Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 101 Unexpected Questions

Chapter 101 Unexpected Questions

"what is that?"

The sudden explosion shocked everyone, and the raging black smoke was so conspicuous during the day.

If the incident of the leech on Kerr's back just now made them feel a little panicked, then this sudden explosion is shaking the fulcrum of their inner balance.

Eager to confirm the answer in his heart, Johnson took a machete and chopped down the plants blocking the road.

Gail was a little flustered in his heart, muttering silently that nothing should happen.

Sometimes the more you pray like this, the less God will give you the desired result.

When they passed through the woods, everything by the river deeply stimulated their remaining rationality.

The crumbling fulcrum in my heart suddenly collapsed, like the sky collapsing and the ground cracking.

Everyone's eyes were dark, and the last hope was shattered like this.

Trapped in this kind of sparsely populated rainforest, there is no food, no fresh water, and you must always pay attention to whether the characteristic bugs in the rainforest will lie on your body and suck blood.

Just thinking about it, Gail's brain was dizzy, and despair spread.

Even the few men in the expedition team felt hopeless in their hearts at this time.

Mitch, who came here with the money he wanted to be as rich as an enemy, was sweating constantly on his face.

Instead of wiping it off, he just stared blankly at Johnson.

Jack looked at the wreckage of the boats piled up on the river beach, and said nothing in silence.

Burnt ships were still smoking, and there was a foul smell in the air.

From the time I decided to enter Borneo to search for blood orchids, it was full of twists and turns.

The flowering period is in the rainy season, and the location is still deep in Borneo.

In order to arrive before the blood orchid withered, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire Johnson and his boat.

As a result, the broken ship struck halfway, and the Bloody Mary was completely damaged. They also tried an extreme sport.

Kerr's back being filled with leeches in the rainforest also made them feel numb.

Originally, Johnson's friend, Livingston, would sail to help them.

The results of it.

The ship was destroyed and the people disappeared.

Suddenly, the silent Jack picked up the broken wine bottle on the ground and cursed angrily, "Damn it, that's why he got drunk and fell off the boat."

The wealth and fame he obtained flew away like this. Jack couldn't bear it, and kicked the broken wine bottle on the ground to vent his anger.

The choking smell kept stimulating Johnson's nose, but he didn't move.

He felt everyone's eyes staring at him, complaining, resentment, panic, and a lot of negative emotions spreading.

The tenacity that belonged to his heart kept Johnson from collapsing, but he just lowered his head to search.

"We need to search the wreckage, find usable supplies and hopefully the phone."

"Yes, the phone. Johnson is talking to his friend. As long as we find it, we can call the police to rescue us."

Johnson's few words with inexplicable power gave them a glimmer of hope in their desperate hearts.

Yes, as long as you find a satellite phone, you have found the possibility of surviving.

"Sure enough, what should happen will always happen, and you can't hide it."

Wu Xian, who has been following behind the team, is like a passerby wandering outside, watching their every move indifferently.

Since the wreck of the ship attracted all their attention, they did not notice Wu Xian's silence.

However, Wu Xian still admires Johnson. No wonder he was able to become the hero of this film. He faced dangers and difficulties calmly, and was not defeated. Instead, he was able to lead the expedition team out of every desperate situation.

This is the protagonist effect, which is the legendary protagonist's halo.

Wu Xian, who has experienced several worlds, also deeply understands the importance of the protagonist's halo. Apart from other things, Tianming in "Qin Shi Mingyue" is just a kid, because he is the protagonist and has an uncle Gai Nie protects him, and takes over the heavy responsibility of the Mohist giant in times of crisis. There are adventures everywhere, and he often meets people who help him when he goes out. With Shaoyu by his side, it can be said that as the protagonist, this is already a relatively good treatment. .

In the world of "Kung Fu", even though Wu Xian has changed a large part of the plot, the final result is still the same as in the original plot. Xingzi broke the two veins of Ren and Du from the beginning, and achieved innate talent. In such a state, even a gun can't hurt a hair on him.

This is the role of the protagonist. As Wu Xian experienced more and more worlds, his knowledge also continued to improve, and he became very confused about some world problems.

Why is the world born the protagonist.

What is the role of the birth of the protagonist.

The world really has its own will as written in the novel, which is commonly known as the will of heaven. If so, what does he or she usually do?
As soon as he appeared in the world where he was born and raised, a will without any emotion entered into his body, obtained all his information, and stored it as a table.

It is confirmed that there is will in his world, but it seems to be used as a pure storage supervision, similar to a computer, which only has the functions of calculation and storage, and it is convenient and fast for people who use it.

computer, computer.

When computers will eventually evolve into intelligence, what about the world?

Is he being used and manipulated by others, or has he evolved and has his own will?

Thinking of this, Wu Xian shuddered a little, what kind of system with the ability to travel through various worlds exists, and whether these traversed worlds are real or fictional.

Wu Xian seemed to have never thought about these issues, and his mind was shaken.

"The system, this place, is the world of "Python's Calamity Search for Blood Orchid". Does this world really exist, or how did it come into being?"

Rarely, the system did not answer Wu Xian's question in time.

Wu Xian was a little depressed.

The system was silent for a while, as if a child in elementary school suddenly asked the female teacher what mating is.

The female teacher didn't know how to answer, she blushed and shy for a while, and then a few words popped out from between her teeth.

"This kind of thing waits until you grow up to know."

The system's return is like this: "The host's own strength is too low for the time being, and it is impossible to know the answer. It will only be known after the host improves its strength."

Wu Xian choked on a mouthful of old blood in his throat and couldn't even vomit it out.

The system's answer is really fucked up.

Either he just said that he didn't have enough authority to answer, or he just didn't answer, and he happened to be in the middle of the two, which made Wu Xian dumbfounded.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and look for it, maybe we can get out of this damn place if we find the phone."

After being photographed, Wu Xian came back to his senses.

After Mitch finished speaking, he waded across the river to check if there was anything falling in the water.

After a while, a large barrel of gasoline was taken out of the water.

He froze for a moment, then carried it and threw it on the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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