after Jiang Wei heard Zhao Yun's words, he immediately wanted to sneer, but Zhao Yun treated him well, so he refrained from mocking Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun continued: "Actually, I have to admit that you defeated our army twice with tricks, and you played very well. My Patriarch also admires you very much, and wants to invite you to serve in our Shu Han army. I don't know if you Do you have this will?"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Wei said, "My father died for the sake of Great Wei. I was awarded the position of General of Zhonglang for my meritorious service. Do you think I can betray Great Wei? Unless Great Wei doesn't want me, Jiang Wei." Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to surrender!"

Jiang Wei's father, Jiang Jiong, was a meritorious officer in the county. When the Qiang and Hu people rebelled, he personally protected the prefect of the county and died in battle. Therefore, the imperial court gave Jiang Wei Zhonglang and ordered him to participate in the military management of the county.

What Jiang Wei said about "being awarded the position of Zhonglang General because of his meritorious service" is actually what he was talking about.His official position was bought by his father with his own life, so it is impossible to give up.

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I understand what you mean. Then, since you don't want to surrender, it's useless for us to keep you. You can go."

Just let yourself go?Jiang Wei was stunned and couldn't react for a while. Zhao Yun's words were too sudden.

Wei Yan was also in a hurry now. In order to catch this kid Jiang Wei, they spent a lot of effort on their side, and Pang De was injured. Can he just let this kid go so easily?

Wei Yan immediately said loudly: "General Zilong, this kid can't be released. After he is released, he will be a disaster!"

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "General Wei, don't get excited. In fact, before coming, His Majesty has already handed over this matter to the general."

Since it was His Majesty's confession, Wei Yan also knew that Zhao Yun would not lie, so he had no choice but to let it go, but the anger on his face remained the same.

Then Zhao Yun said to Jiang Wei: "Let's go, I will order someone to bring you your horse, armor and weapons."

Then, Zhao Yun took the puzzled Jiang Wei out of Yicheng Mansion, and after returning all the items to Jiang Wei, he actually sent him out of the city himself.

Jiang Wei bowed his hands to Zhao Yun and said, "General Zhao is very kind today, and Jiang Boyue will report it in the future!"

Zhao Yun nodded, smiled, and said, "Then Jiang Zhonglang, please go."

Then Jiang Wei rode his horse and ran towards the west. It seemed that he was going to Shangbi.

(End of this chapter)

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