The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 986 Take down Yongliang

Chapter 986 Take down Yongliang
As Zhang Ji's troops have all surrendered, Cao Wei's army has almost no troops in Yongliang that can trigger combat.Therefore, the situation in Yongliang should be said to have been determined. The next thing Liu Chan left for Liu Chan to complete was to continue to mobilize the army to sweep out Li Baiyuan's troops and capture the few cities in Liangzhou.

Liu Chan immediately sent a letter to the Prime Minister's Mansion in Chengdu, asking Prime Minister Zhuge Liang to draw up a list of officials who would be stationed in Yongliang as local officials.

It should be said that with the continuous expansion of Shu Han's territory, there are not enough officials.Fortunately, the National Academy of Medicine has trained many talents before, and they have all been sent to the grassroots in various places for training. Some have been around for three or four years, and some have one or two years of experience.

After thinking about it, those people should be given a chance to be promoted.

However, Liu Chan didn't want to use Lord Yushi to take full power in this matter, although it was his power to promote and evaluate officials.

When Liu Chan sent a letter to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he also issued an edict to the grassroots civil servants in various places, asking them to go to their places in various counties to take various examinations administered by the Prime Minister's Mansion and supervised by the subordinate institutions of the Yushi doctor.Only civil servants who pass the various examinations can be promoted accordingly.

It should be said that Liu Chan's method of handling this seems a bit tortuous, not as straightforward as the imperial examination.

However, it is obviously impossible to implement the imperial examination system in this era.

For one thing, today is an era of turmoil, and it is difficult to carry out a large-scale election examination;

Second, most of the people in the imperial court passed the election system, or started from recklessness like Liu Bei, so it is difficult to accept the indiscriminate imperial examination;
Three, in fact, most of the educated people in this era are the children of rich families, or they are the children of the powerful. If the imperial examination system is adopted, they must be the first to pass the exam.In this way, the fairness that Liu Chan originally wanted to show was actually helping those powerful families to strengthen their own power.

Therefore, Liu Chan might as well leave such an opportunity to those who have trained at the grassroots level and have received professional education from the National Academy of Medicine.After all, a large part of the students of the National Academy of Medicine are still the children of common people.

In fact, only the children of ordinary people would be more willing to go to the grassroots level of various government governments to exercise for so many years.

Therefore, Liu Chan's method should be said to be more about strengthening the power of the common people, and using it to balance the growing power of the second generation of Shu Han officials, so as to prevent the Shu Han regime from becoming more and more talented in the future, but the real talents can't. rise to key positions.

This is also a very important reason for the gradual decline of the Shu Han in history.

Liu Chan should say that he has been walking step by step towards changing the Shu Han regime.Although these steps are not large, Liu Chan has plenty of patience and time.

Then, Liu Chan immediately summoned Cheng Gongying, and learned about Zhang Ji from Cheng Gongying.

Liu Chan immediately felt some admiration for Zhang Ji, and promised Cheng Gongying that he would not tell Zhiyuanduo and Yijianda the location of Zhang Ji's grave.Otherwise, those two people must be going to dig the grave and flog the corpse.

Liu Chan appointed Cheng Gongying as the prefect of Jianping County, and took all the infantry of the original Cao Wei army to garrison there. The officials under the prefect will be equipped accordingly by Chengdu.

But Cheng Gongying could not take away the original cavalry of Cao Weijun.They will be reorganized into a new cavalry.

After all, the Shu Han army really needs cavalry now. In this battle of Yongliang, the biggest disadvantage of the Shu Han army was the lack of a large number of cavalry, which led to great difficulties in fighting and chasing the enemy.

After seeing off Cheng Gongying, Liu Chan summoned Gai Meng and Xiong Ping.

Liu Chan ordered Gai Meng to lead the cavalry to cooperate with Ma Dai to encircle or force Li Baiyuan's troops to surrender.

And Liu Chan has other appointments for Xiong Ping. He will stay in Yuzhong County for a period of time to reorganize the cavalry of Cao Weijun and form a new cavalry.

Among the generals beside Liu Chan, Xiong Ping was the one who cooperated with Gai Meng to command the cavalry all the year round, and he was the only one who was most familiar with the training of the cavalry.Therefore, such a task must be entrusted to him to complete.

Of course, Xiong Ping was very willing to accept the task assigned by Liu Chan.Because this probably means one thing, after the cavalry team is reorganized, he, Xiong Ping, is likely to become their chief general.

Then, Liu Chan then summoned Wei Yan and ordered him to lead the army into Fengyi County to garrison to guard against the attack of Cao Wei's army who might come down from Bingzhou.

Originally, Liu Chan had long ordered Zitong prefect Huo Jun to lead his troops to build a fortress in Bingzhou, which entered Sanfu's strategic thoroughfare, Shuque Road.But because Huo Jun has only 3000 troops on hand, even though the defense of Shuquedao is more than sufficient, he lacks backup support.

In addition, Feng Yi is so important to Chang'an's security in the west, it is not too much to station a large army there.

As for Chang'an, there are now Deng Ai's men in the north continuing to fight Cao Zhen in Tongguan, and there are also Guan Xing's men in Chang'an who were ordered to go north from Xiangyang County to help Fei Yi, and the safety of the north is also guaranteed.As for the south, since Yongzhou has been completely captured by the Shu Han army at this time, the depth of the strategy is extremely long.

In addition, the enemies in Yongliang and Liangzhou are now only Li Baiyuan and the resistance force, and they have all been wiped out, so the south is also safe.

