The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 964 War Flame Yellow Sand

Chapter 964

Liu Chan and a group of people arrived at the Xinyang County Government Office, where a banquet had already been prepared for Ma Dai and Jiang Wei.They celebrated this day until late at night before they had a good time, and then they all dispersed.

In the afternoon of the next day, Liu Chan began to hold a new round of combat meetings in the lobby.

Because the current military advance has been delayed, the pursuit of Zhang Ji's army has been delayed, so Liu Chan must speed up the progress of the battle in the next time.

After everyone took their seats, the atmosphere in the lobby suddenly became serious, and everyone restrained the smiles on their faces when they came in.

It was Jiang Wei's first time to participate in this kind of combat meeting held by Liu Chan, and the registration of the participants was indeed quite high. In addition, even when Cao Wei was a general, he had never participated in such a meeting. , so I can't help but feel nervous.

Therefore, even though Jiang Wei was the last seat, he was the most upright person among all the people sitting in the seat.

Even though Liu Chan was in the innermost nave, after sweeping his eyes over the people lying down, he still noticed Jiang Wei's nervousness, so he smiled kindly at him.

Jiang Wei bowed his head to pay tribute to Liu Chan.

Then, Liu Chan opened his mouth to announce the start of the meeting.

Liu Chan first asked Fei Yi, "Master Fei, what is the situation of the enemy army in Hanyang County?"

Fei Yi smiled wryly, but replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, the situation doesn't look optimistic. Zhang Ji's men don't fight our army at all. They have retreated all the way to Yuzhong City. They haven't yet We know whether they will retreat across the Yellow River. If they cross the Yellow River and go deep into the hinterland of Jincheng County, then the worst situation we predicted earlier will appear, and this battle will be difficult to fight: Jincheng is Su Ze's base , not only is the terrain complicated and transportation of grain and grass is difficult, but Su Ze himself is very popular there, which is not good for us."

Liu Chan was surprised when he heard Fei Yi's introduction. Then he unfolded a battle map on the table, and after reading it, he said: "If Zhang Ji's troops retreat to Yuzhong, they have already reached the Yellow River. , is it more than 300 miles away from us?"

"Your Majesty, it should be [-]." Fei Yi said confidently, "Even if our army marches at the fastest speed, it will probably take more than ten days to reach Yuzhong County, because that The side roads are very difficult to walk.”

Ma Dai is a native of Liangzhou. Although it has been many years since he left Yongliang, he should have a good understanding of the local situation.He then asked: "Master Fei, do we have any troops stationed in Pingxiang City that can be used to support the battle?"

Pingxiang City is located in Guangwei County, in the north of Tianshui County, and is actually far away from Yuzhong County in the northwest.

Fei Yi immediately replied: "No. But we are not without troops to go north to Pingxiang City. If necessary, General Gai Meng's cavalry can go directly to Pingxiang City."

Liu Chan shook his head secretly, as if he didn't want to drag in too many troops. Gai Meng's troops must have already passed Pingxiang City by now.

Then, I heard Jiang Wei sitting at the bottom and whispering: "If General Gai Meng's cavalry is allowed to go deep alone, judging from the depth of the enemy's battle, it will be very dangerous."

Fei Yi obviously heard Jiang Wei's words and responded accordingly. After all, he was appointed by Liu Chan to help the emperor deal with military situations in various places.

Fei Yi said worriedly: "Cao Wei's army retreated very fast, no, it should be said to be very fast. Therefore, our troops have to chase desperately, otherwise what can we do? At least we must force them to be unable to breathe, otherwise Just let them go back to Jincheng County like that? What's more, the determination of Cao Wei's army to withdraw is completely beyond our expectations. They don't want Hanyang County at all, but gave up all the cities."

Liu Chan looked at Ma Dai and asked, "What does General Ma think about the latest battle situation?"

Fei Yi glanced at him and said: "The general believes that our army must deal a fatal blow to Zhang Ji and Su Ze's Cao Wei army. As for Li Baiyuan's Qiang and Hu troops, the general believes that if they can be wiped out, they will be wiped out. If they cannot be wiped out, they can be recruited or appeased like Zhi Yuanduo and Gao Shili. However, considering Li Baiyuan's bravery and his deep relationship with Zhang Ji, it is difficult to appease him in a short time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get results."

Liu Chan nodded, seemed to be thinking, and became silent.

Yuzhong City is located on the bank of the Yellow River, at the easternmost end of Jincheng County, in today's Gansu Province, which is already a place in the northwest.

Near the southeast of there, the most dangerous place is a canyon more than 100 miles long called Huangsha Valley.Moreover, this is the traffic artery and shortcut to Yuzhong City.

Some of Zhang Ji's troops are now camped in Yuzhong County.

Zhang Ji's complexion was very ugly, and his whole body was already skinny.His injuries were already extremely serious, but even the long and bumpy march on the road did not make his injuries worse.But the problem is actually not small, and the injury has not shown signs of recovery.

Therefore, for Zhang Ji, this kind of illness is actually very burdensome. It seems that the days will never end, and he can only lie down all day, suffering from pain.

Su Ze walked into Zhang Ji's big tent slowly, and signaled the two doctors accompanying the army to go out first.

Su Ze walked up to Zhang Ji's suggested bed and sat down, calling softly: "De Rong, how are you feeling now?"

