Chapter 48

It was the weekend, Xia Yu originally planned to sleep a little longer, but when it was time to go to work, Xia Yu got up involuntarily. She had already developed the biological clock of going to bed early and getting up early, and she was very helpless about it.

Zhang Jie went to the hospital to accompany his father to bed, and Xia Yu made breakfast for Beibei.Turning on the phone, she suddenly found that there were several unread text messages. She was a little apprehensive, for fear that she would be invited to work overtime at work. Xia Yu found that in the last few Saturdays, she was often invited to work overtime at work. She was very dissatisfied with this .

Xia Yu picked up the phone, and it turned out that it was a message from the information card, and 5 yuan was deposited on the card.

How is this going?How can you have so much money all of a sudden?Xia Yu felt baffled, she was very puzzled, where did the money come from?
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, is it the commission from the call from Director Wang of the Korean University?

It should be, Xia Yu burst into ecstasy, although this year was full of wind and rain, and had no leisure all year round, it was very hard work, but the harvest at the end of the year was not bad.

Seeing the money in the account, Xia Yu was very happy. She thought about driving to the supermarket to buy something, and cooking some good lunch for her father-in-law to take to the hospital.

She had just walked down the stairs when she suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Chen Ming, is it really you?" Xia Yu couldn't believe her eyes. The woman in front of her was very fashionable from head to toe, carrying a high-end handbag, wearing a beautiful dress, with painted eyebrows and eyes on her face, and her hottest hair. Popular hair style, a body of fragrance.

Chen Ming used to be lazy, often wearing casual clothes, combing his hair back casually, talking lazily and weakly.

"It's me, Xia Yu, how are you?" After hearing this, Xia Yu was finally convinced that she was really Chen Ming.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much."

"Actually, I also miss you very much, and I always wanted to contact you, but I was in a bad mood during that time, and I have been healing. Now I am finally much better, and the most difficult time has passed." Chen Ming's eye circles were a little red.

"Great, we can finally meet again."

"Xia Yu, can we go to the coffee shop to chat for a while? I have a lot to talk to you, I treat you."

"Okay, let's make it AA." Although Xia Yu really wants to go to the supermarket to buy food for the family and go home to cook for Beibei and tutor her homework, but Chen Ming's family has such a big incident, she feels that she needs to be more concerned She, comfort her more, so she agreed without hesitation, Xia Yu thought about just sitting for a while and then leaving.

The two came to a nearby coffee shop, where the environment was elegant and there were not many customers. They sat in a secluded corner, ordered two cups of coffee and a few snacks, and began to chat.

"Life is really like a dream." Chen Ming stroked his hair with his hands, and Xia Yu found that her nails were covered with shiny nail polish.

"Yes." Xia Yu didn't know how to speak, she knew that Chen Ming would have a lot to say after going through so many things.

"I have come out of that unhappy past. Xia Yu, through this incident, I understand why you have such a superior family, but you still work hard in society. I often reflect, a woman's If you only have family in your heart, you will eventually lose your family. If you only take family as a part of your heart, you will have a stable family. Before, I lived completely for others and had no thoughts of my own. Now I find that such a life is incomplete .”

"So, now you..."

"Yes, I have now found a job in an insurance company. When I first started, it was very difficult. I often looked at other people's eyes and wanted to retreat. But I told myself that I have no way out. Because I don't have any professional expertise , I have no good work experience, no good career, and no good education, so it is difficult to find suitable job opportunities, so I cherish the hard-won opportunities and gritted my teeth. Thanks to my former friends , with the help of my classmates, I have more and more channels, and now my performance is very good, I have a lot of contacts, and my income is also booming."

"Really? Chen Ming, you are amazing, I am so happy."

"Now I'm like a bird flying into the forest. I know a lot of people. It turns out that the outside world is so wonderful. I thought that all the men in the world are dead, only the father of the child, but now I find that there are many good men everywhere. .I am no longer the frog at the bottom of the well. I am grateful for the ordeal of this marriage, otherwise I would never be able to get out of the family for the rest of my life, and I will spend my whole life around the pot, with only rice, oil and salt in my eyes."

"You are living a wonderful life. You have become a professional woman. The world makes a hero." Xia Yu gave a thumbs up.

