Chapter 45
The news is very tight recently. According to Feng Sheng from the Personnel Department, there is only one vacancy in the foreign language department, which means that one of Mr. Zhang and Xia Yu must be eliminated.

Teacher Zhang was unwilling to be out of the game, so she jumped up and down, worked hard everywhere, and ran to the personnel department when she had nothing to do, to inquire about various news.

Xia Yu is not willing to be lonely, and often goes to the personnel department when she has nothing to do.It is a little unnatural for two people to meet every day, for fear that the other party will go up and come down by themselves.Xia Yu secretly inquired about Teacher Zhang's whereabouts, for fear of missing something.

She heard from Zhou Ning that Mr. Zhang told the Director of Personnel: "There are only a few teachers who have participated in the enrollment work for three years in the whole school. Many teachers have not participated in the enrollment process, or have only participated in the enrollment process for one year. It would be very unfair if I didn’t make the evaluation, and it would affect the school’s admissions work for the next year. In order not to affect the school’s admissions work, teachers who are actively recruiting students must be given places first.”

This word reached Xia Yu's ears, and she was stunned for a long time, feeling that the words were very hostile and aimed at herself. Now that the situation is clear, Teacher Zhang has an absolute advantage, and Xia Yu must find other ways to win.

But what Teacher Zhang said was the truth. She came early and contributed a lot to the school. Judging by her determined attitude, if she is not qualified to be judged, she will definitely cause troubles, and maybe even make trouble with the higher authorities.

But Xia Yu didn't want to give up this opportunity in vain, she couldn't just sit and wait like this, with a senior professional title, it might be a bright future for her future career, this private university doesn't pay well, Xia Yu can switch to another private university , Teachers with senior professional titles should still be wanted.

Xia Yu thought about the need to take positive actions to deal with the current situation, and now it is not enough to just go to the Academic Affairs Office.Xia Yu thought about what she should do, so she wanted to ask a few colleagues from the Personnel Department to eat, but she was afraid that the meal would not work, and it would be a waste of money. Xia Yu didn't want to do this loss-making business. Scratching my ears and cheeks anxiously all day, exhausted physically and mentally, my hair started to fall out.

"Mr. Xia, I heard that the Personnel Department has some news recently. You can go to the office and ask." Dean Li said to Xia Yu.

"Really?" Xia Yu felt that he was implying something?
"Yes, you can ask sideways."

Xia Yu considered that the dean's office was well-informed, so she simply didn't go to the foreign language department for the past few days, and spent most of her time in the office.

"Does Teacher Xia have something on his mind? Why are you moaning all day long?" Director Wang said.

"Hey, can you have nothing on your mind? Everything is not going well."

"It's not about the job title, is it? If you want to open it up, you can't meet all the good things by yourself, right?"

"Thank you, I know, without me, I already know." Xia Yu heard the truth from Director Wang's words, she seemed to have fallen off a cliff, and suddenly lost her center of gravity, she was dizzy and nearly shed tears come out.

But she restrained herself, Xia Yu wanted to know more, so she acted accordingly and pretended to know everything.

"It turns out that you are more informed."

"When will the list be released?"

"Just in the last one or two days, don't pay too much attention to it, there are plenty of opportunities."

"I don't know if it can be reversed?"

"It is estimated that it will be difficult, and there is little hope, but everything is possible without making a list."

"what do you mean?"

"Do your best and listen to the destiny. Be normal."

But Xia Yu is not reconciled, she has experienced too many failures, and every time she fails, she sprinkles a handful of salt on the wound.But she also had many experiences of reversing the situation at the last moment. These experiences made her understand that as long as it is not the last moment, she should not give up lightly.

This time Xia Yu is also very unwilling, she can't guarantee how long she can work in the unit, and when she goes to a new unit in the future, there will definitely be other rules and regulations in the evaluation of job titles. Efforts to recover.

She treats a dead horse as a living horse doctor. In the end, Xia Yu thought about taking the upper-level route and directly looking for the leader, but which leader?

Xia Yu thought about how thick the incense should be burned, and how much the Buddha should be respected, so she directly talked to Dean Wang: "Dean Wang, I want to talk to you about the title."

"I'm going to a meeting, and I can give you 5 minutes." When Dean Wang heard that it had nothing to do with enrollment and money, he was obviously not interested, and wanted to dismiss Xia Yu, but Xia Yu was his direct subordinate, so he had to Give Xia Yu face.

"I think that if I don't have a senior professional title, I will be very passive when dealing with admissions directors from other countries. The few admissions directors I have contacted recently have high professional titles, and my current professional title is relatively low. I and When dealing with them, because of their low professional titles, they lack confidence. Therefore, in order to successfully carry out our school’s international exchange work, I think it is necessary to be awarded a senior professional title. Having a senior professional title is beneficial to the image of our school.” Xia Yu Make a generous statement and raise the issue of your professional title to the height of the school's facade.

