Chapter 33
Xia Yu is middle-aged, her family life is very boring, and her work is not going well, so she is very much looking forward to the romantic things that will change her real life.Although emotional life is like the moon in the water, flowers in the mirror, illusory, it can add color to a peaceful life.

It is said that passion can make a woman look younger, Xia Yu doesn't want to grow old, she is afraid that she will grow old completely, she wants to be young and happy.

Xia Yu was looking forward to someone she could pin her feelings on.The relationship between Xia Yu and Zhang Jie has reached a left-handed and right-handed relationship. There is no passion, and there is nothing to say. Every day is a day.Xia Yu feels that such a marriage is very depressing, and hopes to find spiritual sustenance. The only imaginary person who meets these conditions is Wang Xiao who suddenly appears in life, so she pins her fantasy on Wang Xiao.

Ever since the unexpected encounter with Wang Xiao, Xia Yu has been looking forward to a call from Wang Xiao. Originally, Xia Yu wanted to take the initiative to call Wang Xiao, but she felt ashamed, so it was better for Wang Xiao to call her. So, she Put down the thought of calling Wang Xiao.

A few days later, Xia Yu did not receive a call from Wang Xiao, and a few days later, Xia Yu still did not receive a call from him.Xia Yu was hit hard and felt left out.

Am I getting old?Xia Yu thought.Time is like a butcher's knife, and with the passage of time, Wang Xiao is no longer the worthless young man of the past, but has transformed into a powerful middle-aged man.What is a middle-aged man?Others Xia Yu didn't know, but Zhang Jie beside her, she knew that if he had any extramarital affairs, he must only want the good of the woman, and he didn't want to take on her troubles.

The same is true for Wang Xiao. When he was young, he was easy to let go, but now he has become more proficient and has become a truly mature and sensible man of action.

Will judge whether a woman can handle it, and if it can be done, quickly adopt lightning speed and make a quick decision.If it can't be done or the woman is not attractive enough, he will let go immediately and leave decisively.

"I'm old and unattractive. He doesn't pay attention to me anymore, and he won't waste any time on me." Xia Yu thought, beautiful women are old, and strong men are old.It is a bit too elegant to use, and it is more suitable to use on oneself.Xia Yu had to admit.The status of middle-aged women in the hearts of the opposite sex is getting lower and lower, and the value of charm for the opposite sex has reached the lowest point, and she has some inexplicable sadness in her heart.

Xia Yu can judge her own charm from the eyes of the opposite sex. When Xia Yu was in her 20s, her friends around her hadn’t married yet, and there were various gatherings every year. Every time Xia Yu attended a gathering, she would dress up meticulously.

Xia Yu likes the amazing eyes of the opposite sex when they see her. She is considered a core figure with countless fans around her. Every gathering runs from noon to afternoon. After the big party, there are some small inner circle dinners. The phone calls almost never stopped.There are often people of the opposite sex trying to get in touch with her. When she is off work, some friends will come to the door of the unit and invite her by the way.

Now this kind of vision is rare. Sometimes there are friends and classmates gathering, although they are still the central figures at the gathering, but after the gathering, everyone goes their separate ways, and her phone no longer rings, and life still runs according to the original track. There were no waves, not even a ripple, as calm as it could be, as if the party had never happened.

The feeling of being ignored is very uncomfortable and very disappointing. When a person reaches middle age, he no longer has the capital of the past, and the other party doesn't even bother to return a call. If I take the initiative to call him, Wang Xiao will be very proud, and he will laugh at me for posting.

That man would refuse a woman who offered to throw himself into his arms?He doesn't eat the fat that comes to his mouth for nothing. After a period of passion, he will disappear under the pretext of being busy.But Xia Yu couldn't control herself, and still wanted to make a phone call, just like before, with someone beside her who talked about everything, adding some spice to the dull life.

But Wang Xiao doesn't seem to be interested in her. After Xia Yu has experienced a few emotional ups and downs, those who know that they should come will definitely come, and those who are not destined will not be destined no matter how they go.

So, she completely gave up the idea of ​​contacting Wang Xiao, and planned to completely forget about meeting Wang Xiao by chance. As for asking Wang Xiao to help her change jobs, it seemed that she had never thought about it.If the other party is always on the phone, she will feel very annoying, but now that the other party has disappeared, her self-esteem has been hurt again.

Xia Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion that nothing can be done in middle age.When you don't know love, love is like wild flowers on the barren hills, blooming brilliantly and coquettishly, everywhere.When you know love, love is like a barren mountain in winter, without a trace.

