Chapter 988
Having said that, if Cao Weijun went to the grassland, he would have to face the same problem as Gao Huan.That is, the owner of the grassland has become a foreigner.

The grassland in Gao Huan's era was no longer dominated by Xianbei people, but by Rouran and later Turkic people.And the owner of the grassland in Cao Rui's era was precisely the Xianbei people.

At that time, Gao Huan had a good relationship with Rouran. In addition, when he was a few decades old, he married a teenage Princess Rouran as his wife, and if he gave some money as a bribe, he could buy a way from Rouran. successful.

The relationship between Cao Wei on the grassland and Paike Bineng, the greatest power on the grassland, is very tense.If Cao Weijun wants to walk across the grassland, he must first get the approval of Ke Bineng, but this is almost impossible.

Therefore, after three or four days of endless debate among the courtiers, Cao Rui finally knew the real difficulty of immediately fighting the Shu Han army in Yongliang, as well as the "fear of war" thinking in the courtiers' hearts.

Therefore, although Cao Rui was angry in his heart, he could only knock down his teeth and swallow blood in his stomach.The general situation is like this, and there is nothing he can do.

Therefore, Cao Rui could only admit defeat in the Yongliang war, and turned all his attention back to maintaining the stability of Cao Wei's territory, and continued to consolidate his regime.

However, Cao Rui is not doing nothing.He reappointed a group of people.He appointed Sima Yi as the governor of Yongyou and Liangzhou, and became the supreme commander of the army of Youbin and Liangzhou to be responsible for preparing for the future combat preparations against Yongyou and Liangzhou.

Now, Liu Chan will directly face his lifelong enemies, the Sima clan.

?In the spring of the eighth year of Zhangwu, Liu Chan stayed in Chang'an City and never returned to Chengdu.

It should be said that Liu Chan has never been a person who needs to do everything by himself. If he can assign suitable people to do things, he will generally not let himself go down to intervene.

However, because the war between Yongliang and Liangzhou had just ended, and the internal ethnic situation was extremely complicated, Liu Chan had to devote most of his energy to Yongliang and Liangzhou.

But even though Liu Chan himself was in charge of Chang'an City, seven rebellions broke out in Yongliang and Liangzhou in just a few months, three of which were caused by the Han people, and the remaining four were caused by the Qiang Hu people. .

It can be seen that even if Liu Chan's army did not withdraw to Yizhou, under the threat of their deterrent force, the situation in Yongliang and Liangzhou was still very unstable.

Therefore, for Liu Chan, he really can only continue to sit in Chang'an.

At this time, Su had already woken up at the end of last year after being in a coma for a long time, but because of the extremely serious injuries on his body, he had been recuperating until this time without any signs of improvement.

It's all thanks to Liu Chan's special transfer of two doctors from the National Academy of Medicine to diagnose Su Ze's body every day. Otherwise, Su Ze would have died a long time ago.

As for the governor of Yongliang and Liangzhou, after the discussion of the prime minister's office, the corresponding candidate has already been determined.

Ma Liang was changed from Jingzhou governor to Yongzhou governor, and Jiang Wan was appreciated by Zhuge Liang and appointed as Jingzhou governor.

Fei Yi was officially appointed as Jing Zhaoyin of Chang'an, and his status suddenly rose to a new height. He began to leave Liu Chan's side and provoke the leader alone.

Wei Yan was changed from the former prefect of Hanzhong to the prefect of Fengyi County, and his status continued to rise.His general number is already high enough, and now he is the prefect of Feng Yi County, one of the three assistants, and his status in the Shu Han army is now second only to Ma Chao and Zhang Fei.

The candidate for the governor of Liangzhou was somewhat surprising, and it fell on Ma Dai.

But if you think about it carefully, this appointment seems to be a reasonable thing.

After all, now that Ma Chao has been ill for many years, Ma Dai has accordingly become a representative figure on the stage of the Ma family in Xiliang.

In addition, the Ma family was extremely powerful in Liangzhou in the past, and all the Qiang and Hu people were in awe of them like a tiger.Therefore, Ma Dai can use this to deter the situation in Liangzhou.

Although Liu Chan didn't like the power boundary between military officials and civil officials in this era, it was always confusing, but there was no way to do it for the time being, and finally agreed to the appointment of Ma Dai.

After the attack by the three-way army of the Shu Han, the consumption of national power was very large. Although the two states of Yongliang and Liangzhou that were successfully captured appeared to have an extremely large territory, they were actually very sparsely populated. The most densely populated Chang'an Sanfu was in the Eastern Han Dynasty The population is in the millions.But after the war to the present, the population is only three to four million left.