"So you can't get a job title, and our international exchange work can't be carried out? Haha." Dean Wang was laughed at by Xia Yu's reason. "I'm not responsible for the job title issue, and I don't know much about it."

"I know, but you can report it to the Academic Affairs Office." Xia Yu grasped at the straw and refused to let go. She knew that Dean Wang didn't know about job title evaluation, because his own education was very low. I can't read books, and put all my energy and physical strength into the great recruiting cause. I only care about the economy, and don't care about the selection of professional titles at all.

But he is at the principal level after all in school. If he is willing to say a word and do some work, he can still start to make a difference. Taking a step back, he will not help anything, but he can also give some ideas. His emotional intelligence is high. , well-connected, the idea will definitely work.

"I can't play any role in this matter. How about it? I suggest that you go directly to the chairman and state your reasons just now. The focus is on the perspective of international exchange as the face of our school. If this job is done Well, it can bring good economic benefits to our school, and it is also a kind of publicity for our school's reputation. If you persuade the chairman, I feel that your title will have hope."

"It's a good idea. I really didn't think of it." Xia Yu nodded repeatedly. No wonder Dean Wang became the principal at such a young age. It seems that he sees the problem very deeply.

Xia Yu risked everything for her professional title and the economic benefits she was about to get. She took courage for a long time and went to the chairman's office to make a tragic and generous speech for the senior professional title, declaring that if she failed, she would succeed.

When she was about to leave the house, she heard Li Jie reading jokes on the Internet: "To be successful, you must first go crazy and move forward with a simple mind."

Yes, the mind is simple, rush forward, rush forward, if you fail, you will be benevolent.

Xia Yu felt that if she didn't qualify for a senior title, she would definitely suffer from a mental illness. If she didn't go crazy once in her life, she would be in vain.

Xia Yu is going all out this time, because of her job title, she doesn't even plan to take her life. She has met countless people who are famous in the world, so why would she be afraid of finding a chairman.

"The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return." Xia Yu walked into the dean's office as if he was dead, and only sang "The Song of the Great Wind".

"Xiao Xia, you have a good brain. It seems that if you don't give you a title, we won't be able to do international exchanges?" Recently, the school's enrollment situation is very good, and the chairman's mood is also very good. Xia Yu feels that there is something interesting.

"Now the competition is too fierce. If you don't advance in life, you will retreat. I like doing international exchanges very much. I worked hard and opened up the situation. First, according to the chairman's opinion, I hired an American professor to give lectures in our school. He is deeply loved by the students. It was well received, and then I held a mobilization meeting for studying in the United States and a mobilization meeting for studying in Korea. Now there are dozens of students who are going to study in Korea. This is a breakthrough since the establishment of my school. I will do my best in the next step Arranging for students to study in South Korea, first, language training, and then organizing students to go through visa procedures uniformly, before going abroad, to prepare various itineraries before going abroad. Our school’s international exchanges have taken a big step. Next One step will lead to greater achievements." Xia Yu praised her work as a flower.

"Ms. Xia's work performance is obvious to all. As I said, our school will provide a broad stage for every teacher. As long as you have the ability, you will reach the height you expect."

"Thank you, Chairman, I know that you have great affection for your employees. Please take care of my career growth in your busy schedule. Since the day I came to the school, I have put my personal growth and the future of the school into consideration. After being connected together, I think that as a member of the school, I should work hard and contribute to the school. In the future, the school will develop, and individuals will have a better future." Xia Yu's memory is not very good, she forgot the previous paragraph In order to work overtime, the chairman scolded the bloody head, and even the three generations of ancestors greeted and chanted it again. However, at this moment, the image of the chairman in her heart immediately grew, and she became a rescuer. The virtuous person rescued from the accident, Xia Yu's excited eyes turned red.

"Okay, I understand all your little thoughts, don't waste too much time on these things, and concentrate on doing your own work well."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job." But Xia Yu was not at ease. When she was free, she would hang around the door of the dean's office, hoping that the chairman would remember her. It's just a trivial matter for the chairman.

She knew that the money she didn't get was not her own money, only the money she put in her pocket was real, and this was the so-called peace of mind.

Not long after, Xia Yu received a notice from the Personnel Department that she was nominated for the gold list, and Teacher Zhang was among them, and both of them were selected.

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, she and Teacher Zhang smiled at each other, the circles of their eyes were a little red, the psychological torture for a period of time finally passed, and the two became sisters again.

It is true that there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Xia Yu felt that Teacher Zhang was her comrade in the trenches. For the benefit, the two fell out, and for the benefit, the two reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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