What surprised Xia Yu was that after a month, Xia Yu had almost forgotten about Wang Xiao, and he even called Xia Yu.

At that time Xia Yu was sleeping, the phone rang over and over again, the call came at the wrong time, Xia Yu didn't want to answer it, but the phone kept vibrating, so she had no choice but to answer it.

"Hello." There was silence on the phone, as if the other party was a little nervous.

"Wang Xiao." Xia Yu didn't even have to think about it, she opened her mouth and came. More than ten years ago, Wang Xiao contacted her in the same way. All the time froze, and Xia Yu seemed to have returned to the past.

"I happen to have time tonight, can I bother you with something?"

"You are so humorous. I want power or not, money or money. Why is it your turn to bother me? I should be the one to trouble you."

"Trouble is welcome, trouble is always welcome."

"That's so funny."

"Since you are embarrassed to bother me, I have to trouble you. I happen to have a few free coupons on hand. How about we have dinner together?"

"Yes, but not at night. I have something to do, so I can do it at noon." Xia Yu agreed without hesitation. Now that work is not going well, it is very unpleasant to deal with Director Zhang, David Zhang and his like.Back home, Zhang Jie lays on the computer again. If the air is normal and someone invites you to relax, she doesn’t want to refuse the person who comes to her door. Anyway, she is very happy, so why not do it?
"Okay, then at noon, I invite you to Fuguiyuan Hotel, see you there or be square."


Xia Yu was very happy when she received Wang Xiao's call. She really looked forward to adventures. She has always been narcissistic and felt that she was a very classy person. After getting married, she still has the same charm as before.

They married good husbands, had white-collar jobs, and lived in high-end residential areas.Buying the most high-end fashion, cosmetics, dressing up, living a romantic life, having enough money, surrounded by a group of handsome and tasteful men, living a very elegant and poetic life, Xia Yu likes them very much way of life.

There are also some unattractive women who live in disgrace. Apart from serving their husbands and children, they have no self-thoughts, and the days are getting more and more boring.

Xia Yu doesn't want to be a husband and wife, follow the rules, give herself up to her family, have no complaints or regrets, and keep her own place. What can such a woman who has no personal thoughts and only lives for others get?
After gaining an independent source of income, Xia Yu began to reflect on her marriage. She found that even though she had a family, it was just a fulfillment of a task in life. With a form, she could declare to the outside world that I am a normal person. I have a family with children.

As for the content of the marriage, she doesn't feel anything. The relationship between her and Zhang Jie is like a roommate living together. Although they meet every day, they each have their own busy schedules.

The relationship between two people is unremarkable, just like holding the right hand with the left hand. Except for three full and two down, there is no passion in daily life, and there is never a feeling that a day is like three autumns.

But Zhang Jie's personal space seems to be infinite. He lives very self-consciously, knowing that happiness is found by himself, so, like all men, he looks for happiness everywhere and leaves Xia Yu at home.In his eyes, Xia Yu is just a decoration, because of Xia Yu's existence, he has the status of a married man, and he is no longer treated as a different kind in society.

Seeing Zhang Jie's dissatisfaction in marriage, Xia Yu is naturally unwilling to be lonely.

In fact, Xia Yu understands that even if Zhang Jie is an honest and responsible person, her heart will not be restrained in any way.

Xia Yu knew that the so-called ethics and morality were all tricks to deceive people. Those who set the rules set them up for others, and put them on others, making others respect and fear, but she didn't take it seriously. Xia Yu would not be fooled by these stupid people. constrained by the rules.

Xia Yu knows that people live for themselves, and it is not easy to live a lifetime, and she is very restless in her bones.

On the surface, Xia Yu is dutiful and well-behaved, but deep in her heart, it can be said to be turbulent, overwhelming, and Xia Yu's enthusiasm can melt the entire desert. When Xia Yu is living a peaceful family life, her soul is always There is no peace, and there is often an unrealistic fantasy. She wants to break away from the vulgar reality, leave everyone, forget all the past, run to a novel world, and start a new life.

Xia Yu doesn't know if other women are like this. Anyway, she has been living in a half-dream and half-awake state. She likes to daydream and always lives in dreams and expectations. Intellectually, she knows that life is far beyond dreams and expectations. Yes, but she still likes to indulge in sensuality and dream.

Because of everything in reality, whether it is work, life, or personal status, Xia Yu is very dissatisfied.

In Xia Yu's mind, she is definitely not living such a useless life. In Xia Yu's mind, she is an extraordinary person with great talent and a charming appearance. She should have a high-paying white-collar job, and one of the best accompanied by men.

However, the difference between her in reality and her ideal is so great that Xia Yu is helpless.

