Chapter 103 Something is wrong

For several days in a row, the whole palace and most of the subordinate officials of the Chief Secretary for Agriculture had tasted the irritable side of the newly appointed Chief Secretary for Agriculture, Shi.

Needless to say at home, Wang Ganzi already had a mournful face, rushing from the mansion to the biogas cellar of the village outside the city to deliver Yexiang!He is always like this, and the servants who are scolded and punished for trivial matters don't know much. The mansion is so nervous that even the little maid Lan'er who likes to sleep late when Lu Ji first entered the mansion had to fight 24 hours a day. He was full of energy, his eyes were wide open, for fear of making any mistakes.

In terms of politics, Wang Hou is even more eager for quick success and instant benefits! He was handed over from the prime minister’s household Cao, and on the first day he arrived at the Dasinong’s mansion, he almost demolished the yamen! It was so hot that those former Han officials who moved eastward with the imperial court vomited blood!

The first one is that all the documents and official documents accumulated in the past dynasties have to be copied from bamboo slips into paper for him. God is sorry, there are tens of thousands of catties of bamboo slips!Moreover, the previous big seal script and small seal script, as well as traditional clerical script, had to be changed to simplified script for him. These two almost killed those small officials who lived in a coma. I had to keep my dim eyes open, staring at Wang Hou's simplified characters all day long, forcing myself to learn the simplified characters as soon as possible. The Dasinong's official documents for more than ten days in a row were full of typos, and the corresponding yamen vomited blood. .

He was tossing alone, and half of the people were complaining about being tossed!
"Tuqiu, you are in a hurry!"

Still rubbing against Wang Hou's carriage, while dangling towards the mansion, Guo Jia was still trying to persuade him. However, Wang Hou, who had turned into a workaholic at this time, was flipping through the newly written official documents in his hand while shaking his head. He hummed without lifting.

"Ancient bamboo slips are praised for their complexity, and the complexity makes the sound more chaotic, which makes it difficult to check at a glance. Chaos creates evils. Over the years, old officials have worked hard to harm the public and private. If I don't promote the bamboo slips today, no one will be able to reform the accumulated evils of the past dynasties!"

"Tuqiu, Mr. Guo is not saying that the bamboo slips are not good, but the complicated bamboo slips that have been practiced for many years cannot be solved in a day! Let's talk about paper! Caihou paper is indeed easy to get! But your yamen, almost Taking up most of the tribute papers in Xudu, and Xingwen, you..."

He still wanted to preach, but seeing Wang Hou staring at the official document intently, he finally sighed helplessly, and immediately reprimanded him loudly in annoyance.

"Tuqiu, you don't only have Cao Hongjie! You also have your whole family! You are the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan now, and you still have your disciples from the same clan! Especially the prime minister needs your service! A man born in the world is indomitable, how can you Can you mess up because of a little girl? What are you talking about?"

"Do you know where the Red Festival is?"

Wang Hou finally put down the official document, and raised his head abruptly. For the first time, Guo Jia felt that this honest and greedy guy had sharp eyes, even comparable to his lord Cao Cao. At a loss, he shook his head hastily.

"Miss Cao is a family member of the Prime Minister's Mansion. How did Guo know her whereabouts, whether she went back to her hometown in Jiao County to worship her ancestors, or went out in Guanzhong, who knows!"

He picked up the official document again and seemed to be looking at it seriously. Wang Hou didn't pay attention to him anymore, because he was guilty of fearing that he would question him again. Guo Jia also retreated to the other side of the carriage, lazily shrinking his neck, not knowing what to plan .

Tomorrow is the Han Dynasty’s holiday every five days. Unless Yuan Shao calls, everyone will not have to go to court tomorrow, so this carriage has been leisurely wandering out of Xudu City. There are another one or two thousand tenant farmers in the field. Wang Hou probably couldn't wait to gather the big guys together and actively arrange the spring farming, but this time when he returned to the manor, he was lazy and unable to raise his energy. , nothing seems to matter anymore.

From the other side of the yard came the faint sound of silk and bamboo and the occasional female laughter like silver bells. It is estimated that Guo Jia, the prodigal son of love, was secretly drinking and having fun, and at the same time, he did not know that he had hooked up with the big maid under him.I didn't bother to care about him, after reading the remaining few official documents, Wang Hou tossed off his big robe, and got into the bathtub in agitation.

His head was in a mess, as if everything had gotten in, but he couldn't think of anything, his eyes were straight, Wang Hou looked at the roof with a dazed look, if he were to use an adjective for later generations to describe him, it would be I entered a period of confusion in my career.

In the first period of time travelling, I was always working hard to keep my head, and then I was working hard to be able to eat meat and not to be frozen, and then I was busy, and I was working hard for the people who defected to me. There is a way to survive, you can eat enough and work hard, and now all this has been achieved!
What is the next step to work hard for?

