Chapter 119

"It's really beautiful!"

The beauty of life is nothing more than this. Holding your beloved woman in your arms, sitting on the tower watching the sunset, looking at the fields, the farmers are waving sickles and cutting down the wheat one by one. The feeling of reflecting the golden brilliance is simply refreshing.

Time is really irresistible, and September is here again, and the wheat that has been cultivated for a year has finally come to harvest time!
Although the fields here are too large, and there are too few night scents, the fertilization is far less than that of Wang Hou's own fields at the foot of Funiu Mountain, but there is water from the Yellow River to irrigate, and the fertile impact plains, the last period of fertilization time is strong, and it is time to go to Puyang Chengtun With half a year of manure and biogas, although the grain harvested from one mu of land is not as exaggerated as Wang Hou's six or seven stones of full fat, it is almost like two and two and a half stones. It was definitely a good harvest at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Four 10,000+ acres have been dug down, and millions of stones can be dug down no matter what.

The [-] county soldiers who were eliminated have all gone to the ground, and the [-] county soldiers have been thrown into the fields by him these two days to help snatch them up. On the threshing floor, men, women, and children all went into battle, and the foreign-style wheat grains fell like golden waves. Mai Yu.

Splitting the account with the farmers, Wang Hou was able to lay down about 50 shi of grain for Mr. Cao Cao, plus the purchased 17 shi, 67 shi of grain was stationed in Hedong, enough to support about [-] Cao's army for the previous year It's half done!
And this month, the pig farm has also grown in size. The nearby piglets and old sows who can give birth have been drawn in. Now there are more than 1 pigs. However, in this era, the scale is quite astonishing. It happens that the wheat stalks harvested on this side are chopped up, and the wheat bran that is ground and ground is added with some vegetable leaves grown by oneself. After being chopped, it becomes pig feed. The excrement and eggs pulled are put into the biogas tank for biogas retting, and a fire is lit to keep the pig shed warm in winter. Once the war is tight, these pigs can be slaughtered for ten days and a half months.

Cao Cao sent him to build a forward position to support the long-term anxious battle with Yuan Shao, and he accomplished it perfectly.

And at the same time, his ambition of governing the world has been somewhat realized, the Puyang City behind him!At this time, the resident population in the city has reached more than [-], and there are also well-known artisans and beneficiaries who have moved in one after another. These populations cannot be accommodated by Wang Hou's forty small buildings, and they have already been moved. On the empty land, new buildings began to rise again.

The development of Puyang is really unique. To the east is an antique and intriguing Han Dynasty building complex, and to the west is a square three-story building that is almost the same as the main street.

Although Wang Hou is quite looking forward to building a well-organized community in his own jurisdiction, he also wants to experience the feeling of being a big real estate developer. However, the Bauhaus or simple European-style building communities in later generations are really the Han people of this era. If you can't appreciate it, amidst the protests of the east, west, north, and south merchants, Secretary Puyang Wang had to obey the people's sentiments, and allocated the land in the east of the city to the merchants for their own construction, and the remaining area in the west of the city could be planned according to his wishes, forming the current Puyang. Unique architectural style.

It's just that a group of carpenters are still there with their hammers jingling, standing on the beams and carving intrigues. On the other hand, the new batch of [-] small buildings that I planned are suspended at the stage of the load-bearing walls and load-bearing beams. , up to now, Wang Hou is still resentful and brooding, angrily pawing at the battlements and yelling.

"You guys who don't know much! Wait for the decoration of the Western-style pastoral small villa, garage and garden single-family house of Mr. Benfu! Don't blind your dog's eyes!"

It's a pity that Wang Hou still feels good about himself. Looking at his small gray mansion, even Cao Hongjie couldn't help but roll his big eyes beautifully. I really don't understand, Wang Hou is quite a person who loves to enjoy , why do you have a soft spot for this ugly stone gray box!

But it's not easy to hit him. With her rounder and rounder belly, Cao Hongjie, who was originally light and lively, stood up from the chair with a heavy weight, walked to Wang Hou's side, and followed him into the city. Come on little brain.

"On Wangfeng's side, the harvesting work along the Yellow River went smoothly. The harvested wheat went directly to the ferry to Baima, where refugees were hired to grind the grains. General Yu Jin had already repaired the official warehouse there to protect the army rations. The nitrate hole you ordered to build, the nitre, sir..."

"It's hard to get to the holiday. What kind of work are you talking about! Today I'm only talking about romance! Look at the Red Festival, don't you think it's a pity to see these fields of wheat?"