Many realities can no longer be changed, but there is one thing that Xia Yu feels can still be achieved, that is, meeting a heart-pounding relationship, adding a bit of color to the ordinary, mediocre life.

She looks forward to finding confidence in her interactions with the opposite sex.

Xia Yu is very eager to have contact with the opposite sex with taste. She is eager to meet the person she likes on a very romantic day, and there will be a story about a talented man and a beautiful woman.She longs for a vigorous relationship, even restarts her married life, and meets a love that lasts forever, which will remain in the depths of her heart forever.

Excited romance, charming opposite sex, if there is such a person, Xia Yu will definitely suppress herself, but unfortunately, such a perfect person has never appeared in life, although I met a few seemingly excellent people, but In the relationship, Xia Yu felt a lot of pressure, and Xia Yu would naturally shy away from people who were under pressure.

The reality is very helpless, Xia Yu can only dream. In Xia Yu's dream, there has always been an excellent and perfect man. People are intoxicated by it.A charming smile, like sunshine, melts people away.Wisdom talk makes people forget their troubles and sorrows.He has amazing talent and can write beautiful articles. He is knowledgeable, talented, more artistic, and can play the piano well.He is even more charming, making people linger.He is a man with a successful career and a wealthy economy. He is the prince charming in the minds of all women.

This person appeared in her imagination many times, but every time it was very hazy. He smiled and waved not far away, waiting to approach him and when he was about to see him, Jiu turned and smiled and left, leaving only A slender figure.

How wonderful it would be if this perfect person came into her life.She is not afraid of any secular world, what are those rules and regulations?People are alive.Public opinion is dead, Xia Yu is fearless.

Xia Yu regrets that such a person has never appeared in real life.Xia Yu has never met a person worthy of her admiration in her life, never has, everyone has many shortcomings.

Can such a beautiful person really meet in this world?

Did he keep looking for me in the crowd, just like I was looking for him in the crowd?Will we miss it, will we not notice it when he appears, and finally pass by?

Xia Yu is very envious of Francesca, the heroine of "The Bridge of Madison County". She was originally a dreamlike, passionate woman full of fantasies, but she was forced to give up her life ideals in her long-term dull married life. The day is buried in trivial household chores.

Xia Yu felt that their life experiences were so similar.

But Francesca was lucky. When she reached middle age, she met Robert, a wandering photographer who drove a pickup truck, played the guitar, and smoked Camel cigarettes without eating meat.

Francesca said he was from a journey, from far away, from strange, haunted, from some unknown tribe in a world long before Darwin's theory of the origin of species.

When the hero Robert, full of freedom, appeared, she couldn't help but be attracted to him.From then on, a flash of lightning appeared in her lonely life, which pierced the mediocre real life, and the two fell in love, what a magical love it was.

"I have only one thing to say, and this one thing, which I will never say to anyone again, I want you to remember: In a universe full of chaos, such a clear love will only appear once, regardless of How many lives you live, you will never reappear in the future."

They have been together for four days, the love is so beautiful, if this beautiful and fragile relationship is brought into real life, it will be a terrible disaster, all the peace in life will be destroyed, it will be hurt to everyone .So in real life, he couldn't find a place to stay.It can only be kept in the inner world forever as the deepest and most beautiful memory.

After repeated decisions, Francesca finally chose family, hiding her love deep in her heart. This love is romantic yet elegant, warm and free and easy, short and long.

From then on, no matter how mediocre the real life was, Francesca had a youthful heart in her heart.

Xia Yu once met a person who made her sad, but she missed him due to various reasons.She used to want to revive him in the dead of night, but Xia Yu really didn't want him to be resurrected in real life.

She knew that she couldn't give easily, otherwise she would get hurt. When she met Wang Xiao again, Xia Yu thought, could this person be Wang Xiao?There are a lot of expectations for him.But unfortunately, Wang Xiao disappointed Xia Yu deeply in many aspects. In the end, Xia Yu found that it was just her own wishful thinking, just like she put a dream clothes on him. When he woke up, he found that the idol in his heart was definitely not Wang Xiao.

who's that person?Xia Yu didn't know either, she began to wonder whether that perfect person could still appear in real life?If so, when?
However, before this person appeared, Xia Yu thought about replacing Wang Xiao with the perfect person in her dream.

Now that Wang Xiao is close to her, Xia Yu will not be too enthusiastic about him. Many friends have many paths, and they are all old friends for many years. Apart from the ambiguity between men and women, there are also some friendships. , There's nothing wrong with being in touch, life in marriage is so boring, you always have to find some fun in other aspects, Xia Yu feels that it's also good to find someone to chat with and relax.

