The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 99 The Situation in Hanzhong

Chapter 99 The Situation in Hanzhong
After entering Yizhou, Liu Chan never wanted to stop there.Soon after, he once again set his sights on Hanzhong, an important town in the north of Yizhou.

Hanzhong is the private site of Zhang Lu, the "department teacher".Because of his mother's relationship, he was appointed by Liu Yan as the governor and Sima. He led the troops to capture Hanzhong, educated the people with the "Five Dou Rice Religion", and gradually transformed Hanzhong into a dictatorial regime. After Liu Yan's death, he quickly self-reliance.

However, Liu Chan has already received news from Zhuge's military adviser that Cao Wei is now sharpening his sword again. I am afraid that next year Cao Cao will lead his troops to conquer Hanzhong again in order to force Zhang Lu to surrender obediently.

In fact, what Liu Chan was most afraid of was that after Zhang Lu surrendered, he would be relocated to Luoyang by Cao Cao. At that time, there might be tens of thousands of Hanzhong residents who followed Zhang Lu to relocate.So in the future, when Liu Bei personally captured Hanzhong, the population there would probably be depleted.

Hanzhong is the outpost for leading the Northern Expedition in the future. Its land is fertile, and the food it produces is the best supply for the Northern Expeditionary Army. But if there is no population, who will plow the fields?So this is also an important reason why Zhuge Liang attacked from Hanzhong many times in history, but faced a lack of military supplies and hastily retreated.

And from the perspective of strategic geography, Hanzhong is the gateway to Bashu, and it also connects with the northwest region. It is an important channel for sending troops to the northwest Guanzhong, and there is also a road connecting Jingxiang.Therefore, there is a saying that "the north overlooks Guanzhong, the south covers Bashu, the east reaches Xiangdeng, and the west controls Qinlong, the situation is the most serious".

Therefore, this place is definitely the strategic hub of Yizhou and Guanzhong Yongliang.Once such an important place is controlled by Cao Wei, not only will the road to the Northern Expedition be blocked in the future, but Yizhou will also face attacks from Cao Wei at any time, and there is a great risk of precariousness.

So, after Liu Chan thought about it, he found that the only person he could discuss with him was Mr. Shi Guangyuan.Military Master Zhuge is actually Liu Chan's most trusted person, but he is now an official of Liu Bei, and he had a secret discussion with the young master not long after returning to Yizhou. suspicion.

Shi Guangyuan is different. He is Liu Chan's teacher. No matter what the two talk about, as long as it does not involve rebellion, others will not pay too much attention.Therefore, Liu Chan took Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao to the National Hospital to find Shi Guangyuan.

After hearing Liu Chan's question, Shi Guangyuan couldn't help feeling very surprised.Because Liu Chan's understanding of Hanzhong is absolutely wise and accurate.

However, everyone knows the importance of Hanzhong. It's just that although Yizhou has not completely settled down, everyone is unwilling to easily start a war against Hanzhong.After Shi Guangyuan thought about it carefully, he came up with three strategies for Liu Chan.

The worst policy: Immediately send an eloquent eloquent envoy to Hanzhong to persuade Zhang Lu to surrender the city.However, Zhang Lu has guarded the land of Hanzhong for decades, and the people have joined him. It is very difficult to get him to surrender.It's a bad idea.

Medium policy: Immediately send troops to Hanzhong.Although Zhang Lu had elite soldiers in his hands, relying on the dangers of the terrain, it was easy to defend but difficult to attack, but he had no good generals to assist him, and Liu Shijun had a cloud of good generals, and he might be able to take Hanzhong in one fell swoop.

The best policy: wait and see.Or wait until the day when the interior of Yizhou is stable, and then send troops to capture Hanzhong.Or wait for the day when Cao Wei sends troops to Hanzhong, Zhang Lu is definitely not Cao Gong's opponent, and he can form an alliance with him at the right time, and when they jointly send troops to reject Cao, take the opportunity to seize his Hanzhong foundation.It is the best policy.

When Liu Chan heard Shi Guangyuan's methodical display of these three strategies, he couldn't help but be shocked. Although Mr. Shi is not well-known now, he is indeed a beautiful chest!
But Shi Guangyuan didn't know that Cao Cao's use of troops is like a god's help, and his capture is like the wind. Once he personally leads the army, he may be able to force Zhang Lu to surrender in just a few months.At that time, even if Yizhou wants to send troops to Hanzhong, it will be too late, and the best policy will become the worst policy.

So after Liu Chan thought about it, he felt that it would be more practical to send troops to Hanzhong immediately.

He took Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao back home, and asked Zhuge Qiao to write a letter for himself, and he wanted to write a letter to Liu Bei.In the table, all the top, middle and bottom three strategies displayed by Shi Guangyuan should be listed, and a special note should be made that he thinks the middle strategy is more feasible.

The next day, Liu Bei summoned Zhuge's army division.

Kong Ming was dressed in a white shirt, with the goose feather fan still in his hand, and a pair of white silk embroidered shoes on his feet.
After arriving outside Liu Bei's study, Kong Ming adjusted his clothes a little, then gently opened the door and walked in.

The two large windows in the room looked out, welcoming the sunlight from the outside without hesitation, which made this rather large study room much brighter and no longer looked so gloomy.

