Laozi of the Three Kingdoms is the Emperor

Chapter 214 Why didn't you catch him?

Chapter 214 Why didn't you catch him?
"Criminal dare not!" Wang Yun knelt on the ground very wisely, instead of getting up, he prostrated himself on the ground more respectfully, expressing his absolute surrender to Liu Xie.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Liu Xie's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly. This Wang Yun is an old fox after all. The biggest difference between him and Liu Bei is that Wang Yun can know how much he weighs. Throw in the towel!

Although this is very embarrassing and may lose one's identity, it is indeed a good way to save one's life!


According to the current situation, Liu Xie didn't want to do anything to Wang Yun and the others, which was why he didn't take the initiative to find Wang Yun.

The problem of the gentry is deeply rooted. Although Liu Xie has long wanted to uproot this malpractice, it is not so simple to completely solve this problem.

If all these problems can be solved just by relying on Wang Yun and the others to commit some things, then the problem of the gentry will not have such a far-reaching impact!
"What's wrong with Wang Situ?" Liu Xie asked Wang Yun with a smile.

He didn't want to do anything to these people, but that didn't mean he was afraid of them.

Since you did something wrong, you must pay a certain price.

Otherwise, how could he lead so many people?

"The guilty minister was obsessed with ghosts for a while, and followed that Liu Bei to do something that I'm sorry to His Majesty. Although it did not cause any loss, it is the fault of the guilty minister for doing such a thing, so please severely punish him!"

Wang Yun bowed his hands to Liu Xie respectfully and said, looking at him now, it seemed that if Liu Xie didn't give him some punishment, he wouldn't leave here today.

The smile on Liu Xie's face grew stronger...

Seeing Wang Yun's resolute appearance, people who don't know really think how heartbroken he is and how loyal he is to himself, but it's just a moment of confusion!

"I don't know what Wang Situ has done?" Liu Xie continued to ask with a smile.

He just wanted the other party to reveal his crimes in person. Now that Wang Yun has reached this point, he must cooperate with him to continue acting.

As long as he speaks out about his guilt and implicates those behind him, Liu Xie will have a way to deal with them properly, at least it will make them suffer a lot!

Hearing what Liu Xie said, Wang Yun suddenly didn't know how to answer.

No matter how decisive it is to plead guilty and obey the law, you will definitely shrink back when the situation comes to an end. After all, this is taking the guilt on yourself. God knows what kind of punishment you will get after pleading guilty!
The hall suddenly became quiet, and cold sweat began to secrete from Wang Yun's forehead...

The development of the current situation seems to be completely different from what Wang Yun imagined before.


What Wang Yun imagined was that if he came to plead guilty to Liu Xie with a sincere attitude, the other party would see him for the sake of the gentry and his attitude, forgive him very much, and might even not pursue his fault.

after all.

I just united a group of people and acquiesced to Liu Bei's rebellion. They didn't participate in it themselves, let alone set foot in the palace!
From Wang Yun's point of view, he didn't seem to have committed any serious crimes!


He didn't expect that Liu Xie would keep grasping what they had committed, and let him tell it himself, without the slightest hint of anger.

The more the other party was like this, the more sense of crisis Wang Yun felt!

"Why didn't Wang Situ talk anymore?" Liu Xie didn't seem to be in a hurry, and asked Wang Yun as if chatting, like a storyteller urging the storyteller to continue!
"This... guilty minister..." Wang Yun began to feel uneasy, he felt that he might play himself to death today!
Just when Wang Yun was at a loss and couldn't respond to Liu Xie's inquiry, there was a sudden burst of dense footsteps outside the hall, and then Wang Lang quickly walked in from outside the hall.

"Report to Your Majesty...Mr. Sima has something to ask to see His Majesty!" Wang Lang didn't even look at Wang Yun beside him, and said to Liu Xie very respectfully.

"Huh?" Liu Xie raised his eyebrows.

This Sima Hui had only left Zhuge Liang not long ago, why did he come back at this time?
"Let him in!" After pondering for a while, Liu Xie whispered to Wang Lang.


But Wang Lang didn't turn around and leave immediately, he hesitated for a while and continued to say to Liu Xie: "There is Mr. Sima here...and Liu Bei! And...and..."

"And what?" Liu Xie couldn't help frowning, he could feel from Wang Lang's body that something unusual must have happened outside.

Could it be that this Liu Bei started to commit suicide again?

"Liu Bei was brought in by Mr. Sima!" Wang Lang sniffled, looking at Liu Xie with a strange expression.

to be frank.

Wang Lang really admired this Liu Bei. Ever since he met him, the other party has been trying to kill him, and he has never succeeded. Every time he will be slapped in the face by Liu Xie in public, and then end in an extremely humiliating way. !

more importantly.

This guy seems to be tireless, no matter how insulted he was last time, he will definitely continue to die again in the future!

Wang Lang couldn't remember clearly, this was the first time he saw Liu Bei being taken into custody!
"Let them in!" Liu Xie waved at Wang Lang.

Not to mention Wang Lang, even Liu Xie is now starting to admire this Liu Bei.

It seemed that as long as he didn't kill this person, he would definitely try his best to make trouble!

He now somewhat understands why the system has set up such conditions for rewarding Liu Bei, the guy who is emotional can't be killed at all!


Sima Hui personally escorted Liu Bei into the hall with several guards.

As soon as they walked in, those guards pushed Liu Bei to the ground.

Because Liu Bei was being tied up and supported at the moment, he fell on the ground and didn't get up for a long time, and he didn't even see Wang Yun who was standing not far from him.


"Why is everyone targeting me?"

"Why do you humiliate me no matter what you do?"

"Why is it also a rebellion, Wang Yun and the others will not be punished, and I will always be the only one who is unlucky?"

"Why don't you go catch them?"

The moment Liu Bei was pushed to the ground, he immediately cursed.

He roared frantically, venting the grievances that had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

In his opinion, the reason why he ended up like this now is that his luck is always so bad, and that everyone is targeting him!
Sima Hui: ......

Liu Xie: ...

Wang Yun:? ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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