Chapter 138 Devil's Deal
Being a prisoner doesn't mean you just sit there and wait for food, and you have to get up and work for Cao Jun!Otherwise, the northwest wind will not be able to drink it!
The latest order is Wang Hou's saddle and stirrup. After actual combat, these two artifacts have finally been recognized by Cao Jun. He mobilized leather, wood, needles and threads from Xuchang, and distributed some tools to each person in the prisoner-of-war camp. To sew, or gather together, next to the stove with a big iron hammer, beat the iron bars produced in Xuchang workshop into stirrups, horseshoes, how many pairs a person has to hand in a day, otherwise they will not be given food!

However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and later generations will not be able to achieve equality for everyone, not to mention the current feudal class era. In a big house, more than thirty Yuan Jun are working hard stitch by stitch. Those three people gnawed on the steamed buns while humming in boredom.

"That bastard Deng Chi has slipped out again! This son of a bitch, I think he probably joined Cao Jun!"

If Wang Hou was here, he would definitely be familiar with each other. Sitting on a chair, Ji sat on a chair with a face with a huge black scar, while dangling a man with black hairy thighs. He was rescued outside the Guandu camp that day. But he didn't accept his favor, and clamored to make him look good at that Yuan Jun.

In this remnant song department, he is undoubtedly the leading brother!Hearing his annoyed complaints, another guy beside him was wearing tattered clothes, but was exceptionally strong and muscular, and was gnawing on steamed buns while yelling in a low voice.

"You bastard! He's not on one mind with us, he's not loyal to Duke Yuan, big brother! If you want me to say, kill him as soon as you come back!"

"Don't worry, he still has some uses! Cao Jun still wants to use him to win people's hearts! You can still get food from him every day!"

Speaking of this, the leading brother with a brow that grew crazily lowered his voice subconsciously, looked at his subordinates who were working, and said gloomyly.

"Cao Bing is looking for death, and dare to send iron in for us to fight! Lao Zhao, Lao Liu, Lao Xu and the others secretly withheld some, and waited for General Lu to raise an issue. Then we killed the guard Cao Bing and fled back to Hebei. go!"

"When it's time to start the incident, kill the man surnamed Deng and take his head..."

bang bang bang~
The words are not finished yet!The door of the common people's house where they were arranged to stay was suddenly hit hard, and a rude voice shouted from outside.

"Animals? Open the door for Lao Tzu and pay the things!"

These days, Cao Jun came to collect the forged harness every day in full armor. The captives got used to it and took back their words. Mantou, the slender man rushed out with a smile on his face, opened the door, and nodded and bowed to the fully armored Cao Jun guard.

"Hey, Lord Jun, why are you here so early today? The brothers are not done yet!"

"Let's talk nonsense! I'm going to kill a pig today, and my brothers are still waiting for the meat to drink at night! Take it out when you're done, and starve me if you don't finish it!"

With two thick beards curled up, Cao Jun, who was leading the inspection team, also had a rough face, humming arrogantly, and the slender man who listened hurriedly nodded his head and bowed again.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Jun! It's over, it's over! I don't want to spend the night hungry! You guys, why don't you move your things out!"

Amidst the slender man's yelling, the more than 30 Yuan Jun prisoners in the room really looked like hard-working animals. Those who sewed Gaoqiao saddles held high saddles, and those who forged iron around the coal stove carried horseshoes and stirrups. , Several Cao Jun were holding big bags, this Yuan Jun prisoner threw the made harness into the bag, and Cao Jun took out steamed buns from the basket on the other end, and gave him one or two according to the quantity!
One after another Yuan Jun prisoners came out of the house to get the steamed buns. In the end, there were only the big man with the lame head and the five big and three thick guys.

But just as the two of them were swearing and whining in boredom, but didn't pay attention, a few dark shadows crept in from the rear window, and suddenly, two thin, pimple-like stinky cloth strips were stuffed into their mouths. While the two of them were sobbing and shouting in horror, another two big sacks were put on them, and carrying the two of them, the four Wang Houbuqu who had entered through the window went out through the window again, and quickly disappeared into the alley.

In the yard, after receiving the steamed buns, each of the Yuan Jun prisoners went back sullenly, but even if they were hungry, they didn’t dare to eat the steamed buns. Brother Laizitou, five big and three rough guys, and the noodle dog-headed military division were in the village At that time, they were the village tyrants in the village, they were the henchmen of the aristocratic family, and they were responsible for collecting the land rent and taxes in the village. On the battlefield, they served as military officers, and they had to eat enough food before they could distribute it to their subordinates. eat.

