Thank you for making me so strong

Chapter 26 The needle in the bottom of a woman's heart

Chapter 26 The needle in the bottom of a woman's heart
After Xia Yu negotiated with Dean Jin, she reported the project to Principal Wang. She focused on bringing certain economic and social benefits to the school.

"So this project can also bring about profit growth?" Principal Wang seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be talking to Xia Yu.

"The key depends on the students. If there are many people, there will be."

"When the time comes, let's go to South Korea together, to inspect Director Jin's university, to see the real situation of their university, and to travel to South Korea by the way. To be honest, I have never been to South Korea. I will take a chance this time. It’s not bad. As the person in charge of this project, you should vigorously promote it in our school and try to get more people to participate in this project. If there are more people who sign up, I will apply to the chairman for an inspection tour at a Korean university.”

"That's right. I've never been to Korea. If I had the chance, I would really like to go." Although Xia Yu didn't believe Dean Wang's promise, she knew that Dean Wang could brag and would brag.But this time he was blowing a bit too much, at least he was still on the earth, and he didn't blow it to the moon, nor did he blow it out of the solar system, nor did he blow it into the boundless space of the universe.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, and there are many things that need to be explored. Let's not set a specific goal, but I hope to send out 10 students in the first year, preferably 40 students, so that everyone will be happy. I will give it to the chairman. Good rewards are also considered your work achievements, and you will get a red envelope at the end of the year." Dean Wang stood up and spoke without pain in his waist, and he was full of energy to work hard when he opened his mouth.

"I don't know if I can complete the task." Xia Yu felt like a stone was pressed on her chest, and her head hurt a little.

"You can do your best. As for whether you can achieve what you want, we will talk about it when the time comes. The project to study in Korea will bring profit margins to our school. If a student goes abroad, our school will have a certain amount of income. How much money will you send out?" If there are ten students, the income here will be even more impressive. Hurry up and make an action plan for the implementation of the plan, and come up with a feasible plan for me in the next few days. However, you can’t ask the students to leave too early. If the students If they leave in the first grade, then our school's tuition fees will be affected, I think, we should wait until they are almost in their junior year, and then tell them to leave." Dean Wang said.

"Okay, I will definitely come up with a plan as soon as possible." Xia Yu said.

"The plan must be comprehensive and detailed, down to every detail, without any omissions."

"I'll do my best." After finishing speaking, Xia Yu began to worry. Xia Yu had never been involved in studying abroad. It was the first time she independently carried out this kind of work, and she didn't know what to do.

This job was blank in the school, no one did it before, and now Xia Yu is starting from scratch.She is very unfamiliar with the business related to studying in Korea, and she has no clue about the work. Xia Yu has never been in touch with the procedures for applying for a Korean visa.

So she couldn't come up with any suitable plan to report to Dean Wang, and her heart was as heavy as a heavy stone weighing a thousand catties.

Receiving this business is like receiving a hot potato. I want to shirk it but can't find a suitable reason, and I want to do it but I can't do it.What to do, how to get over this hurdle in front of me?She sighed sadly.Every day seemed to be pressed by a piece of lead, which made Xia Yu frown and depressed.It wasn't long after I was promoted, and I haven't experienced the benefits of the promotion. Unfortunately, I encountered this incident and encountered a winter in the workplace.

What should I do? If I don’t do a good job, if I don’t tell my colleagues’ jokes, it seems that my job will be lost. How should I deal with this hot issue?It's hard to ride a tiger.

Xia Yu knew that she didn't know what kind of luck she had recently, and there was a thunderbolt on the ground, and she was suddenly promoted, from an ordinary employee to the head of a department.Many colleagues around her are not convinced by her. In fact, this is normal. In terms of aptitude and ability, there are many people who are better than her.

Especially Teacher Zhang, who waited for a long time, but did not get this opportunity.

Now that the black hat has fallen on their heads, many people feel very unbalanced. They just want to wait for some chance to see her jokes, especially when some people see that they are climbing too fast, they wish she could fall quickly.

Xia Yu could feel the hostility from all directions, and those hostile eyes were looking at her, making Xia Yu even more unsteady.