And without the guy who is sometimes resolute and sometimes cute and stupid by my side, is there any point in working hard?
In case Cao Hongjie broke up with himself!

Thinking of this, Wang Hou felt empty in his heart, and with a crash, he sat up from the steaming bathtub again, panting heavily.

But at this time, with a bang, a stone broke through the window and hit the bathtub just right.

Dazed for a moment, Wang Hou jumped out excitedly and anxiously at the next moment, wiped himself twice indiscriminately, put on a big down robe, without shoes on, and hurried out of the bathroom.

There is a tacit understanding between people who stay together for a long time. Sure enough, under Wang Hou's hasty eyes, a thin figure was waiting there trembling slightly with a big quilt on his back.

"Red Festival!"

Originally annoyed and complained that this moment was gone, like a big bear, Wang Hou rushed to her in two clumsy steps, and grabbed her cold little hand without hesitation.

Looking at his wet head, Cao Hongjie's handsome and thin face showed a warm smile from the heart.

"Go, enter the house!"

Without asking anything, Wang Hou pulled her little hand, turned around and was about to run towards the warm kang, but he didn't pull her, but was dragged back by her.

"It's cold, go in and say anything!"

Full of astonishment, Wang Hou hurriedly pointed into the room, the warm kang seemed to be still steaming, but Cao Hongjie flicked off the quilt roll he was carrying, and threw it heavily into his arms. Immediately, he patted the ashes on his little hands.

"Didn't you say you want to take me to the sorghum field? It's tonight, let's go!"

"Sorghum grows only in July!"

"are you going!"

Seeing the girl pouting her mouth in a familiar way, Wang Hou hastily raised his hand and surrendered.

"Go! Go! Of course, with the company of Red Festival, Xiong Xiazi will go!"

"You poor-mouthed trash!"

Turning from anger to joy, a beautiful red cloud appeared on his little face, and Cao Hongjie pointed at his nose angrily and laughed and cursed.


Although all the wheat has been harvested in winter, there are still piles of snow-covered wheat stalks piled up there. Padded robes, jackets, etc. are thrown on the ground, and the big quilt rolls are stuffed inside. He is also a fighting nation, hugging the slender little white sheep, he trembled into it, and then the big haystack writhed with cramps as if it had recruited more than 1 mice.

It can be regarded as experiencing the love between Yu Zhan'ao and Jiu'er in the sorghum field. After tossing and turning several times, when the moon was shining high in the sky, the two exhausted people got out wet from the top of the haystack.

In fact, this era is quite good, at least Wang Hou can’t imagine that if he hadn’t traveled through time, which woman would lie quietly on the straw with him, playing romantically and watching a round dress that would crack big moon.

It is estimated that even if he finds a girlfriend with difficulty, he is as busy as his grandson every day for the mortgage, car loan, and wedding tickets!

Men usually stay silent when they are satisfied, but women are just the opposite. So Wang Hou rested his arms on his pillow, and Cao Hongjie next to him started chirping.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you are so arrogant! You actually asked this lady to find you in person!"

Wang Hou didn't speak, and Cao Hongjie didn't need him to speak. A small hand held a strand of black hair and slapped him, and the girl explained again angrily.

"You are lucky! The prime minister sent me to Qingzhou to carry out a secret mission these few days, otherwise I would have beaten you all green! It is great to be the head of the Wang family in Taiyuan!"

"It's still lucky for you! Miss Ben has got you a good job! Stay in this long history post for another two months, and the prime minister will be able to promote you to be the prime minister of Langya! Senior member of two thousand stones, you can go there! You have to do a good job for me, and collect enough food and so on. The prime minister only promoted you because of my face, and slapped Miss Ben in the face. When I come back, I can't wait to slap you all over the face!"

Although the man at this time was silent, he was exceptionally keen. Wang Hou suddenly turned his face and asked in astonishment.

"Come back! Where else are you going?"

"Go and perform missions! Don't forget that I am also a Tiger and Leopard Cavalry! With the enemy now, going out to perform missions is not a matter of course!"

Speaking of this, Cao Hongjie bit her little finger fascinatedly, and her big bright eyes flashed with hope.

"If this mission is completed, Yuan Shao should suffer a big loss. When I come back, I can be promoted along with me. It should be no problem to get a general. If you don't work hard at that time, you will have to kneel down to greet him. Miss Ben!"

As she was talking, Cao Hongjie laughed out loud, but this time Wang Hou didn't join in the music. Instead, he blinked and looked at her a few more times, and then lay back down again, taking the blanket He took a ride on Cao Hongjie.

"Yes, my wise and mighty Mr. Cao! Lie down for a while!"


Finally calmed down, Cao Hongjie leaned heavily on Wang Hou's shoulder with his small head.


Early in the morning, Guo Jiashang, who had been busy all night last night, was still asleep, when his door was knocked down unexpectedly.

"Who is who! Tuqiu, what am I talking about! It's a big holiday! Yuan Jun is calling!"