But waiting left and right, in the past, as soon as there was food, the big brother Lai Tou would come forward to snatch it, but now he was completely invisible. His stomach growled while waiting, and the two Yuan Jun captives couldn't help holding their hands. Mantou ran to the latrine, but after pushing away, no one was found, and ran back in shock, and they both yelled loudly at the crowd.

"Brother Zhao? Where's the black-headed brother and the big-faced brother?"

But what was even more strange was that the noodle dog's head army commander did not answer, and a group of prisoners looked at each other for a long time, only to realize that Zhao Laosan, who had been in charge of greeting Cao Jun, had also disappeared at some point.

The prisoners in the whole room fell into a dead silence with their backs shivering.


In Cao Cao's eyes, the [-] prisoners of Yuan's army in Zhongmou County are the [-] prisoners of Cao's army. However, Wang Houlai, who has watched a lot of spy movies such as "Latent", "Jingzhe", "Small Building and Dongfeng", "The Wind", etc. It is said that these people are divided in detail, from top to bottom like a top, first of all are the diehards who are loyal to Yuan Shao, most of them occupy leadership positions, and they constitute the skeleton of the captive army.

Then there are some neutral officers who serve as soldiers to eat food and fight, and don't care who they work for.

Further down, the number of people is the largest, and the ordinary soldiers who listen to their commands actually don't have any opinions, what the general says is what!Like the captive soldiers in this room.

Then there is a part of ordinary soldiers who are still loyal to the Yuan family although they have little power and power, mixed in this part.

In the end, the tip of the gyro, just like Deng Yi, was suppressed at the bottom, the most excluded and insulted, the least trusted, with no loyalty at all, and even full of hatred and hostility!Zhang Yue is so capable and ambitious but not valued, eager to climb up.

Wang Hou's espionage plan has achieved initial results this time!Under the information provided by Zhang Yue, Deng Wei and other spies who were instigating rebellion, it took a day for the 200 Cao troops stationed in Zhongmou County to take advantage of the opportunity of food distribution to quietly send the first part of Yuan Jun's diehard elements who were in the leadership position. It was cleared out, and there were still a lot of people!The jumbo bags contained more than [-] sizes!The outside was tied with several bundles of hemp rope, and thrown into the big pit densely like pigs.

Looking at these people, Zhang Yue couldn't help showing a little guilt in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by happiness. As for Deng Hui, he gritted his teeth completely, and bowed heavily to Wang Hou angrily.

"My lord! We got all of Yuan's diehard loyalists, and none of them escaped!"

"Very well, let's kill it!"

Wang Hou was also fortunate. He really didn't expect that a group of captives would plan to riot. Fortunately, he was stewed by himself before they did it!Facing these sacks, Cao Jun who surrounded them rounded up their bows and arrows. Following Zang Hong's wave of his hand, amidst the ear-piercing sound of arrows, the rain of arrows shot down. Indistinct screams.

It is considered rich now, after shooting three rounds of arrows, these arrows were not recovered, Cao Jun who was in charge of the massacre directly dug the soil with a big shovel and buried it.

No wonder Wang Hou is cruel, this is the end of the world. If Cao Cao is defeated, Yuan Shao may not be merciful to Cao Cao's confidantes like Wang Hou. Cao Hongjie, Lu Ji, Zhao Yun, Wang Fu and his sons will also die if they are implicated!Therefore, Wang Hou must do his best to help Cao Cao win, even by any means!
kindness?Morality?Too extravagant!

The silent massacre lasted only more than ten minutes. The branches of Yuan Jun's several ministries disappeared in a few wastelands next to Zhongmou County. There was not even a trace of blood left. The snake has no head!After eliminating them, I believe that the more than 3000 Yuan Jun captives in Zhongmou County, who are not led by anyone, will be able to settle down in peace for a long time. Seeing the last handful of soil being buried, Wang Hou turned around in satisfaction and took a few pictures. He took out Lu Ji's neatly copied simplified lowercase script.

"These are the code words I formulated! Contact information, marks, you take them back and memorize them, and then burn them. Let me continue to monitor the prisoner camp. If you intend to rebel, please continue to report!"

"And seize the time to gather some reliable subordinates, lower limit, there is no need to disclose the plan to them, as long as they can do things according to their orders! In a few days, I will find a way to get you to pretend to break through and return to Hebei, and serve as prime minister in Yuan Shao's army effective!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang will report your credits to the Prime Minister! After the matter is completed, there must be high-ranking officials and rich salary waiting for you. Even if you have any misfortune, your wives and children will also enjoy you. credit!"

