Laozi of the Three Kingdoms is the Emperor

Chapter 217 Difficult choice!

Chapter 217 Difficult choice!

After Xu Chu left, Cao Cao panted heavily and opened the letter he handed to him.

Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that this letter should belong to the guy who threw Cao Ren into the barracks.

The lobby is quiet...

Everyone saw Cao Cao's fury just now, and now no one dares to speak first, and then provoke Cao Cao. God knows what the other party will do after losing his temper again!


They are all wrong...

Because everyone found that even if they didn't speak, Cao Cao's expression at the moment gradually became gloomy, and it became more and more ugly.

Until the end, Cao Cao's body seemed to be trembling faintly. Everyone present knew that Cao Cao was on the verge of extreme exposure at this moment.

From then on, Cheng Yu and others began to focus on the letter in Cao Cao's hand.


Cao Cao's behavior at this moment is precisely because of the letter in his hand.

"My lord..."

Cheng Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to ask Cao Cao, but Guo Jia grabbed his arm and signaled him not to speak.

I don't know if he heard Cheng Yu's words, or Cao Cao couldn't control it, but he stood up slowly with trembling body, his lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something.


But he didn't say a word, and just rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.



The complexion of the crowd changed drastically, and they surrounded Cao Cao at a very fast speed, checking Cao Cao's situation, shaking him and calling for a long time, but there was no response.

"Quick... quickly find a doctor!" Cheng Yu yelled at the people behind him in horror.


Someone left here as quickly as possible, and went to look for the doctor.

Under Guo Jia's guidance, some other people carried Cao Cao into the room and put him in a good place. After doing all this, Guo Jia winked at Cheng Yu, and the two returned to the lobby almost at the same time. superior.

"I'd like to see...what was written in that letter?" After arriving here, Guo Jia immediately walked to where Cao Cao was.

When he came here, he immediately saw the piece of silk that fell on the ground. Without any hesitation, Guo Jia stepped forward to pick it up, and just took a look. His complexion had never changed before!
"What's going on?" Cheng Yu seemed to realize it only at this time.

He quickly came to Guo Jia, and also set his eyes on the letter.

After a few breaths, Cheng Yu, like Guo Jia, stayed on the spot with a changed expression.

This is a personal letter written by Liu Xie to Cao Cao. The content of it is very simple. Liu Xie once visited Jingzhou and brought back General Cao Ren by the way. Then he couldn't bear Cao Cao's loss of his arm, so he sent Cao Ren back out of mercy. To Cao Cao!

At the end of the letter, Liu Xie politely invited Cao Cao to go to Luoyang for a drink!
This is a threatening letter from Chi Guoguo!

Liu Xie's meaning was very simple. Cao Cao's generals who stayed in Jingzhou had already been taken back to Luoyang by him. However, as the emperor, his lord had a lot of people, and he didn't want to have the same knowledge as Cao Cao, so he released Cao Ren at will!

He even sent it to their barracks in person, and was not discovered by anyone!

Doing all this so smoothly, without any interference during the whole process.

This is undoubtedly not telling them that Liu Xie wants to deal with them without any effort!

Not to mention that Cao Cao saw this letter, even Cheng Yu and the others couldn't help but feel angry when they saw it now.

This is simply too insane!
"What should we do? Our opinion has just been rejected by the lord, and now something like this has happened again. It seems that the battle between us and the emperor is inevitable!" Cheng Yu sighed, slowly shook his head and said in a low voice .

This is also the last thing he wants to see. Once they start a war with the imperial court, they will be completely passive, and no one can tell what will happen!

"Not necessarily..." Guo Jia glanced at the letter in Cheng Yu's hand again, narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Yu was taken aback.

He saw a glimmer of hope in Guo Jia's expression, as if there was a turning point for this matter, Guo Jia has always been able to think of things that others could not think of, so Cheng Yu couldn't help but look forward to it when he heard him say that.

"The lord has always known that what we said is very reasonable, and he has always wanted to listen to our opinions, but he has never found a chance to accept it!"

"Nowadays, when something like this happens, the lord is likely to take advantage of the slope and take our advice directly. Think about it... With the lord's temper, if he really wants to fight the emperor to the death, in his opinion By the time of this letter, it has already been said!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cheng Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

If everything is really as Guo Jia said, then for them, this matter may really be a good thing, because as long as Cao Cao agrees to their previous suggestion, they can get at least several years of peace.

As long as they have time to develop, their chances of winning the confrontation with the emperor will become greater and greater!

Their real chance will be when they are strong enough to overwhelm the status of emperor.


It is better for them to set their goal on protecting themselves!
After trying to understand all this, Guo Jia and Cheng Yu went outside the room where Cao Cao was once again.

They want to confirm whether everything they just analyzed is correct the first time Cao Cao wakes up!

Who knows.

When they came outside the room again, they found that the room was crowded with people at some point, and there were bursts of noise...

"Something happened!" Guo Jia's face paled instantly, and after glancing at Cheng Yu, he rushed into the room as fast as he could.

The two of them immediately thought that something had happened to Cao Cao, that's why there were so many people in the room, and those strange voices came out.


As soon as the two people rushed in, they saw Cao Ren, who was bound and strong, kowtowing to Cao Cao who was on the bed, and frantically told his sins!

But Cao Cao, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, as if he didn't hear Cao Ren's words, silently looked at the roof without saying a word!

Seeing this scene, Guo Jia and Cheng Yu's complexions improved a lot. The moment just now made them pale with fright, and they almost stopped thinking!

"The two gentlemen are here... What... what should we do?" Xu Chu scratched his head, frowned and looked at the two helplessly and said.


(End of this chapter)

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