"I found that it is not acceptable for women not to be strong. I must be financially independent, strong, and strong, so that I can live with dignity. In order to live with dignity, I have suffered a lot and paid a lot."

"Thinking about it together, we are all very capable, why should we put happiness and our own destiny on others?"

"My ex-husband is going to remarry me now, and I'm thinking about it."

"Ah, remarried?"

"Yes, he once wanted to marry another woman, but the child resolutely refused, so he didn't get married."

"Great, I'm so happy, you guys remarried, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Xia Yu, you are my friend. It seems that you don't understand my personality. Others feel that he has given me a lot of face by remarrying me, but Xia Yu, let me tell you sincerely, I will not Those who remarry will definitely not." Chen Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"What? Chen Ming, you???" Xia Yu's mouth seemed to swallow a big egg, and she couldn't close it anyway. She looked at Chen Ming as if she was looking at a monster.

"Why do you say I want to remarry?"

"For the sake of the children, the children hope to have a complete family. You know, many children in our school grew up in single-parent families, and their personalities are not perfect. They were originally good children, but because their parents divorced , It caused a lot of harm to their hearts. Don't you want your children to do the same?"

"Of course I don't want my child to become like this, but life is so short for a few years. If you live for this and that, but not for yourself, isn't it too pitiful?"

"In theory, this is the case, but after all, marriage will bring people a sense of stability."

"I am a person who has been hurt. In the past, I was very afraid of divorce. In order to keep my marriage, I compromised. I swallowed my anger. I almost gave up myself and did all the housework. But what did I get? I gave so much for my family , but because I have no source of income, my status in the family is very low, and I don't get the respect I deserve.

The more I was afraid of something, the more things came, and finally I lost my marriage. I found that without marriage, life is better.Now I eat enough for myself and the whole family is not hungry. After working, my vision has broadened and I have met many good friends. Now I often hang out with various friends, go out to eat, go out to sing, life is very rich, I feel that life is real Very rich.

If I were to get married, I would have to face the trivial matters of food, rice, oil and salt. It is impossible for me to return to the old life of serving others.Why is he the uncle?If you spend money to hire a nanny, the nanny must be protected by the labor law. Why is your wife the kind of nanny who doesn't spend money?Even lower than a nanny? "Chen Ming was furious.

"Chen Ming, is it so serious? Are you exaggerating? Is marriage that scary?"

"The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. I used to have no job and was a frog at the bottom of a well, so I accepted that kind of life. But now I am not like that. I have an independent source of income, and I have discovered my potential. I may I was born to be the best salesperson. It is difficult for others to negotiate business. As soon as I get started, I can get it done immediately. Now I finally know that those days were really wasted. The marriage in my mind is no longer like that .”

"You are starting to pursue the quality of marriage."

"Yes, now I have the conditions to care about the quality of marriage. The most important thing in a marriage is the mutual respect between two people. First of all, he doesn't respect me at all. Why should he want to divorce me? Divorce. Now the children and His new girlfriend has a bad relationship and doesn't accept his new marriage, so he thinks of my good. Now he is going to marry me again, and I will marry? Who does he take me for? Call me immediately , waving away? I am a dignified human being, and I have the right to choose my own life. To be honest, after living independently for so long, I am no longer the lazy person I used to be, and now I don't Anything to be afraid of, I can face anything in life."

"You are really not the old Chen Ming. From your appearance, it can be seen that you are already a brand new person."

"Xia Yu, to tell you the truth, I'm dating a boyfriend now, and our relationship is very good. He treats me very well, and he is very emotional and tasteful. We may not be suitable for marriage, but it is true. have feelings."

"Chen Ming, love is unreliable, and marriage is a woman's eternity."

"I used to think so too, but this sentence is not suitable for all time and all people."

"After three days away from Shibai, you should look at it with admiration. You seem to be a different person, living such a wonderful life, and you are no longer that little girl."

"Yeah, a person matures in an instant, and experience is a precious wealth in life. If it weren't for this marriage change, I would never have stepped out of the stove at home, and I would never have known the outside world. It turned out to be so wonderful. At least, the quality of life I live now is much better than before. I find myself a workaholic, and work brings me a sense of accomplishment. The funny thing is that my ex-husband thought that as long as he moved his little finger, I would immediately be like Pounce on him like a hungry wolf, to be honest, there are many people who treat me well now, I don’t care about him.”