After being interrupted, looking at the wheat field being harvested, a bunch of question marks popped up on Cao Hongjie's little head. Shouldn't this mature wheat field be harvested for food?
But next, Wang Hou stared at Changxiang in the field, but Cao Hongjie almost rolled his eyes when he heard it, and his pretty little face was red from the cheeks to the base of the neck.Full of regret, this guy shook his head and only sighed.

"Last year it was better for us to drill the sorghum field together in the fall! Last year it was delayed by the war, and this year it was delayed by this little bastard! What a piece of wheat! What a pity!"

While talking, Wang Hou still gnashed his teeth and rolled up his sleeves: "This bastard is not a boy! Otherwise, I will fuck his ass!"

"Is there such a father as you? Get angry with your own children!"

Speechless, she flicked her finger on Wang Hou's head, and Cao Xiaoniu angrily complained about her unborn child. However, Wang Hou's strangeness made him fully aware of it, and suddenly she put her hand on Wang Hou's face eagerly. On her round belly, Wang Hou hummed again with a perplexed expression.

"I hope this little guy is a daughter! When she is born and grows up! I can buy her a little skirt, little boots, most of which are beautiful, and take her with a little flower umbrella. After the rainy day, baba Stepping on the stagnant water, take her to the suburbs for a spring outing, and our family will go out for a spring outing together, that day must be very happy!"

To be honest, traveling to this era is not a kind of happiness for Wang Hou!In the era when he came, he was busy with annoying work, still struggling for the house and car. He opened his eyes tiredly every morning, returned home late at night, collapsed on the bed and closed his eyes impatiently, staying for the day. .

For a handful of salaries, day after day, year after year, he is tied to the reinforced concrete of the city, and he listens to the friends who are on a blind date around him talk about how they talk about house tickets and cars when they meet, the third child who can never be avoided In this way, looking at the deposits of several leaders, his ideal seems to be getting farther and farther away, and the future seems to be so mediocre for a lifetime. He has no expectations for marriage or life, and he just lives in such a muddle.

And in this era, although he almost lost his head when he came here, and now, the food and clothing are far inferior to those of later generations, but the romantic love in Wang Hou's dream is what he wants most.Wang Hou knew that even if he was down and out today, with nothing and nowhere to rely on, Cao Hongjie would still follow him steadfastly, because the only person she liked was Wang Hou!
Happiness is really only in the moment, with his back against the battlements, Wang Hou doesn't look like a prefect of a county at all, like a man who is about to become a father, but like a child, gesticulating there, slapping his hands and thinking, turning over Cao Hongjie was helpless when he heard the childish words, but there was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that there is one thing that Wang Hou didn't expect, that is, the maturity of women in this era is far beyond his imagination!Looking down at her round belly, Cao Hongjie suddenly raised her brows slightly worried, and immediately turned her head to look at the only majestic eunuch's mansion in the city.

It was not until the Song Dynasty that night bans were abolished in Chinese cities, and the nightlife was enriched. But now, Puyang City is the first to break this taboo. Wang Hou did not regard this era as a chaotic world at all, except that fighting and petty theft are not allowed in the city. Besides, whatever time you like to do it, you can do it at any time. At midnight, the four restaurants and inns in the city become more lively. Amidst the cheerful dance music, the orchid from the Western Regions danced briskly. , on the rows of tables at the bottom, rows of businessmen chatted leisurely while eating fried rice and drinking wine. Sour words come.

It is estimated that Guo Jia, a vagabond, must have regarded this place as a paradise when he came here!
In the prefect's mansion, it was as peaceful and indifferent as before, and on the small round dining table that was completely different from other aristocratic families, the three plates were stripped away. Although there was a maid, Lu Ji was still virtuous and cleaned up the bowls by herself. Chopsticks, Cao Hongjie looked thoughtful holding his fragrant cheeks, while Wang Hou himself was excitedly rummaging through his thick stack of cardboard.

In this era, there is no TV to watch after meals, no mobile phones to play, but some classic timeless games can still pass the time, that is Fight the Landlords!
Watching Lu Ji walk in again wiping her little hands, Wang Hou jumped up and spread the poker cards he finally cut out on the table, shouting excitedly.

"Everyone is here, let's fight!"

Who knew that in the past, listening to Dou Landlord would also be Cao Hongjie with glowing eyes, but this one stood up uncharacteristically, knocking on the table with a look of hating her husband.