However, Liu Chan quickly issued an order to the champion general Pang De, asking him to lead 5000 troops to garrison at Chencang to guard the safety of the Weinan area and the area south of Chang'an.

In the end, what Liu Chan wanted to arrange in terms of military affairs was actually only those troops from Lu Xun's side and the Qiang Hu people.

Liu Chan immediately summoned Lu Xun, and after discussing with him, he finally made a more appropriate arrangement.

Liu Chan asked Lu Xun to station his troops in Yuzhong County and Jincheng County, which had not yet been captured.In other words, Liu Chan then entrusted Lu Xun to complete the capture of Su Ze's Jincheng County.Moreover, after his army conquered Jincheng County, it would be temporarily stationed there.

In this way, the Shu Han army can rely on Lu Xun's troops to form a certain degree of deterrent force against the forces of the various Qiang and Hu tribes in the territory, so that they will be honest and not act rashly.

As for Gao Shili, Zhi Yuanduo and others, Liu Chan will take them and their cavalry back to Chang'an.

These people should be said to be all wild and maverick people, and they need to be taken to Chang'an to reform themselves.

Moreover, Liu Chan also intends to nationalize their army, just like the army of You Tu and Peng Qi, so as to prevent them from having any troubles in the end, and to ensure that they will not do any harm. National security matters.

After finishing these things, Liu Chan immediately took Gao Shili and others via Pingxiang City to pick up Du Yegao, Xi Feixue and others who had been recuperating there, and then returned to Chang'an City together.

And on the third day after Liu Chan returned to Chang'an City, the two armies of Ma Dai and Gai Meng cooperated closely, and finally besieged Li Baiyuan's troops in Xiping County of Liangzhou.

Li Baiyuan was indeed very fierce, and he led the army to resist desperately, which immediately frustrated Gai Meng's desire to force him to surrender.

As a result, the largest cavalry team in the history of the Shu Han Dynasty was dispatched.After three full days of endless fierce fighting between the two sides, Li Baiyuan's troops could no longer hold back.

If you are poor, you want to change. On the fourth day, an armed rebellion broke out in Li Baiyuan's army.Li Baiyuan's cousin Li Shengyuan killed Li Baiyuan, and then led the rest of the less than [-] troops to surrender to Ma Dai.

It should be said that this made Ge Meng feel a little depressed.Because the target of Li Shengyuan's surrender was not him, Ma Dai would naturally have to give the first credit.

In fact, Li Shengyuan's consideration is reasonable.After all, Ma Dai was a member of the Ma Chao family, and Li Shengyuan surrendered to Ma Dai, so his own reputation could not have too much influence.After all, as long as they were people at that time, most of them knew how majestic the Xiliang Ma family was back then.

Therefore, of course Li Shengyuan would rather choose to surrender to Ma Dai.

Gai Meng lost a lot in terms of reputation this time.

However, with Li Shengyuan's surrender, the last rebel army in Liangzhou also ended his fate, and the whole army rejoiced.

Ma Dai and Gai Meng immediately signed a good report and sent it to Liu Chan in Chang'an City as quickly as possible.

Then, the two troops of Ma Dai and Gai Meng were stationed in Xiping County. On the one hand, because of the fierce battle, they needed to stop and rest the army; on the other hand, they had to wait for Liu Chan's order, and How to deal with Li Shengyuan's men and horses.

When Liu Chan got the good news, it was already four or five days later.

Liu Chan was very happy.His last heartache in Yongliang was finally removed.In this way, it also means that the war between Yongliang and Liangzhou is finally over.

Liu Chan breathed a long sigh of relief, the course of this war is really too long, exceeding the originally expected time.But the result is actually not bad, at least the Shuhan army not only occupied two large territories, but also obtained a lot of cavalry from the Qianghu.As long as the alliance is successfully naturalized into the Shuhan Army, it will soon be transformed into an excellent Shuhan Army cavalry.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately sent an order to reward Li Baiyuan generously, and also asked Li Baiyuan to lead his troops to Chang'an to meet him.

Then, Liu Chan ordered Ma Dai to lead the army into Jincheng County, and exchanged Lu Xun's troops, so he didn't have to go back to Yangping Pass.After all, as the territory of Yongliang fell into the hands of the Shu Han army, the protective effect of Yangping Pass on Yizhou was weakened a lot.

Moreover, Ma Dai's army has cavalry, and its deterrent effect on the Qianghu people in Liangzhou must be greater than that of Lu Xun's troops.

And Lu Xun led the army to station in Fufeng County, and recruited Lu Xun to enter Chang'an to meet Liu Chan, and the army was handed over to Meng Xi, who joined the army.

It seems that Liu Chan is relying more and more on Lu Xun's talent now.And Meng Xi was gradually given more important tasks of commanding the army independently.

As the army gradually moved back towards Chang'an, Cao Wei's army under the command of Cao Zhen in Tongguan finally knew that war was impossible, and gradually reduced the intensity of the attack.

Then half a month later, Liu Chan asked Guan Xing to lead 8000 troops from his headquarters back to his Xiangyang County. Chang'an's safety is no longer a problem at all.

In the end, Liu Chan issued an order to Huo Jun, who was stationed at Shuquedao, to return to his Zitong, and the defense of the Shuquedao fortress could only be handed over to Wei Yan's army.

In this way, the troops of Wei Yan of the Shu Han, Deng Ai's troops, Lu Xun's troops, and Ma Dai's troops, these four armies form a defense network that closely protects the three assistants of Chang'an from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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