Thank you for making me so strong

Chapter 36 Endure Resistance 2 Difficult Choices

Chapter 36
Xia Yu endured all this, because money is hard to earn after all.Xia Yu has a headache, but she has no choice. Before there is no more suitable job, she has to work overtime.Xia Yu leaves early and returns late every day, feeling a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart.

Finally, the time for new students to enroll, thousands of parents of new students with their children flocked to the school from all over the country like a tide.Due to the large number of students, each student needs to pay fees, receive daily necessities, and apply for campus cards and meal cards. These tasks require a lot of manpower and material resources, and the school has mobilized all the teachers to come forward.At this time, Xia Yu discovered that private schools are really a radish and a pit, and they will definitely not support idlers.

Compared with the number of students, the number of teachers is very small. Even if all the teachers live in the school according to the regulations of the leaders, everyone is in a hurry.

At this time, Zhang Jie was going on a business trip, and Xia Yu was worried that Beibei would be at home by herself, and would ask for leave to take care of the children. She went to Principal Wang's office to explain the reason for the leave.

Unexpectedly, the usually magnanimous Principal Wang showed embarrassment.

"Mr. Xia, you see, this is a provisional regulation of the school."

Principal Wang took out the A4 paper with the school's big red badge and handed it to Xia Yu.Xia Yu saw that it was stipulated that all teachers must live in the school during this period, and complete the school's reception work with peace of mind. No matter how busy the family is, they are not allowed to ask for leave.If there is a special reason to ask for leave, you must apply in advance, and the directors at all levels sign and agree, and you can ask for leave only after submitting it to the chairman for signature.

"This rule is too unreasonable. Are we all stone monkeys who jumped out of the cracks in the rocks? Who has nothing to do at home?"

"This is all the leadership's regulations, and I can't do anything about it."

"Excuse me, Principal Wang, do we get overtime pay for working overtime?"

"I have been in this school for many years, and I have never heard of overtime pay."

"These more than ten days, is it completely compulsory to work overtime?"

"It should be like this."

Shameless, is there such a way to squeeze the blood and sweat of employees?Xia Yu was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, her face was flushed red.

Seeing Dean Wang's helpless look, she had no choice but to come out, cursing viciously in her heart: "Look at your virtue, didn't you start your family by abducting Ken Meng? I was much richer than you back then." Cursing, in a blink of an eye, she saw Li Xue also walking over with the slip.

"Don't worry, the leader doesn't want to, I just hit a snag."

"In this hellish place, I don't even ask for a leave of absence. It's killing me. I must be admitted to a well-established teacher and enjoy the treatment of a normal person. However, I really must ask for today's leave. I will take the exam. Edited by the teacher, I passed the initial test, and now I am going to interview, I can't work for others for the rest of my life, it is related to the major events of my life, I have decided on this leave."

"I just said that my grandma passed away. If he doesn't ask me to ask for leave, I will resign immediately." After speaking, Li Xue walked into the office. She didn't have much time, and walked out with a leave slip.

Xia Yu is very envious. Young people have capital, courage, and many opportunities. They don’t stay here, they have their own places to stay. If they don’t work here, they can work there. It's not like me, the more I live, the more useless I am, I hold my job cautiously, for fear that the leader will be unhappy, the more careful I am, the greater the pressure will be.

What can I do if I am not reconciled?The reality is like this, if you don't recognize the situation clearly, you will definitely suffer.When the time comes, I am not qualified to take the teacher's editorial examination, unable to jump out of the fire pit of being exploited and oppressed, and unable to compare with young people.

Xia Yu couldn't vent her frustration when she failed to get the leave. She thought that living in school for more than ten days was equivalent to being deprived of her freedom.The school's request is too unreasonable.

Xia Yu thought about it, there are so many teachers in the school, if they know about these unreasonable requirements, everyone will stand together to resist this unreasonable regulation, and maybe they will even jointly write a letter to report the situation.

Xia Yu didn't think it was necessary to stand up alone and say that it would be difficult to do so alone, and the influence would be bad.Or the chairman will consider everyone's request and give everyone a chance to take a break. In short, every teacher will not be asked to work overtime at the unit for more than ten days.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu felt comforted in her heart. She thought that if there was an appropriate and reasonable arrangement, she would never use so many people to work overtime, and everyone could take turns.

