Chapter 141 Crushed Ice
Bang~ The heavy counterweight of the return gun fell suddenly, and once again, a large lump of river ice flew out roaring, and broke into small ice buckets one after another in mid-air, posing a heavy challenge to Yuan Jun. head.

But Yan Zhao's generosity and tragic songs are not just bragging!Even though the ice buckets like meteors fell one after another on the side and on the head, and the gray-white ice wall was dyed bright red everywhere, but the group of Hebei archers still gritted their teeth and shot heavy arrows downward at Cao Yingzhang.

10 people beat 3 people, and the result was that the fights died down, and everyone panicked!These Yuan Jun from Hebei also have honor and dignity. This time, even those officers and generals from aristocratic families had facial muscles twitching, but they still settled on the snow mountain that was constantly collapsing. Throwing ice, Yuan Jun's archers will fight to the death.

Moreover, among the three passages between the snow-capped mountains that had collapsed for a little while, Hebei General Gao Lan Zhang He personally led the team, and several trilogy were holding big guns, screaming and rushing towards Cao Jun's front camp.

There are not many troops in this part, just over 11. Compared with the last battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao's [-] troops swarmed up. An overwhelming army!

I really don't know what Yuan Shao encouraged before the battle. Under the leadership of two Hebei generals, these Zhao warriors could be regarded as death-like. Facing the rain of arrows flying like locusts in the Cao camp, even the robes beside them The arrows fell down one by one, but they still rushed forward roaring and roaring, especially when they rushed to the edge of the deadly low wall. They knew that there was a forest of swords and swords inside, but the two of them held their hands under the wall. Hebei Yuan Jun, who caught up, still stepped on Pao Ze's hand without blinking his eyes, and turned over the wall with a knife in his hand.

Yuan Jun, who had just turned over, was stabbed by Cao Jun who had been aiming for a long time before his feet hit the ground. In an instant, a blood hole opened on his body, and he lay down on the cold battlefield with blood spitting out of his mouth. On the ground, followed by the second one. After landing, he frantically parried two stabbing spears with a knife, but the third spear was still viciously pierced into his stomach, followed by the third, and the fourth, But when the fifth Yuan Jun rushed in, Cao Jun's infantry, who was about to raise their guns to pierce them, trembled unbelievably, and immediately crawled and fell to the ground with their guns spraying blood.

On his neck, there is an extra trembling arrow shaft!
Taking advantage of this gap, the selected dead soldier of Yuan Jun from Hebei took turns to sneak into Cao Jun's dense spear camp behind the low wall with his knife, and chopped down three or four Cao Jun in a row.

In order to fight, Cao Jun also had to drill out from behind the egg-shaped ice fortress, with a large piece of river ice on his head, and Yuan Jun's archers, who endured amazing losses, finally had a fruitful kill.

With the support of bows and arrows, Yuan Jun finally broke through the parapet of the first floor, and fought fiercely with Cao Jun between the parapet of the first and second floors.

Back to the front, back to the artillery position!I don't know which return cannon specifically obeyed Mr. Cao's order, and threw it at Yuan Jun's piece. In short, Cao Cao, who was wielding a chicken-killing sword, stayed under the tall return cannon and listened to the heavy counterweights crashing down one by one. , the heavy river ice was thrown out suddenly, the feeling was so cool, I didn't care about my image at all, my hair was all loose, holding a sword like an old lunatic cursing the street, Cao Cao couldn't help hissing and screaming Oh.

At this time, Wang Hou came over with a sad face, and helplessly fisted the upright Cao Cao who was "commanding".

"Father Xiang! General Cao Ren is in a hurry! Please return to the front to supervise the battle!"

He didn't command blindly like Principal Jiang, disturbing the awareness of the normal artillery commander's rhythm. Finally, he took a deep breath and slammed the sword into the snow, but immediately wiped his forehead with his sleeve and didn't know. Sweating from the useless rush, Cao Cao didn't care, and with a hoarse voice, he also yelled amidst the roar of the return cannon.

"The front army is irrelevant! The old man Yuan failed to take down 10 people last time, and this time he is even less likely to do so. The key lies in the rear army. Yu Jinjun is at your disposal. Now go to the back camp to watch. There are Yuan Jun robbing the camp, kill them!"

"My son-in-law obeys!"

It seems that his command of the return artillery position is about to come back. Seeing Cao Cao dance like a madman again, yelling in front of the return artillery, picking up the token Cao Cao gave, Wang Hou It was sad to get on the horse, and shouted depressingly to Zhao Yun, Zang Hong and other generals who had been standing behind him.