The situation in Chang'an Sanfu is still the same. In some counties in other places, even a county has less than 2000 people!

It is indeed difficult for such a region to make the greatest contribution to strengthening the national power of the Shu Han.

Therefore, if the functions and powers of the state and county chiefs are further divided, many new agencies will inevitably be established, and the required civil servants will inevitably increase exponentially, and the state's expenditure will also increase accordingly.

So for the Shu Han regime, which has already begun to suffer from financial constraints, the financial pressure will inevitably rise sharply.Then, in order to cope with the surge in expenditure at that time, the most direct way for the prime minister's mansion is to increase taxes on people and horses!

Therefore, at that time, the interests of ordinary people will inevitably be damaged.

In order to support Liu Chan's Northern Expedition, the people have already sacrificed a lot of relatives. They thought they would be able to stabilize after the war, but suddenly they have to face such evils as tax increases. No one will feel comfortable in their hearts. .

At that time, a new round of civil rebellion will inevitably be triggered again.This is simply something that can be guessed with a toe.

Therefore, Liu Chan can only temporarily tolerate the continued existence of this state.

But there is one thing Liu Chan knows very well, and it must be resolved immediately.

That is, Ma Dai is purely a military attache. If he is asked to start working on internal affairs, he is obviously not competent.Therefore, Liu Chan had to carefully select a capable political officer for him, and he was the highest assistant official when he was handling Liangzhou government affairs.

In the end, Huang Quan was selected by Liu Chan again.

It should be said that according to general practice, the officials of the various subordinates of the state governor can be hired by themselves.

In doing so, Liu Chan was suspected of interfering too much.But because of the special situation now, and the feeling that the power of the former governor of the state is too great, it is necessary to suppress it.Therefore, Liu Chan naturally began to find ways to reduce the authority of the governor of the state.

On the other hand, Liu Chan's appointment of Huang Quan was actually a downgrade, and Huang Quan was at a disadvantage.Therefore, when Liu Chan was appointed, he also wrote to Huang Quan himself, explaining the reason for this.

In fact, Liu Chan can still find many other candidates, such as Yang Hong and the like, and even he can recruit some old ministers from the former Soochow from the Jiangdong area to serve in Liangzhou.

However, Liu Chan's use of Huang Quan to Liangzhou at this time actually has a deeper meaning that is not well known.That is, he intends to let Huang Quan be the governor of Liangzhou after the situation in Liangzhou stabilizes in the future.

Therefore, Huang Quan's current downgrading is actually to use his strength in the past few years to get familiar with the situation in Liangzhou as soon as possible, so as to prepare in advance for the future governor of Liangzhou.

Therefore, from this point of view, Huang Quan's appointment is actually not a disadvantage.After all, the status of the governor of Yizhou is close to that of Jiuqing in the imperial court!

As for the prefect of the prefectural governor and the prefects of the prefectures under the prefecture, Liu Chan did not interfere much. Ma Dai discussed with the prime minister's mansion, and then appointed them on his own.

As one of the three assistants in Fufeng County, its prefect's status is naturally extremely high.Liu Chan originally wanted to use Lu Xun as the post, but was opposed by Yushitai, so he had to give up in the end.

However, Liu Chan also felt that Yushitai's objection was actually very reasonable.Because from the overall situation of Fufeng County, although it is guarding the safety of Chang'an, in fact, from the perspective of Fufeng, it will hardly be attacked by the enemy again.

Therefore, at this time, instead of appointing a military officer, it is more appropriate to appoint a civil servant who is dedicated to the construction of people's livelihood.

Liu Chan finally accepted Yushitai's defense, and reappointed Dong Yun, who had been suspended for a long time because of Shiboshi's corruption case, as the prefect of Fufeng County.

The pair of friends Fei Yi and Dong Yun, one became Jing Zhaoyin, and the other became the prefect of Fufeng County, became a good talk for a while.

Then, Liu Chan once again upgraded the Shibo Department in Jiangdong, giving the Shibo Envoy the mission of being directly responsible to the emperor.

In this way, there are now two organizations that are directly responsible to the emperor, one is Fazheng's Shangshutai, and the other is Wang Lian's Shibosi!
In this way, Shibo made Wang Lian's status soar!
It can be seen how much Liu Chan attaches importance to foreign trade.

(End of this chapter)

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