"My lord, you are the pillar of the imperial court! In your spare time, when you are studying hard, how can you indulge in gaming!"

"My concubine found "Mao Shi" as the master! Today the master has to finish reading the first volume! Otherwise, you are not allowed to enter the house! Sister Lu! Let's go!"

Women's feelings are really wonderful. Half a year ago, Cao Hongjie and Lu Ji were incompatible with each other, as if they had never been in touch with each other. Cao Hongjie, who suddenly became nervous, hooked Lu Ji, who was smiling helplessly, out the door, and then looked down at the "Mao Poems" hand-carved by some old pedant, and Wang Hou slapped his head sadly.

"Are you pregnant?"

However, he didn't even bother to read the neatly written "Book of Songs" with pinyin annotations in later generations. Now this thick and heavy bundle of bamboo slips is full of rare characters, it's strange for Wang Hou to be able to read it!Hanging the bamboo slips on his head, he looked furtively at Cao Hongjie's boudoir in the backyard. After observing for a while, this guy threw the bamboo slips aside again, and sneaked into the front house like a thief, Balabala was so sleepy Wang Shi, the confused head of the housekeeper in the front yard, was startled by this honest man and was about to clasp his fists, Wang Hou lowered his voice, and hurriedly ordered.

"Go! Go to the rear barracks to invite General Zhao Yun Zhao, and then go to Xingfu Tower to invite Chen Deng and Chen Bie to come. Just say that the lord of the residence has a strategic mission and invite the two of you to go over the residence as soon as possible!"

"Don't disturb Madam!!!"

Seeing this guy off as if he was going to save the earth, holding a lantern and holding his waist straight, he dashed out of the prefect's mansion with great arrogance, and Wang Hou happily put out his hand-made poker cards again.

"Grand strategy!"


Colleagues who got married early in the later generations always frowned and talked about how their private money was confiscated by their wives, and after going out to fool around, they were cleaned up by their wives. Wang Hou, who listened to the hell-like life, became more and more hopeless about marriage. But now, he can be regarded as experiencing the joy of fighting wits and courage with his wife!
At the beginning, Chen Deng reprimanded Wang Hou for not doing his job properly, but after a few fights, he had a great time and lost more than a dozen fights in a row. Finally, it was getting late, forcing Wang Hou to mourn. The old man gave him the playing cards in his hand, and then sent him back.

In the backyard, Cao Hongjie kept her promise. The door of her boudoir was firmly locked, but she shrank at the door and pushed the door, and then Wang Hou touched the window with a wretched smile. No wonder so many scholars fell over the window in ancient times. Xiang, the story of a gifted man, a beautiful woman and a romantic woman, in this era, not to mention anti-theft windows, there are glass windows inside, and the wooden window is upwards, and he turned in like a thief.

Women are indeed duplicity animals!Speak resolutely, the body is still very honest!Quietly closed the window again, and tiptoed to the window, Cao Hongjie was obviously not asleep yet, with the quilt rolled up, her small face turned inside and pretended to be sleeping, but she pretended not to be, trembling slightly dishonestly , Wang Houzhi looked funny.

This girl is pregnant, and finally got together, but she didn't even have the chance to have an affair like before, but for the past six months, the two of them still slept together and hugged each other, gently took off their robes, and threw their shoes away. To one side, Wang Hou crept to the bed again.

But at this moment, in his yard, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded, and then the locked door was slammed, and he was so shocked that he didn't even have time to put on his outer robe. Putting on his shoes, Wang Hou rushed out to meet him. He couldn't be more polite to the door at this moment, he just kicked it open with a big kick, and Wang Shi's old face anxiously appeared in front of him.

However, to Wang Hou's astonishment, Cao Hongjie also popped out of Lu Ji's east room next to her with a big belly, looking around in panic and anxiety.

But after all, business matters are important, and after a moment of stupidity, Wang Hou hurriedly asked: "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, Guo Dun and Guo Weng begged to see you overnight!"

Guo Dun is a member of Guo Tu's tribe!He is also the main planner of "recruiting" Wang Hou's plan. He has invested in a large number of shops in Puyang, and he can be regarded as one of Wang Hou's allies in Hebei!Guo Dun was able to ask him to see him in the middle of the night, but it was definitely not as simple as asking him for a drink!
"The front hall, lead me to see him!"

Almost out of habit, Wang Hou took Cao Hongjie's arm and hurried forward, but he didn't notice that another pair of eyes were also eagerly watching him leave from the door he broke through just now. go.

Lu Ji!

(End of this chapter)

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