Chapter 274 Deterrence!
three days later.

According to Liu Xie's request, Yu Luofu and a group of tribal chiefs came to the barracks and visited Liu Xie respectfully.

According to what Liu Xie said to Rove before, today he will prepare a big gift for everyone.

Although everyone, including Yu Luofu, knew that Liu Xie would definitely not do anything good if he gathered them together today, let alone prepare any real gift for them.


For some reason, they were still very much looking forward to what they would see here today.

When Yu Luofu brought people to the barracks, Liu Xie had already prepared everything.

in fact.

As early as after Liu Xie came to Youzhou, he was already preparing for the current matter.

"I don't know what kind of gift His Majesty the Emperor has prepared for us?" Yu Luofu led the crowd to follow behind Liu Xie, looking at Liu Xie with a smile and asked.

When he said this, Yurov's eyes shone brightly.

His idea is very simple, no matter what Liu Xie has prepared for them, he will try to find an excuse to refute it. The situation today is different from before.

It was Yu Luofu who met Liu Xie alone before. No matter what Liu Xie did at that time, no one outside could know, but it is different now.

He is now sure that Liu Xie wants to control him and the many tribal chiefs from his heart. If this is the case, it is impossible for Liu Xie to do anything outrageous in front of everyone.

if not.

It will destroy his image in everyone's heart, thus disrupting his plan.

This is what Yu Luofu wants to do most now.

"I'll know in a while!" Liu Xie didn't pay him too much attention at all, but after turning his head and saying something lightly, he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Yu Luofu didn't mind either, he just shrugged his shoulders casually, and then led the crowd to continue walking forward.

As for his performance just now, Zhuge Liang and others who followed Liu Xie saw it. Except for Zhang Han, most of them couldn't help showing angry expressions on their faces.
Those who can stand here are not fools. Of course, they immediately understood what Yurov wanted to do.

Meng Tian even clenched his fists and swore in his heart that if given the chance, he would definitely clean up this old boy again!
"what happened to you?"

Meng Tian inadvertently turned his head and saw Zhang Han with a wonderful expression, and asked a very puzzled question while frowning.

For some reason, he always felt that Zhang Han was hiding something from him.

"Let's wait and see the good show in a while!" Zhang Han only left such a non-salty words.

"Pretending to be deep..." Meng Tian snorted softly, not bothering to argue with Zhang Han, and continued to follow Liu Xie forward.


Everyone came to the place that was closely guarded by the shadow guards. Under Liu Xie's prior arrangement, this place has become an empty place.

the difference is.

On this open space, ten huge and strange things were built regularly.

These earthbag-like things appeared abruptly in this open space, and a huge opening was exposed in front of each of them.

Except for Zhang Han, everyone showed a very puzzled look when they saw these things.


Many people unconsciously moved closer, wanting to see clearly what it was.

"What is this? It doesn't look like a tent, nor does it look like a dirt bag. It's so strange!"

"Who says no! What does the emperor of the Han army want to do? Could it be that he just wants to show us these strange things?"

"Why do I feel that this is another thing invented by the Han army to deal with us?"

"It makes sense, we must watch it carefully, and be prepared in case we encounter it in the future!"

When they saw these things, the chiefs of those tribes whispered to each other, talking cautiously.

"Everyone can see, this is the great gift I gave you!" Liu Xie said with a smile, pointing to those bunkers.

in fact.

This time Liu Xie not only wanted to use these things to deter Rove and others, but more importantly, he wanted to test whether the construction of the bunker was accurate.

For things like bunkers, Liu Xie actually only had a vague concept in his mind. He knew very well that if he wanted to apply it in future wars, he had to conduct detailed experiments.

And today is an excellent opportunity!

"Your Majesty wants to give these things to us?" Yu Luofu looked at Liu Xie meaningfully and asked.

to be frank.

When seeing these things for the first time, Yurov couldn't help but tremble in his liver.

Although he didn't know what it was, he knew very well that this must be Liu Xie's secret weapon designed to deal with them.

Based on his previous experience, he absolutely believed in his inference.


More than anyone else, he wants to know what these things are, what are their functions, and what kind of damage will they cause if they are used in battle!
He has already suffered this kind of loss twice, and the same thing must not happen for the third time!

"Of course! Didn't Shanyu say that you are here to join me? As the object of your refuge, of course I want to show you my strength. These things are only part of our strength. With this kind of guarantee, is it true that for Shanyu Isn't that considered a great gift?" Liu Xie asked Yu Luofu with a smile on his face.

After hearing Liu Xie's words, Yu Luofu couldn't help frowning, a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart, he always felt that no matter what he did, he was under Liu Xie's control.

"let's start!"

After explaining to Luo Fu, Liu Xie turned his head and signaled to Zhang Han.


Zhang Han came to the middle of the open field with two small flags, and then waved the small flags in his hands amidst the wonderful expressions of everyone.

Following Zhang Han's wave, a huge copper pipe appeared in the openings in front of the ten blockhouses, and the dark openings pointed at the people present.

When seeing these things, Xun Yu, who had seen the power of cannons in Luoyang, couldn't help but his complexion changed dramatically, and he looked at the scene in disbelief.

They have deeply experienced the power of a cannon, but they never imagined that Liu Xie still has so many cannons stored here.


At this moment, these things are still packed in these protected things. Only at this time did they understand why Liu Xie said yesterday that the big gift he gave to Yu Luofu and others was "awe"...


(End of this chapter)

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