Only then did Zhang Ji open his eyes. Although the eyes were still full of wisdom, they were no longer as bright as before.The illness tortured him very badly.

Seeing that it was Su Ze who came, Zhang forced a smile and said, "Master Literary, I'm fine. Although my body hurts, I can bear it. I heard that the doctor from the National Hospital in Chengdu Physicians, they often cut open people’s stomachs, and then sew them up with needles and threads, it definitely hurts more than me now, right? Thinking about it now makes my hair stand on end!”

Su Ze didn't want to take care of the affairs of the National Hospital of Yizhou, he was concerned about Zhang Ji's physical condition now.

He shook his head in pain, stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Ji's hand, and said firmly: "De Rong, you just need to hold on for a while. After we finish this battle with the Shu Han army, I can take you safely." Go back to Jincheng to recover from your injuries. Then, after you recover, you will continue to lead us to recover Yongzhou and Chang'an Sanfu. At that time, we will go to Luoyang to meet the new emperor. As you know, Chang'an is very close to Luoyang."

Zhang Jin hummed, but there was a bit of sadness in his voice, as if he had no confidence.

He probably thought in his heart that Su Ze's words were actually mostly consolation. Judging from his current injuries, it is likely that he would die on the way.

Therefore, Zhang Ji simply closed his eyes again, opened his pale lips, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any news from Gao Shili?"

At this time, the muscles on Su Ze's face suddenly twitched a few times, looking very angry.

However, because Su Ze didn't want to irritate Zhang Ji, he finally forcibly suppressed his anger. Otherwise, with the fiery temper of a straight person like Su Ze, he would have started yelling and cursing a long time ago.

Su Ze sighed for a long time, and said, "There is indeed news from Gao Shili."

Zhang Ji opened his eyes in surprise.Then, he saw the anger on Su Ze's face.

Zhang knew Su Ze's character better than anyone else, and knew that things might not go his way.

Zhang Ji hurriedly asked, "Has something happened to Gao Shili's men?"

Su Ze nodded, sighed again, and said in a low voice: "We just got the news that they were attacked by Liu Chan's army at night near Yufeng Mountain in Anding County, and they were surrounded on all sides. In the end, not only were they defeated , I heard that Gao Shili, Du Yegao and Xi Feixue all surrendered one after another."

When Su spoke excitedly, his voice immediately became high, showing the anger in his heart because of the loss of an allied army.

Su Ze went on to say: "Also, your enemy Zhi Yuanduo has joined the camp of the Shu Han army. Hey, it seems that Zhi Yuanduo really hates you to the bone!"

Zhang Ji was stunned by such a major change. He stared blankly at the roof and didn't make a sound for a long time.

After a while, Zhang Jicai asked, "Are you sure that Gao Shili and the others surrendered?"

Su Ze said angrily: "I am not yet sure whether they have surrendered, but what is certain is that the three of Gao Shili were indeed captured by the Shu Han army, otherwise they will not come to see you at this time Your old friend who was badly wounded."

Zhang Ji gave a wry smile helplessly, and said, "Gao Shili and the others have done their best to my friend. I can understand their situation and their actions. The hatred in this life cannot be resolved. Back then, I really shouldn’t have killed so many people from his tribe and friends. This matter can’t be controlled now. Master Wen, Gao Shili and the others can’t come back, then we The plan to defeat the pursuers of the Shu Han army in Huangshagu may not be implemented."

"Yes, De Rong, I just came to discuss this matter with you." Su Ze calmed down the anger in his heart a little, and said slowly, "The vanguard of the Shu Han army is less than two hundred miles away from us. gone."

After hearing the words, Zhang's eyes seemed to be a little excited because of the enemy's reasoning, and he was excited and asked: "Master Wen, what are you going to do now, can you cut off their food supply?"

"Yes, I do plan to cut off their food supply routes." Su Ze thought for a while and said, "Guo Fei and Du Zheng's troops are now ambushing on the Shizi Mountain outside the city. , we can just launch an ambush for them and take the opportunity to wipe out part of the Han army. Then, our army asked them to blockade the two ends of the Huangsha Valley and completely cut off the Han army's food and grass supply line."

Although Zhang Ji's body was seriously ill, judging from what he said just now, his consciousness was still very clear and his reaction was still fast enough.

Therefore, Zhang thought about it and said: "If you want to defeat the enemy in Huangsha Valley, the timing of dispatching the army is very important. I think we can wait until Lu Xun's army starts to attack Yuzhong County. "

Su Ze nodded in agreement, and said: "The Shu Han army was lagging behind us by a large distance, and they must have been delayed in attacking Tianshui County. So now they are chasing all the way, it must be extremely hasty, so the food and grass they carry must be limited. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to catch up with us. So, in my opinion, Lu Xun can attack Yuzhong County for a few days first. What do you think?"

Zhang Ji said: "Now we have to allocate a large part of our troops to ambush, so the number of troops we can use must be less than that of Lu Xun. If the two sides fight in Yuzhong County, our army may suffer heavy casualties. Well, it's better to be cautious about this. We'd better think of a strategy to make the enemy think that we are short of food. In this way, they will try to force us to surrender, and they will only be able to encircle Yuzhong County. attack strategy."

Hearing this, Su Ze couldn't help clapping his hands, and praised: "De Rong, your idea is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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