Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 112 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

Chapter 112 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Time is the worst. When I took office in Puyang County in early March, I was busy "beating local tyrants" to divide the land, then I was busy tricking Yan Liang into borrowing livestock, and then I was shoeing horseshoes, installing iron plows, going down the fields, and opening up wasteland. , To build a village, more than 40 days have passed in a busy schedule.

The spring breeze is getting warmer and warmer, even standing on the towering wall of the prefect's mansion, there is no tingling feeling on the face when it blows on the face. A small round table is placed beside you, and a pot of neither hot nor cold Tea, holding a rough pottery teacup in one hand, looking down with a contented face, Wang Hou shook his head intoxicated.

"A prosperous and prosperous world with beautiful scenery!"

"Prosperity and prosperity!"

It is said that the longer they are together, the more similar they become. However, Wang Hou did not learn any elegance from Cao Hongjie, the eldest lady of a family. As soon as she turned it over, just like Wang Hou's tone of voice, she hummed with contempt.

"Back when Xiangfu fought Lu Bu, half of the city was burned down, and it was not as complete as yours!"


Wang Hou was choked and stunned, but only for a moment, the cheeky prefect laughed and scratched his head again: "Isn't this better, save the demolition money?"

If the real estate developers of later generations see Puyang today, they will be so happy that the corners of their mouths will go all the way to their ears!
In order to rebuild the villages outside the city and resume production in Puyang, Wang Hou allowed the people of Puyang County who had taken refuge in the city to demolish the bricks, tiles, beams and wood of the buildings in the city to build their own houses. Although the housing prices are not as deadly as those of later generations, building a house is still a fortune. Not a small investment, not to mention the poor and white refugees!

Good guy, as soon as the order came out, the county residents who slept in the open and reclaimed their Yongye fields excitedly rushed into the city like locusts. Not to mention ordinary houses, even Tian, ​​Li, Xu, and Zhang, which were exterminated by the whole clan before, were demolished, the walls were knocked down, and the bricks were smashed. The big tiles were all brought out of the city to repair their own small yard.

To what extent?In addition to the prefect's mansion and the nearby government military camps, Puyang City, which is about the size of several small communities in later generations, was almost demolished into a piece of white land.The bluestone slabs laid in the past are still there, but the houses on both sides of the road are now all left open, except for the remaining houses of the four larger families surnamed Zhao and Liu surnamed at the corner of the northern city, standing in the prefect's mansion. From the gate, you can see the South Gate at a glance.

If this is placed in later generations, how much demolition money will be saved!
Although cultural relics protection experts will definitely draw a big cross on Wang Hou's forehead!Prodigal!I don't know how many ancient buildings left over from the state of Wei in the Spring and Autumn Period were also completely demolished in this demolition catastrophe.

But when it comes to ancient buildings, this wave of demolition of the city, if he returns to later generations, Wang Hou will become a billionaire in an instant!On the first day of the demolition of the city, some farmer dug out a big cauldron, and several people cheerfully carried it out, but was immediately intercepted by the sharp-eyed Wang Hou, and then the rules were established. All the cultural relics from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of the Wei State found in the dilapidated house had to be sent to the prefect's mansion for storage. Now in his backyard, there are bronze tripods, jade pendants, candlesticks and ice mirrors, and cultural relics of all sizes are piled up in several rooms.

It's a pity that gold in troubled times and antiques in order to rule the world, these important weapons of the country that are enough to be shot in future generations, are now almost worthless except for smelting bronze and using them as copper coins. Wang Hou is reluctant to smelt these relics of defending the country. The scrap copper pile is there.

The concept of demolition money is too modern, it is obviously not something Cao Xiaoniu understands, and she is not interested in understanding it. Rubbing her round belly, this girl is still rolling her eyes beautifully.

A piece of white land and prosperity are indeed not enough to hang on to, he pushed the green tea made by Lu Ji to the side of his body guilty, and the next second, facing the large open space in front of him, Wang Hou was full of confidence He opened his arms suddenly, flapping his two big sleeves like butterfly wings, he said with pride.

"Rome wasn't built in a day, prosperity, it will come soon!"


Wang Hou's tiger's body shook, and he was angry, but he didn't shock Cao Xiaoniu in the end, and repeated in amazement. After the girl was confused, she turned aside heavily.

"Go ahead!"

Is Wang Hou joking?

It seems that his grand plan and great career really started from bullshit!

Forty kilometers away in Huaxian County, the central military camp of the Hebei Army, the main general built a chariot.

Yan Liang, who was sitting in his own horse-drawn caravan, hugged his shoulders and narrowed his eyes with great reluctance, because right next to his tent, Wang Hou in a dignified official robe had no official prestige, nodding and bowing. Flattering there.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, General Yan's complexion is even better! The tiger's gaze is more than enough, even if it is comparable to the famous generals of the past. The general's admiration for the general is like a long river, flowing endlessly, just like the Yellow River flooding."

"Wang Taishou! Get down to business!"