"However, don't beat him to death with a stick. He works very hard outside, and you have to be considerate of him. After all, you are a married couple, and you have a child between you."

"Whichever step I take, let's count it. Anyway, I have experienced so many things, and I am not afraid of anything. Objectively speaking, he was not easy. At that time, I only thought about myself. Now I find that women must be strong to be able to Live with confidence."

"It should be like this. To tell you the truth, Zhang Jie and I are also constantly fighting. I am very dissatisfied with him. You used to say that he kept his own place. To be honest, it is impossible for any man to do this. Maybe men are a kind of thing we don't understand. Alien creatures, just as we do not understand ourselves, they do not understand ourselves.

We impose some labels that we imagined on them, such as responsibility, emotion and other labels. Unfortunately, they don't play the cards according to what we imagined, so don't give them too much hope, so you won't be disappointed. many.

But the two of them still have a sense of security when they are together. Didn't they say that a young couple is an old companion?You don't want to think about the future. If you encounter any problems, how good it is for the two of you to share them together. "

"The future is so bleak, let's live in the present, live in the present, as long as you live today happily and do today's work well, you will not have any regrets in the future. In the past, looking for a partner for face, Now it’s time for me. If my ex-husband and I were friends, the relationship should be good. But as a husband and wife, we can only be resentful in the end, because we are really not suitable. Even if we remarry, two people will complain about each other. Pass."

"Perhaps you have a point."

"A person has his own way of living."

"I very much agree. I find that you are really self-confident now. On the contrary, I often lack self-confidence. If things go wrong in the future, I have to draw strength from you." Xia Yu found that Chen Ming had become a person who was not afraid of anything. A woman who is not afraid of the ground, treats her differently.

"By the way, I have some good car insurance here. Would you consider it? We are good friends and relatives of our own family, and we will never let you suffer." Chen Ming grasped the timing very well, and the two of them are already close If you don't help her, you won't forgive yourself.

"God, you are really an excellent, dedicated, and good employee in the insurance industry." Xia Yu found that Chen Ming's family card could only be accepted but could not be rejected.

"Isn't this a trivial matter?" Chen Ming is very proficient in selling insurance, and his speech is flawless.

"No problem. My name is Zhang Jie. Next year, no one is allowed to buy it except your car insurance."

"Thank you so much, you are my best friend."

"So that's how the business was negotiated." Xia Yu smiled.

"It's not just your own family's car, think about it, friends around you, who else has a car, if you introduce them together, there will be a big reward." Chen Ming was half joking.

"By the way, there is really someone who can introduce you. Just wait a moment." Xia Yu immediately took out her phone and called Teacher Zhang.

"how are things?"

"I'm so busy that I don't even have time to eat, because it's a holiday, and the number of applicants is the highest. Until now, I haven't had time to eat. Do you have time during the winter vacation? Come and help me for a few days? I won't treat you badly."

"You haven't eaten yet? Go to the coffee shop downstairs in our house. Someone treats you to dinner."

"What a coincidence, I am recruiting students near your home, and I will go there right away. I remembered that the coffee shop near your home also serves fast food."

"See or leave." Xia Yu put down the phone and said to Chen Ming, "I brought you a guest, it's up to you to catch her, she will come over for dinner later."

"Great, I'll pay the bill. A boiled duck can't make her fly. We've set up a net and waited for her to take the bait. However, even if it doesn't work this time, we can still catch big fish with a long line."

"Why do I feel like the two of us are conspiratorial, digging holes for others?" Xia Yu and Chen Ming looked at each other and smiled.

"Shh, here she comes, let's get into character."

Teacher Zhang walked into the coffee shop looking around, Xia Yu waved her hand, "Come here, let me introduce you to a good friend, Chen Ming, this is Teacher Zhang."

"I'm very happy to meet you." Chen Ming held Teacher Zhang's hand affectionately, as if seeing a long-lost sister.

"Me too." Teacher Zhang was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Chen Ming was so enthusiastic, he returned her enthusiastically.

"You should treat me. I heard that at the end of the year, your examination results were excellent, and you got a lot of bonuses, right? Even if you don't call me, I will ask you to beg for food."