Xia Yu dressed up carefully, sprinkled some Dior perfume brought back from the United States, carried an American GUCCI bag, put on a decent fashion, and immediately became a twenty-eight beauty. A few tasteful friends of the opposite sex live happily.

Why is it that Zhang Jie is like drinking wedding wine all day long, hooking up everywhere, but he is like an old woman walking around the pot, now whoever leaves will have a good life, happiness is the most important thing.

Xia Yu arrived at Fuguiyuan on time, Wang Xiao was already waiting for her at the dining table, he looked at Xia Yu with astonishing eyes, a delighted smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the last time we met, Xia Yu was dressed very casually, this time it seems to have changed people.

Xia Yu hasn't seen the appreciative gaze from the eyes of an attractive man for a long time, she seems to have returned to the days when she was single again, everything just happened yesterday.

The dishes they ordered were the same as before, and nothing seemed to have changed, except that the two of them had reached middle age.

"What's your situation now? How old is the child?" Xia Yu asked.

"Son, hey, not yet..." Zhang Jie coughed, as if choking on water.

"What, you don't have children yet? Why?" Xia Yu's eyes were as big as copper bells.

"My youth was ruined by someone, and it was all wasted by that guy, otherwise my life wouldn't be a mess now." Wang Xiao was complaining.

"who is she?"

"Is there still a need to ask? She is far away in the sky, but close in front of me."

"Your mouth is so sweet." Xia Yu was a little bitter, but also a little happy, she had mixed feelings.

The two were talking about their happiness, Xia Yu spotted a very familiar figure passing by from the corner of Xia Yu's eyes, she raised her head, and happened to meet that person's eyes.

It was none other than Zhang Jie, followed by a young woman, who was looking at Zhang Jie with admiration.

After returning from abroad, Zhang Jie often talked about his work experience in the United States intentionally or unintentionally, showing that he was well-informed. In Xia Yu's eyes, these were superficial and without depth.

The strange thing is that some women actually admire him very much, Xia Yu is really worthless for these women, don't they have bad eyesight?Zhang Jie is just taller and has a more stable job. For good-looking ladies, he is sweeter and more earnest. He has overseas work experience. Other than that, he is almost useless. The position is stable, and it seems that he doesn't care about his work. Why are many women still full of enthusiasm for him, making Xia Yu feel very uncomfortable, and often ridiculing Zhang Jie.

Is there something wrong with their brains, or something wrong with Zhang Jie? Xia Yu wanted to analyze this problem, but she still couldn't solve it.

At this time, Zhang Jie was in high spirits and talking freely.Xia Yu's eyes widened, she stared at Zhang Jie, and her whole body instantly petrified.This guy is really hateful. He actually secretly got together with women behind my back. No wonder his phone is locked all day long. There is a reason for it.Thanks to being discovered by me today, otherwise, hum.

Wang Xiao was talking about speculation with Xia Yu, and was very surprised to see Xia Yu's strange expression. He stood there in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"Excuse me, who is this?" Xia Yu forgot about Wang Xiao next to her, and walked directly to Zhang Jie's side.

"This is Kong Jie. The company wants to purchase some equipment. Whoever buys it is not buying, but a friend. So I bought her equipment, so she invited me to dinner." Zhang Jie explained with some stuttering.

"Look at what a coincidence, let's eat together." Zhang Jie smiled and invited.

"What a coincidence." Xia Yu snorted.

"Excuse me, who is this?" Zhang Jie looked at Wang Xiao and asked.

"Ah, this is my boss. It just so happens that some procedures in our school require their unit to stamp it. I happened to be here to handle some business. By the way, I invited him to dinner. This is my husband, Zhang Jie." Xia Yu hurriedly introduced to Wang Xiao.

"Long-awaited, long-awaited, let's sit and eat together." Wang Xiao invited.

"No... ok, ok." Zhang Jie neither accepted nor refused, it was very embarrassing, he wanted to disappear immediately.

"Then let's eat together, I'll pay the bill." Wang Xiao was very straightforward.

So, the four of them sat together, each with their own concerns, looking for something to say, and the atmosphere was very awkward.The meal was very uncomfortable, and the dishes on the table basically ended without chopsticks.

Xia Yu was very disappointed, she wanted to reminisce about the old days with Wang Xiao very easily. After planning for so long, she just found a little romance, but was completely disturbed by Zhang Jie. Xia Yu was very disappointed and disappointed.The most irritating thing is that Zhang Jie is not clean. I don't know where to find a confidante who still has a good impression of him.

(End of this chapter)

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