The new official took office with three fires, and burned two fires without any problems. This third fire is hard work, and there are no two times that it will fail to fire.Xia Yu thought, if the newly appointed job is not done well, what face will she have to hang around here in the future?It might as well just pack up and go home.

Although taking a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter, and the big deal is to resign and leave. Now Xia Yu has learned to package herself, her vision is broadened, she can brag, and she doesn't have a headache about finding a job.

But she knows that finding a satisfactory job with a satisfactory income is not something that can be done right away, it takes time, energy and opportunities.

Even if you find a new job, you have to start your life again, starting from the lowest level step by step, and you have to watch other people's faces and be careful with you every day.Most importantly, I am very unwilling to leave now.

When it was time to eat at noon, Xia Yu didn't go back to the office. She didn't want Teacher Zhang to see her in such a mess.

So she walked to the noisy restaurant alone, bought a set meal, and ate it in silence.

"Director Xia, what a coincidence, you're sitting here too?" A mezzo-soprano rang in my ear.

"Director Liu, hello." Xia Yu looked up and saw a woman with heavy makeup sitting opposite her. There was a pile of food in front of her. It turned out to be Zhang Qian. Although she was middle-aged, she paid great attention to her grooming and often described Eyebrows and eyes are born with a charm.

"Director Xia doesn't seem to be in a good mood. What's the matter? Tell me." Zhang Qian seemed to be able to see through the hearts of others.

"Haha." Xia Yu was at a loss for words for a moment, she didn't know what Zhang Qian's intention was for asking this question, colleagues in the unit must be careful.

"I know you've been struggling recently." Before Xia Yu could answer, she said with a smile.

"Tell me?" Xia Yu's heart sank, and she felt that her privacy was being pryed into by others. At this time, she was a strong outsider, suffering in her heart, but she showed a nonchalant expression on her face.

"I'll tell you, haha, but you're very lucky to have met my friend." Xia Yu raised her head and saw Zhang Qian smiling, her attitude was very sincere, and she felt a little warm in her heart.

"You are really a worm in my stomach." So, Xia Yu said all that was in her heart, she said frankly, this project is a difficult problem, maybe she is not qualified for this position.

"I did this project in college before, and I have already figured out all the ways. I still have a relatively ready-made plan. I will help you do it when the time comes."

"Really? Do you know what to do about all the procedures and visas to go to Korea?"

"Yes, I have also gone through the relevant procedures. You know, in the original unit, I also did foreign affairs work and sent a few students to New Zealand. I feel that the work of studying abroad is basically the same, So as long as you take the first step, all the work in the future can be done with your eyes closed." Zhang Qian said.

"You are really a savior." Xia Yu said sincerely.

A big pancake fell from the sky, making people as happy as they want.She saw Zhang Qian smiling at her. His face was like the brightest sunshine in May, friendly to her. Such a smiling face was hard to see in a competitive workplace. Xia Yu found that Zhang Qian was a life-saving straw.It is very rare for a person who is about to sink to the bottom of the river to meet such a straw.

Xia Yu wished she could give Zhang Qian her heart. She was very excited, and there were tears in her eyes.

"This project is not difficult. As long as you think about it more, you will find that many things are just a layer of paper." Zhang Qian smiled mysteriously when she said this.

"Is it really that simple?" Xia Yu said in surprise, in Xia Yu's heart, it seemed that it was more difficult than reaching the sky.

"If I help you, you won't worry about it. You know, our school is a private school, and all the money is owned by the chairman. Although he has a lot of money, he never raises lazy people for nothing. Those who have no skills People here don’t last long here. Now that you have been promoted to such a high position, but you can’t produce anything real, you haven’t made achievements, you haven’t sent students abroad, your position is very dangerous, you know , It is very easy to leave our school, as long as the leader says a word, you pack up and go home immediately."

Speaking of this, a strange light appeared in Zhang Qian's eyes. This kind of light was penetrating and penetrated directly into the bone marrow of a person, making Xia Yu shudder.