But later facts proved that Xia Yu's thinking was very simple. Although all the teachers were scolding, no matter how old they were, how high their degrees were, whether they were graduate students or professors, no matter how many things they had at home, even if it was urgent.Except for a few high-ranking old professors, almost all of them really lived in the school for more than ten days without going home. Talk in front of the boss.

Only now did Xia Yu fully understand what a boss is, that is, to squeeze the last drop of blood from employees.

"Why don't you resist?" Xia Yu asked Teacher Zhang.


"In our school, overtime work has become normal, and it is even more normal to have no overtime pay. It seems that no one has legal awareness. Obviously, the country's labor law stipulates that overtime work should be paid overtime, but everyone does not ask for overtime pay, and there is no overtime pay. Anyone who dares to ask for a change of rest."

"Don't have so many complaints. I was full of complaints back then, but now after staying for a few years, I have become insensitive."

"Why are everyone so timid and dare not speak up?"

"The point is, what's the use of what you say? In the company run by the boss, all financial power is decided by himself. They are the company's gods. All personnel and financial power are determined by themselves. When they are busy with work, they call their subordinates. Working overtime is commonplace. As employees of their company, they must not have any objections to overtime work, except to obey, which is to obey, or to leave, there is absolutely no third way to choose."

"Are they so ruthless in exploiting employees?" Xia Yu asked.

"Being able to be exploited by others shows that you are still valuable. If you don't even have a chance to be exploited by others, then it means that this person has failed too much, and no one will exploit him."

Seeing everyone's unaccustomed looks, Xia Yu stopped talking. She remembered her work experience in an American company.Almost all overtime work has overtime pay, and the boss does not want you to work overtime, if you work overtime, he will pay more.If you encounter any trouble in the workplace, you can also go to the corresponding institution to complain.

Xia Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the problem of bosses exploiting employees who used to learn in school has now been encountered.The current method of exploiting workers by the chairman is worse than what is stated in the textbook.

The capitalists are really black, but the resistance of the exploited is so weak that there is almost no one.Everyone just dare not speak out. Keeping their jobs is the top priority, and the rest can be ignored.

Xia Yu is very dissatisfied with this. Zhang Jie and his friends who work in government agencies rarely work overtime. Even if they work overtime, they will get subsidies and have the opportunity to change vacations.

There is such a big gap between the work within the establishment and the work outside the establishment.

How could the mother's child be the same as the stepmother's child?
Xia Yu was full of complaints, but there was nothing she could do. She sat in the registration hall with hundreds of other teachers every day to collect fees, and watched the students and parents lining up like a long queue, waiting to pay tuition fees. Parents hold bank cards, some parents hold cash, and put a lot of banknotes into the school safe. The teachers are hard at work, issuing bills and charging fees. Instead, the queue got longer and longer, and finally, due to the large number of registered students, the teachers who paid the fee didn't even have time to eat. At night, every teacher collapsed on the bed.

"I have recruited so many students this year, so I wonder if the salary will go up?" Xia Yu hummed weakly on the bed.

"Why did Teacher Xia start dreaming without falling asleep? The money belongs to the boss, and the money in our hands is the passing God of Wealth." Teacher Zhang teased.

"It's sad to be working for someone."

"So, if you have the ability in the future, it would be great to be your own boss and work for yourself. The more you work, the happier you will be."

"Where do I have this ability? I was born to be used like a cow, a poor girl." Xia Yu said.

"Ability increases with work. I have seen through it. At our age, if we spend our whole life doing work for others, we can only be squeezed dry by the boss. If there is a chance, we should consider doing it ourselves. "


"There are many opportunities. Now I am doing English training, and the income of tutoring is very high, and the income increases with the increase of professional titles. If you have a senior professional title, it can reach several hundred yuan per hour. Many of my friends work in tutoring institutions. Although they are tired, But I definitely don’t work here for others, I really can’t bear this endless overtime, the most annoying thing is that there is no overtime pay, if this continues, I’m going crazy.”

"I'm already crazy. Li Xue's grandma passed away at the right time."

"Her grandma has passed away several times. She is just looking for an excuse. Anyway, she is young and can take the civil servant exam and the teacher establishment exam. If she can't do it here, she will jump to other places. In the future, we will have nothing better than working alone. The way, unless you have connections, can find good units."

"I see that Dean Li has not come home."

"This old man said he had high blood pressure and asked for leave, and was scolded by the chairman. I think he doesn't want to do it anymore. The chairman said that the leaders in the college will be younger in the future. It's time for him to step down. " Teacher Zhang said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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