Chapter 47 Getting Ready
It's not his fault that people are stupid, but it's his fault if they come out to scare people.

This is how Liu Xie feels now.

He was sitting in his large tent of the Chinese army.

Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Han and others were all left in Luoyang by him.

This time it was Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others who came out with him.

What remains unchanged are Yuwen Chengdu and Wang Lang.

At this moment, they all stood respectfully under the tent, waiting for Liu Xie to speak.

Regarding the immediate situation, none of the people present expressed concern.

Especially Jia Xu and Xun Yu.

In their view, this Han Fu is just trying to die!


Is courting death!

What they have to do now is to tell each other that this world is cruel, and that staying alive is the last word.

"Let's talk about it, how should we respond this time?" Liu Xie said casually.

"Hmph!" Yu Wencheng snorted coldly, threw the golden phoenix wings in his hand on the ground, and stood up straight away.

He didn't even need to speak, everyone knew what he meant.

what is interesting.

When Yu Wencheng didn't stand up, no one wanted to take action.

it looks.

Almost everyone knows his habit!

"Chengdu, this time we have to use a gentler way, otherwise who would want to submit to me in the future?"

"Boom!" As soon as Liu Xie's voice fell, Yu Wencheng put the weapon aside and waved his fist.

Liu Xie: .
Jia Xu:.
Everyone: .
"It's not this kind of tenderness!" Liu Xie rubbed his eyebrows.

He didn't understand a little.

It is normal for so many people summoned by the system, why is the first summoned Yu Wencheng somewhat different?
Amazing combat power, grumpy temper!
Except for Liu Xie, he doesn't seem to recognize anyone else!
It is also for this reason that Liu Xie never uses any military regulations to restrict him by beheading him!

Liu Xie absolutely believed that as long as he said he wanted to kill him, he probably didn't have to do it himself, and he would wipe his neck himself.

"Cough cough."

At this time, Xun Yu coughed lightly and stood up.

This also just eased Liu Xie's embarrassment.

"Chengdu, first listen to what Wen Ruo wants to say!"

When Liu Xie spoke, Yu Wencheng had no choice but to stand back with a cold snort.

"Your Majesty, it can be said that using troops against Han Fu this time is the easiest, but at the same time it is also the most dangerous!" Xun Yu clasped his fists and said:
"Because of the lessons learned by Yuan Shao, this Han Fu will definitely not make the same mistakes again! With the naivety he has shown so far, it is very likely that he will directly overwhelm the whole army at once!"

"Therefore, we may face Han Fu's nearly [-] Jizhou army as soon as we start the war!"

This point, not only Liu Xie, almost everyone present thinks so!

of course.

Except for Yu Wencheng who was very excited after hearing this.

"As for what I said is the simplest, it is to take directly from his camps that store grain! As long as there is no grain, his army will be a mob!" Xun Yu continued:
"More importantly, now this Han Fu has put all his existing food together, and it was built with his camp!"

Speaking of this, everyone present burst into laughter.

Almost everyone thinks that this Han Fu is really cute and naive!
"Don't take it lightly!" At this time, Liu Xie said very seriously: "Although this Han Fu is stupid, his method is not useless!"

"When the army knows that they have no worries in the future, the fighting power they will explode is unimaginable!"

"Your Majesty is holy!" Everyone cupped their fists and bowed.

late at night.

The sky is like a black curtain, covering the earth.

A round of full moon hangs above it, swaying the dim moonlight, bringing no trace of warmth.

Today, the camps of both sides are almost completed.

According to Liu Xie's guess, Han Fu will definitely take the initiative to launch an attack tomorrow night at the latest.

Once Han Fu attacked first, Liu Xie and the others would be very passive.


This is the best time to attack.

As long as they are caught off guard, it will have unexpected effects.

At this time, the most useful is of course the shadow guard.

Although Zhang Han was in Luoyang, Liu Xie was accompanied by many Shadow Secret Guards at all times.

In order to be like the current situation, they will come in handy!
As early as when the two parties arrived, Liu Xie had already dispersed the Shadow Secret Guards.

In terms of time, there should be news by now.

All of them are now waiting for news from the shadow guards.


Not long after, Liu Xie received a secret report from the shadow guard.

The content is very simple, it is the specific location of Han Fu's storage of grain and grass.

As long as he knows the exact location of their location, Liu Xie will have a way to take it away!
Now that you have a specific location, act quickly!
Without any hesitation, after receiving the secret report from the shadow guards, Liu Xie immediately ordered the night attack on Han Fu to begin.

The so-called night attack is also very simple, bombarding Han Fu's food and grass camp!
To know.

The effective attack range of this Italian gun can be 8000 meters!
With this little distance between them, it's easy to do!

The Italian cannon was pushed out with great effort by several soldiers.

This time.

Not only a few of them saw the cannon, but everyone in the barracks was startled.

If it weren't for Liu Xie's arrangements, there would be chaos at this moment.


Under the silent watch of nearly [-] people in the whole army, Liu Xie began to aim at the grain and grass camp.

No one else can do this job except Liu Xie.


Every movement Liu Xie made caused a burst of whispering.

"Look, what is His Majesty doing? Why did he give his thumbs up?"

"Could it be to praise that Han Fu's camp is well settled?"

"Fart! Who have you ever seen praise one's enemies? Your Majesty is clearly saying that it's too easy to deal with this Han Fu!"

"What is that thing, it looks so strange!"

"Could it be that this is the thing that shook Luoyang for miles around and made peace?"

Many soldiers lowered their voices and talked with each other, their expressions were wonderful!
"very good!"

After a long time, Liu Xie finally stood up slowly from the side of the cannon.

According to the information provided by the Shadow Secret Guard, Han Fu's food and grass camp is in this direction.

After preparing everything, the guards quickly came over carrying the shells.

Looking at the shells in the wooden box, Liu Xie felt a heartache.

He only has twenty in total now, and if he uses one, he will lose one.

This is the top existence of this era!
For some reason, after doing all this, everyone's eyes turned to Wang Lang behind Liu Xie almost at the same time.

"Your Majesty??" Wang Lang felt that he was light at the moment and didn't know where he was.
(End of this chapter)

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