"Go to General Yujin's camp!"


I have to admire Cao Cao's cunning and cunning, and his mastery of the battlefield. This Wang Hougang led Yu Jin's more than 2000 infantry to the rear camp. Wan, a high flag waving over the heads of the cavalry, the cavalry of later generations pressed down like a dark cloud.

It is said that Cao Cao is treacherous and treacherous!This Yuan Shao was not noble, he saw that the former army could not attack, he took advantage of the freezing of Jishui in the severe cold, circled the cavalry for more than [-] li, and came to outflank Cao Cao's back!

However, the ancients seldom fought on the ice. Even in the twelfth lunar month, if the ice was frozen solid, they could avoid marching on the ice, so avoid marching on the ice, because the risk is too great on the ice!
Not to mention that the ice may not be able to bear the weight of tens of thousands of people, and it would collapse by itself. Just the enemy shaking the ice is enough to cause a great threat. Yuan Shao was also forced to jump over the wall in a hurry!

Seeing these Hebei cavalry slowly but hastily pressing down on him on the smooth ice, Yu Jin was really taken aback. He waved his hand at the top of his voice, and the white horse defenders under his command panicked and carried big Hammer also ran down the river.

In the river, Cao Cao had been prepared for a long time. Near Daying, the thick beams of the house were neatly frozen in the ice. There was such a beam about three to five meters away, facing the oncoming people. Yuan Jun and Cao Jun's infantry talked about a big hammer, banging on hard wood. This is also the way for ancient princes and nobles to get river ice. When the wooden poles shook violently, the frozen river ice obviously cracked and shattered. With a sound, cracks burst out like lightning.

Can!Breaking the ice is too slow!
Seeing Cao Jun destroying the ice, about two miles away, Yuan Shao's cavalry who were looking around became anxious. The cavalry in the front obviously speeded up their horses by whipping their whips, but the ice was too slippery!Before they could run twice, more than a dozen horses had already lost their front hooves amidst the rattling sound. The big horses were lying on the ice, and some even broke their legs and couldn't stand up!Looking anxious, Yuan Jun's enemy general on the opposite side suddenly yelled, and the entire cavalry stopped. The next second, these Hebei cavalry in khaki military uniforms and armor got off their horses one after another, holding up fighting halberds and defensive spears, The infantry quickly approached Wang Hou.

Although there are still people who fall on a big horse from time to time, and a group of people walk on the ice like a tumbler, but the speed of the whole team is obviously more than doubled, and the distance of a few hundred meters is about to be killed. Come around.

"The first part is formed, come with me! The second part continues to break the ice!"

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out the ring head knife with a bang. While gnashing his teeth, Yu Jin put on a grim face, and was about to lead his men to fight, but before he could go out, his shoulder was pulled hard again. Turning around in astonishment, he saw that Wang Hou himself was also grim and pained, and he yelled sadly.

"General Yu, order your men to retreat to the shore!"

"Wang Shijun, are you crazy? Yuan Jun will kill them immediately! Let them kill them on the shore, and the prime minister's camp will be attacked by the enemy, and it will be chaotic!"

"Give me the power of the prime minister and general! Withdraw immediately!"

Seeing Wang Hou pull out all the chicken feathers and arrows with grinning teeth, he slapped his hands in the cold, slapped his thigh suddenly with a hey sound, and waved his hand helplessly.

"Brothers! Withdraw!"

The military order was like a mountain, and even those wooden hammers were not needed. The two thousand white horse defenders turned around and ran away again, and Sa Yazi ran to the bank. On the ice of the river, only Wang Hou and his more than 100 personal guards were left.

Of course, Wang Hou didn't have a cramp in his head enough to fight to the death with tens of thousands of Hebei cavalry to be a martyr. When Cao Cao ordered the pillars to be buried, he knew why they were used. He also ordered more than 20 large tanks to be buried on the ice. At this time, these tanks were frozen on the ice, and some were even cracked, but they were still arranged neatly in a row.

Seeing that Yuan Jun was more than 200 meters away, he asked Zang Hong to lead his men to run and bump to bring in the return cannon shells that had long been hidden near the ferry, and stuffed them into Wang Hou's bleeding heart In the vat, there are hundreds of catties of ten thousand enemies, one vat is full of two, twenty vats are forty, four thousand catties, just after stuffing, the other end suddenly followed by the sound of the wind, and an arrow flew away. He came over, stuck straight to Wang Hou's feet, and raised his head again, good guy, these Yuan Jun have run less than 100 meters away, and some even raised their bows and arrows and threw them at themselves.

