Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132: Pursuing Thieves by Order!Go to war! ! !

Chapter 132: Pursuing Thieves by Order!Go to war! ! !
Huo Ran stood up, Yuan Shaobo suddenly stood up, his hands clattered on the heavy iron and wood table, his pale beard opened slightly with the roar, and the 11 army Xuantian behind him The banner, this momentum, is as mighty as a tiger.

I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Cao Cao's gourd, but the big guy's talk seems to have collapsed, Wang Hou subconsciously touched the handle of the gun behind his back, but before he could touch it, Mr. Cao was a sad reminder With a face, he stood up first, clasped his fists and bowed heavily.

"Brother! Brother, don't worry! Listen to Cao! Cao doesn't want to be Brother Yuan's Zhang Miao again!"

"Zhang Miao?"

This familiar yet strange name made Yuan Shao couldn't help muttering, and then looked at Cao Cao in doubt, and asked in astonishment.

"What are you doing with that dead ghost?"

"Brother! Zhang Miao and I are good friends! When I, Cao Mengde, started an incident in Chenliu, it was Zhang Miao who helped me. Without Zhang Miao, there would be no Cao Mengde today! But now, Cao Mengde is full of grief and indignation, and we go to conquer Tao Qian in Xuzhou. At the critical point, Zhang Miao! Cao Cao’s best friend betrayed me! I colluded with the Lv Bu Lu thief and overthrew Yanzhou! Yanzhou, which is burning with war, is still in pain! He and I are good friends! He Why do you help Lu Bu's family servants with three surnames!"


The Lv Bu Rebellion in Yanzhou is still fresh in Yuan Shao's memory. Hearing Cao Cao's eloquent narration, he couldn't help being brought into Cao Cao's rhythm and asked in astonishment.

Slightly raised his head, in the sky, the sun, which was originally at noon, could only see a slanted side at this time, shaking his head in pain, Cao Cao sighed and said: "Because Zhang Miao used to be the prefect of Chenliu! Eighteen He is one of the feudal lords begging for Dong Zhuo! But I, Cao Aman, gradually developed, and regarded Chen Liu directly as my subordinate! Zhang Miao also regarded him as my subordinate! A subordinate! We were friends before! Now we are inferior I, Cao A, can't bear it if I keep it a secret!"

Seeing Cao Cao's earnest words, Yuan Shao pinched his chin, and thought for a while, but in the next second, ferocity appeared on Yuan Shao's face again, and he roared angrily.

"Since you, like Zhang Miao, can't bend this figure, then there is nothing to say! Go back and prepare the army, you and I will fight to the death in this Guandu today!"

"Hey! Brother, Cao Mengde hasn't finished talking yet! Brother, sitting on the four prefectures of Jizhou, has a vast territory, a population of tens of millions, and a million armors. How can I, Cao Mengde, be my opponent?"

"War and don't fight, surrender and don't surrender, what are you going to do?"

Yuan Shao is short-tempered, and the weaknesses in his character have already surfaced unknowingly. Seeing his annoyed face, Wang Hou has already begun to think, while Cao Cao is more humble and smiling.

"Surrender can't be surrendered! But I, Cao Mengde, and my brother have the heart to make peace!"

"Please make peace?"

Listening to Yuan Shao repeating again in astonishment, Mr. Cao didn't want any face. He bowed with his fists in his arms and said with a smile, "Please make peace! Beg for peace! You can say anything you want! As long as you are willing to retreat! "

"Hehe, good job, Cao Aman!"

There was strong disdain on his face, and with his head raised in disdain, Yuan Shao snorted gloomily, "Just with your sharp mouth, do you want to persuade my 70 troops to retreat?"

"I, Cao A, concealed my willingness to sacrifice the emperor, retreated from Qingzhou, and ceded the six counties of Xuzhou. From then on, I will never compete with Duke Yuan for the world!"

