Chapter 121

It was another harmonious and warm candlelight dinner, waste is shameful, two stir-fried vegetables and one soup were all empty, and more than half of them went into Cao Hongjie's bulging belly, but raising this girl is definitely a loser, and she eats a lot in a day, But he just couldn't see her gaining weight. Seeing this girl licking her lips and rubbing her stomach contentedly, Wang Hou shook his head helplessly.

On the other side, Lu Ji was still cleaning up the dishes virtuously, but she also seemed to have a little problem, and she was a little out of her wits.

"I went for a stroll on the wall of Chengcheng. Today, Sanqu and Qiqu are arguing for a piece of braised pork. If they don't get it all, they will have a group fight tonight. I have to keep an eye on them!"

Putting down his job, Wang Hou stretched out his hand and pulled off the official robe hanging on the hanger, turned around and walked out, but before he could take two steps, the girl Cao Hongjie jumped up excitedly.

"I am coming too!"

"No! The night wind is cold! You just stay at home and raise your baby! Qiuxiang, add two pieces of briquettes to the fireplace later, so my wife won't be too cold!"

"Hmph! Cheapskate!"

Under Wang Hou's wide-eyed, fierce eyes, she pouted aggrievedly, Cao Hongjie sat back obediently, but after making a face at Wang Hou's leaving back, she suddenly became interested again He vigorously rummaged through the drawer, holding a stack of hand-painted playing cards, grabbed Lu Ji's little hand who had just cleaned up the dishes, and shouted to the outside at the same time.

"Qiuxiang, come over as soon as you finish adding coal, let's continue fighting the landlord!"

Although it is almost as lively as the snack street in the cities of the four counties in later generations, the lights on both sides of the main street in Puyang City are dim, and the popularity of people coming and going can still be regarded as the only one in this big Han Dynasty. They are all incomparable. They don't know that the cloud of war has shrouded the city, and the children of the aristocratic families are still going in and out of the orchid wine shop in fresh clothes and angry horses. It seems that the world is at peace.

Although the city wall of Puyang still looks dilapidated from the outside, in fact, Wang Hou had already made a lot of hands and feet at this time. He made a large part of the collapsed interior in the southeast corner, and reinforced it with a large section of corridors like a urn. If there is a siege, the expressions on the faces of the enthusiastically drilled enemy troops will be very exciting when they see this dead end.

The other sections of the city wall were also rebuilt inwards. A reinforced concrete wall with a width of three meters and a height of the same height was built behind the original rammed earth wall, and every 100 meters, a wall platform with a width of about eight meters and a length of five meters was thickened. A mass of metal and wood components covered with tarpaulins.

This thing is a part of the return cannon. Gunpowder has no production capacity and is used on a large scale in this era of war. This super large trebuchet is still quite useful. After the battle of Xiapi, Wang Hou fought with Wang Yuan, Wang Hammer and Wang Geda again. Several craftsmen studied it carefully, redrawn the blueprints, and then made the wooden and iron parts in advance. Once needed, the craftsmen in Puyang City could assemble ten return artillery within an hour to meet the enemy.

But in the past few days, the war did not happen above and below the city wall. In fact, he had no idea whether Wang Hou outside the city could keep this thing that he worked so hard to pull.

At this time, more than 600 people were left in Puyang City to guard the city. They walked on the walls with torches on the incomplete pieces of the battlements but did not dare to repair them. He scolded his mother, but when he suddenly saw Wang Hou coming to the city, he shivered again, and hurriedly straightened his waist, with a look of dedication, passing by Wang Hou, he respectfully saluted, and respectfully greeted Dao .

"My lord!"

Not to mention this era, even a small soldier in future generations will never be able to talk about equality with the general. When he met him, Wang Hou just nodded indifferently and walked over without stopping, but even so, it was enough for those small soldiers to be excited It's been a while.

The quality of bodyguards in this era is also high. When they walked to the turret in the northwest corner of Puyang City, without Wang Hou's instructions, the guards who followed immediately threw off the large telescope tube they were carrying from their shoulders, set up the bracket, and placed it respectfully In front of Wang Hou.

In the past six months, relying on Puyang City, Wang Hou has made a fortune. The telescope has been rebuilt in the style of a nouveau riche. It has a two-story well shaft made of brass on the outside, and four sets of high-quality transparent crystal mills are stuck inside. The made lens is more than one meter long and looks like a small cannon barrel. There is no need to talk about single and double barrels. It is enough to stick a face on it. When you move the angle, Wang Houba looked down the city. past.

