Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 583 The solution of the Han people

Chapter 583 The solution of the Han people

The siege of Guihua City under Chile River had to be unfinished for the time being!If the project funds are not in place, the master architect Wang Hou is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice!
War is not what you want to fight, you can fight if you want to!Although he is superior in strength, this time Ke Bi can go out too hastily, not to mention specifying a war plan, he has not even determined the target of the battle, eager to build the city, he is like a headless chicken, reckless The bumper went straight to Jiuyuan and bumped into him.

But at this time, the chrysanthemum potential in the front and back of the Hetao Plain is far from as simple as Wang Hou thought!
First of all, the most orthodox and most declining force in Jiuyuan County, representing the Han Empire to rule the Xiongnu, the Hun Nu Xiaowei Department!Even if the news of the alliance between Ke Bi Neng and Wang Hou came faintly, it is impossible for Wang Shuang, the guard of the Huns, to let Ke Bi Neng get involved in Jiuyuan County.

Then there is Huchuquan. The once huge Xiongnu Empire is left with a houtao to settle down. Although Jiuyuan County is located in the front, it is the gate of the houtao. Faced with the tough Xianbei, the Southern Huns didn't want to see this.

Then, Xianbei is not unified at this time. From the true origin, Ke Bineng is the wild way to usurp the throne, leading the tribe to live in the clouds. The younger brother of Kuitou, the great leader of Xianbei, the son of Xianbei Zhengbu, is the old Xianbei who moved from the east and west of Liao Dynasty. People from other tribes of Xianbei like Ke Bineng belong to the conquered tribes in the process of Xianbei's growth. .

But the wealth is only three generations, and Budugen has been a leader for a long time, and he is far less close to the masses than Ke Bi can be promoted from the grassroots. After the leader was assassinated, he failed to win the support of most Xianbei tribes. Can be defeated, but have to flee to the Han Dynasty, and also rely on others.

However, this does not mean that he has no strength. There are more than [-] troops, and there are more than [-] people under his command.

In terms of strength, it is true that Ke has the greatest power, but he has never beaten the combined strength of the three. Moreover, this Hunnu school lieutenant Wang Shuang is really a brave general that Wang Hou underestimated. Ambushing Jian Xi in Xianbei, informed Kebi Neng that he would convene the Solin Curry Conference ahead of time and summon his troops to go south, and then he didn't know how he persuaded Hu Chuquan to join forces with Bu Dugen.

In the Battle of Jiuyuan, Wang Shuang opened the city gate first, attracting Kebi Neng cavalry to plunder the city. At such a time when the front army was in a hurry and the army was chaotic, the Huns cavalry who had been dormant for a long time suddenly rushed out, and the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse , The Xiongnu cavalry, which has been silent for more than 100 years, taught Ke Bineng, a rising star, a lesson, teaching him what an old man is, and he was attacked back and forth, even if there were [-] Xianbei people, they were defeated.

Especially in the crowd, Wang Shuang only led a hundred riders to fight under the banner of the Xianbei Bucks, almost beheading Ke Bineng.

This has something to do with Wang Hou, because the machete Wang Shuang used was a long-handled Yanyue imported from Qingzhou, and the fracture on Ke Bineng's arm was caused by resisting this force and sinking the knife.

Although Bu Dugen was the worst player in chasing and killing Ke Bineng at the end, more than a thousand people guarded Jiuyuan City and almost killed his Wang Shuang. Under too deep impression.

Although Guihua City has been half-built, the city walls have come in handy. Thirty thousand Xianbei people who fled back directly settled in, and it really became like a nomadic city. Mushrooms popped out like that.

Ke Bineng is an entrepreneur with potential for success. Among the rugs, except for being slightly larger, his house is no better than that of ordinary Xianbei people. Talking about ostentation, he even brought out a golden carriage, which deserved to be confiscated by Mr. Cao.

"General Wang! Guihua City is a matter between Liaodong and Xianbei. The army was defeated in Jiuyuan. Could it be that the Liaodong army is indifferent?"

Also with the vigor to start a business, Ke Bi Neng yelled excitedly as he patted the table with his left hand.

However, Wang Hou, a veteran who had been in the industry for a long time, couldn't help yawning.

"Boss, Wang promised to help you build the city, but he didn't say to help you rebel! Do you want me, General Zhenbei, to lead an army with you to attack the Jiuyuan City of the Han court?"

"But General Wang, you want someone to go to Jiuyuan to get coal for you!"

"I asked you to pick it up, but I didn't ask you to fight it! There are so many cattle and sheep in Xianbei, and Jiuyuan was given a thousand heads in exchange for some charcoal for naturalization. They used charcoal to produce milk powder and wool. Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone to sell back the past?”

"The big leader insisted on fighting each other, but in the end he blamed Wang for sitting idly by. How can there be such a reason?"

Seeing Wang Hou spread his hands and shirk all responsibility, Ke Bineng was so angry that he vomited blood. He stared at Wang Hou fiercely like a wolf, and he asked in a hoarse and gloomy voice.

"Then according to General Wang's intention, let's forget about Jiuyuan? This city will not be built!"

"Of course the city needs to be built! Thanks to the great leader, I have traveled two thousand miles and spent countless food expenses! Don't think that you are the only one who lost!"

The coal that was expected to be available was gone, and Wang Hou was also quite depressed, but after being depressed for a while, he rubbed his nose sullenly, and hummed in a slow tone.

"Leave the charcoal matter to me to figure out a solution! But this seat has full power to make decisions at this time, and the big leader can no longer participate in this matter!"


Just touched his nose, the voice of revenge in Xianbei was particularly loud, but Wang Houyi helped him to take revenge, and Er didn't let himself intervene at this time, Ke Bineng was really entangled, his eyes flickered fiercely, and he couldn't stop Hesitating, seeing his hesitation, Wang Hou slowly added fire to him.

"Guihua City is completed. The wealth produced in one year can be exchanged for grain from the south of the Yangtze River. At least 100 million shi can feed the chieftain's [-] people! During the white disaster season, you can also avoid disasters in Guihua City! Now, It’s only one step away from coal!”

"If the big leader is completely sure, then Wang will not bother me anymore, I'll just wait for Shi Tan!"

"Okay, at this time, I will leave it to General Wang to take full responsibility, but before this winter, I must at least see Jiuyuan Charcoal!"

You still have to look at money in everything. In front of Qian Liang, even Ke Bi Neng has made concessions!

What is Wang Hou going to do?

Ke Bi Neng is from Xianbei!Uncouth man!Although he has a bit of strategy in his chest, he still can't change the grassland consciousness of respecting the strong and paying with a knife. Wang Hou is a civilized person from the Han Empire!What he plays is much dirtier than Kebi can get the white knife in and the red knife out.

After leaving the Kebineng tent, while walking, Wang Hou gave orders to several subordinates of the Military Statistics and Investigation Bureau who followed him.

"Contact the branch of the Bingzhou Investigation Bureau to find out Wang Shuang's background! His surname is Wang, and he served as a captain protecting the Huns in Jiuyuan. My post asks Wang Tan, the patriarch of the Wang clan!"

"In addition, send someone to repair Yecheng, and give it to Zhongshuling Mr. Jia! Let him find a way to support someone of his own in Jiuyuan!"

Three orders, without even asking the reason, the three agreed at the same time, then turned around and walked away, watching them, Wang Hou smiled slyly like Mieba, and hummed sinisterly.

"Frame Zhongliang, Wang will have to play for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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