Compared with the decadent Wang Hou who was almost out of gas last night, he was like a different person. When he opened his door, Wang Hou kept shouting excitedly and hastily.

"A man who cultivates himself, manages his family, governs the country and the world! It is the prime minister's business to bring peace to the world, so of course we have to cultivate ourselves and govern our family! I have already asked Wang Fu to call the elders from the eighth village of Hexi, the production team leader of the fifteen villages under Funiu Mountain. I'm rushing here too, I'm going to plan all the production for next spring, and I won't be rushing if I don't go out!"

"Tuqiu! Big brother!!! This is your family business, what does it have to do with me, Mr. Guo? You go! I want someone to come back... Hey! Tuqiu, Wang Hou! Don't drag me, I haven't put on my clothes yet! "

The result was Guo Jia with dark circles under his eyes, wearing a small down jacket, sitting cross-legged on the root of a big locust tree in Wangjiazhuang under the coal and iron mine, watching the gathering of more than [-] village elders, chatting there And the back view of Wang Hou, who was talking about it, served as a vivid background board.

"This guy!"

Three strokes in the day did not see Wang Hou finish the production mobilization meeting. He couldn't help stretching his waist heavily, yawning almost to the sky, and his eyes were full of tears. After a while, Guo Jia finally whimpering and complaining

However, no one noticed that a scheming smile emerged from his eyes.


During the next Han Dynasty, Chief Secretary of Agriculture Shi Wanghou seemed to have finally returned to a normal state!
The previous order that all the bamboo slips and archives brought from Chang'an that had been brought over for decades or hundreds of years must be translated into simplified characters, and the order written on paper was regarded as fart by him. After it came down, the Si Nong's Mansion, which had been in turmoil before, could be considered to have survived in peace.

The position of Da Si Nong is equivalent to the Minister of the Household Department of later generations. Grain storage, treasury management, material supply, price adjustment, persuasion, farming and mulberry are all under the jurisdiction of this yamen, although a large part of the power is embezzled by the Shaofu. , but the materials under the control of Da Sinong's subordinates are still quite astonishing.

Just after Yi Daizhao's rebellion happened, the original chief minister, Yang Feng, was also in panic all day long. He retired from semi-retirement and returned home. He raised goldfish and played chess with the former Taiwei Yang Biao when he had nothing to do. , he is not here, it is equivalent to the long history of Wang Hou is Da Sinong.

An Sheng doesn't mean to ignore it!Compared with the previous rule of inaction and step-by-step, Wang Hou’s here can definitely be regarded as the rule of action. For more than ten days, he conducted on-the-spot investigations and worked out the restoration of the dams for the two rivers of Xushui and Zhangshui near Xudu. , dredging the irrigation canal plan, and re-drawing a large area of ​​mulberry fields on the side of Shangluo Mountain. While not giving up agricultural production, it can be regarded as putting Xuchang's silk weaving industry on the agenda.

In the past two weeks, Wang Hou has definitely achieved remarkable achievements!

Time also flew by quickly, in the blink of an eye, another Han Dynasty passed by, this week was not peaceful, in early March, Yuan Shao sent someone to give a heavy gift, the head of Liu Bei's old classmate, former Beiping prefect Gongsun Zan!
Although there are several black mountain bandits Zhang Yan in Hebei, in fact, it is Gongsun Zan who restrains Yuan Shao's main energy. Now that he is defeated, it means that he has no worries with Yuan Shao. The status of the Northern Overlord is gone!
Yuan Shao's move is obviously a combination of showing off and intimidation!
There were so many things that caused a headache, to the point that Guo Dajun, who got off work on Saturday, stuck out his head in astonishment until the carriage returned to the door of the house.

"You don't want to go to the villa outside the city today!"

Uncharacteristically, Wang Hou didn't go out of the city, but went back to his mansion in the city in a regular manner. Seeing the astonishment on Guo Jia's face, Wang Hou smiled indifferently.

"The clan of the Pingtung Guard, Captain Wang Weiwang, came to visit and brought a few brothers from the same clan, so this one can't leave the city!"

Dahan is a good owner!

In addition to working hard, Wang Hou also seemed to be enlightened, and he didn't relax at all in family affairs. He went to receive the same clan from Taiyuan for four out of five days, and helped the clansmen, which greatly helped the same surname to form a new force. I don't know whether this development is good or bad. Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head, but then he yawned and got out of the carriage.

Don't care about leaving the city and entering the city, anyway, he wants to relax tonight, life is too short to enjoy yourself in time!
But before he swayed into Wang Hou's lair, the old drunkard's eyes were straightened by the sound of jars behind him, and he turned his head back uncontrollably. In the middle, Wang Hou smiled and patted the jar again.

"A few days ago, a clan brother brought back Fenqing from Xinghua Village from Bingzhou. How about having a barbecue and having a drink or two in the evening?"

In the smile, a familiar Wang Hou came into Guo Jia's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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