Pointing to the sun on his forehead that was getting more and more westward, Cao Cao swore and swore, and Yuan Shao's heart began to thump when he heard his condition!
Leaning forward, Yuan Shao stared at Cao Cao solemnly and asked.

"You really want to give me the emperor? And quit Xuzhou?"

"Of course! Duke Yuan! Just keep the land of Yanzhou! It's enough to let me live and die! And Mr. Yuan, you come and kill me! Isn't it because I, Cao A, have the emperor! In the future, the emperor will be in charge of you, General Yuan, and the court will It’s settled in Ye City! It’s you, General Yuan, who takes the emperor to command the princes! What’s the difference between this and being the emperor yourself!!!”

"Brother, please sit down!"

After talking happily, Cao Cao sat back down again. Looking at him, Yuan Shao also sat back at the negotiating table.

But at the negotiating table, when the two sides were bargaining, Cao Jun, who was lined up in the Guandu camp, was also doing an extremely important thing.

Have a meal!

Yuan Shao’s main military rations were corn porridge, which could not be eaten in his hand, but Wang Hou’s steamed white noodle steamed bun line, the confrontation began around ten o’clock in the morning, and Cao Cao started negotiations at 10:30, which was almost the same as this At the same time, the catering men of the rear army carried baskets of freshly steamed steamed white flour steamed buns, and began to distribute them from the front row. There were two steamed buns for each person, and a lump of radish and pickles. The officers can be better, there are meat sauce and The dried fish from Xuzhou is edible. While watching his lord pretending to be a grandson, the infantrymen from Yanzhou and Yuzhou stuffed their mouths full. of water.

Upstairs, Xu Chu, who had to give up the head of the bodyguard to Wang Hou, also grinned fiercely and bit the steamed bun with a ferocious expression. Not to mention stuffing his cheeks, he reached out and took out a dried yellow croaker from his pocket and threw it into his mouth until he bit it. There was a creaking sound, and amidst the flying debris, he muttered indistinctly.

"Brother Fengxiao! The prime minister took Tuqiu to make peace with Yuan Shao, what are you doing there?"

In his eyes, the helmets on the heads of the Yuan Shaojun marching in the northeast direction of the soldiers and the Wugang chariots arranged in front of the formation are getting brighter and brighter!Squinting his eyes and chewing slowly, for a long time, Guo Jia grinned and grunted.

"General Xu has followed the prime minister all year round, but he doesn't even know it! Why do you ask me?"

"But the most urgent thing is to have a full stomach! Tonight's dinner, I don't know what time it is!"


When the steamed buns fell all over the ground, the generals of the Cao army began to rub their stomachs comfortably, and the cavalry also took the grain bag away from the horse's mouth and got on the horse again. The negotiation between the two armies finally reached a climax.

"To the Son of Heaven, it is not enough to cede Xuzhou, you must cede Xuchang! Only then did Yuan agree to negotiate a peace!"

Knocking on the table, Yuan Shao yelled extremely forcefully, but Cao Cao's face was as bitter as that of an old farmer on the Loess Plateau who has suffered for more than 2000 years, bending down against the table and fisting in an extremely sad way.

"Brother! Xudu is my capital, ceded Xudu, where do you let me live!"

"Don't you still have the five counties of Yanzhou! It's enough for you to dominate one side! Besides, every time you go on a conquest, you use Xuchang. If you don't cede Xuchang, how..."

A little excited, he suddenly stood up, but Yuan Shao stretched out his hand to cover the glare of the sun, and lowered his head slightly, before continuing to growl.

"Xuchang must be ceded, so Yuan promised you, Cao A, to make peace!"

"Does Xuchang have to be ceded?"

His eyes were blank and he repeated it again. However, in the next second, Cao Cao seemed to change his face. He glanced at Yuan Shao, whose old face was pale under the blazing sun, and giggled while covering his forehead. Laughing, while putting his legs on the chair, the old farmer crossed his legs indecently like a dustpan, raised his head and laughed presumptuously, with tears streaming down his face.