Suddenly being interrupted, even Wang Hou couldn't help but blush, but the rules of the workplace in later generations, can shame be used as food?With a smile on his face again, Wang Hou clasped his fists and bowed again, talking non-stop.

"It's all thanks to the general's good deeds! Puyang relies on the wasteland on both sides of the Yellow River to reclaim more than [-] mu of land this month. The people of Puyang finally have hope again in the golden autumn. It is comparable to Zu Yanhui's failure to give in too much, and the people of Puyang erected a monument to record the general's merits."

"On this matter? The general already knew, please come back, Wang Taishou!"

Now Wang Hou suddenly missed Lv Bu Lu Ge very much, seeing Yan Liang looked down at the military newspaper, he had no choice but to fist up.

"Well, I want to build Puyang City, will it take a few days before the horse is pulled?"

"You want General Ben to borrow horses to build the Puyang City Wall?"

Feeling that his IQ had been insulted, Yan Liang finally threw the military newspaper away, but jumped up murderously, the anger in those eyes made Wang Hou tremble, and he hurriedly waved his hands sadly.

"The general misunderstood. What is there to repair the city wall? Puyang is isolated to the north of the Yellow River, and the officials have separated the citizens of Puyang County into the wild. Even if the city wall is repaired, how long can Puyang be guarded?"

"But now that the house is being built, the inner city of Puyang City has been demolished. At any rate, the prefect of two thousand stones appointed by the imperial court can't guard an empty city to beg for food! The official just wants to transport some cement and steel bars in Xudu. Build some shops on both sides of the gate of the mansion, just for a few meals!"

"Every word that the subordinate official said is true. If the general doesn't believe it, he can go to Puyang and send someone to inquire about it. If he tells a lie, the general will stab the subordinate on the spot!"

Wang Hou waved his finger swearingly, this made Yan Liang sit back again, in fact, without Wang Hou's words, he would have sent someone to inquire, after all, no one wants to be fooled by others.

Seeing that there was something going on, Wang Hou hastily continued to clasp his fists to increase the heat.

"General, you are a disciple of a sage, a descendant of the sages of Yan Hui. Back then, the sages of Yan were eager for justice and treated the people with benevolence and righteousness. You are a descendant of the Yan family.


"Take the pack horse and use it! Just return it to me when you're done using it! Come and see off the guests!"

Finally, Yan Liang, who was shot and collapsed, waved his hands impatiently, and Wang Hou immediately bowed happily like picking up a treasure: "Thank you, General!"

Finally, Wang Hou was sent away again, watching him staggering down from the carriage, Yan Liang also shook his head speechlessly.

"It's really a joke that this general is afraid of such a nasty, greedy and cowardly person!!!"

In the leadership speech of later generations Wang Hou, if there are difficulties, we must face them; if there are no difficulties, we must face them even if we create difficulties!Now that Wang Hou has realized the truth in practice, he cheated Yan Liang's free use of more than 2000 draft horses and more than 800 camels and cattle for a few months.

What are you doing with these pot-bellied animals?Go back to Xudu, pull cement, pull steel!Everyone thinks that the Central Plains is rich in products and rich in natural treasures, but here in Wang Hou, there is nothing but plain farmland, and the poor places where the birds don't shit are better in his mountains, where there is coal, iron and lime.

All the building materials in the city were divided by the old farmers near Puyang City, and even if they didn’t, he didn’t want to restore them according to the antique wooden buildings in Puyang City before, what the hell!Not to mention wars, usually even a fire would destroy half of the city. To build, he had to build a new era building with the characteristic architecturalism of the traverser, an authentic Bauhaus-style community!
Back home, he boasted to Cao Hongjie and Lu Ji about how righteous he was. Yan Liang was speechless, crying and lent him more than 2000 horses. Even when the two girls were dumbfounded, he was so proud He took the animals to the edge of the Yellow River, took the unlucky Wang Congge as the captain of the transportation brigade, and kicked him back to Xu Dulai!

The rest is another long wait.

Even in the Little Ice Age, the weather is getting warmer day by day. In the warm spring breeze, on the fertile land on both sides of the Yellow River, the newly planted crops are also lush and lush, but Wang Hou, Ye Xiangcang Cao, is also playing at this time. Stop turning around, Xu has a population of more than 40, and the "natural nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium" fertilizer produced to irrigate his mere [-] mu of land is really inexhaustible, but in Puyang, the small half of Dongjun County only has five The population is less than [-], and the county soldiers are less than [-]. Even under Wang Hou's "Dung Soil and Fertility Field Order", every village is concentrated in "manure", and biogas tanks are built to ferment the biogas liquid and put it on the field, which can be added to vegetable fields. More than [-] mu, let’s divide it up
Cup dung car salary!

"If we build another pig farm, it would be great to pull more!!!"

After inspecting the farmland outside the city again, Wang Hou muttered helplessly again, looking at the emaciated wheat seedlings like plague chickens, but he didn't mutter a few words. Lu Ji, who was proficient, ran towards her aggressively with her skirt in hand, looking at the ledger dangling in her hand, Wang Hou gave a slap in the face with grief.

"Okay! Pretend I didn't say anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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