Almost two kilometers can be seen, the moonlight is not bad tonight, looking around the northwest for a long time, Wang Hou even saw clearly the only manor in the north of the entire Puyang City, in the room of which son of the Zhao family, there is a faint shadow. The two of them didn't know the whole process of what they were doing.

Time is passing by bit by bit, the cold wind is blowing and playing voyeurism boringly, a little bit of the moon is also climbing to the top of the head, it seems that it is going to set a little bit to the west, it seems that I can get through tonight safely, I am used to it Going to bed early in this era, yawned, Wang Hou finally tightened the down cloak on his body, and then took advantage of his laziness to go back, and immediately went to collect the ugly guards he was used to. telescope.

However, before he got off the brace, the obsessive-compulsive Wang Hou suddenly turned around again, picked up the binoculars and took a last peek in the direction of Hua County in the northwest.

Often history is such a coincidence, just this heart-moving glance, in the distance, a firefly the size of a firefly came into view.

Kongming Lantern!
Frowning tightly, one, two, three, four, five, from far to near, one after another, the lights floated up one after another, the sleepiness just disappeared completely, and directly turned his Throwing the cannon barrel on the city wall, Wang Hou hastily turned his head and growled at Wang Congge.

"Prepare your horse! Get out of Nancheng immediately!"

But Wang Congge just clasped his fists in response, before he could do something, he hesitated for a moment, Wang Hou stopped him again: "Let one or two of the personal soldiers follow me out of the city, and the rest are under your command to guard the eunuch's mansion! "

There was obviously a look of regret on his face, but Wang Congge still cupped his fists respectfully.

"The last will obey!"

The guests are here!

While the undercurrent was surging under Puyang City, on the official road leading to Puyang in Hua County, a black dragon was roaring and galloping forward. It was the spikes sticking out of the black dragon's scales shaking, and the heavy horse's hooves stepped on the dry road in autumn to make a crisp sound. At the front of the whole team, a general was wearing an iron tower helmet and a basin-collared iron armor. , holding a three-meter-long iron gun in his hand, with an extremely gloomy old face, galloping ahead of the team.

At this time, Yan Liang was extremely irritable and sullen. At the beginning of spring, he still looked down on this new Dongjun slicker, thinking that this guy was just a coward who was greedy for money, lustful, greedy for life and afraid of death, but now he sent Wang Hou away. After pondering for a long time, Yan Liang felt more and more that he was the stupid idiot.

For several months, he had a lot of time to restrain Wang Hou's development, but time and time again, he made a mistake while this guy was pretending to be his grandson with a playful smile, and now he couldn't move Puyang even if he wanted to!Yan Liang couldn't figure it out no matter what, did Guo Tufeng and Xin Ping have a chamber pot in their heads?Don't they know what impact the hundreds of thousands of shi of grain will have on the upcoming war?Even towards Yuan Shao, he felt a wave of resentment.

But Yan Liang is Yan Liang after all, since he has been caught in this trick of slowing down the army and followed his Wang Hou's way, then this mistake can be corrected by himself!While running, he saw a Puyang boundary marker on the side of the road suddenly come into view, and he let out a gloomy growl.

"A person leads a horse to the bell, and the cavalry follows one another, and those who leave the ranks and disorderly line up will be killed!"

Hearing these words, the generals around him were all very clever. Just this afternoon, Yan Liang was furious, whipped more than ten civil and military generals under his command, and threw the cloth and brocade left by Wang Hou on the ground. The residents of Huaxian County and some little prostitutes robbed the money like vultures who saw carrion. The more than 100 civil and military officials in Huaxian County's [-]-strong army felt sympathetic.

Going straight into Puyang along the official road, this road is quite quiet. The lights of the three villages we pass have already been turned off, and there is not even a dog barking, let alone the Puyang soldiers patrolling the border. Hou seems like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, he can't beat it. The border is completely open to you!just go.

Puyang is such a big place, and after the cavalry trotted for another ten minutes, it seemed that Yan Liang could vaguely smell the strong smell of the river, and vaguely heard the sound of rushing water, and the big gun was in his hand. Li, pointing to the front of the horizon, while galloping, Yan Liang roared gloomyly.