"Cao Aman, what are you laughing at?"

This scene was really unexpected. Covering his eyes, Yuan Shao shouted angrily and in astonishment. Cao Cao finally stopped laughing wildly, covered his stomach and shook his head and hummed.

"Yuan Shao, if I were you, I would never make peace with Cao Mengde! I would only prepare a thin coffin for him!"

"Because I, Cao Cao, am alive, I am invincible! Hahahaha!"

It was as if he had lost his mind and went crazy, dragging his big sleeves, jumping up from the chair, laughing wildly like a big duck, Cao Cao ran all the way to the front with a smile, which made Wang Hou feel embarrassed, and took a vigilant eye. Looking at Yuan Shao and Hebei fierce general Han Meng who were looking at each other, he also followed behind and ran back in a hurry. On the other side, Xu Chu, who was hiccupping and choking, hurried to meet him on his iron horse!

He was received by his own formation first, turned his head suddenly, and seemed to realize that he seemed to have been fooled. Yuan Shao also turned his head in a hurry, and the first few Hebei chariots also roared to meet him, but after all, he was a few steps behind. After a calculation, the distance was less than 50 meters, and Wang Hou didn't get on his horse immediately. Suddenly, Wang Hou threw the old cannon-barreled rifle in his hand, pointed it at Yuan Shao's back, and took aim.

Unexpectedly, a hand suddenly pinched the barrel of his gun.


"Kill him Yuan Benchu, who will let the army of Hebei send him to death on the spearhead of the truth!"

Those eyes were shining brightly, and the look of excitement on Cao Cao's face was something that Wang Hou had never seen before. In astonishment, Yuan Shao had already boarded the supporting chariot, and under the guard of soldiers, he rushed to the main formation, watching Cao Cao also galloped back, Wang Hou couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Yuan Shao refused to accept Tian Feng's suggestion, and used a small group of troops to harass Yanzhou for a long time, drag Cao Cao down, and wanted to beat him upright, but why didn't Cao Cao have the heart to compete with the big brother he could only look up to and follow in the past? ?

But whatever!If it wasn't for Yuan Shao, who would bump into the series of arrangements he had prepared for a long time?Also hastily got on the horse, his chest was filled with the excitement of a great battle, and pulling out his own battle, Wang Hou yanked the reins of the horse violently.



As expected of the Cao army who fought hard and grown in the cracks of the Central Plains, Wang Hou and Cao Cao hadn't waited to return to the front. Cao Ren, the clan general Cao Ren who was entrusted by Cao Cao to command the Chinese army before leaving, had already taken the lead to greet Cao Cao and Xu Chu. The archers of the Cao army shouted and carried heavy quiver bags on their backs, and continued to run out of the line. Before they even had time to tie the formation, they had already rounded the longbow in their hands and thrown it crackling.

In the middle of the air, Wang Houzhi felt his eardrums itch. Under the slightly slanted sunlight, the countless black arrows were like birds flying all over the sky. At the moment Yuan Shao on the other end had just retracted to the formation, the countless flying birds were crackling again. fell down.

It is this time difference that determines life and death!At the front of the army, the Hebei archers who had already set out in battle had just raised their heads, and they couldn't help lowering their heads under the glare of the sun, and immediately the flock of deadly birds swooped down noisily.

In a battle of 10 people, beheading a few thousand would be considered a great victory in the era of cold weapons, but this time the effect of arrow strikes is surprisingly good. After all, light infantry such as archers do not require frontal fighting, and they have to be flexible Moving, generally do not wear armor, and there is no armor to wear!Thousands of fine iron arrowheads fell heavily in the throw, like raindrops, and densely penetrated into the flesh of the Hebei Bow and Arrow Array.