I don’t want to be terrified by the life of 1 homosexuals who can’t take care of themselves. I took the flint and clicked it. When I ignited the special fuse soaked in gunpowder, Wang Hou also threw the flint and ran away. , just like running a marathon on ice, more than 200 tired and panting soldiers lit the fuse one after another, turned around and ran after stumbling, it was really one step too late, listening to the wind whistling in my ears With the sound, Wang Hou almost exhausted all his strength in breastfeeding, spraying white smoke from his nose and mouth as he ran.

Seeing that the shore is right in front of you, and you can even see Yu Jin's slender horse face full of anxiety, grinning, and the victory is close at hand, even Wang Hou stretched out his hand, wanting to rush back among them like a marathon champion, But at this juncture, there was a sudden violent vibration that trembled under his feet, causing Wang Hou to slam on his stomach.

Looking back in astonishment, the first tank placed in the middle of the river had already exploded, and then, under the shocking eyes of Yu Jin and his subordinates, there were explosions one after another, and the ice was frozen to a thickness of one meter. It was lifted with a creaking sound like a biscuit, and the bitingly cold ice water splashed around, and even after the explosion, a rainbow began to appear slowly.

Both Cao Jun and Yuan Jun were stunned watching this scene.

But after being stunned for a moment, it was an unprecedented fear!The huge cracking sound of the river ice was comparable to the cracking of Mount Tai, and the cracks visible to the naked eye scattered ferociously, especially when they had run to 30 meters from the explosion point. Chunks of ice were thrown up, followed by people turning their backs, no matter whether they were humans or horses, they all yelled in horror and fell like dumplings in the icy cold Jishui.

The swords, guns, halberds, and the high flag sank into the water like garbage. Yuan Jun yelled in horror and swam towards the unbroken ice behind him, and the yells of being so frozen filled the entire Jishui River. riverside.

The scene of thousands of people swimming in winter was too shocking. Wang Hou was also sitting on the ice and watching in a daze, but just as he was watching the bustle, a creaking sound sounded beside him, and he lowered his head in astonishment. A fissure quickly opened below his buttocks, and Wang Hou fell into the river without yelling "Oh my god". Seeing this scene, Yu Jin on the bank let out a sad roar.

"Hurry up and save Wang Shijun!!!"


Cao Cao's prediction was indeed correct. Although the front army fought as if they were desperate, even Zhang He personally led the team and charged into the second parapet amidst the shouts of killing, but this was still a feint.

The cavalrymen who were nearly half submerged in the river, crying for their father and mother, went around the towering river bank for twenty miles, and when they rushed back to the camp of Yuan Jun's middle army, amidst the fierce sound of gold, Yuan Jun's fighting spirit was like that of the river ice after the explosion. , fell apart, turned around and fled backwards, even the Hebei archers who had been challenged by countless ice buckets couldn't hold it anymore, and scrambled to slide back down the snow mountain. It became lonely, except for a mess of corpses lying on the snow, and the blood was like painting a huge peony with gorgeous faces.

The second large-scale conflict between the Hebei military group and the Central Plains military group ended in Cao Cao's victory. He became addicted to commanding the return artillery, and ordered to chase Yuan Jun's ass for three rounds. Cao Cao then ordered to withdraw his troops. .

But it was also at this time that he learned that his army had been severely injured, and that his beloved son-in-law Wang Shijun had fallen into the river!

"Tuqiu, you, are you okay!"

Compared with the Yuan Shaojun cavalry who fell into the water, Wang Hou was undoubtedly much luckier. Once he was caught, he was immediately carried to the big iron room in the back camp, wrapped in a down quilt next to seven or eight stoves, and even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty Mr. Cao even came to visit him in person, staring at his livid old face with seriousness.

But no amount of time can change the fact of winter swimming in ice water at minus [-] to [-] degrees. During Lu Ji's worrying service while holding the brown sugar water, his old face was blue and purple from the cold, and his mouth was trembling all the time. stop.

"Prime Minister..., Prime Minister..."

"Tuqiu, what are you talking about! Here is the truth!"

Grinning his teeth from the cold for a long time, under the worried eyes of Cao Cao, Lu Ji, and Zhao Yun, Wang Hou finally yelled out the words he had kept in his heart.

"Minister..., please general, the craftsman who made the fuse is one person! The fuse is too damn short!"


After finally finishing his speech, Wang Hou sneezed out again with great sorrow, snot and tears sprayed Cao Cao's entire beard.

(End of this chapter)

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