"After a while, the army will go straight to the Puyang Ferry, kill anyone it sees, and burn food if it encounters it! The whole army stays in formation and is not allowed to scatter and loot without permission. Those who disobey the order."

A murderous beheading word was not uttered, but Yan Liang suddenly staggered under his crotch. At this time, Yuan Jun had absolutely no stirrups, and the tip of the spear pierced the ground. Holding the spear, Yan Liang flew off the horse, but with a thud, his boots followed suit. Sinking into the mud, the northern fields were almost all dry fields, but as he looked around in amazement, the wheat field ridges that had been harvested forward from here were completely wet, almost no different from the southern paddy fields.

It is probably Wang Hou's work. Looking at the "water field", Yan Liang's heart became even more furious. However, he had no choice but to slam his iron spear: "The whole army dismounts and advances on foot!"

The advantage of horses is undoubtedly lost in the mud here. The sharp four hooves of war horses have more pressure on the ground than humans. It is difficult to run when they are stuck in the mud. Moreover, there are no stirrups. It's also hard to keep your balance.

But even though his boots were rattling in the mud, Yan Liang was still full of confidence. Without Yuan Shao's order, he could not mobilize Hua County's 3000 troops, but the [-] elite cavalry he brought this time were all fighting with Gongsun Zan and The old soldiers trained by the Black Mountain Army for many years have killed warriors who have seen blood. With these [-] troops, even if Wang Hou has [-] soldiers in the county, he is confident that he can fight Wang Houman's minions.

Thousands of acres of muddy land seriously hindered the speed of marching. It took more than half an hour to pass through this land, and the Yellow River embankment finally completely appeared in front of us, and a large port was built on the edge of the embankment. In the granary of the warehouse, a flash of light flashed in Yan Liang's deep pupils, holding his spear high, he roared angrily.

"Kill! Burn Cao Aman's food!"

It is indeed an elite unit of the Hebei Army. Even though their feet were covered with mud and their steps were heavy, the three thousand Yuan Jun still roared angrily, drew their swords and held their spears, and fought forward bravely. The pile of enemy troops did catch Cao Jun who was guarding the pier by surprise. Just as several Cao Jun outposts uttered horrified shouts, they were already submerged in the crowd of Yan Liang's elite soldiers. To the port paved with bluestone slabs.

But at this time, the gong ding ding ding gong sounded suddenly, and in an instant, thousands of arrows were fired from the outside of the warehouse. They also retreated one after another in panic, and then under Yan Liang's unbelievable eyes, in the wilderness outside the port area, rows of Cao Jun quickly formed a formation as if they had emerged from the ground, and A large flag with the word Yu was flying in the flames.

Forbidden troops!
Also holding a spear and yawning, Yu Jin came out from the ground in a sad mood, while swaying to the front line, he complained directly: "This Wang Tuqiu really knows how to instigate people! It's on the head of this general!" "

However, after climbing to the top of the trench dug in advance, the front is high and the back is low, looking at the densely packed, khaki Yuan Jun in front of him, the still high-spirited Wuzi Liangjiang also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and sneered, holding up his spear and pointing at it. before.

"Keep the formation, shoot the ground! Don't let these barbarians from the north get close to the grain depot, Yu Cheng, go and light two big fires for me! I'm blowing cold wind and eating cold steamed buns in this wild field, so Wang Tuqiu can't even think about it!" Sleeping in the hot kang with Miss Cao in his arms in the city, tossing him out of the old boy!"


Amidst the tidy roar, three elite soldiers from Yanzhou with more than 100 soldiers formed three neat rectangular formations around the periphery of the two fields. The eerie spears and halberds were put down, and there were rows of bows and arrows. With a bow and arrow in hand, he quickly ran to the front of the array, and shot at Yuan Jun, who was loose and still in the whole team. The unlucky egg screamed.

The land around here has already dried up. After all, it is impossible for Wang Hou to flood his own granary. When he came up, he was beaten into a disgraceful face. The elite of the Northern Kingdom, Yan Liang, also wowed like an evil ghost, facing the rain of arrows all over the sky, grinning and rushing over.

The power of the cavalry was fully revealed on the plain. Before Cao Jun's archers could run back when they were tens of meters away, the cavalrymen were already in front of them. Dozens of his subordinates were stabbed to death by cavalry guns.

Immediately afterwards in the night, under the light of the fire, a group of pure men picked up their thick and long guys, and poked them together in the stinky sweat, blowing the river wind.

(End of this chapter)

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