"You are a know-it-all. I should invite you. I wonder if it will be my turn today."

"Ms. Xia has already ordered your favorite set meal for you, and I have already paid the bill."

"How is this good? I'll treat you next time. Recently, there are so many applicants in my school. I not only tutor English, but also Chinese and mathematics. It is a general tutoring. It is suitable for students of all ages, and there is also one-on-one tutoring. I also provide child care for the children of dual-career families. In short, I am an all-round development. There are so many people signing up now, far exceeding my expectations at the time. The students will start classes next week. At that time, I will be very busy during the day Don't touch the ground."

"So you are a teacher. If I get busy, the child will come to your place at noon?" Chen Ming said.

"Okay, who told me to eat your meal today, and I will give you a discount if I eat your food today." Teacher Zhang immediately cheered up when he saw a potential customer.

"By the way, has your husband bought car insurance?"

"Not yet. He's on an inspection recently. Why do you care about this kind of thing? Now that my business has expanded, I also want to buy a car to commute to get off work." Teacher Zhang said.

"Great, my car insurance is the most suitable. If you buy it, I'll give you the best price." Chen Ming immediately handed the business card and some documents to Mr. Zhang.

"Xia Yu, let me tell you why the pie suddenly fell from the sky, and you invited me to dinner, so there is a purpose." Teacher Zhang suddenly realized.

"Multiple friends have multiple paths. I'm here to introduce you to a student. Specifically, the two of you are talking about it. I'm only in charge of connecting. Whether you succeed or not has nothing to do with me. Anyway, business is not human." Xia Yu is also eloquent. up.

"It's not her who invites you to dinner, it's me who invites the two of you to dinner, okay." Chen Ming pretended to be angry.

"Thank you, thank you. If I have time, I will also invite you two to dinner. My business depends on your care." Teacher Zhang said with a smile.

"Take care of each other. If you buy insurance, please choose our family first. You will never be disadvantaged. I will give you the lowest price. If your car encounters any problems, just make a phone call and I will show up as quickly as possible. Xia Yu knows that I am her best friend, and I will also be your best friend." Chen Ming said sincerely.

"Okay, for Xia Yu's sake, I'll discuss it with my husband when I go home. Don't worry, I'll call you back soon. If you're busy, your children can come over at any time. The school rents a building on the second floor. Building, the scale is very large, the conditions are very good, and the environment is very comfortable. I asked my husband to help me collect money on weekends, and give him something to do, so as not to know what to do when I am not at home, man It’s better to have multiple tubes.”

"Really? Are you afraid of your husband cheating?" Xia Yu felt that she had found a bosom friend.

"Men, look at what's in the bowl, think about what's in the pot, it's all the same." Mr. Zhang had an expression of being familiar with it, "When I was young, I couldn't understand their virtue. Now Although in middle age, I know that men are not what we imagined when we were young, and I have become realistic, but I will not create such conditions for him. In fact, there is another reason why I asked him to help. It is true that the unit is too busy Yes, with the current rate of registration, I feel that the classrooms on the two floors can't accommodate students. It seems that the next step is to rent more classrooms. If Xia Yu can't transfer teachers from my place, you can come and help for a few days Busy, don't worry about your salary, I won't treat you badly."

"Let me rest for a while before I talk. If you are really busy there, I can go to class, but I don't sit in class."

"It's good to be able to come to the class. Who dares to ask you, a big professor, to come to the class? I can't afford the professor's salary."

"Hey, it's good to know, we are sisters, let's settle our accounts."

"Does this still need to be said?"

"If you are very busy there, I can also help, and my time is also very free. If I help you recruit students, will you also give me a commission?" Chen Ming said on the side.

"That goes without saying, of course, I will give you more than [-]% of the commission for every student recruited." Teacher Zhang spoke very succinctly.

"Great, I like such straightforward people."

"How about this, I don't have to go home and discuss with my husband about the car insurance. I'll make a decision now and buy your car insurance." Teacher Zhang made the decision on the spot.

"Don't worry, if your school work is too busy, just make a phone call, and I'll go to help you as quickly as possible." Chen Ming was also very straightforward.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and hit it off.

(End of this chapter)

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