Chapter 587 Seems to be a loss

No culture is terrible!
At first, Wang Hou called coal directly, but found that many people in this era did not know what coal was, so he changed his name to coal, but the Xiongnu Shanyu Huchuquan in front of him, and Budugen, the leader of Xianbei, didn't even know what coal was. Fortunately, they have lived in Bingzhou, the coal boss's land, for so many years.

Fortunately, when Xu Du came out, Xia Houba knew. Seeing that the originally serious negotiation was funny, and Hu Chuquan's eyes were wide open, he explained politely.

"Calcoal! It is the carbon produced in the stone!"

"Uh, it's black, or it's a big piece of shiny, or it's black layer by layer, anyway, it's black! It can be burned!"

"Uncle Wang is the apprentice of the old god Yu Ji. Since the old god Yu said that there is a coal mine here, there must be a coal mine here. To settle this dispute, Shan Yu, please agree to Uncle Wang!"

Is there still such a good thing buried underground in Jiuyuan?I have lived here all my life, why don't I know!After being stunned for a long time, Hu Chuquan's gaze became hot instead, and he asked in amazement: "Dare to ask General Wang, where is this coal mine?"

"It's in this land of Jiuyuan. Where is it, I still need a prospector to find it. Anyway, my teacher has confirmed that there must be Jiuyuan!"

Jiuyuan is Baotou, and Baotou Coal Mine is so famous!Wang Hou bit his butt, patted the table and stood up.

But he can be regarded as an old fritter in the mall, but Guihua City really needs coal so much, the scene where he showed impatience just happened to fall into the eyes of the old fox Shanyu, a real miscalculation!
"General Wang! General Zhenbei has something to offer, and I, the Huns, will be satisfied! However, we, the barbarians who are like barbarians, want to mine the coal mines that the general needs. Digging with your hands and planing with a wooden stick, how much can you dig out in a year? How many Hun minions are damaged, and the general's important affairs are delayed, isn't it a crime!"

"Hu Chuquan, you make knives and arrows, and you also have a lot of iron, so don't sell them here!"

This time it was Kebi's turn to slap the table. Seeing that the old fox was playing tricks on the grassland, he was used to running amok on the grassland. On Wang Hou who was dumbfounded when he asked back.

I have to admit that what this old guy said is not completely unreasonable!If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools!Once Guihua City is built, it must be a big polluter, a coal-eating monster!If the Huns are really forced to dig by hand, occupying too many hands, causing famine, and the hungry and crazy Huns fight with themselves and the Han Empire, it will not be a good thing!

Reaching out his hand to drag the furious Ke Bineng back, Wang Hou stretched out a finger helplessly.

"I'll give you [-] picks and [-] steel shovels a year!"

Good guy, everyone said Wang Tuhao, it was true, not even ironware, [-] pieces of steelware as soon as he opened his mouth!A part of it was used to dig mines for him, and the other part was used to dig ditches for the clan households who plowed the fields. It was definitely a profit!
But don't take advantage of it, that's a bastard!Seeing that there is a door, Hu Chuquan followed and the lion opened his mouth again!
"General Wang, tools are one aspect. In recent years, there have been many disasters. The tribes of our tribe, Tiefu, are hungry. The coal mining needs a lot of people. The Xiongnu can't support it!"

"Do you want my big Xianbei cavalry to come and teach you how to hold it up?"

In later generations, Ke Bineng's online name would have to be called Kuang Slashing!Blowing his beard and staring, grinning his teeth, he roared again, but Wang Hou couldn't help scratching his head sadly once again.

"Leader Ke Bineng, if the Jiuyuan Coal Mine is captured, how many Dingkou can the Xianbei tribes spend to dig coal?"

This is not a threat, but a real interrogative sentence. After being in contact with these grassland Hu people, especially the Xianbei people for a long time, he has become more and more familiar with the habits of these people. They are lazy but not lazy, and the social division of labor is particularly clear. Regardless of grazing and slaughtering or fighting, processing dairy products, cooking, making clothes, making felt bags and other trivial tasks of life are all done by women or old people. If a man in his prime does these things, he will be ridiculed as cowardly and incompetent.

Not to mention the hard work of digging coal!
Can a woman go to the coal mine?

Seeing Ke Bi Neng's dumbfounded look, he sighed again, and Wang Hou simply asked helplessly.

"How much food do you want?"

Fortunately, although Hu Chuquan is the Shanyu of the Huns, he was born in a small frontier area. He has never seen that kind of person in the world, and he was afraid that he would really anger Wang Houke Bi Neng, so he sent someone to kill him. After hesitating for a long time, he The pen draws a finger.

"Okay, I'll give you one hundred thousand stones!"


Hu Chuquan originally wanted to say [-] shi, but he was stunned by Wang Hou's strength and stuck for a while, then he laughed and said.

"Okay, General Wang is straightforward, so it's a deal! As soon as the general's food and weapons arrive, Xiao Wang will immediately call the tribe to dig!"

"Wait a minute! The food and tools will arrive in a few days, but the general's ugly words are up front! The food is not free! Before winter, Guihua City will see 40 shi of coal! Otherwise, in the season of Lindong, I will With Ke Bineng, the leader will come to ask for it in person!"

"That's for sure! For sure!"

Hu Chuquan's fat face, raised by eating meat, is full of smiles. He doesn't look like a wolf at all, but looks like a fat husky. He thought he needed to bleed a lot this time, but he made a fortune, one hundred thousand shi For food, how many gangsters can he recruit from the Ministry of Tiefu? As for coal mining, there are many poor tribes of the Xiongnu who have become increasingly Sinicized, and there are also Han people in Jiuyuan, so it is enough to force them to dig!He nodded repeatedly.

Thousands of people were killed and wounded in the battle of these tens of thousands of people, so it's over?It doesn't even have anything to do with me!Staring dumbfoundedly, Wang Hou looked like he was in pain. The shivering Wang Hou and Hu Chuquan, who was like the landlord Lao Cai, talked a few more words about the delivery time and the transportation of coal, and then they really clasped their fists and wanted to leave. The root is really twitching cheeks.

"General Wang, why did you give that Huchuquan coward so much food and tools! The Xiongnu are sheep, and we Xianbei are wolves on the grassland! Sheep are born to be eaten by wolves! Such a move, on the contrary, like us wolves are afraid He is like a sheep!"

Leaving the negotiation site, while walking, Ke Bineng yelled dissatisfiedly, but was anxious about the construction of Guihua City, Wang Hou was really too lazy to explain to him, and while getting on the horse, Wang Hou directly spread his hands helplessly: "Brother Ke Bineng, isn't this matter settled, and Wang has the full power to deal with it? Don't worry about it! Regression is a big deal!"


"General Wang, please stay!"

Just when Ke Bineng was still arguing, there was a shout behind him suddenly. Seeing a Xianbei nobleman who had just followed Budugen rushing towards him with a slap in the face, Wang Hou subconsciously got off his horse and greeted him in astonishment. In the past, asked strangely.

"What's the matter?"

But seeing the person coming, Ke Bineng's face became gloomy again.

The person who came was Budugen's middle brother, Fu Luohan!
(End of this chapter)

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