The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 995 Capture the Black Hand

Chapter 995 Apprehending the Black Hand ([-])

Twenty miles east of Dali City, there is a desolate small village that was abandoned by the residents due to the war many years ago, lying silently in this endless plain.

The weather on this summer night is very clear, and there are not many clouds in the night sky, so that the bright moon in the night sky looks even brighter.

The clear brilliance of the bright moon fell on the ground, which no longer looked like a layer of frost, but looked more like the kind of hazy light that radiates from the horizon every day.However, it should be said that the moonlight is much clearer and more transparent than the morning light.

Even so, such a summer night seems to be very sultry, and it seems that no wind is willing to flow through this abandoned village.

As a result, the atmosphere here has become like a lifeless cemetery.The howling of wolves from very far away made it even more indescribable.

But what is even more strange is that in a dilapidated courtyard inside, there is actually a person standing, a young man in black clothes!
The courtyard is very small, just the size that ordinary people live in.In the buildings of this era, it is impossible for common people to afford bricks and stones. The walls outside the courtyard and the doors and walls of houses are all rammed with loess.The wall has long since collapsed, and it was covered with weeds, but it has already been shoveled down.

Fortunately, the house in the yard has not collapsed, and it seems that it can still live in people.

The reason why it can be confirmed that the person standing in the yard is a person, not a wild ghost who is unwilling to leave his hometown, is very simple.He stood straight in that courtyard, with his hands behind his back, and looked up at the bright moon in the sky, as if he was thinking about something, with a rather anxious look on his face.

Then, he started to walk back and forth in the yard a few times, which further highlighted his anxiety.Just as he was walking, a short black shadow was drawn on the ground by his not very tall figure.

It is impossible for ghosts to have shadows.Therefore, this must be a young man, and his status is probably not low, which can also be judged from the luxury of the black clothes on his body.

This young man was about 20 years old, not very tall, and looked a little thin, with a shrewd light shining in his small eyes.

His head is a bit big, but his chin is pointed, so that he looks very "big head".There is no crown on the head, just wrapped in a white cloth towel.This is definitely a routine for someone who goes out.

It's just that why this person appeared in such an abandoned village at such a time is really surprising.

Just as the young man was anxiously waiting for something, there was another commotion in this desolate abandoned village.

Under the moonlight in summer, a fast horse suddenly rushed into the village, and the chaotic sound of hooves broke the tranquility here.

Immediately sat a tall and strong knight, but he looked a little hideous and terrifying. He had a long and terrifying scar on his face, which took up one-third of the entire length of his face!
Even though this person looked scary, he still couldn't hide the anxiety in his heart.

With the appearance of this knight, this abandoned and desolate village seemed to wake up from its summer slumber.

Suddenly, more than [-] human heads popped up in various places in the village. These are not all ghosts, but real human beings.

They all clenched the weapons in their hands nervously, their eyes glistened, and they looked nervously at the fast horse and the knight on the horse running into the village.

These people knew at a glance that they were not good people. The murderous aura unconsciously exuded from their bodies made this place suddenly full of the feeling of killing at any time.

I'm afraid these people are all skilled quacks, or even soldiers who have been killed for a long time.

But these people did not attack the knight.Among them soon appeared a man in his thirties, but his right arm was hanging down. Obviously his right hand was disabled and could not move, but he was still wearing a long sword.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that the appearance of this disabled right hand is somewhat similar to that knight, and it is unclear whether they are relatives.

But these two people, one with a long scar on his face, and one with crippled hands, are really a perfect match.

After the swordsman with a disabled right hand saw the knight, his originally cold expression suddenly became respectful.

From his mouth came the cry of a night bird, a bit like an owl, and then all the people who appeared suddenly disappeared, and all of them were hidden in the darkness of the chaotic village on this summer night.

It seems that the twenty or so people who suddenly appeared just now were not actually human beings, but just a group of lonely ghosts who were unwilling to be lonely and came out to breathe.

The disabled swordsman in his right hand didn't hide, he suddenly started to run at an extremely fast speed, and the direction happened to be the courtyard where the big-headed young man was.

But he didn't follow the same path as the knight on the horse, because he couldn't move one hand, which made his running posture a bit awkward.But his speed is still extremely fast, not much slower than the knight's fast horse.

The swordsman with the disabled right hand and the knight on the horse arrived outside the big-headed young man's house almost at the same time.

And because they made a lot of noise when they came over, seven or eight black figures appeared around here, and everyone was armed with weapons.

In a panicked and abandoned rural village, so many masters armed with weapons suddenly appeared, and all of them were full of vigilance. This is definitely not an ordinary situation.

Moreover, from their tense state of alert, it can also be seen that the situation that the people here are facing now is absolutely impossible to be simple.

The swordsman with the crippled right hand uttered a bird cry again, as if it was a secret signal that they had agreed on long ago, and those black figures that appeared suddenly disappeared in an instant.

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of the crippled swordsman in his right hand, a smile that wasn't ugly, and walked quickly towards the knight on horseback.

The knight on the horse also wore a long sword, but when he saw the swordsman passing by, he didn't act vigilantly. On the contrary, he also showed a smile on his face.But because of that long scar, it seemed that his whole person suddenly became more ferocious and terrifying.

The swordsman with the crippled right arm suddenly said: "Brother, you are back! We are waiting to death!"

The scar-faced knight known as his brother nodded, handed the whip and bridle to the swordsman, and then turned over and got off the horse.

The swordsman then asked: "Brother, how is the matter going? Has there been any good news?"

The scarred face sighed, and said, "Hey, it failed! Those sent out have already wiped out all the troops."

Hearing this, the swordsman with the disabled right hand showed an expression of extreme disappointment on his face, but it soon turned into an expression of extreme resentment.

He asked Scarface: "But brother, how did you know that the matter failed so quickly? Dali City should still be in a state of blockade right now? How could there be news from inside so quickly? "

Scarface waved his hands, and said angrily: "What is the state of blockade, there is no state of martial law at all in Dali City, where did the blockade come from!"

The swordsman was taken aback by Scarface's words, and said in surprise: "How is this possible? Such a big incident just happened today, how could Dali City not be sealed off?"

Scarface sighed, and said: "This is indeed a very confusing place, but the enemy may be more vigilant because of this, and we have no chance of success here!"

The swordsman immediately shouted: "But, do we have to settle like this? What about our family's enmity?"

Just when Scarface was about to speak, a slightly feminine voice came out from inside, but the tone seemed very cold, just like a winter's cold wind suddenly appeared in this summer, making the Those who heard it couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Why don't you come in quickly, what are you doing outside!?"

The pair of brothers who were still chatting angrily stopped talking about their own family's blood feud, and hurried inside.

The young nobleman was still standing in the small courtyard at this time, looking up at the bright moon in the sky, his figure was indeed a bit thin.He has his back to them.It's hard to imagine that the cold voice just now came from this young man's mouth.

Seeing that the young master was already waiting for them outside, the two brothers couldn't help but feel very frightened, and they immediately went forward to salute the young master at the same time.

Only then did the young master turn around, and he really had a big head that didn't seem to match his body.But a pair of shrewd eyes swept across Scarface, making Scarface feel very uncomfortable.

Only then did the young master ask: "Jin Zheng, was the operation in Dali City successful?"

(End of this chapter)

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