But Kong Ming found that Liu Bei was sitting on the seat with a serious face, his face was not relaxed, as if he had encountered something, he stepped forward to salute without haste.When Liu Bei saw Kong Ming coming, he pointed to a form on the case and asked Kong Ming to take it for a look.

Kong Ming opened it and found that it was Zhuge Qiao's handwriting. He was secretly surprised that Zhuge Qiao would think of writing a letter to the envoy.But after seeing the content inside, I realized that the person who wrote the letter was the son Liu Chan, so I didn't comment immediately.

Seeing that Kong Ming didn't express anything, Liu Bei asked, "Military Master, the content in this form was given by you to Dudou? This kid has only been back for less than a month now, and he doesn't study hard. I'm adding to the confusion! I don't think he has reflected on the trip to Jiangdong at all!"

Kong Ming shook his head and said lightly, "These three strategies are not from Liang's hand. Judging from his style, it should be Shi Tao and Shi Guangyuan's handwriting. Although Shi Guangyuan is arrogant, his heart is actually the most calm, so the best strategy will definitely be adopted." Wait and see how things change'. If you have a strong temperament and are eager to make contributions, you will decide that the middle policy is the best policy."

Hearing Kong Ming's detailed analysis, Liu Bei's displeased expression eased, and he said, "It's not that I don't know the situation in Hanzhong and the importance of Hanzhong. It's just that Yizhou Xinde is now facing Soochow. Foreign aggression, sending troops to Hanzhong is really difficult to decide. What do you think, military advisor?"

Kong Ming thought for a while and said, "Liang thinks it's a bad idea to be elected."

Liu Bei couldn't help being startled and said, "The worst strategy? Didn't Shi Guangyuan say that this plan is very difficult?"

Kong Ming smiled slightly and said, "My lord, please take a look. The biggest difference between Shi Guangyuan's best strategy and the middle strategy is that you should choose to appease the foundation of Yizhou first, or eliminate Hanzhong, which is not a foreign invasion."

Liu Bei nodded when he heard that, Kong Ming's insights were really profound, and he hit the core of the two strategies, and he really hit the point, so let him continue talking.

Kong Ming continued to tell Liu Bei that in his opinion, Yizhou is the foundation, and now that the war is over, everything is waiting to be done, and the interior is still unstable, so turmoil cannot easily occur.Therefore, now is definitely not the best time to send troops to Hanzhong.

The reason why Zhuge Liang suggested Liu Bei to take the next strategy is because this strategy can have the effect of knocking mountains and shaking tigers.Now that they are sending envoys, it would be best if they could persuade Zhang Lu to surrender.

Even if Zhang Lu did not surrender, he must have immediately realized that Yizhou was already seriously concerned about Hanzhong.Then if Cao Wei sends troops to Hanzhong in the future, Zhang Lu will definitely come to ask for help.At that time, Yizhou will be well-known as a teacher, and it will be logical to implement the content of the best policy and seize the opportunity to seize Hanzhong. "

Liu Bei couldn't help sighing secretly that Kong Ming's wisdom was indeed better than Shi Guangyuan's.After all, Shi Guangyuan only proposed the three independent strategies of top, middle and bottom, but Kong Ming was able to integrate and use the isolated two strategies of top and bottom without any flaws.He immediately asked Kong Ming who should be appointed as an envoy to Hanzhong.

Kongming thought for a while and said, "General Zuo was originally suitable to be Mr. Zhonglang Yiji. But he is familiar with Jingzhou affairs, and I am afraid that he will be used as an envoy to Soochow in the future. Ma Liang is also a candidate, but he is now in Jingzhou takes on important responsibilities and is busy with government affairs. So let Zhaode General Jian Yong go."

Liu Bei nodded. Jian Yong was good at debating and discussing matters, and his temperament was simple and direct, without sticking to trivial matters.When he besieged Liu Zhang in Chengdu, Liu Zhang surrendered under Jian Yong's lobbying.Jian Yong is indeed an excellent candidate!Liu Bei naturally agreed to let Jian Yong go north to Hanzhong.

But when Liu Chan heard the news that Liu Bei adopted his bad strategy and sent Jian Yong to Hanzhong, he immediately became anxious.Because this is almost exactly the same as the unofficial legend, Jian Yong will not achieve any results at all.He wanted to go to Liu Bei and ask him to take back his life, but was persuaded by Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao.

Although Deng Ai is still stuttering now, he has almost been treated by Mr. Hua Tuo.Deng Ai told Liu Chan: "My lord's repeated actions without permission have already made my lord very angry. This time I should not have written a book without permission. If you go to speak again now, you will definitely annoy my lord even more. Of course not. Good fruit to eat."

Zhuge Qiao also persuaded: "Didn't my father already draw up a strategy for the lord? I think it should be foolproof. My son, don't worry about it."

Liu Chan knew that the two of them were doing it for their own good.But how did they know that in just a few months, Hanzhong and Berkshire would fall into Cao's hands!
No, Liu Chan knew that he must find a way to prevent this from happening.Otherwise, if Hanzhong cannot provide a part of the logistical supplies during Kongming's Northern Expedition in the future, it will be useless to attack as many times as possible.Then I can only accept my fate in the end, surrender the city to the Western Jin Dynasty like Liu Zhang, and become a "An Le Gong" who is reluctant to miss Shu!

Liu Chan stubbornly believes that Hanzhong is the place that determines his future destiny!

(End of this chapter)

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