The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 971 War Flame Yellow Sand

Chapter 971

At the same time, on Luo Yuan's eastern battlefield, Cao Wei's army began to come into contact with the Chinese army commanded by Lu Xun himself.

On the rear army's position, Wu Yi's standing army soldiers continued to meet the enemy in a dense formation, and the two sides fought fiercely.

On the southern battlefield of Luo Yuan, Meng Xi's troops had already started a scuffle with the enemy.

The soldiers on both sides of the fierce battle were tenacious and fierce, and the fight was indistinguishable.

But in general, with Meng Xi in command, his side will always be invincible.

On Luo Yuan's east battlefield, Gai Meng and his cavalry were struggling with the enemy.

After Xiong Ping's troops waited behind for a while, Lu Xun immediately dispatched infantry to cooperate with them, and the two sides entered the front army's position together.

Gai Meng soon saw Xiong Ping's cavalry attack, and probably understood Lu Xun's intentions.

However, he was worried that after Lu Xun sent a lot of troops, the troops would be empty.Once the enemy finds a weakness, the enemy can drive straight in and launch an assault on the Chinese army, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, Gai Meng immediately sent an order to the infantry reserve team behind to move their positions as close as possible to Lu Xun's side, giving Lu Xun the necessary space.

Only then did Xiong Ping come over to salute Gai Meng.

Gai Meng said to Xiong Ping: "Looking at the current posture of the enemy army, they want to eat our army in one bite. But they will never succeed. How is the situation on your side?"

Xiong Ping smiled, and said indifferently: "The situation on my side is not bad, at least our army has not been defeated. However, fortunately, we are lying in Luoyuan. If we were in a desperate place like Huangsha Valley, our army There is no chance to resist."

Gai laughed fiercely: "That's true."

Then, Gai Meng let Xiong Ping continue to return to the troops to start the battle.

Under Xiong Ping's leadership, the cavalry shouted loudly, as if a bomb had been detonated.

Their horses began to accelerate, and then accelerated again, joining the battle with incomparable majesty.

Then, the infantry team from Lu Xun's side arrived and joined the battle.

At the same time, on an unnamed hill four or five miles away from the battlefield, Su was sitting next to the fire, watching the dancing flames intently.

He seemed so lost in thought that the crackling of the flames, and the jumping sparks that nearly flew into his beard, did not attract his attention.

Zhang Ji's injuries began to deteriorate, and he might die at any time, so Yongliang lost his backbone.

Gao Shili's betrayal and Zhiyuanduo are wooing people everywhere in the Qianghu tribes. These are not good news for Cao Weijun.

These were all things that bothered Su Ze very much.

And the scouts rushing from all over the battlefield kept reporting the latest battle situation to their scout captain.

The scout captain walked over slowly, and shouted softly: "Master Su, the information on the battlefield has been collected, you should listen to it."

Only then did Su Ze recover from his contemplation, and when he heard what the scout captain said, he just nodded and said, "Speak, I'll listen."

In fact, it should be said that after such meticulous planning, Su Ze was full of confidence in the victory of this dispatch.

The captain of the scout then said: "My lord, the battlefields in the south and the north have fallen into melee, and our army has lost a lot. The Shu Han army in those two directions is very powerful in combat effectiveness, and the commander's ability cannot be ignored, so the battle situation is greatly improved. It was a surprise to our army. The rear army led by Wu Yi is still struggling to support, but our army should have the confidence to solve the problem within the next hour."

Su Ze frowned slightly, and asked, "Did the cavalry under the command of Du Zuo break through Gai Meng's front position?"

The captain of the scout said: "Almost all of Gai Meng's cavalry has been dispatched, and they are fighting fiercely with General Du Zuo's troops. They have been very tenacious and have not fled so far, causing a lot of trouble for our army. Now the raid has changed. It became a decisive battle, which violated our army's original design."

Su Ze hummed, and said helplessly: "Such a situation is very likely to happen. What's more, the two sides are still fighting at night, and melee is actually hard to avoid. As long as we can annihilate the main force, we will be done."

Then, Su Ze said: "Tell Guo Fei that if the enemy's resistance is too fierce, you might as well make an opening for them to escape. After we wipe out the main force of the enemy army, we can use our cavalry to launch Pursue them with all their strength, their two legs cannot run with our four legs at all!"

The scout captain really admired Su Ze's temporary strategy.

Su didn't say anything to the scout captain, and quickly walked to his mount, swiftly jumped on the horse, and galloped away with his guards.

? ?In the early morning, a round of red sun rose slowly, shooting out a dazzling blood-red light.

Liu Chan was stationed on the hillside, watching the soldiers advancing rapidly along the path next to the woods from a distance.

