Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 179 From President Wang to Xiao Wang

Chapter 179 From President Wang to Xiao Wang

This is the main theme of life in the late Han Dynasty, plowing and fighting!

Farm, harvest enough food, then forge iron to sharpen weapons, go to neighbors to grab territory, get new land, and then farm, harvest more food, feed more younger brothers, and continue to fight.

In May, troops were dispatched in Xudu, and 5000 troops from Zhang Xiu in Nanyang were brought together. In addition to the 12 troops under the command of the Bafu of Xudu, [-] Hebei soldiers and [-] Xuzhou soldiers were brought by Gaolan Zhang He's surrender, making a total of five With an army of [-], another [-] strong men from Chenliu, Yingchuan, Chen Guo and other counties, which had just finished spring plowing, marched northward to forcefully cross the Yellow River. This time, the strategic goal was Cangting, the ferry of the Yellow River.

There, Yuan Shao once again gathered the soldiers of Jizhou and Youzhou, and there were 20 soldiers and civilians together, which extremely threatened the security of the Central Plains.

This time, Cao Cao's strategic plan defeated the main force in Hebei and laid a bridgehead for the battle for Jizhou.

It's just that Wang Hou is destined to have no chance to participate in this battle. As the army marched northward, an inconspicuous team of only 3000 people also left Xudu. Driving more than 100 cows, they dragged their families and migrated eastward.

Needless to say, this is Wang Hou's team!

This time his troops also added some new members. Walking to the front, they wore felt hats and leather robes under the armor. Some of them looked very different from those from the Central Plains. General, led by Zhang Liao, Marquis of Yanting.

In the Battle of the White Horse, Wang Hou and Zhang Liao cooperated fairly well, so Cao Cao transferred him to Wang Hou's command.

Then there is Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe who is opposite his carriage, with an old face like a bitter melon.

If you really want to talk about the old tortoise, in fact, Jia Xu even surpassed Sima Yi. He came back from the time when Dong Zhuo was in chaos in the Guanzhong at the end of the Han Dynasty. He was a veteran of the three dynasties. He also climbed to the position of Taiwei, one of the three princes, which shows his ability to mix.

Especially this guy is not from a big family, he can have these achievements, all due to his own talent!

It's just that Jia Xu, an old guy, has a good attitude in dealing with things. He always puts himself in a relatively low position, and remains neutral as a lone minister. Objected, Sima Yan replaced Wei and he still didn't show up, no matter who was in the head, just do things in silence.

In fact, he may not be very kind in helping Wang Hou. Now the Xudu court is headed by the Yingchuan faction, and Wang Hou belongs to the foreign forces of the Bingzhou faction. If they show their favor to Wang Hou, everyone can report to the group to keep warm under the pressure of the Yingchuan faction.

However, his pretentious neutral plan was broken by Wang Hou's big mouth. Last time, in front of Cao Cao, Wang Hou specifically proposed that this plan was suggested by Mr. Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe!First put myself and Jia Xu on a bridge in front of Cao Cao. This time, they were completely tied together. As soon as Cao Cao changed jobs for him, Wang Hou immediately recommended Jia Xu as his deputy. I don't want to be partisan with him, he is also labeled as a state faction in front of outsiders.

It's no wonder that this guy is like Dao Ya, sitting opposite Wang Hou and grinning.

There is another thing that made Wang Hou more happy. He actually abducted another soft-shelled turtle, Sima Yi, into his command!

Not to mention, it was actually Wang Hou who demonized this guy!Even though Sima Yi is three or four years older than himself at this time, and his family is also well-known, but in terms of official position, he is just a literary official with a rank of four hundred shi!Xu Du is an official like him, a basin of footwashing water can be poured out to seven or eight people, and Cao Cao has to enlist him to be an official, not because of how talented he is, but because of his reputation. Some of your gentry in Hanoi County are also officials in the court!You can rest assured to work hard for someone Cao!

Even when Wang Hou proposed to take Sima Yi with him, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and then he heard who this guy was, and he just nodded and agreed indifferently. This guy has been messing around in Xudu recently. From Cao Cao's point of view, it's not worth as much as the carriage that crashed from Wang Hou!
Seeing this guy still unaware of his tragic fate, stepping on stirrups not far away and looking around with interest, Wang Hou couldn't help showing a sinister sneer, this old man The thief didn't allow himself to be rounded and flattened!

When we crossed the Yellow River in a while, the sack wrapped him up and threw him into the river to feed the soft-shelled turtles?Or wait for the place, find a dark and windy night, or put this guy in a sack and bury it?
"The lord is smiling, could it be that he has already thought of a strategy for the opening?"


A sudden voice interrupted Wang Hou's gloomy complacency

This old guy Jia Xu is also a bachelor. Since he is on Wang Hou’s thief ship, he is not pretentious, and he directly calls him the lord. Although this word is not like in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", only Liu Bei and Sun Quan are worthy of it. In fact, as long as he is the patriarch of a big family, he can be called the lord. However, he called Wang Hou the lord with a foreign surname, which is obviously the same as Zhao Yun, acknowledging Wang Hou's leadership.

But his question made Wang Hou couldn't help being sad. He couldn't help it. It was really a big problem for Cao Cao to give him this new appointment.

Cao Cao indeed promoted Wang Hou!And it's not just an ordinary high official, Qingzhou Mu!

Note that this is the state shepherd, not the governor!Although the jurisdiction is the same, the prefect of the state is far more powerful than the governor who obeys the imperial court and accepts his fate, which is equivalent to the princes of one side!Just like Mr. Cao himself, the prime minister is also in command of Yanzhou Shepherd, and Yuan Shao himself is in charge of Jizhou Shepherd. Although his Qingzhou Shepherd is not comparable to the previous two big bosses, he can at least be on par with the current Yuzhou Shepherd Liu Bei!

However, the reason for giving such great power is also because the problems to be faced are no less difficult than forcing a rooster to lay eggs. Qingzhou is not in the hands of Cao Cao, but one of the four northern states of Yuan Shao, led by Yuan Shao's second son Yuan Xi, The only thing that Cao Cao has contact with Qingzhou is Taishan County. The Taishan bandits of the four major bandits in the late Han Dynasty once served under the command of Lu Bu. When Lu Bu captured Xuzhou, the leader of the Taishan bandits Zang Ba was also handsome. The leader of a bunch of Taishan bandits is the governor of the county.

Those who really belonged directly to Cao Cao's forces did not have a single soldier in Qingzhou for the time being, and even Wang Hou didn't even have a place to stay in Qingzhou. When he was in Dongjun, he was Mr. Wang. When he arrived here, he instantly became a little king. Bar!
"The starting strategy? First go to Guangling, Xuzhou to find my elder brother Chen Deng, let him borrow some supplies and weapons, and then recruit a few thousand Danyang soldiers, and go north from Donghai Kingdom to try!"

Qingzhou is indeed a breakthrough in the battle with Yuan Shao, but apart from a letter of commission for Qingzhou Mu, Cao Cao gave him one Jia Xu, one Zhang Liao, and two hundred Bingzhou wolf riders. The difficulty of starting the game is hell Level, Wang Hou said rather dejectedly.

Saying that he knew what he said, Jia Xu shook his head heavily, hating iron for being weak.

"My lord, Wenhe thinks that the first stop must be Taishan County! No.1, you must first visit General Zangba, the leader of Mount Tai!"

(End of this chapter)

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