Chapter 649

Life is such a little bitch, when you are the most proud of the beat, you will be hit in the head again, and your nose will be bruised, your face will be swollen and your legs will cramp!

When Wang Hou returned to Huacheng, the west gate was already full of people. Those who were qualified climbed up to the city gate tower with their city council member ID cards. Ordinary people gathered at the gate of the city, looking around in amazement.

This is indeed an extremely explosive piece of news. It is completely different from the traditional way of winning the support of scholar-bureaucrats and local farms. Wang Hou is following the commercial route. If the land can be thrown to the common people for planting, it will be thrown to the common people for planting. Those who can stand at the top of the Liaodong system are all Big Lizard Ou, like Uncle Ma in later generations, a family of bosses of the group, earns money by doing business and sales, so the mobility in Liaodong is extremely high, and business routes are extremely important, just like monkeys in Eagle Country who occupy a large area of ​​the world in later generations, relying on business to move all The distant colonies are threaded in a thread.

Therefore, commercial routes have extraordinary significance for Liaodong.

Especially this time, Wang Hou gave them the initial funds in order to bridge the Xianbei tribes. After finally crowding the city, he happened to see the messy and exhausted caravan supporting each other, staggering back, stepping on the ground. Hard snow shells creaked in winter.

At the forefront of the crowd, Wang Shuang was also limping after being beaten, and Wang Shuang, whose head was still wrapped in gauze, looked particularly embarrassed.


"The final death penalty!"

Still in the Shanyu hall, 44 Xianbei surnames, 37 Han merchants, including Bu Dugen, all came. The crowds surrounded the entire hall, all of them looked gloomy at Wang Shuang who limped in the door, and Wang Shuang He was also full of shame, and immediately fell to his knees heavily on the ground, kowtowing to plead guilty.

Although his martial arts are not as good as Zhao Yun's, he can be regarded as the fifth and sixth hero in Liaodong. To hurt him like this, either the opponent sent out tens of thousands of troops, or there is really some powerful person. Wang Hou didn't know, so he was puzzled , Wang Hou asked gloomyly.

"Guilty or innocent, who attacked the caravan! Qiang people?"

"Back to General, General Fubo Ma Chao!"


There was a gasp in the entire Shanyu hall, and even Wang Hou's face changed a little, and he continued to ask in amazement.

"you sure?"

"The general will guarantee it with his head! The Fubo Matou flag of the Ma family in Liangzhou will never admit his mistake! This guy has brought five thousand elite riders to surround the caravan, or he will give him [-]% of the supply! The general was incompetent and was shot down by him, and the caravan was also plundered by the Ma family cavalry, with heavy casualties and no gold left!"

"Get up! It's normal that you can't beat Ma Chao, you are not guilty! Facing a strong enemy, you can fight to the death and protect the majesty of Liaodong. Not only is it innocent, but it should be rewarded! Send me an order to reward General Wang with a villa, Jin Yi One hundred, ten altars of wine! Go down and recuperate!"

"The last general, ashamed! The last general..."

"Don't talk about it, take good care of your wounds, let yourself be useful, and seek revenge on this Ma!"

The defeated general who ran away had to be killed, but the general who tried his best to fight to the death was a treasure even if he lost. Like the end of the Ming Dynasty, when he lost a battle, Chongzhen killed a bunch of generals, so that there were no generals available in the end, and no one dared to start a regiment!So Wang Shuang must be encouraged.

And even though the reward, Wang Hou's reassuring words still humiliated the family 500 years ago to the extreme, Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, can't beat Ma Chao?Wasn't Wang Shuang underestimated?Hearing Wang Hou's reassurance, he didn't say much, he clasped his fists heavily, and he left the hall in a dull manner.

"General, this Liangzhou bastard dared to touch our Great Xianbei's caravan! It's really daring, not punishing them will be against them! The last general is willing to call for the lead, call the army, and let these damned Qiang people pay the price!"

Full of anger, Dugu Tuobalie, who is notoriously irritable among the Xianbei tribes, was the first to jump out of more than 50 angry young people, and immediately followed him, and more than 30 Xianbei leaders were all furious, and started yelling , One by one shouting to be beaten and killed, with that posture, they are about to rush out and chop off the dog's head of Ma Jiajun now.