Liu Chan's troops have returned to Pingxiang City long ago, and have been stationed here for several days, paying close attention to the battle in Yuzhong County.Moreover, he was also waiting for Zhi Yuanduo to bring him a surprise.

As for Gao Shili's remaining cavalry team of nearly 5000 people, after some rest and reorganization, Liu Chan urgently needed cavalry support for the current situation, so he had to wait for them to come to Pingxiang City to meet up.

Of course, Liu Chan had also received a report from Lu Xun and others. After learning that Lu and his army had been cut off by the enemy, they probably had to abandon their supplies and withdraw from the Ningquan Mountain trail because of the shortage of food and grass.

Lu Xun said in the letter that the rebel army is more likely to ambush the Shu Han army in the Qingtai area. If your majesty's troops have arrived in Pingxiang City, please help and send cavalry to Qingtai to respond.

Liu Chan found a guide, and after carefully asking about the situation of Ningquan Mountain Trail and Qingtai, he felt that the predictions of Lu Xun and others were actually reasonable.

It should be said that Liu Chan had already predicted that Lu Xun and his troops had already gone deep alone.But Liu Chan is betting, and the object of his bet is Zhang Ji's only army of resistance in Yongliang!

Now, the weather has started to cool down, and the war in Yongliang has indeed been going on for too long. In Chengdu, Duzhi Shangshu Liu Ba and his capital censor Huang Quan kept sending urgent messages about the shortage of supplies in Yizhou. paperwork.

Moreover, if Yizhou continues to invest a large amount of supplies in the Yongliang war, how will the residents live in winter?
Therefore, between being steady and radical, Liu Chan finally became pressured and gradually leaned towards the radical approach.

And the aggressive advance of Lu Xun and others' army should also be under Liu Chan's control.He now has Zhao Yun's powerful imperial guards on hand, with a number of about 5000 people, which is enough to cut off the rear for Lu Xun and the others.

What's more, according to the information transmitted, the cavalry team of Gao Shili, Du Yegao and Xi Feixue will come to Pingxiang City within two days under the command of Gao Shili, who is the least injured. .

Also, what Liu Chan expects the most is what kind of surprise Zhi Yuanduo can bring him when he goes out this time.

At dawn the next day, Gao Shili brought his troops to the city of Pingxiang.Liu Chan immediately went out to greet Gao Shili in person and brought Gao Shili into the city.Then, the two had a conversation.

Liu Chan doesn't like to force others to make things difficult. He knew that Gao Shili and Zhang Ji had a fateful friendship, so he told Gao Shili that if he didn't urgently need the support of the cavalry now, he would not use Gao Shili's cavalry to deal with Zhang Ji. of people.

Therefore, Liu Chan gave Gao Shili two options: first, the cavalry should be handed over to Gao Shili himself as the commander, and they will go out with Liu Chan;
Second, Gao Shili can hand over the cavalry to Zhao Yun to command, while he stays in Pingxiang City to continue recuperating.In this case, Gao Shili would not have the possibility of meeting Su Ze on the battlefield.

It should be said that Liu Chan is indeed a very careful person, and as an emperor, he is really kind to his subordinates.Moreover, what he said was originally one is one and the other is two, so it is impossible to be as cunning as his ancestor Liu Bang.

Therefore, the two choices Liu Chan gave Gao Shili were actually sincere.Moreover, he actually hoped that Gao Shili could choose the second option.

Because in his view, we have done too much of the so-called "killing relatives with righteousness" all the time, and it is really an extremely terrible behavior.

Therefore, Liu Chan hopes that Gao Shili himself will not betray his friendship with Zhang Ji again.

After Liu Chan explained these words clearly, he also laughed at Gao Shili's panic and his thoughts that Liu Chan might take the opportunity to merge with his troops.

Gao Shili was so moved that he was almost on the verge of tears, and said: "Your Majesty can be so sympathetic to me, I am really grateful. In fact, I have always felt very painful in my heart because I betrayed Lord Zhang and surrendered. No To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang is really a good person. If it weren't for him in Yongliang for more than ten years, the Qiang and Hu ministries would not have known that the chaos would have turned into the above. I am really grateful to him in my heart."

Liu Chan nodded, already knowing Gao Shili's intentions, and said with a slight smile, "Gao Shuai, I understand what you mean. Then, you can go back and explain and hand over the army to General Zhao Yun for the time being. I also know that Zhang My lord is a good man and a good minister, I promise you, I will treat him kindly in the future."

Gao Shili immediately thanked Liu Chan, and then said goodbye to Liu Chan, and went out to transfer the command of the army to Zhao Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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