Chapter 173

At the end of August, the sky over the Central Plains began to be covered with cool air, and the autumn air was crisp. After a year of peace, Yingchuan, Chenliu, Chenguo, Xuzhou and other places have already started harvesting. They all say that Cao Cao is treacherous and cruel. , but he defeated Lu Bu, Yuan Shu and other forces. In [-] AD, the third year of Jian'an, it was the largest cultivated area in the Central Plains of the Han Empire in these years.

The common people who have been trembling and wandering for more than ten years can finally take a breather and reap a crop with peace of mind.

But when the wheat fields in other places were all golden, Dongjun in the land of Zhongzhou began to cultivate the barren land.

The northernmost part of Dongjun is still stepping up to build farmhouses. The former group of Yuan Jun prisoners who took root, or the hired workers of the Dongjun Agricultural Reclamation Company, have already preliminarily prepared the fields at this time. The Great Plains are really barren. , the stones were picked up in a pile, and after this winter, they were used to build a pigsty. In the field, a production team with dozens of people and a hundred or so employees concentrated in rows and squatted behind the cows.

In order to adapt to the farming operations of large farms, Wang Hou’s batch of plows are all specially made. In the past, there was only one coulter, but now it has been replaced by three coulters, which can plow three fields at a time, and a production team is fully equipped. With six oxen and two oxen pulling a plow, there are nine furrows. This configuration of farm tools has already exceeded the wealth of quite a few small landlords in the Han Empire.

"Brothers! This is the last competition at the end of this year! The next time you win the prize, you will have to wait until the New Year! Still, the top three kill pigs and eat sheep, and the No.1 Master Wang will send everyone a match!"

"We don't have wives to work hard, and those who have wives work hard. The two women in the family will be able to have four fat babies next year! Do the other lazy people in our brigade and cultivate the land!"

The first ray of the sun emerged completely from the horizon, and as the production captain of the centurion, who had accepted his fate, bared his teeth and yelled like killing a goose, the fifteen people driving the plow team were like running a race, with the cows in front and the ox in the back. Stepping on the plow hard, hey hey hey pulled out a few deep marks on the ground, and more than 60 people behind were not idle, and followed behind with hoes. The soil scraped out by the steel plow, they were ruthless The hoes were used to dig down, and the soil clods, grass roots, tree roots, and stones were constantly being pulled out.

In Dongjun, which has been deserted for several years, autumn plowing has finally started again!


The center of Yanzhou south of the Yellow River, Zhencheng!

The whole of Yanzhou betrayed Cao Cao back then, and only three counties remained loyal, one of which was this city of Zhen, so this place also experienced a severe baptism of war, four wooden turrets were burned down, and the city is full of traces of war. Afterwards, many heroes moved to live in Xuchang with Cao Cao. The former big county of Dongjun has been desolate for a long time.

But this time, Zhencheng has been reborn.

He paid so much attention to the agricultural reclamation company that even the precious gunpowder was taken out. Amidst the loud crackling sound and the excited and surprised eyes of the elders and chiefs of more than [-] East-West, North-South University aristocrats who participated in the shares, two [-]-fired firecrackers exploded gorgeously. Open, in the thick sulfur smoke, two strong men pulled the heavy gold plaque and hung it up high.

"East County Land Reclamation United Company!"

The words were written by Cao Cao himself, but for the three-story office building of the company, Wang Hou fought with Chen Hao, Zang Fou, Liu Fei, Zhong Nan and other major shareholders. Mandong County looks ugly, right? After the two-story square building, they are unwilling to repair the company's office building so ugly no matter what. Wang Hou called the number, there is cement!It took Zangfu and Chen Hao ten days to transport more than 1000 large logs upstream from Taishan County.

Even Cao Hongjie and Lu Ji betrayed, they couldn't bear Wang Hou's bad aesthetics, and for the first time in the board meeting, Wang Hou tasted the feeling of being alone.

However, in the protest of his majestic sheriff who almost lay down on the ground, the board of directors still had to make some concessions. The main body of the building was still built with reinforced concrete, but the outer layer, decoration and roof had to be built by these traditional gentry. Come to design.

Because of the addition of these unnecessary decorations, it took a full month and a half, and more than 1000 people were dispatched during the busy season to repair the three-story building.

But I have to admit that the combination of this popular Bauhaus square building and the late Han style is still very beautiful!The outer walls of the three-story building were shining silver, because a layer of sea shells was glued to the outer layer of cement slurry, and then the flying eaves and bucket arches that the gentry were particularly fond of, and the intriguing triangular-shaped peaked roof were also built.

Moreover, this small building is not the square shape of the past, but has become an I-shape. Four rooms of more than 100 square meters protrude from the front and back of the building. The protruding part is the office and living space, coupled with the cornices and bucket arches supported by the wooden beams on the top, the whole small building is simply high-end and atmospheric.

And it can’t be said that these ancient people just don’t understand the ancients. At least the independent toilet and hot tub designed by Wang Hou have been unanimously appreciated by the shareholders. Each floor has an independent toilet and bath. Although there is still no running water, it needs to be provided by a servant. Going on the water is the progress of the times anyway, isn't it?
The large meeting room was completely decorated according to Wang Hou's requirements. The floor was laid with solid wood floors, and there were four large bookshelves beside the two doors painted with Jingchu red lacquer. It is a wine bottle and wine utensils.

The whole center is the highlight of the conference room. The 32 small tables are put together to form a hollow circular conference round table that Wang Hou only saw in TV dramas. There are 34 chairs in total, ten on each side. There are six tickets, the first one is for each one, the main one is naturally Wang Hou, the number one shareholder, and the tail one is when the guests come to sit.

Further to the side, there are four spacious and commanding large floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking south from here, most of Zhencheng comes into view.


"Same joy, same joy!"

Le couldn't close his mouth and watched the plaque hang up. Wang Hou and a large group of large and small shareholders went up to the third floor politely. Just like the domineering president in the movie, Wang Hou moved to the main seat with great momentum. Sitting, Zang, Zhong, Chen, Liu and other major shareholders sat on both sides one by one, and the company's hostesses, who were also contributed by the family, distributed wine glasses to the shareholders in turn, and poured them the century-old Jimo wine, a famous wine of this era. Wang Hou took the lead in holding high In the wine glass, the first shareholders meeting of the company was officially held.

The shareholders of the aristocratic families sitting on both sides are not aware of what kind of trans-epochal event they participated in. For the first time, apart from the political power, the cooperation of economic entities broke the restrictions of their respective families. At the same time as the economic system of the feudal manor, another more advanced system emerged.

While sipping wine and bragging, Wang Hou himself didn't know that the company he created on a whim was about to go so far in this chaotic world at the end of Han Dynasty!
(End of this chapter)

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