It is not unexpected for the Xianbei people to have this reaction, not to mention that what was robbed was their capital and finances that were about to go to a well-off life, but the Xianbei people faced the superior psychological advantage of the Qiang people, which made them want to stop.

The Xianbei people took over the grasslands of the Huns, so in their concept, Xianbei inherited the hegemony of the Huns, and the Qiang people surrendered to the Huns at the beginning, and now they should be Xianbei’s younger brothers and flocks. It seems that Ke Bineng said that he robbed the Qiang people One hundred thousand fine-wool sheep were robbed, and this momentum can be seen.

These "miscellaneous beards" dare to snatch the head of Xianbei's master. It is simply unbearable, and neither can Uncle Keren and Auntie!The chiefs roared beyond words.

This is a good thing, which shows that these Xianbei people have begun to regard Wang Hou as the leader, but it is also a bad thing!Now that Wang Houchu is in charge of Xianbei, it is time to establish his prestige, but he really can't cut Ma Chao off in a fit of anger!

This is completely different from Goguryeo Fuyu and Xianbei. Xianbei came to "help" Ke Bineng!In Fuyu country, he also "helped" the subordinate countries to resist the invasion, but in Liangzhou, he was a foreign vassal, and Ma Chao was also a foreign vassal, because of a trivial matter that a caravan was robbed!He just brazenly dispatched tens of thousands of people to fight in Liangzhou, what will Cao Cao think then?
but!If he endured this matter, he would not even think about standing up in Xianbei!
Even Bu Dugen was staring at him. This guy obviously had ambitions. Once he made a mistake, he must find a way to make a fuss among the Xianbei people. After struggling for a few minutes, Wang Hou finally came up with a solution!
"Qu Tuzheng, Dugu Tuobalie, you five tribal lords, and the leaders of Budugen, Huang Zhengzheng, Zheng Zhengzheng, you guys, follow me!"

Although the Han people did not need to appease them, for the sake of fairness, Wang Hou also ordered five Han people to do the work, a total of 11 people. They followed him into the inner room in astonishment. While the Xianbei chiefs waited anxiously, Wang Hou did not come out after a while. Dugu Tuobalie and the others walked out excitedly and somewhat helplessly.

"The general has already figured out a plan to make the Liangzhou bastard suffer, but it will take some time to operate! The general assures us that at the turn of spring and summer next year, the Qiang dog will definitely pay the price!"

"Big fellow! If you have trusted our old fellows, let's leave first!"

"What plan did the general make?"

Immediately, some couldn't bear to be curious, and asked after bluffing, but Dugu Tuobalie kept his face secret, and shook his head heavily. If the plan is said, it is not a plan. We swear to the general, listen Rotten in the stomach!Do you want to get rid of the old man's stomach and dig out the tricks? "

This old guy is a famous dog skin plaster, who would agree to this!With the reassurance of these few of their own people, although the anger in their hearts did not vent, a group of Xianbei tribe adults retreated obediently.

As for Wang Hou's plan?Where does he have any clever strategies, it's nothing more than a small report like Mr. Cao!Add fuel and vinegar to sow discord!
However, his advantage as a traverser is unintentionally revealed here, because he knows that the Ma family and Cao always meet each other sooner or later, otherwise who would cut their beards and abandon their robes and run away?
Biting his tongue, Wang Hou got angry too, and quickly drew up his pen angrily with an ugly word.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law pays homage to me!"

"Nowadays, there are horses in Xiliang who surpassed horses. They are not a good thing. Pus on the top of the head and sores on the soles of the feet are so bad! They robbed the caravan that the son-in-law went to the Western Regions to make money, and robbed hundreds of thousands of money. The son-in-law was arrested. After stealing a trivial matter, this guy has no shame in asking his son-in-law for ten cannons, otherwise he won't let his son-in-law's caravan pass by!"

"Why do you want cannons, he didn't hold his fart well!"


An article with rough language, as good as a small report written like a hooligan in the market!After blowing it dry comfortably, he stuffed it into the envelope, and immediately Wang Houzhong slapped him heavily.

"Delivery to Yedu!"

(End of this chapter)

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