Zhang Qian's words stuck in Xia Yu's heart, and Xia Yu felt that Zhang Qian's gaze had penetrated into the deepest part of her heart, as cold as it could be, as if Xia Yu was taking care of her job carefully, and then being robbed by others go the same.All the expressions in her heart were shown on her face.

"Look at you, why are you nervous? There is no obstacle in the world." Seeing Xia Yu's nervous expression, Zhang Qian said disdainfully.

"How to do it specifically?" Xia Yu seemed to be talking to herself, and seemed to be asking Zhang Qian.

Xia Yu looked at Zhang Qian, hoping that she would directly tell her how to do it, as if as soon as she spoke, her job would be saved immediately.

She never thought that in such a cruel workplace, there are still friends who pay attention to her. She remembered that she was always wary of Zhang Qian, and felt that she was very narrow-minded and failed her friend's kindness. Although the workplace is cruel, there are still friends who are helping you , is moving.

"It's human effort, right? The key is to take the first step." Zhang Qian laughed.

"Yes, in fact, you are more suitable for this job than I am, but why didn't you take charge of this project?" Xia Yu talked with Zhang Qian sincerely.

"Who said no? If I was asked to do it, I would have completed the task long ago. Who knows what's going on." The expression on Zhang Qian's face was full of injustice. She was very dissatisfied that this position was left behind her.

"How do you say we should carry out this project? What should we do in the first step, and how do we get started." Xia Yu looked at Zhang Qian as if she was looking for a savior. If she opened Jinkou, the matter would be resolved immediately. .

"Actually, actually." Zhang Qian stammered. "Oh, it's such an unfortunate coincidence that I happen to have something to do today, so let's talk about it another day, and we sisters can have a good talk another day."

"Okay." Xia Yu was a little disappointed.

Seeing Xia Yu's impatient look, Zhang Qian took her hand affectionately, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there will be absolutely no problem with your project, just keep your heart in your stomach. "

Xia Yu's heart, which had just warmed up, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it, cooling her heart thoroughly.

It seemed that Zhang Qian didn't want to say any more, and the heart that had let go just now jumped up again.Xia Yu knew that even if she asked again, she would not be able to ask any more questions, so she stopped there.

"Anyway, don't worry. If I help you with this matter, there will be absolutely no problem." After speaking, Zhang Qian left.Only Xia Yu was left sitting in a daze. After talking to Zhang Qian, not only did she not calm down, but she became even more worried.An intuition popped up, it turned out that Zhang Qian said these words to herself for a purpose.

On the surface, she smiled very sweetly, but actually she wanted to take the benefits of this project.But she confides all her heart and soul to let the other party see that she is a rookie. Xia Yu feels very naive and always misleads others.

Xia Yu recalled that Teacher Zhang told herself that Zhang Qian was a very scheming woman. The two of them worked together on a foreign affairs project. Because Zhang Qian was not familiar with this business, she asked Teacher Zhang to help translate English documents.

In order to ask Teacher Zhang to translate the materials faster, Zhang Qian called each sister sweeter than anyone else, and promised that she would get the most benefits in the end, and also agreed on the final profit share.

Teacher Zhang was very serious and quickly translated the materials, and finally the project was successfully completed.However, Teacher Zhang didn't get anything, because Zhang Qian took all the benefits to herself.

"Now, when I think of her smile back then, I still feel chilled. You must pay attention to such a woman smiling at you. It may be a dangerous signal." Teacher Zhang said bluntly to Xia Yu.

"I found that these office staff are very smart. When we are teachers and teach as a whole, we become like fools."

"That's true. Our teacher's brains are incomparable with others." Teacher Zhang said helplessly.

Thinking of these, Xia Yu realized that no one could be trusted, only herself was the real one.

So Xia Yu searched for relevant information on the Internet and racked her brains for a design plan, but she never came up with a suitable idea.

She panicked and thought that it must not be long before the leaders would hear a lot of rumors about her lack of ability, and many people would say that she was not suitable for this position.He has been in office for a period of time, but has not done anything, so Gao Ming should be selected for this position.

(End of this chapter)

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