Laozi of the Three Kingdoms is the Emperor

Chapter 61 Yuwen Chengdu vs. Liu Guanzhang

Chapter 61 Yuwen Chengdu vs. Liu Guanzhang (recommended ticket)


"It's you, talking to you!"

"Hurry up and tell the little emperor that his uncle is here, come and see him!"

In front of the palace gate, as soon as Zhang Fei arrived here, he yelled at the guards guarding the palace gate.

He is in a bad mood!
The three of my brothers came to seek refuge, but there was no one to receive them.

Are there any more rules?

Uncle Huang doesn't want to lose face?

The guards in front of the palace gate ignored him at all.

Do not!
Didn't even look at him.

This time.

Zhang Fei's violent temper suddenly came up.

"Boy, are you dumb or deaf when talking to you?"

As he said that, Zhang Fei's slap like a cattail leaf fan was about to slap towards the guard.

"Third brother! Don't be rude!" Seeing this, Liu Bei hurriedly stopped him.


With Zhang Fei's slap, the guard might die.

"If you don't go away, die!"

Just when Zhang Fei was about to withdraw his slap, he heard the indifferent voice of the guard.

Zhang Fei:? ? ? ?

give you face?

How dare a little guard talk to himself like that.

it looks.

Zhang Yide from Yan is still not famous enough!

Just right.

Just take this guy and let him know what cruelty is!
Zhang Fei snorted coldly, picked up his snake-shaped spear and was about to stab the guard.

Liu Bei's complexion changed drastically.

But now it was too late to stop it.

At that distance, it was easy for Zhang Fei to kill the guard.

Liu Bei sighed secretly, it seemed that he was going to prepare a way to say his resignation and go to see the emperor.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard, smiled and said nothing.

This kind of small role can't catch his eyes at all.


Just when Guan Yu and Liu Bei thought the guard was dead.

A cold light flashed across, and Zhang Fei's spear, which was about to pierce the guard's body, was directly shaken away by a strong force.

After the sudden upward movement, Zhang Fei stepped back three steps, and then slowly stopped his figure.

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed instantly.

The person who makes the shot must be a master!
"Who?" Zhang Fei shouted angrily: "Which grandson dares to block your grandfather's way?"

"You can get out!" An extremely cold words came faintly with strong killing intent.

Even if he was as arrogant as Zhang Fei, he couldn't help but pause when he heard this voice.

Squinting his eyes and looking carefully, what Zhang Fei saw was a big man wrapped in black armor.

The huge helmet covered most of his face.

Only those eyes that were not mixed with any emotion remained.

The special weapon in his hand was particularly conspicuous, and Zhang Fei knew that it was the thing that blocked his spear just now.

"Who are you? Report your name!" Zhang Fei shouted with his eyes wide open.

He has never suffered such a loss.

not to mention.

This was still in front of his two elder brothers.

"If you don't get lost, die!" Yu Wencheng glanced at Zhang Fei indifferently, then turned his horse's head and prepared to go back.

From start to finish.

Yuwen Chengdu didn't take this Zhang Fei seriously.

As irritable as Zhang Fei, where has he ever been ignored like this?
With a cold snort, he rushed forward with a spear in hand.

If I don't kill this guy today, where will I save my face?

"Looking for death!" Yu Wencheng's eyes flickered, and the golden phoenix wings in his hand turned, and swept away behind him.

The spear and the gold-plated phoenix wings collided fiercely, sending out a series of sparks.

Zhang Fei was shocked again and took a few steps back, his hands numb for a while.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu again, sitting on the horse, Wen didn't move at all.

Although Zhang Fei was calm as water on the surface, there was already a huge wave in his heart.

Yu Wencheng's strength was completely beyond his expectations.

This time.

Yu Wencheng did not intend to let him go again.

His legs pinched the horse's stomach fiercely, and the phoenix chick in Yu Wencheng's hand turned and rushed straight towards Zhang Fei.


The golden phoenix wings shone with a dazzling cold light, wrapped in a murderous aura, and slashed towards Zhang Fei fiercely.


Zhang Fei also roared angrily, and the veins on his arms popped instantly.

Holding the spear in his hand horizontally, he pushed forward fiercely, trying to block Yu Wencheng's offensive.

"Bang!" There was another loud noise.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal collisions, Zhang Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, and threw his body fiercely!

It landed directly in front of Guan Yu and Liu Bei, and spewed out a mouthful of blood again.

With just this move, Zhang Fei was seriously injured!
"You're looking for death!" Guan Yu stared, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand, and rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu.

The tip of the big knife dragged on the ground, crackling and emitting sparks.

"You, unworthy!" Yu Wencheng sneered, and also rushed towards Guan Yu.

Two different weapons collided again.

Guan Yu's company seemed to become more popular all of a sudden.

After receiving Yuwen Chengdu's move, Guan Yu could only feel his blood rolling.

A mouthful of blood gushed out, and he swallowed it back fiercely.

"Huh?" Yu Wencheng looked at Guan Yu with some differences.

He didn't expect that this red-faced bearded man would be able to catch one of his moves without being out of breath.

not bad!
"Come again!" Yu Wencheng burst out with a rare fighting spirit, and rushed up again, waving the phoenix wings and gold-plated iron.

This time.

Liu Bei couldn't stand still anymore.

He knew Guan Yu too well, he knew that Guan Yu would bear it no matter how serious the injury was.

Guan Yu will never make people feel that he is defeated.


Liu Bei is also very clear.

If this continues, Guan Yu will be very dangerous!
With a "shua", Liu Bei and Guan Yu drew out their double-strand swords, and together they confronted Yuwen Chengdu.

Zhang Fei was injured and hadn't stood up for a long time.

When he saw the two elder brothers fighting for him, he cursed secretly, picked up his spear and rushed over.

He didn't want to lie down and rest by himself, and let his two elder brothers take risks.

Seeing Zhang Fei staggering towards him, Liu Bei and Guan Yu had no choice.

At this moment, they are being beaten so hard by Yuwen Chengdu that they cannot be distracted.

At this time, as long as you don't pay attention, the consequence will be to die on the spot!

The three soon fought together.

Yu Wencheng became more and more excited as he fought, until he even burst out laughing at the end.

He hasn't played so heartily in a long time.

As time went by, the three were gradually shocked to find out.

Yu Wencheng seemed to have entered a state, the more he beat them, the harder they got, the more they couldn't bear it.


They didn't know how to end it.

Zhang Fei vomited an unknown amount of blood.

Just when the three of them were complaining and didn't know what to do, Wang Lang's sharp voice came from the gate of the palace.

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei to see you!"

Wang Lang's voice directly interrupted Yu Wencheng.

He roared angrily, and the weapon in his hand spun violently around himself.

The three of Liu, Guan and Zhang stretched out their weapons to resist at the same time, but they were shocked back several steps.

That is, in this gap, Yu Wencheng rode away from here.

Even if he doesn't want to, after all, this is Liu Xie's order, and he can only obey.

But he swore to himself that he would kill them if he had the chance.

The three of them seemed to be the first people Yuwen Chengdu cared about.
(End of this chapter)

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