"Little obedience!"

Seeing Wang Hou patted his chest, Deng and the others clasped their fists respectfully and bowed excitedly. They followed the guard Cao Jun and walked towards the prison camp while holding a paper. What they didn't know was that, They just left!Unexpectedly, a few more sacks were brought over. Unlike the sacks that were shot to death just now, these sacks had holes in them, revealing pairs of frightened eyes. In that song, Zhao Laosan of the dog-headed military division bit the cloth strip and showed an extremely frightened face. Seeing Wang Hou's eyes looking over, he shook his head and bowed violently, whimpering and begging for mercy.

"Did you see that scene just now?"

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Who betrayed you, do you also remember?"

"woo woo woo woo!"

This time, Wang Hou was dissatisfied with this guy's answer, because Zhao Laosan desperately shook his head and snorted coldly, Wang Hou shook his head directly at Zang Hong.

"I can't even remember this, useless waste, drag it down and chop it up!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Seeing that Lian Bingbuqu really came with a knife, he can be a dog-headed military adviser, his head is good after all, being dragged, biting a cloth strip, Zhao Laosan nodded desperately again, seeing this , Wang Hou was finally satisfied and nodded.

"Drag it back!"

Facing him, and facing those No. [-] people who survived the purge either in fear or anger, Wang Hou hummed sullenly.

"Don't worry, my lord will not kill you, at least not now! Because Deng's people, my lord doesn't trust me! If they dare to rebel against my lord, or don't do anything, I will release you at that time." Go back to Hebei, I believe you will not let them have a good time? So, pray that they will turn against the water! Come! Take it away!"

People's hearts are the most difficult to control. Although there are various reasons, after all, Deng Tui and others can sell their robes for their lives. God knows whether Wang Houfang and them will be as obedient as they are now after they return to Hebei, so we must pay more. Together they threaten!Before releasing them back to Hebei, Wang Hou would disclose Zhao Laosan and others to Deng He and Zhang Yue. These people were like Nemesis who had not been released from the cage, threatening them all the time, making them dare not not concentrate on doing things for Wang Hou!

There were a total of twenty or so people, Wang Congge personally guarded them, they were directly stuffed into a carriage, and they were directly escorted to Xudu overnight. After all this was done, Wang Hou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and slapped his hands. He also climbed into his carriage that was parked aside, and gave Zhao Yun another order.

"Old Zhao! Go back to Jiangbei camp!"

It was already dusk after the killing and cleaning was done in an extremely dark heart. The carriage passed through the barracks in a hurry, but Wang Hou couldn't help but opened the curtain of the carriage and asked in amazement.

"Why are there so many wounded soldiers?"

A strong smell of blood filled the road, and wounded soldiers who had been shot by arrows or stabbed with a big hole in their bodies were being carried on a stretcher made of two sticks, and were being sent to the hospital continuously. Going to the wounded barracks, watching this scene, Zhao Yun replied in amazement.

"My lord, the Prime Minister raised his account last night to launch countermeasures against Yuan Jun's construction of earth and mountain fortifications. Today is the whole army's assault operation, have you forgotten?"

"Oh Amount!"

As a straight person, he was obsessed with his espionage plan. These days, Wang Hou was only busy training Deng's spies, and it really delayed the military. He slapped his forehead in embarrassment, Wang Hou He retracted back into the car again.

Now Wang Hou can be regarded as a member of the privileged class. Even if the wounded soldiers shuttled through, the tense Jishui Floating Bridge traffic artery was specially sealed for him to return to the camp. It didn't take long for Wang Hou to return to Cao Cao. military.

Still absent-minded, while walking, Wang Hou was still thinking about how to report to Cao Cao to carry out his spy plan. In the briefing of the gate guard, he entered the big tent in a daze, but before he entered his own position, a general behind him rushed in abruptly, pretending to stagger.

"The king makes the king atone for his sin!"

Sorry, in Wang Hou's depression, Xia Houshang, the captain of Tanma, apologized, and immediately rushed to the front again, kneeling heavily on the ground.

"Report! Prime Minister! The sentry sent back to the camp and found that the Yuan thief was storing grain, which is located in Wuchao!"

He was grinning at first, but when he heard Xia Houshang's excited report, Wang Hou's eyes almost popped out!

(End of this chapter)

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