In the sound of puffing, Yuan Jun, who was spitting blood one by one, stuck one, two or even several arrows in his body in horror, and fell to the ground screaming, Yuan Jun, who was shot in the thigh, crawled miserably. He was walking, but before he had climbed a few steps, the back of his head was hit with a pop, and he kowtowed to the ground.

Looking at the glare of the sun, he also understood that he had been hit by this strategy of slowing down the troops. In the command vehicle of the Chinese army, Yuan Shao was furious. He drew out his long sword suddenly and roared crazily.

"Chariot charge!"

Amidst the heavy rumbling sound, Yuan Jun's archers, who were shot down by Cao Jun's crossbow formation, had not had time to escape back to the formation. Beside them, these two horses involved, and the heavy guys of hundreds of kilograms roared forward.

When Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, chariots were no longer so important. In more and more large-scale wars, the countries of the Central Plains mainly fought around the heavy phalanx. The chariot combat teams of the Spring and Autumn Period had already withdrawn from the mainstream of warfare.

However, this does not mean that chariots have been completely eliminated from the battlefield. After all, before the popularity of stirrups and Takahashi saddles, cavalry with their feet suspended in the air were still inferior to these heavy chariots in their fighting ability and impact, and this was still the Central Plains!The terrain is flat and endless!The impact of the chariot can be brought into full play.

The archers who were harvesting the heads of the reinforcements in Dafali City, Qianjunjun Town, were so frightened that their souls froze when they saw this scene. With a whistling wind, the old boy Yu Jin was the first to turn his head and run away. Follow him, three The Thousand Bowmen also turned around and ran, and Sa Yazi went straight to the main formation.

"Shield, come out!!!"

Cao Ren, the commander of the former army, roared with all his strength again. Amidst the heavy footsteps, Cao Jun's heavy infantry, carrying a shield half as tall as a man, rushed to the front again, but returned to the main formation and went upstairs again. Instead of showing a trace of nervousness, Cao Cao grinned sinisterly, and Wang Hou, who was rushing back to the artillery position, also turned his head proudly.

On the opposite side, the Hebei General Lu Xiang who led the chariot charge in a galloping chariot was also full of ferocity that was about to kill, and he was already pulling the best carved bow in his hand like a full moon!But before the arrow was shot, there was an expression of extraordinarily frightened and fearful eyes in his pupils, and he roared in disbelief.

"Stop! Stop!"

But even if the sports car with high-end calipers is used in later generations, the brakes still need some distance, let alone the Han Dynasty chariot without brakes. The huge inertia still pushes the chariot forward. While Yuan Shao was watching the battle, his chariot troops at the front line disappeared amidst the roar of chaos and chaos. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he was hit by the second row of chariots behind with a bang, and disappeared from sight. It was inconceivable, and Yuan Shao roared furiously.

"What's going on here? What tricks and sorcery did Cao A hide from him! Where is the general's chariot?"

Boss Cao, who also saw this scene, laughed loudly, pulled out his long sword suddenly, and roared with all his strength.

"According to the order to seek thieves! Attack!!!"

Amidst the clattering footsteps, the large shields that had been in formation just now opened suddenly, and the cao army's infantry, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out of the position roaring like tigers descending from the mountain.

The speeding chariot is Grandpa!Even if the heavy infantry forms an formation, without the help of fortifications, it is easy to be torn apart, but a chariot without speed is Sun Tzu!Frightened and angry, Lu Xiang was still screaming at the driver and hurriedly turned around, while shooting arrows forward in fear, but Le Jin, the infantry general who had been eyeing him, stabbed him with a halberd, almost piercing him. Feeling cold.

The bow was frightened, he narrowly avoided the halberd, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Le Jin's obscene growl.

"Let me come down!"

With a plop, the halberd hooked on Lu Xiang's armor, and amidst his screams, he was pulled back from the chariot abruptly.

First he lost the impact, and then lost the main general. Yuan Shao's more than 1000 chariots directly became the dogs!
(End of this chapter)

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