Chapter 218 Mian Mian Mian

Before crossing, I remember watching a movie about World War II called "Tiger Tiger Tiger!" ", so Wang Hou's designated production plan this time is called Mian Mian Mian!As the name suggests, the cotton cover he dug out from the garden of the father-in-law Cao Cao finally came in handy!
It has been more than a year since the cotton was stolen. I don’t know if new cotton has grown in Cao Cao’s garden. Anyway, Wang Hou has a good housekeeper. Under Wang Fu’s leadership, the cotton fields in Funiu Mountain have achieved good results. With progress, more than 50 cotton cultivation masters have been trained, and more than ten truckloads of cotton seeds were brought to Qingzhou this time.

Moreover, cotton likes light, so it’s not easy to choose the land. The environment near Rizhao is very suitable for growing cotton. , There is not much yield in growing grain, but it is enough to grow cotton.

As for the mode of production, it is the household contract responsibility system. Putting aside the gimmicks, to put it bluntly, it is enough to distribute the land to small farmers and let them be responsible for production, and cultivate self-cultivating farmers.

It sounds simple, but this method is very meaningful for a dynasty. The reason why the Western Han Dynasty was able to stand up on the ruins of the Qin Dynasty was because the Han Dynasty followed the strategy of the Qin Dynasty and severely attacked the deep-rooted culture of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period for hundreds of years. Clan power, forced clan division, and forced relocation of local tyrants to live in the capital during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, disintegrated the fundamental foundation of the restoration of the Six Kingdoms. What supported the prosperity of the Western Han Dynasty was the cultivation of self-cultivating farmers as the social and economic foundation, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was unable to surpass the previous dynasty from beginning to end. , It is also because in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the power of the local aristocratic family had swelled up, and even Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu had to rely on the power of the aristocratic family to establish the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Therefore, mentioning the Western Han Dynasty is the vigorous Han-Hungarian Hundred Years' War!Through the Western Regions!Take Liaodong and destroy Sanhan!But in the Eastern Han Dynasty, most of people's memories were only endless battles between eunuchs and relatives!And at the end of the Han Dynasty, once the dignity of the central court weakened, the local super-family and local tyrants easily tore the Han Empire apart.

Not only the Han Dynasty, but Chinese history seems to have fallen into this vicious circle. The founding of the country eliminated a large number of local separatist forces and created a large amount of unowned land for distribution by self-cultivated farmers. The bureaucratic family in the middle sucked up the country at the top and the poor peasants at the bottom, triggering violent social turmoil. Then peasant uprisings broke out, careerists took advantage of the chaos, and ended an era. The wars wiped out the population in large numbers and created ownerless land. Enter the next cycle.

Even if the Song Dynasty fell to foreigners, it was because of this reason. It wasn’t that the greedy Bianliang bureaucratic family embezzled the army and horse breeding land established by Song Taizong in Henan. When the Jin army crossed the Yellow River, why did they have no cavalry to fight?Four 10,000+ imperial troops were trapped to death in Bianliang City by tens of thousands of gold troops?
In Dongjun, and here in Rizhao, what Wang Hou is doing is re-opening the work of an era, indirectly and directly re-cultivating self-cultivating farmers.

However, the scale this time is much smaller than that of Dongjun. After all, Dongjun redistributes social property, and the land beside the Yellow River is fertile and the plains are vast. Various forces actively provide materials and production materials, and there are still more than 8 people. It is no wonder that the real prime-aged labor force is put into production, and the scale is not large.In contrast, Rizhao's land is notoriously barren, and Wang Hou himself has provided very limited help, and Rizhao City is composed of immigrants, and its human resources are far less than those of Dongjun.

Even if Wang Hou was very active in this production mobilization meeting, the actual contracted land is only more than 8 mu of cotton fields.

However, the development of this cotton farm seems to be more prosperous and brilliant than that of Dongjun.

Wang Hou has hoarded cement and metal construction materials for more than a year, and finally opened a business. If he wants to reclaim the land outside the city, a place to live is essential, right?Moreover, everyone knows the turmoil in these years. Under Wang Hou's publicity campaign that his small cement building is good, warm in winter and cool in summer, and can prevent thieves, and the building materials for building small buildings are discounted. His architectural aesthetics has finally been recognized by the people!
On the construction land at the edge of the cotton field, taking advantage of half a month before spring plowing, many workers who earned some cloth in the steel factory in winter took out the cloth they had saved and exchanged it for construction materials. The awkward two-story concrete building was erected from the ground, and two or three households jointly built a building. In the suburbs of Rizhao, more than 200 small concrete buildings have been erected.

Those refugees who escaped because of the war this spring did not have such good economic treatment. They had no money to build houses, so they could only randomly pick up broken wood and stones to build shacks. It is more primitive like Wang Hou’s strategy when he opened up Funiu Mountain. Just get a few piles of straw and a place to sleep.

Although the place where they live is simple, these refugees have also been brought into Wang Houmian's plan, because the government has loaned them grain and farm tools in the past few months to cultivate cotton fields, and although they don't know that Wang Hou asked them to plant What the hell is the cotton, but Wang Hou promised that two asbestos can be exchanged for a stone of wheat. In his original words, they are all poor anyway. Why don’t you try for a year, even if you lose, you owe a lot of money Debt, just put oil on the soles of your feet and run away!
But what if you win the fight?

The weather is getting warmer, and Rizhao City seems to be stabilizing gradually. More than half of the crowded poor residential areas have been evacuated at once. Except for the workers who are still working in the steel factory in the city, the remaining [-] people have moved there. In the suburbs, in the desolate seaside poor fields that have not been cultivated by anyone for thousands of years, cows snorting and selling coolies began to pull up the furrows, and then cotton seeds were buried in the furrows. These came from thousands of miles. The magical crops of Central Asia began to take root and sprout in the most eastern land of East Asia.

For the time being, I have no energy or strength to run a school here. Walking in the fields, I can still see a large group of little kids who don't understand anything, running around and playing around in groups, and those who drive the farm are so angry The hard-working parents of the cattle were waving their hands and yelling and cursing. The refreshing spring breeze was blowing warmly from the seashore. In the warm wind, facing the sun, the cotton seedlings that had just emerged swayed like a green wave. Watching this scene, Wang Hou took a deep breath of the fragrant breath comfortably.

However, compared to the relaxed and happy appearance of his lord, Jia Xu and other officials and counselors were not so at ease. Their old faces were full of disgust, and their eyes passed by the newly built second-story ugly concrete building, and immediately Jia Xu had another old face, and clenched his fist at Wang Hou stiffly.

"Dong Weng, Jia heard a joke. It's very funny. I would like to entertain the Lord!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Wang Hou rolled his eyes and shook his head. Unfortunately, the lord's halo is not omnipotent, and objections are ineffective. Jia Xu just shook his head and began to blare, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Once upon a time, there was a man from the state of Song who passed by the seaside and saw that the people on the beach piled things with sand, which were very magnificent and solid. So he sold his property on a whim, hired a lot of workers, and quickly built it with sand on the beach. I have built a magnificent fortress, which is enough to satisfy the lord's addiction!"

"But the lord's majesty hadn't been playing for a few days. Suddenly, a big wave swept up one day, and the sand sculpture fortress of the people of Song Dynasty fell apart in an instant! The people of Song Dynasty, who had nothing left, were covered with sand and turned into a big sand sculpture, standing blankly on the beach. !"

"Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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