Chapter 2 Preface
A woman must be able to go to the hall, go to the kitchen, drive a BMW, afford a good house, fight mistresses, and beat hooligans.

Women are mixed in the rivers and lakes and workplaces, and live in marriage and family, it is like stepping on two boats.The workplace and marriage are two boats that are not easy to step on. You must carefully grasp the balance, otherwise the boat will capsize if you are not careful.Therefore, the family and the workplace should be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be hard.

Being a man is tiring, being a woman is even more tiring, especially for a middle-aged woman whose job is unstable and whose family is changing, life is even more tiring...

Xia Yu's life is not easy. She has a good education and has seen the world, but unfortunately, what she holds in her hands is a muddy rice bowl full of variables. She is always worried that if she is not careful, her job will be broken. A tense battle.

"There is a kind of panic that can be seen everywhere, and there is always a kind of weightless pressure on the body. When people are happy, they can also feel panic. The future is uncertain and unpredictable, let alone have any expectations. As long as there is no bad news, That's good news." Xia Yu often said with emotion.She is often anxious and panic about keeping her job.

The turbulent work is full of dangers, the seemingly stable family hides dangerous reefs, the growth of children takes countless efforts, the parents' pension affects all energy, and the personal body is seriously overdrawn...Family and workplace are full of gunpowder. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't breathe.In her middle age, she often sighs with emotion that people are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Xia Yu's small life is very good, married to a husband who holds a golden rice bowl, and has nothing to worry about.But marriage is like shoes, whether it is comfortable or not on your feet, only you know.The other party's conditions are much better than their own, which may not be a good thing for women.She must always be alert to all kinds of threats outside the siege.

After Xia Yu walked through the wire rope many times, she discovered that the so-called beautiful marriage that lasts forever is just a fairy tale to deceive children. Marriage in reality is like a workplace, and it is also a business that needs to be carefully managed.

(End of this chapter)

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