Chapter 397

It was really a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and the Soochow Fleet was blinded.

Wang Hou didn't have many warships coming up against the current, and only four warships have emerged now, but these four have already made the magnificent Soochow Fleet bloom like a city on the water.

Boom boom boom boom boom

Under the intense thunder, a series of white smoke came out from the side of the third outcropping warship. I saw that the side of the building ship leaning on Wu Jun's extension suddenly collapsed with a crackling burst. The wood seemed to be chewed by a dog, protruding inside and out, becoming hairy and puffy, and large pieces of sawdust exploded, and the shirtless Wu Jun sailors who were paddling inside seemed to have entered the knife mountain hell, with blood on their bodies. Filled with sharp wood chips.

This is not the worst, the worst thing is that I don't know which shell hit the bottom of the ship, or how many rounds, the muddy river water came out from the bottom of the ship, amidst the terrified shouts of the sailors of Soochow, the huge The building boat tilted towards the edge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and immediately overturned into the Yangtze River with a crash.

The Soochow sailors above seemed to be experiencing the end of the world. They either fell into the river like dumplings, or hugged the mast, wooden railings and all the objects that could be grasped, screaming in fear and following the ship together. The child slowly sank into the river.

A round of shelling sank a giant ship of more than 60 meters. Long Aotian actually made Wang Hou a little unbelievable. Is he equipped with an Armstrong inflatable cannon?But when you think about it, it's not so Spartan.

It seems that Wu Jun's warship is two ends taller than Qingzhou warship. In fact, Wang Hou's warship is actually taller than Wu Jun's warship, but his sharp-bottomed ship and heavy ballast make the bottom of the ship three Two-thirds of it is pressed in the water, so it looks naturally shorter.

On the other hand, one-third of Wu Junlou’s ship is submerged in the water, and two-thirds is leaking on the water surface, and it’s not sharp-bottomed, and it’s not divided into watertight cabins, which only existed in the Song Dynasty. The mighty and majestic Lou Chuanjian is actually a Popeye, with a muscular upper body, and the soles of his feet are as thin as a hemp pole, and he can be kicked down with one kick.

In addition, Wang Hou is still a rogue boxer, specializing in the next three routes, and a round of artillery fire knocked down a big ship, it seems that it is not a pipe dream!

Although this was a sweet dream for Wang Hou, it was a nightmare for Zhou Yu, this fucking fight was like a joke!Not yet, I watched the peripheral Soochow warships leaning towards the water one after another, and then bubbling and bubbling. Even his super giant ship was shot, and the deck was pierced through several floors. They all lead directly to the hole at the bottom of the river, Mishuro's cheeks are wrinkled.

What the hell is this, really palm thunder?In the early years when Daoist Yu Ji went to preach in the south of the Yangtze River, he himself went to pay his respects. I knew that he would have to learn this magical power even if he knelt and kowtowed and rolled all over the floor!Now let that guy Wang Hou meet, he has a fairy art in his hand, how can this be done?

Fortunately, this is Zhou Yu. If it were an ordinary general, he might have run away with his head in his arms. Seeing the Qingzhou Army come out with a fifth boat, and at the same time, there was a double-bottomed super boat in front of him on the right. Under the attack of the thick "Lei Fa", most of the creaking wooden groans sank, and suddenly, Zhou Yu slapped his thigh and shouted anxiously.

"Hurry up, send the order quickly, turn the bow of the ship, beat the drum, and attack the bandit army with a ram fight!"

The command system of the Wu army is still intact, the flagship is waving the flag, and more than [-] large ships outside are paddling their oars together, turning their bows clumsily. At this time, two more large ships were shot through the bottom of the ship Son, moaning and sank to the mouth of the Yangtze River, but after turning the bow, the effect of Zhou Yu's tactics was revealed.

The heavy artillery fire hit the river surface, shaking the sailors on the ship, and the bow of the ship was hit by the artillery fire from time to time, and large pieces of wooden boards still splashed out like droplets, and the beaten building boat trembled uncontrollably, but this time However, no ship was sunk again. On the contrary, these warships of the Wu army opened their teeth and claws and rammed viciously at the Qingzhou warship that was facing them on the side.

In this era, in order to adapt to ramming battles, the strength of the hull is the strength of the front and rear keels. Good steel is used on the blade, and the best and hardest wooden structure is also in the bow. And after the bow faces the gunfire, the area of ​​the battleship that is bombarded is reduced. Three-quarters of the time, the rookie who fell down with a single punch from the side, just got up from the front and stood still!
Seeing this scene, Wang Hou was a little dumbfounded. He said with emotion that he really deserves to be an American wolf. He also gave an order. The fleet speeded up the voyage, the gunboat turned off, and went straight to the Wu army to charge in the direction of the ramming.

The big oars crashed into the water, and both sides tried their best to catch each other's foreheads. Amidst the huge roar, the two fleets fiercely intersected.

It is not so easy to hit the opponent at the corner of the collision. The Qingzhou ship is also a veteran, and it can easily adjust its direction and insert it into the gap between the opponent's warships. Realized, the gunboat rushed into the ship, the two rows of cabin guns fired together, gorgeous flames, white smoke, and deafening thunder sounded together. The distance was only a few meters away, and the side of the Wujunlou ship, which was still tilting and charging, was almost the same as As if it was rotten, it was quickly torn apart and smashed into pieces with a clattering sound, and the broken wooden boards splashed out along with the human limbs.

The fight was enjoyable, the technical gunners recruited from the reserve army really put everything into their running, the general Wu Jun on the opposite side was roaring and commanding with all his strength, when suddenly there was a buzzing sound, a rusty fish-cutting knife was stunned The one stuck in the mast just above his head made his eyes stare with terror.

But at the same time that they suffered heavy losses, they finally entered the offensive range of the Wu army. Amidst the howling sound, on the third floor of the towering double-bottomed building ship, or on the mast of a single building ship, countless light infantry soldiers of the Wu army were like monkeys. With the knife under his hand, he flew towards Wang Hou's battleship while swinging the cable.

The war became more and more magical. It was just like in the movie, except that the muskets were replaced with double crossbows. The light infantry carried the crossbows and shot them out. In mid-air, Wu Jun was shot into the water by a buzzing crossbow. A heavy infantryman roared and slammed out his ax and spear, and with a click sound, another Wu Jun screamed and fled past him, but only the upper body of Wu Jun was still holding the cable, but the lower body was gone, blood and internal organs splashed out. on deck.

However, the water is also the territory of the real Wu army. Before the heavy infantryman of the Qingzhou Army could take his turn with his axe, another Wu Jun who swung from behind suddenly had his waist between his thighs, dragged him, and stabbed him heavily towards the water. There, with a plop, the two of them fell into the river like cannonballs, bubbling and puffing, and a moment later, Wu Jun, who hadn't been approved, showed his head again.

The Qingzhou Army who was pushed into the water also came and went!But in general, relying on strong military quality, the scuffle on the deck, even if the enemy is twice as big as themselves, the big guys from Qingzhou still have the upper hand.

And amidst the splashing sound of splashing water, the ninth and tenth Qingzhou battleship also crossed the burning blockade and quickly joined the battle group!
(End of this chapter)

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